
182 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import json
import pytoml
import re
import sys
import six
import voluptuous
import voluptuous.humanize
from voluptuous import Schema, Optional, Any, All, Required, Length, Range, Msg, Match
Text = Any(six.text_type, six.binary_type)
id_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9-]+$')
feature_schema = Schema({
Match(id_regex): {
Required('title'): All(Text, Length(min=1)),
Required('description'): All(Text, Length(min=1)),
Required('bug-numbers'): All(Length(min=1), [All(int, Range(min=1))]),
Required('restart-required'): bool,
Required('type'): 'boolean', # In the future this may include other types
Optional('preference'): Text,
Optional('default-value'): Any(bool, dict), # the types of the keys here should match the value of `type`
Optional('is-public'): Any(bool, dict),
def main(output, *filenames):
features = {}
errors = False
features = process_files(filenames)
json.dump(features, output)
except ExceptionGroup as error_group:
return EXIT_OK
class ExceptionGroup(Exception):
def __init__(self, errors):
self.errors = errors
def __str__(self):
rv = ['There were errors while processing feature definitions:']
for error in self.errors:
# indent the message
s = '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in str(error).split('\n'))
# add a * at the beginning of the first line
s = ' * ' + s[4:]
return '\n'.join(rv)
class FeatureGateException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, filename=None):
super(FeatureGateException, self).__init__(message)
self.filename = filename
def __str__(self):
message = super(FeatureGateException, self).__str__()
rv = ["In"]
if self.filename is None:
rv.append("unknown file:")
rv.append('file "{}":'.format(self.filename))
return ' '.join(rv)
def __repr__(self):
# Turn "FeatureGateExcept(<message>,)" into "FeatureGateException(<message>, filename=<filename>)"
original = super(FeatureGateException, self).__repr__()
return original[:-1] + ' filename={!r})'.format(self.filename)
def process_files(filenames):
features = {}
errors = []
for filename in filenames:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
feature_data = pytoml.load(f)
voluptuous.humanize.validate_with_humanized_errors(feature_data, feature_schema)
for feature_id, feature in feature_data.items():
feature['id'] = feature_id
features[feature_id] = expand_feature(feature)
except (voluptuous.error.Error, IOError, FeatureGateException) as e:
# Wrap errors in enough information to know which file they came from
errors.append(FeatureGateException(e, filename))
except pytoml.TomlError as e:
# Toml errors have file information already
if errors:
raise ExceptionGroup(errors)
return features
def hyphens_to_camel_case(s):
"""Convert names-with-hyphens to namesInCamelCase"""
rv = ''
for part in s.split('-'):
if rv == '':
rv = part.lower()
rv += part[0].upper() + part[1:].lower()
return rv
def expand_feature(feature):
"""Fill in default values for optional fields"""
# convert all names-with-hyphens to namesInCamelCase
key_changes = []
for key in feature.keys():
if '-' in key:
new_key = hyphens_to_camel_case(key)
key_changes.append((key, new_key))
for (old_key, new_key) in key_changes:
feature[new_key] = feature[old_key]
del feature[old_key]
if feature['type'] == 'boolean':
feature.setdefault('preference', 'features.{}.enabled'.format(feature['id']))
feature.setdefault('defaultValue', False)
elif 'preference' not in feature:
raise FeatureGateException(
'Features of type {} must specify an explicit preference name'.format(feature['type'])
feature.setdefault('isPublic', False)
for key in ['defaultValue', 'isPublic']:
feature[key] = process_configured_value(key, feature[key])
except FeatureGateException as e:
raise FeatureGateException(
"Error when processing feature {}: {}".format(feature['id'], e.message))
return feature
def process_configured_value(name, value):
if not isinstance(value, dict):
return {'default': value}
if 'default' not in value:
raise FeatureGateException("Config for {} has no default: {}".format(name, value))
expected_keys = set({'default', 'win', 'mac', 'linux', 'android', 'nightly', 'beta', 'release', 'dev-edition', 'esr'})
for key in value.keys():
parts = [p.strip() for p in key.split(",")]
for part in parts:
if part not in expected_keys:
raise FeatureGateException(
"Unexpected target {}, expected any of {}".format(part, expected_keys)
# TODO Compute values at build time, so that it always returns only a single value.
return value
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(main(sys.stdout, *sys.argv[1:]))