
2.1 KiB

Memory Distribution

Memory distributions are used to accumulate and store memory sizes.

Memory distributions are recorded in a histogram where the buckets have an exponential distribution, specifically with 16 buckets for every power of 2. This makes them suitable for measuring memory sizes on a number of different scales without any configuration.


If you wanted to create a memory distribution to measure the amount of heap memory allocated, first you need to add an entry for it to the metrics.yaml file:

    type: memory_distribution
    description: >
      The heap memory allocated      
    memory_unit: kilobyte


Now you can use the memory distribution from the application's code.

For example, to measure the distribution of heap allocations:

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory

fun allocateMemory(nbytes: Int) {
    // ...
    Memory.heapAllocated.accumulate(nbytes / 1024)

There are test APIs available too. For convenience, properties sum and count are exposed to facilitate validating that data was recorded correctly.

Continuing the heapAllocated example above, at this point the metric should have a sum == 11 and a count == 2:

import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory

// Was anything recorded?

// Get snapshot
val snapshot = Memory.heapAllocated.testGetValue()

// Does the sum have the expected value?
assertEquals(11, snapshot.sum)

// Usually you don't know the exact memory values, but how many should have been recorded.
assertEquals(2L, snapshot.count())


  • The maxmimum memory size that can be recorded is 1 Terabyte (240 bytes). Larger sizes will be truncated to 1 Terabyte.


  • What is the distribution of the size of heap allocations?

Recorded errors

  • invalid_value: If recording a negative memory size.
  • invalid_value: If recording a size larger than 1TB.
