
5125 строки
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Don't tell me you didn't know it was loaded.
When you start to eat like this something is the matter.
He's the only husband I've got.
I don't know how to explain it.
I'm just too miserable.
It is infuriating that your unhappiness does not turn to fat!
But why do you want a divorce?
Because I don't love him.
But that is no reason to get a divorce!
Does this belong to you?
He was throwing snowballs at Baron Rothschild.
I'm afraid I already know a great many people.
Until one of them dies I couldn't possibly meet anyone else.
I have never seen a Rothschild before.
I'm afraid you're blocking my view.
Which view would you like?
The one you're blocking.
Is there a Mr. Lampert?
I'm getting a divorce.
Like when you go into a drugstore.
Is there a Mrs. Joshua?
Is your husband with you?
I'm also going back to Paris today.
Shakespeare never said that.
How do you know?
Are you going to call me?
Are you in the book?
Is there only one Charles Lampert?
Don't you want me to stay?
I am Inspector Edouard Grandpierre of the Police Judiciaire.
He was dressed only in his pajamas.
He didn't have one.
He was a wealthy man?
About how wealthy would you say?
Where did he keep his money?
It is all right.
Is it all right?
I wish you wouldn't.
One million two hundred and fifty thousand New Francs.
The authorities in Bordeaux have searched his compartment on the train.
They have searched it thoroughly.
There was no other baggage.
Your husband must have been in a great hurry.
Perhaps he met somebody.
May I see it?
"My dear Regina: I hope you are enjoying your holiday.
Megeve can be so lovely this time of year.
Your dentist called yesterday.
Your appointment has been changed.
Can I go now?
Is this your husband's passport?
Of course it is.
It's all right if you want to smoke your cigar now.
What are you doing here?
I phoned but nobody answered.
How did you find out?
It's in all the afternoon papers.
I rang the bell but I don't think it's working.
They must have turned off the electricity.
Where did everything go?
Do you know what you're going to do?
That's what I did before I married Charles.
The police probably think I killed him.
Instant divorce you mean?
You can't stay here.
I don't know where to go.
We'll find you a hotel.
Didn't Charles have any friends?
If Charles had died in bed we wouldn't even have him.
At least he knows how to behave at funerals.
Have you no idea who could have done it?
Do you know him?
I've never seen him before.
He must have known Charles pretty well.
How can you tell?
He's allergic to him.
Who is it from?
What is it about?
What's so depressing about that?
Do you know what C.I.A.
You mean spies and things like that?
Only we call them agents.
Your husband was wanted by the U.
So that was it.
Stop calling me that!
Lampert's the name on the marriage license.
Have a good look.
Does the name Tex Penthollow mean anything to you?
Why should I be in any danger?
You haven't told me.
I'd love to see you try and convince them of that!
Then whose is it?
And I'm afraid we want it back.
But I don't have it.
You're the only one who could have it.
I'm sorry it's impossible.
You may not have a great deal of time.
You won't be safe until the money's in our hands.
It's a direct line to both my office and my apartment.
It could prove fatal for them as well as yourself.
Because they're still here.
Remember what happened to Charles.
You telephoned me to meet you.
Don't you understand French?
I'm still having trouble with English.
Who's that with the hat?
What's she saying now?
I thought he was dead.
Somebody threw him off a train.
What am I going to do?
I wish you'd let me help you.
Have you got a mirror?
Give it to me.
What was all that?
Evidently we're the floorshow.
You mean you and me?
What do you want?
I don't know anything.
Can you hear me?
What are you doing?
It could get a whole lot worse.
What are you doing in here?
Having a nervous breakdown.
I don't think I follow you.
That's what I'm not supposed to say.
Being murdered in cold blood isn't nonsense.
Wait until it happens to you sometime.
Would you mind seeing me to the door?
What your husband was mixed up in.
On the street where you live.
How about once more around the park?
How would you like a spanking?
How would you like a punch in the nose?
Stop treating me like a child.
Then stop acting like one.
Do you know what's wrong with you?
I think I sprained my pride.
I'll be back in a minute.
The girl trusts me.
But you've got to leave me alone.
We took all the chances.
He took care of Charlie for us.
But who asked him?
Who's got the room next to hers?
I'm going to need it.
There was no trace of him.
A quarter of a million dollars.
So they think he left it with you.
I'm so hungry I could faint.
Promise you'll never lie the way Charles did.
Why do people have to tell lies?
Do you tell lies?
The man you had the fight with.
Is Dyle with you?
He's after the money.
I wouldn't take that too seriously.
I believe what he said.
How do you know what they're doing?
What are you talking about?
You mustn't let what he said bother you.
It was only words.
Words can hurt very much.
Don't put yourself out.
I'll be next door.
Do you know Les Halles?
Je ne comprends rien.
I really did it quite brilliantly.
I'm beginning to think women make the best spies.
He's hardly my Mr. Dyle.
That's not Carson Dyle.
You mean you've known about him all along?
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't see any point.
They always do that.
Can I at least keep the onion soup?
La soupe tout simplement.
What's wrong with that one?
Have you any idea what these things cost over here?
Carson was dying so they were forced to leave him.
Only Charles couldn't wait quite as long as the others.
But what has all this got to do with the C.I.O.?
We're an extension of the wartime O.S.S.
It was our money and we want it back.
Your government is counting on you.
What do you want me to do?
Maybe he really is Dyle.
He could still be alive.
But no one actually saw him die.
His death is registered with the War Department in Washington.
Then who's this one?
When did you arrive in town?
Are you enjoying Paris?
If you don't stop following me I'll call the police.
It's the only name I've got.
What do you want to know?
Why you lied to me.
Carson Dyle is dead.
He was my brother.
I'm trying to prove it.
They think I'm working with them.
Aren't you going to tell me?
You'll wreck your raincoat.
I said with the mouth shut.
Do I knock or something?
The view had better be worth it.
And I say maybe you both have it!
How are you doing?
How do you think?
I didn't do it.
I met a man with sharp nails.
I left him hanging around the American Express.
Take off your shirt and lie down.
It's not so bad.
Haven't you got a bullet I can bite?
Are you really Carson Dyle's brother?
Would you like to see my passport?
What kind of a proof is that?
Would you like to see where I was tattooed?
Is there a Mrs. Dyle?
I thought that was Peter Joshua.
I'm no easier to live with than he was.
There must be some way.
Why couldn't you just look at his feet?
Because he's wearing moccasins.
Why not a lying Blackfoot?
Which one are you?
You forget I'm already a widow.
Why can't you be serious?
Who told you to do that?
But I'm not through complaining yet.
Can you give me one good reason why I should?
That sounds like their problem.
I'll be right there.
What day is it?
My leg's going to sleep.
Are you a real cowboy?
Then where is your gun?
Will you put that thing away!
And stop threatening that boy.
He doesn't have the money.
Mrs. Lampert doesn't either.
Listen to the man!
But he'd have to.
That's when he'll be safe and not a minute before.
Then what am I doing here?
Why don't we search their rooms?
Then I take it there are no objections.
We'd better exchange keys.
Mine's in the door.
Who gets your vote?
I'll do Tex and Gideon.
What should we give him?
Or do you think it would spoil him?
Mebbe we'd better call Herman.
And if it is?
You sure nuthin's missin'?
The police have kindly provided us with a list.
Not unless we're blind.
You know I'd tell you if I had it.
Just hurry up and get here.
I would bury it in the garden.
I would put it up there!
Did you find it?
It is up there!
He's in my room.
What is the matter?
Now who'da done a mean thing like that?
This ain't my room.
He really doesn't look so bad.
And yet you registered in Megeve as Mr. Joshua.
It's done in America all the time.
You're a big help.
Can I have one of those?
I think Tex did it.
What's so illogical about that?
I guess they just can't help it.
Wouldn't it be nice if we were like that?
No sense messing up the streets.
I can't think of any reason why he was killed.
Any minute now we could be assassinated!
Would you do anything like that?
Can I come in?
I'd like to take a bath.
Wouldn't it be better if you did it in my room?
I wouldn't want to use that tub.
The shower's in there.
This is a ludicrous situation.
There must be dozens of men dying to use my shower.
Then I suggest you call one of them.
I don't think I know that one.
What on earth are you doing?
How often do you go through this little ritual?
The manufacturer recommends it.
I don't believe it.
Are you sure there's no mistake?
You're probably weak from hunger.
You've only had five meals today.
Hurry up and we'll go out.
Do you mind if we go someplace crowded?
You don't know who did it.
Carson Dyle didn't have a brother.
I can explain if you'll just listen.
I can't very well leave without a pair of water wings.
Why don't you shut up!
Are you going to listen?
I suppose all this is leading somewhere?
But that left me without any honest means of support.
What do you mean?
I don't even know who I'm talking to any more.
Alexander Dyle was interested in clearing up his brother's death.
Adam Canfield is a crook.
I want to know what it is.
Look around some time.
Is there a Mrs. Canfield?
Now go eat your dinner.
I could eat a horse.
Don't you dare to be civil with me!
How was I leading you on?
Now it turns out you were only interested in the money.
You don't look so bad in this light.
Why do you think I brought you here?
I taught them everything they do.
How do you think I got here?
Aren't you allowed to kiss back?
Turn on the lights!
How do you stop this thing?
In Mr. Dyle's room?
I think we were wrong about Tex having the money.
Where's that airlines bag?
But everyone and his Aunt Lilian's been through that bag.
Somebody would have seen it.
If only we could see it.
We're looking at it right now.
I'll bet you don't really need those.
Have we forgotten anything?
You've got to be at work in the morning.
There's nothing more we can do tonight.
Signori Delegati vi ringrazio della vostra attenzione.
He is not yet old enough to be interested in girls.
They're recognizing Great Britain.
We therefore oppose the resolution.
I think I found something.
I've stuck it back together.
"One agenda." It wasn't there.
I remember Grandpierre looking through it.
Can you remember anything at all?
We didn't steal it.
There's no law against stealing stolen money.
Of course there is!
Ten minutes ago I had a job.
I'd better see what he's up to.
He's already killed three men.
The letter ain't worth nuthin'.
They wuz both too smart for us!
You killed all three of 'em for nothin'!
What's he up to?
He said he had never seen any like them.
But what's all this?
I don't see him.
But he is gone.
I don't blame him.
I was expecting you.
The man who bought them last week was American.
I did not see him but I heard.
I knew you would come.
How much is it worth?
The money is unimportant.
I'm afraid it is important.
Do you mind if I sit down?
What about the blue one?
What's its value today?
Do you have anything to eat?
And the last one?
It is the most valuable stamp in the world.
I knew there was some mistake.
And don't forget these.
Thank God you're there!
You've got to do something!
Does he have the money?
Where are you going?
So you can kill me too?
He said Dyle did it!
Don't be an idiot!
I want those stamps!
Mais c'est très vite!
On veut me teur!
But that's what they gave me.
I can't quite hear you.
And my name's Lampert.
I'm through listening to you!
But I didn't kill anybody.
You're the only one left.
He's trying to trick you again.
Are you going to believe every lie he tells you?
Don't be a fool!
I don't know who anybody is any more!
There's not a reason on earth why you should.
They deserved to die!
You've got the money.
It belongs to me now!
I need some time to think!
Come out of there.
He wouldn't dare hit a girl.
What a terrible thing to say.
How could you even think that?
What makes you think they're even interested?
Crooks don't pay taxes.
Whom would I see regarding the return of stolen Government money?
Do you mind if I wait out here?
You couldn't even be honest about being dishonest.
Why didn't you say something?
We're not allowed to tell.
He probably worked it out in advance.
Then how do I know this is your office?
Starting with his own.
What's your first name today?
Who asked you to get stuck with any of them?
Is there a Mrs. Cruikshank?
You'd lie about anything.
I didn't say anything.
Will you give me those stamps?
I think somebody stole one of his crown jewels.
Shall I announce you?
I can stand being spoiled a little.
I'd like to spoil him just once.
Sure you don't want me to go in with you?
How's "Advice to the Lovelorn"?
I'll be a monkey's uncle!
My advice is duck and cross with your right.
He's on my phone.
He just called me.
They can't do that to me!
Give me that call on Duffy's wire!
Tell him I elected him and I can have him impeached!
First I gotta tell him what news to get!
I'm City Editor in name only.
You do all the hiring around here.
You won't miss anything.
Mind if I sit down?
How long is it?
How long is what?
How long since we've seen each other?
Seems like yesterday to me.
Maybe it was yesterday.
Been seeing me in your dreams?
You wouldn't know the old girl now.
I notice you still remember it.
I'll always remember it.
It sort of makes a fellow lose faith in himself.
It almost gives him a feeling he wasn't wanted.
It's only a few words mumbled over you by a judge.
We've got something between us nothing can change.
I suppose that's true in a way.
I often wish you weren't such a stinker.
Don't you remember the home I promised you?
Was it my fault?
You don't deny that.
I'm proud of it!
We beat the whole country on that story.
That isn't what I got married for.
I haven't any hard feelings.
We'll have some lunch and you can tell me everything.
I have a lunch date.
Don't tell me what to do!
You're not my husband and you're not my boss!
What do you mean by that?
Just what I said.
You mean you're not coming back to work here?
That's the first time you've been right today.
You bet I've got a better offer.
Work for somebody else!
What were you when you came here five years ago?
A little college girl from a School of Journalism!
And so will you.
You had to marry me and spoil everything.
I suppose I proposed to you!
And I still claim I was tight the night I proposed.
If you'd been a gentleman you'd have forgotten all about it.
You're losing your eye.
You used to be able to pitch better than that.
What's the matter with you?
You can't do that to me!
How do you like that?
Might just as well be.
I don't care whether he did or not.
Is there no sense of honor left in this country?
There's nobody else on the paper who can write!
That's what I'm afraid of.
Don't do it for me!
Do it for the paper.
What's that other paper going to give you?
I'm not working for any other paper!
Do you see this?
Do you know what an engagement ring is?
I tried to tell you right away but you started reminiscing.
Who says I can't?
You're a newspaper man.
That's why I'm quitting.
It would kill you.
Where'd you meet this man?
Not what you'd call rich.
Makes about five thousand a year.
He's in the insurance business.
He forgets the office when he's with me.
He's kind and sweet and considerate.
By tomorrow they'll be calling me Mrs. Bruce Baldwin.
as quick as that?
The quicker the better.
Too bad I couldn't see this guy first.
I'm pretty particular about whom my wife marries.
Wouldn't do any good.
I should say not!
Is he as good as you say?
Then what does he want with you?
Now you got me.
I was just asking.
And he takes his hat off when he's with a lady.
Have Duffy call me in the restaurant in twenty minutes.
There must be some mistake.
Just leave your card with the boy.
Take your card and leave it with him.
I've just told you I was busy with Mr. Bruce Baldwin!
Then who are you?
My name's Pete Davis.
A man ought to be prepared for any emergency.
Where are we going?
Shall I put a little rum in the coffee?
It's a nasty day.
And a glass of milk.
Mother is coming with us on the train.
But all she really ever wanted was a home.
Are you going to live with your mother?
Just for the first year.
A home with mother.
Most people there take it out pretty early in life.
I don't blame them.
My foot must have slipped.
I see what you mean.
You've forgotten my milk.
I can see that.
But I sort of like him.
Got a lot of charm.
He comes by it naturally.
His grandfather was a snake.
That's what he did to me.
She doesn't know it yet.
But she'll be there.
And tell Louie to stick around.
But I like it that way.
One of my best reporters.
They can't even find him.
Just what is the lowdown on Williams?
Because it happened to be a colored policeman.
Especially with an election coming up in a few days.
Are you sure Williams is not all there?
All you've got to do is talk to him.
But couldn't you show the man wasn't responsible?
You could run an interview that would prove it.
Remember the interview I wrote with Jimmy Wellman?
That saved his life.
You could save that poor devil's life.
How long would the interview take?
Another hour to write it.
If it would save a man's life.
This is a trick to get your sympathy.
You're still a good reporter.
You see what I had to put up with?
She never trusted me!
How can you have any happiness after that?
Haven't you got any feeling?
I happen to know Sweeney was married only three months ago.
But I'll make you and Bruce a business proposition.
You're a smart young man.
What do you say?
And what's the matter with a thousand dollars?
How long will it take to get him examined?
I could get a company doctor in twenty minutes.
You keep out of this.
What tricks would I pull?
What would be his first payment on that policy?
The check will be certified.
Have you got that money?
I'll get the tickets.
I never knew Hildy to be so determined before.
You haven't seen anything yet.
Is that any good?
It sure looks good from here.
Are there any other questions?
Now I want to ask you fellows a couple of questions.
It's a simple story.
Earl Williams works for the E.J.
McClosky Manufacturing Company as a bookkeeper for fourteen years.
He gets scared and goes into hiding.
That's all I want to know.
Get me Walter Burns.
Thought I might be hearing from you.
What have you got to report?
How do you expect me to get any work done?
I'm in the pink of condition.
They found two new dimples.
How about that check?
Right back at you.
You fight it cut.
And up a dime.
Got anything new on the hanging?
Why don't you fellows get your own news?
I'm going into business for myself.
I'm getting married tomorrow.
I just saw the Sheriff.
The execution is set for seven in the morning.
Get me a rewrite man.
That must be the tenth alienist they've had on Williams.
This Egelhoffer's pretty good.
What did he ever do for his country?
It created a sensation!
More slop on the hanging.
I know he wrote 'em on account of the misspellings.
I learned that at my grandma's knee.
That's why I keep losing.
This makes me feel funny.
Why shouldn't I make Hildy my beneficiary?
I've got nobody else to leave it to.
I feel I ought to take care of her.
I'm beginning to realize that.
I'm afraid Hildy'd feel ashamed to think she hadn't trusted you.
That's all I ask.
Might start to rain again.
I'll phone Hildy right away to get that story.
I should thank you.
I don't know why you boys are so good to me.
I'm playing for keeps.
I wish they'd stop that practicing.
Have you got it?
That brings you good luck for ten years.
Where'd you get it?
And here's a kiss for you.
What are you doing around here?
How about a little service?
I think it is.
This guy stole my watch.
I haven't any watch.
He put it in his back pocket.
I never saw it before.
You didn't mean to kill that policeman?
They know it was an accident.
I believe in the Golden Rule.
I'm not the first man to die for preaching it.
It's the only answer.
Doesn't that make sense?
Is that how you came to shoot the policeman?
She's a wonderful person.
How'd you get in here?
Same way you did.
I'm not afraid of anything.
What were you going to write about Williams?
How are you feeling?
He ought to be here any minute.
I'm leaving town tonight.
You ought to stay over.
I've got to get started on my interview.
Don't forget about production for use.
Who's this guy she's gonna marry?
I give that marriage six months.
Like an old fire horse.
She says she's gonna write fiction.
I'll give ten to five that marriage won't last six months.
Hildy's a newspaper man.
What do you want done with them tomorrow morning?
Keep your shirt on.
Wasn't that a swell story we gave you?
Everybody knows you're his sweetheart.
And never once laid a hand on me.
I'm everything the District Attorney said I was.
I told the truth and the District Attorney knows it!
Go into your dance!
This is the Press Room.
A poor little fellow that never meant nobody no harm!
This is no place for you.
They can't help themselves.
It was the devil!
You guys wanna play some more poker?
I can't win a pot.
She just stepped out.
She'll be back in a second.
Gentlemen of the Press!
Lioness Rushes to Defense of Cub.
I told you Baldwin was in trouble.
I still give that marriage six months.
How about that favor?
It won't hurt you and we can make the City Edition.
I'm not afraid of any newspapers.
Want me to hang williams at their convenience!
They're always after me for interviews.
We'll have to satisfy them.
What would you say to giving them a joint interview?
That might be all right.
The publicity's the main thing.
I forgot you were here.
Who do you feel is responsible for that?
I'm dying for what I believe.
I didn't do anything.
I never stole a watch in my life.
He's accused of stealing a watch.
And they found the watch on him.
And who accused him?
One of the worst crooks in town!
Are you going to let him out?
I can't let him out.
You'll take fifty and like it!
But I'm liable to get into a jam.
You'll get into a worse one if you don't.
I lost my wallet.
I can't imagine who did it.
I can't think of any enemies I have.
I'm sure you haven't any.
But then I realized he couldn't have been.
How could you ever think of such a thing?
Did you finish the interview?
The Criminal Courts Building.
I'll just go upstairs and send it over with a messenger.
I'm not taking any more chances.
I don't think it's very ethical reading other people's stuff.
Don't give us that ethics stuff.
You'll be the only one who'll swipe any of it.
I'll take that bet.
Without a single quiver.
Better get a pencil out and write it down.
And that's my farewell to the newspaper game.
I'm going to live a normal life and have a home.
Now where was that hat?
Just one thing more.
Nothing's going to happen.
You will be Earl Williams.
And I will be the policeman.
Point the gun at me!
Then what did you do?
Who'll keep the lamp in the window for you.
Get the riot guns!
What's the matter What's happened?
He's probably trying the gate!
It was Earl Williams!
Earl Williams just escaped from the County Jail.
I'm on the job!
It means my job!
A lot of money.
Four hundred and fifty dollars.
Is it a deal?
Let's see the money.
How did Earl Williams get that gun?
Then he got out through the skylight.
Nobody knows where he got it.
Criminals cry for it.
Sidelights on Sheriff Hartman's manhunt.
There goes another scrub lady.
I'll go right after it.
Any dope yet on how he got out?
How do you suppose Williams got that gun?
That's not my money!
Now what's the story?
I'll have the paper send the money right down to you.
I swear it on my mother's grave.
I meant on my grandmother's grave.
I'm not good enough to make this one up.
I'll see you get it in fifteen minutes.
Hold on a minute.
His name is Bruce Baldwin.
Can you do your stuff?
You've got about two minutes.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
How much was it again?
Four hundred and fifty dollars?
Hang on a second.
I need four hundred and fifty dollars in counterfeit money.
You know where I can get it?
It's coming right over.
I'm sending it over with Louis.
Thanks for the story and good luck on your honeymoon.
I thought you were gone.
Have him call me back!
I'll be right back.
Maybe he'll give us one.
I got a lot on my mind.
His Honor won't say anything.
Have you seen Sheriff Hartman?
The place is so full of cockroaches.
Who engineered this getaway?
We've got him located.
Where he used to live.
I'll see you after.
Did you actually give Williams that gun?
Any statement on the Red uprising tomorrow?
There'll be no Red uprising!
I've got to talk to you straight from the shoulder.
Just give me a few hours before you make any decisions.
I'm doing everything humanly possible.
I've just sworn in four hundred deputies.
Do you want to bankrupt this administration?
I'm getting them for twelve dollars a night.
Out shooting everybody they see for the fun of it?
It's a sacrifice we all ought to be glad to make.
Please don't appeal to my Sentimental side.
I've always looked on Bessie as my own sister.
There is a way out.
What more do you want?
The twelve dollars includes everything!!
That gives you an idea of what I'm up against!
But they've got nothing to do with this case!
He can't get away.
What do you mean he can't get away?!
Is Sheriff Hartman in there?
This is from the Governor.
What's from the Governor?
The reprieve for Earl Williams.
The Governor gave me his word of honor he wouldn't interfere.
It frightens me what I'd like to do to you.
Who else knows about this?
They were all standing around when he wrote it.
It was after they got back from fishing.
Get the Governor on the phone!
You can't get him on the phone.
He's out duckshooting now.
How do you like that.
An attempt to ruin us!
What'll we tell 'em?
Tell 'em to hold the wire.
Cover up that transmitter!
How much do you make a week?
That's almost a hundred dollars a week!
Who do you think!
The City Sealer's office!
You mean here in the city?
I couldn't work in the city.
But you could bring 'em in here!
We'll pay all your expenses.
And I guarantee that they'll graduate with highest honors!
Now what do you say?
This puts me in a peculiar hole.
Come in and see me in my office tomorrow.
Go to this address.
Just tell 'em Fred sent you.
And here's fifty dollars on account.
I'll tell you in a minute!
Tell 'em to shoot to kill.
There's that reprieve if they ever find out.
Nobody reprieved that policeman he murdered.
We dont want him!
Have you got my dough?
The boss sent me over with it.
Come on with that money!
First you got to sign a receipt.
Where's Bruce Baldwin's wallet?
It'll be for life!
You know it is!
I didn't frisk him.
I didn't know whose it was.
27th Precinct Station House?
I've got to write that story about your "Production for Use".
You can't trust anybody in this crazy world.
You wouldn't want to kill anybody.
I don't want to kill anybody.
All I want to do is be let alone.
I don't trust anybody.
I guess I used all the shells.
I couldn't go through another day like this.
I'm not afraid to die.
Don't talk too loud.
It's the philosophy that guarantees every man freedom.
I wish they'd take me back and hang me.
I done my best.
Where are they gone?
You know where they are?
We've got to do something!
I didn't mean to shoot him.
Of course I believe you.
I forgot to thank you for those roses.
You got to help us.
I'm trying to think of something before those reporters get back.
Let 'em take me.
It's better that way.
Who locked the door?
Can you get in this desk?
What's going on in there?
What good'll it do?
We'll get you out in ten minutes.
They'll find me anyhow.
I'll be right here.
I won't leave you.
What's going on here?
I've been trying to get her to come to.
She looks as though she's going to come to.
She'll be all right.
The whole police force standing on it's ear.
I was never so tired in my life.
Out with Hartman's deputies.
I'm in a drugstore.
Want to go out on it?
I say we don't go out any more.
Let Earl Williams come to us.
A fine bunch of reporters.
It's easy for you to talk.
What's the matter with you boys?
Afraid it might rain?
Are you trying to scoop us or something?
Something smells around here.
I didn't do nothin'.
Mollie did give her some kind of story.
We better hold onto 'em both.
Don't you mother me!
You don't have to go with me at all!
Stay with that murderer you caught!
Which one of these men is it?
They all look like murderers to me!
Where does she get that stuff?
Shall we tell her what she looks like?
I don't know what she's talking about.
I never said any such thing.
But I never said anything like that!
She never told her that!
I said I was trying to catch one.
What do you know about it?
How do you know she didn't?
Who you holding out on?
She don't know where Williams is.
I'm the one that knows.
You don't think I'm gonna tell!
I ain't gonna squeal!
Before we slap you down.
Let me alone or I'll knock your heads off!
Put down that chair!
You'll never get it out of me!
Take me out of here!
Take her to the infirmary!
She jumped out of the window.
I won't shut up!
That girl killed herself.
What's in that desk?
See that she doesn't take to anyone on the way.
You can't do that!
Tell 'em it's a case of delirium tremens.
Where do you think you're going?
I've got to get Bruce out of jail!
Get Bruce out of jail!
You can't desert now!
You've got the brain of a pancake!
Don't get technical at a time like this!
Do you realize what you've done?
I'd like to think.
We'll crucify that mob.
You've got the Mayor and Hartman backed against a wall.
You've put one administration out and another in.
That's all you are.
I can see the billboards now.
Light up with Hildy Johnson!
We can't leave Williams here.
We're going to take him over to my private office.
We'll carry the desk over.
You can't take that desk out.
It's crawling with cops outside.
We'll lower it out of the window with pulleys.
How much do you want on it?
All the words you've got.
Give him the works.
We've got the biggest story in the world.
Never mind the European war!
We've got something a whole lot bigger than that.
I've got a desk I want moved.
Never mind what desk!
Get me Duffy back.
Somebody cut us off!
What the devil do you want?
How'd you get out?
What was the name of the Mayor's first wife?
You mean the one who drank so much?
I wonder what's keeping mother?
She was supposed to come down and get you.
Did you give her the money?
Then suppose you give me the money.
I got it back.
There's something funny going on around here.
And you can meet us at the station.
And now I don't know where my mother is.
She may be lost.
What does she look like?
That's about the best description I know.
That's the kind of stuff they want!
There's a lot of counterfeit big bills going around.
I just wanted to be sure.
Now the moon's out!
Three taps is me.
He's on the way.
The boys'll be coming back to phone.
Is he coming back here?
Didn't you hear him?
Of course he's coming back here.
What's the idea of locking this?
How do you mean?
The poem was great!
How would you like to work for me?
We need somebody like you.
I'm sending Bensinger over to see you.
Of course you wouldn't know!
Put Mr. Bensinger right on the staff.
Let him have everything he wants.
Get the sense of an animal at bay!
Sort of a Jack London style?
It doesn't have to rhyme!
I'll keep you in mind.
Handle him with kid gloves.
Stall him along until the extra comes out.
Then tell him his poetry stinks and kick him downstairs.
But this'll teach him a lesson.
He won't quit his paper without giving notice after this.
Don't sit there like a frozen robin!
And got it out as soon as you can.
Bruce ought to be back by now.
What did you do with her?
You been in a fight?
You know what I mean?
Take that mush out of your mouth!
Where's the old lady?
We run smack into a police patrol.
We broke it in half!
Can you imagine bumping into a load of cops?!
The driver got knocked cold.
She's probably squawking her head off in some police station.
What am I going to say to Bruce?
What'll I tell him?
what can I do now?
How can I ever face him?
You know I would.
I'll find out everything.
Gimme the Receiving Room.
What are you doing there?
Haven't you even started?
Was there an old lady brought in from an auto smashup?
You can't stop for a dame now!
Is this the Community Hospital?
I don't care if you've been after her for six years!
I'll kill both of 'em!
It's up to you.
Beat it out and get hold of some guys.
Who do you want?
We've got to get this desk out of here.
The shirt off my back.
You got plenty of money?
I always have both.
And don't bump into anything.
That dumb immigrant'll flop on me.
There's millions of ways.
See if we can move it.
Will you come here?
I beg your pardon.
I don't care what you say.
I'm going to find Bruce's mother.
I'm going out and find her!
We want to see you.
Take your paws off me!
Keep her in here!
We know what you're up to.
The door was locked.
She and Mollie were talking.
There's been an accident.
You can send somebody with me if you don't believe me!
I wasn't born yesterday.
Nobody's trying to put anything over on you.
I'm getting out of here and you can't stop me!
You're not going anywhere.
That's why Burns is here.
Let us in on it.
You'll ask me to what?
Don't let anybody in or out.
Give 'em a little third degree.
What do you know about Williams?
Are you going to talk or aren't you?
What do I know about Williams?
I got ways of making her talk.
Where'd you get this?
Are you trying to make me out a liar?
Maybe Williams was gonna be her best man.
Crossing your own pals.
Where you got him?
I'll give you three minutes to tell me where he is.
He went over to the hospital to call on Professor Egelhoffer.
With a bag of marshmallows.
Ask the Master Mind!
What's he doing over here?
What do you know about this.
The Morning Post is not obstructing justice or hiding criminals.
You ought to know that.
I'll show you what I'm doing.
We'll just start by impounding the Post property.
What are you afraid of Hildy?
I dare him to move that desk out of here.
You'll weaken when you see that little Jezebel!
I'm going to tell her what I think of her!
Are you all right?
What's the idea here?
This lady claims she was kidnapped.
He was the one in charge of everything!
He told them to kidnap me!
You know you did!
I never saw this woman before in my life!
Did you get the Mayor?
How dare you say a thing like that?
I'll tell you something more.
I'll tell you why they did it!
We've got to get bail.
They were hiding him!
And you know it!
He's in the desk!
Get your guns out!
Don't take any chances.
Shoot through the desk.
He can't hurt anybody.
You've got his gun.
Let me out of here!
Look out where you're pointing that gun!
Lemme have the Desk!
I've got a flash for you!
Do you want to get us scooped?
Hang on for a second.
Take hold of the cover.
Don't try to move.
Everybody quiet and ready for an emergency.
I'm going to count three.
I'll have it in a minute.
Don't let him shoot!
He offered no resistance.
The Morning Post just turned Earl Williams over to the Sheriff.
Where's that old lady?
Where's the old dame?
You certainly delivered the goods.
I'm proud of you.
A sight for sore eyes!
Aiding an escaped criminal!
And a little charge of kidnapping I'm looking into.
But that's the jail!
There must be somebody there!
Looks like about ten years apiece for you birds!
You forget the power that always watches over the Morning Post.
Your luck's not with you now!
Give me the District Attorney's office.
All the lawyers in the world aren't going to help you!
This is the Morning Post you're talking to!
Get out of here!
You can't bribe me!
I don't want to be City Sealer.
I don't like seals anyhow.
Who is this man?
They wouldn't take it.
What did I tell you?
Hanging an innocent man to win an election!
I never saw him before!
When did you deliver this first?
Who did you talk to?
They started right in bribing me!
He's talking like a child.
Out of the mouths of babes.
He's insane or drunk or something.
Let's have your story.
That wasn't at all necessary.
I was just going to!
There was no excuse for Hartwell to fly off the handle.
Nothing personal in it.
You guys better quit politics and take in washing.
Save that for the Tribune.
Here's the picture of my wife.
She's good enough for me!
You're going to run into the Governor.
And so do I!
Wait till those two future jailbirds read the Morning Post tomorrow.
How was that for a tight squeeze?
Don't tell me you were worried!
Just like the old days.
We've certainly been in some swell jams.
In the Shoreland Hotel.
And our only chaperon was the poor old lady's stomach.
I didn't mean to be making love to another man's fiancee.
It's as much my fault as yours.
Bruce is making the nine o'clock train.
This isn't for me to decide.
I suppose I could.
Can't you give me another hour?
I'm not doing it for you!
Then why are you doing it?
The greatest yarn ever written by anybody.
And what a way to quit.
While you're still champion!
Bruce'll be waiting for you in Albany.
I wired him that I wasn't coming.
Where'd you wire him?
On the nine o'clock train.
It's awfully clear now.
Is that job still open?
Only you expected it to be like other marriages.
We're a different world.
Look at what we went through today.
And that other honeymoon in a coal mine!
That's what makes it romantic.
What would you do if it was a daughter?
What's the matter with my brains?
What's the good of arguing about something that probably doesn't exist?
I don't want to rush you.
Take a couple of seconds.
Sending a gunman to kidnap me!
This isn't a kidnapping.
Nobody's going to rush me into anything!
Don't they usually keep the gun on the man?
That's what he said the last time.
You're not fooling anybody.
What would you do with a gun in your back?
If I know where he is.
Have you got a ring?
Look at the policy I gave him!
I'm just a fool.
That's what I am.
I know what it's going to be like.
I owe everything to George Bailey.
Help my friend Mr. Bailey.
Help my son George tonight.
George is a good guy.
Watch over him tonight.
Something's the matter with Daddy.
Please bring Daddy back.
Whose turn is it?
We've passed him up right along.
A man down on earth needs our help.
Then I've only got an hour to dress.
What are they wearing now?
You will spend that hour getting acquainted with George Bailey.
What's that book you've got there?
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
I don't see a thing.
You haven't got your wings yet.
Something happens here you'll have to remember later on.
George saved his brother's life that day.
Wish I had a million dollars.
Two cents worth of shoelaces?
She was here first.
You like every boy.
What's wrong with that?
I don't like coconuts.
You don't like coconuts!
Of course you never.
Only us explorers can get it.
I've been nominated for membership in the National Geographic Society.
Is this the ear you can't hear on?
You're not paid to be a canary.
Anything I can do back here?
Take these capsules over to Mrs. Blaine's.
Just thirty short days.
I'll dig up that five thousand somehow.
A lot of these people are out of work.
I can't do that.
These families have children.
They're not my children.
But they're somebody's children.
Are you running a business or a charity ward?
Not with my money!
You can't begin to spend all the money you've got.
He's not a failure!
You can't say that about my father!
You're the biggest man in town!
Gives you an idea of the Baileys.
I'll talk to you tonight.
Where's Mrs. Blaine's box of capsules?
Did you hear what I said?
Why didn't you deliver them right away?
Don't you know that boy's very sick?
You're hurting my sore ear.
You put something wrong in those capsules.
I know you're unhappy.
You put something bad in those capsules.
Just look and see what you did.
Look at the bottle you took the powder from.
Don't hurt my sore ear again.
Don't hurt my ear again!
I know what you're feeling.
I won't ever tell a soul.
What did you stop it for?
I want you to take a good look at that face.
It's a good face.
I like George Bailey.
Did he ever marry the girl?
Did he ever go exploring?
How much does this cost?
It sounded as if you said no charge.
What's my name doing on it?
A little present from old man Gower.
Came down and picked it out himself.
What boat you sailing on?
I'm working across on a cattle boat.
thanks ever so much for the bag.
It's just exactly what I wanted.
Hope you enjoy it.
You got your sea legs yet?
George waves up at them and continues on across the street.
How about driving me home in style?
That's some dress you got on there.
Think I'll go home and see what the wife's doing.
You're shaking the house down!
I wish I was up there with them.
Harry'll tear his dinner suit.
That's why all children should be girls.
Come down to dinner this minute.
Everything's getting cold and you know we've been waiting for you.
There's a moon out tonight.
I'm going to take over a lot of plates and things.
Uncle Billy and I are going to miss you.
I wonder what's eating that old money grubbing buzzard anyway?
Couldn't want a better death.
I hope it works.
Boys and girls and music.
Why do they need gin?
Your mother and I talked it over half the night.
We have that all figured out.
He's pretty young for that job.
Still after that first million before you're thirty.
I would if I thought I'd hear anything worth listening to.
I know it's soon to talk about it.
I want to do something big and something important.
Most of my friends have already finished college.
You get yourself an education.
Then get out of here.
I think you're a great guy.
About time one of you lunkheads said it.
I'm going to miss old Annie.
I'm going to put him through college.
When did you get here?
I thought I'd give the kids a treat.
You're the guy I want to see.
Coach has heard all about you.
He's followed every game and his mouth's watering.
Putting a pool under this floor was a great idea.
Saved us another building.
That's the reason why I came in fourth.
Nobody'd ever tell you whoever it was because they'd be scared.
You look at me as if you didn't know me.
You've passed me on the street almost every day.
That was a little girl named Mary Hatch.
The big Charleston contest.
A genuine loving cup.
I'm not very good at this.
Did you know there's a swimming pool under this floor?
We must be good.
Buffalo Gals can't you come out tonight.
Just like an organ.
And I told Harry I thought I'd be bored to death.
You should have seen the commotion in that locker room.
Do I look as funny as you do?
I guess I'm not quite the football type.
Maybe I will say it.
How old are you anyway?
Too young or too old?
Your age fits you.
A pox upon me for a clumsy lout.
You may kiss my hand.
I love that old house.
I'd like to live in it.
I wouldn't live in it as a ghost.
right on the second floor there.
and then I'm going to build things.
I'm gonna build air fields.
Are you gonna throw a rock?
What'd you wish when you threw that rock?
If I told you it might not come true.
You want the moon?
Am I talking too much?
Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death?
Over here in the hydrangea bushes.
What am I doing?
This is a very interesting situation.
Please give me my robe.
A man doesn't get in a situation like this every day.
I'd like to have my robe.
This requires a little thought here.
Give me my robe!
I'm going to tell your mother on you.
I'll call the police.
I'm going to scream!
Maybe I could sell tickets.
Your father's had a stroke!
I've got to go.
Did you get a doctor?
I know you're anxious to make a train.
I have a taxi waiting downstairs.
Wait just a minute now.
Peter Bailey died three months ago.
I second Mr. Potter's motion.
In that case I'll ask the two executive officers to withdraw.
Thank you very much.
I'll go further than that.
Peter Bailey was not a business man.
That's what killed him.
You have all the papers there.
I can personally vouch for his character.
A friend of yours?
What does that get us?
You're right when you say my father was no business man.
I'm not interested in your book.
I'm talking about the Building and Loan.
I know very well what you're talking about.
You're the Board here.
You do what you want with this thing.
You shut his big mouth.
We heard a lot of yelling.
You're a week late for school already.
Don't worry about that.
They voted Potter down!
That's the best part of it.
You can keep him on.
As secretary you can hire anyone you like.
I'm leaving right now.
I'm going to school.
This is my last chance.
There's the professor now!
Nobody ever changes around here.
She's home cooking the fatted calf.
How do you do.
My father offered him a job.
Ruth spoke out of turn.
I never said I'd take it.
It was a surprise to me.
I've heard him speak of you.
that's all Harry ever talks about.
what about this job?
He wants to get Harry started in the research business.
Is it a good job?
Harry's a genius at research.
My father fell in love with him.
I feel so good I could spit in Potter's eye.
I think I will.
Which one is mine?
Now you just turn this way and go right straight down.
How do you like her?
Looks like she can keep Harry on his toes.
Did you know that Mary Hatch is back from school?
Came back three days ago.
Sam's crazy about Mary.
Did she discuss it with you?
And all's fair in love and war?
I don't know about war.
I think I got a date.
what are you doing tonight?
Let's make a night of it.
Then we can go up to the falls.
Then we can climb Mt.
Walk in the grass in my bare feet?
I just happened to be passing by.
My mother just called you?
Didn't you tell her?
I didn't tell anybody.
When did you get back?
Where'd you get that dress?
Do you like it?
I guess I was homesick.
I still can't understand it though.
You know I didn't tell anybody I was coming here.
Would you rather leave?
Don't you like her?
Who's down there with you?
I just came in to get warm.
Sam Wainwright promised to call you from New York tonight.
What did you come here for?
You're supposed to be the one that has all the answers.
That's where I'm going.
I don't know why I came here in the first place!
I forgot my hat.
He asked for him.
What're you trying to do?
Nobody's trying to steal your girl.
I want to talk to both of you.
Tell Mary to get on the extension.
Mother's on the extension.
We can both hear.
Can you think of anything better?
why not right here?
The chance of a lifetime.
He says it's the chance of a lifetime.
Now you listen to me!
I don't want any plastics!
I want to do what I want to do.
Somebody's driving this cab.
He said to float away to Happy Land on the bubbles.
I feel like a bootlegger's wife.
You know what we're going to do?
We're going to shoot the works.
A whole week in New York.
A whole week in Bermuda.
There are a lot of seats over there.
Just make yourselves at home.
Why didn't you call me?
How did it start?
How does anything like this ever start?
About an hour ago.
I had to hand over all our cash.
The whole town's gone crazy.
I've just guaranteed the bank sufficient funds to meet their needs.
He just took over the bank.
If you close your doors before six P.M.
you will never reopen.
The bank's going to reopen next week.
Did he guarantee this place?
I didn't even ask him.
I'll take mine now.
you're thinking of this place all wrong.
As if I had the money back in a safe.
The money's not here.
Now what are you going to do?
You'll get your money in sixty days.
Fifty cents on the dollar!
Now give us sixty days on this.
Are you going to go to Potter's?
Better to get half than nothing.
now listen to me.
I beg of you not to do this thing.
He's already got charge of the bank.
Do you think Potter would have let you keep it?
Don't you see what's happening?
Because we're panicky and he's not.
How am I going to live until the bank opens?
I got doctor bills to pay.
Can't feed my kids on faith.
How much do you need?
I got two thousand dollars!
Here's two thousand dollars.
That'll close my account.
Your account's still here.
what'll it take till the bank reopens?
What do you need?
Never mind about that.
How much do you want?
And I'll sign a paper.
You don't have to sign anything.
I know you'll pay it back when you can.
You got fifty cents?
They'll never close us up today!
We've still got two bucks left!
We're a couple of financial wizards.
Get a tray for these great big important simoleons.
We'll save them for seed.
They raise their glasses.
I wish they were rabbits.
I wish they were too.
I wonder if Ernie's still here with his taxicab?
Mrs. Bailey is on the phone.
I don't want Mrs. Bailey.
I want my wife.
How would you like to get a ticket next week?
Haven't you any romance in you?
Who wants to see liver pills on their honeymoon?
Get that ladder up here.
Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house?
This is what I wished for.
I own the house.
I own my own house.
No more we live like pigs in thisa Potter's Field.
I'll bring the kids in the car.
Now get right up on the seat there.
The Martinis cross themselves.
he's always making a speech.
That this house may never know hunger.
That life may always have flavor.
I'm just your little rent collector.
Congressman Blatz is here to see you.
Used to hunt rabbits there myself.
Look at it today.
Dozens of the prettiest little homes you ever saw.
You know very well why.
The Baileys were all chumps.
Why don't you have your friends join us?
I'm not rubbing it in.
See you in the funny papers.
Thanks for dropping around.
I'll send you a box.
But I haven't been able to do it.
You have been stopping me.
You and I were the only ones that kept our heads.
twenty thousand dollars a year?
Is it a deal or isn't it?
You go on home and talk about it to your wife.
I'd like to do that.
And it goes for you too!
You wouldn't mind living in the nicest house in town.
And I'm going to build things.
I'm going to build air fields.
I'm going to build skyscrapers a hundred stories high.
I'm going to build a bridge a mile long.
To keep from being an old maid.
You could have married Sam Wainwright or anybody else in town.
I didn't want to marry anybody else in town.
I want my baby to look like you.
You didn't even have a honeymoon.
George Bailey lassos stork.
Night after night George came back late from the office.
Potter was bearing down hard.
Then came a war.
Ma Bailey and Mrs. Hatch joined the Red Cross and sewed.
Potter became head of the draft board.
Gower and Uncle Billy sold war bonds.
Bert the cop was wounded in North Africa.
Marty helped capture the Remagen Bridge.
Harry Bailey topped them all.
Don't you know there's a war on?
I think it's marvelous.
Be sure you spell the name right.
Read all about it!
It's Harry now on long distance from Washington!
What do you know about that?
He reversed the charges.
What do you mean it's okay?
Wait till Martha hears about this.
What did they have to eat?
The Navy's going to fly Mother home this afternoon.
Has Uncle Billy come in yet?
We're all excited around here.
My brother just got the Congressional Medal of Honor.
The President just decorated him.
He wants to talk to Uncle Billy.
I want to spend Christmas in Elmira with my family.
We'll fix you up.
That couldn't be one of the Bailey boys?
How does slacker George feel about that?
He only lost three buttons off his vest.
Not every heel was in Germany and Japan!
Uncle Billy and bank teller at the window.
I guess you forgot something.
it's usually customary to bring the money with you.
How about that one there?
Take me back there.
Come on in the office here.
He's on the telephone.
I should have my head examined.
It's got to be somewhere.
Want to walk to New York?
Good luck to you.
Say hello to New York for me.
I'll be right with you.
Come here a minute.
Did you see Uncle Billy with any cash last night?
Not even a stick of gum.
And did you put the envelope in your pocket?
I don't want any maybe.
Do you have any secret hiding place here in the house?
Someplace you could have put it?
I can't think any more.
That's what it means!
One of us is going to jail!
How do you like it?
Did you bring the wreath?
Did you bring the Christmas wreath?
The Merry Christmas wreath for the window.
I left it at the office.
Where's your coat and hat?
Left them at the office.
Must she keep playing that?
Better hurry and shave.
The families will be here soon.
Have a hectic day?
You should see it.
Excuse you for what?
Now go upstairs and see what little Zuzu wants.
What's the matter with Zuzu?
Caught it coming home from school.
The doctor says it's nothing serious.
Was the doctor here?
He says it's nothing to worry about.
Is she running a temperature?
I don't know why we don't all have pneumonia.
This drafty old barn!
Might as well be living in a refrigerator.
You call this a happy family?
Why did we have to have all these kids?
Going up to see Zuzu.
He told me to write a play for tonight.
I won a flower.
Want to give my flower a drink.
I'll give it a drink.
Give the flower a drink.
Will you try to get some sleep?
I want to look at my flower.
I'm sure she'll be all right.
Is that Zuzu's teacher?
Let me speak to her.
I'll hang her up!
Will you get out and let me handle this?
How should I know?
You've played it over and over again.
you go on and practice.
What's the matter with everybody?
I told you to practice.
Is Daddy in trouble?
Shall I pray for him?
They called me up from your Building and Loan.
He's looking for you.
Can't you see what it means to my family?
There's nothing wrong with the books.
I've just misplaced eight thousand dollars.
I can't find it anywhere.
You misplaced eight thousand dollars?
Have you notified the police?
I didn't want the publicity.
They're going to believe that one.
Playing the market with the company's money?
I can't get hold of him.
You're the only one in town that can help me.
I've suddenly become quite important.
Have you got any stocks?
Collateral of any kind?
how much is your equity in it?
You used to be so cocky!
You were going to go out and conquer the world!
You're worth more dead than alive.
How about some of that good spaghetti?
I'm at the end of my rope.
Want someone to take you home?
This is Christmas Eve.
This is Mr. George Bailey.
She cried for an hour.
I want to pay for my drink.
Never mind the money.
You get out of here quick.
You hit my best friend.
His name is Welch.
That's what I get for praying.
The last time he come in here.
Where's my insurance policy?
What do you think you're doing?
Now look what you did.
My greatgrandfather planted this tree.
Get this car out of here!
Look where you're going!
I didn't have time to get some stylish underwear.
My wife gave me this on my last birthday.
I passed away in it.
You should read the new book Mark Twain's writing now.
How'd you happen to fall in?
I didn't fall in.
I jumped in to save George.
Go through with what?
Where do you come from?
I had to act quickly; that's why I jumped in.
I knew if I were drowning you'd try to save me.
I'm the answer to your prayer.
That's why I was sent down here.
How do you know my name?
I've watched you grow up from a little boy.
I wonder what Martini put in those drinks?
What did you say just a minute ago?
Why'd you want to save me?
That's what I was sent down for.
I'm your guardian angel.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
Ridiculous of you to think of killing yourself for money.
just things like that.
Now how'd you know that?
I know everything about you.
What happened to your wings?
I haven't won my wings yet.
That's why I'm an angel Second Class.
By letting me help you.
Only one way you can help me.
You don't happen to have eight thousand bucks on you?
We don't use money in Heaven.
I found it out a little late.
I'm worth more dead than alive.
I won't get my wings with that attitude.
You just don't know all that you've done.
I guess you're right.
I said I wish I'd never been born.
You don't have to make all that fuss about it.
What did you say?
You've never been born.
Say something else in that ear.
You can hear out of it.
Must have been that jump in the cold water.
Our clothes are dry.
Stove's hotter than I thought.
I haven't got any wings.
You haven't got your wings.
You have no car.
I beg your pardon?
You must mean two other trees.
You had me worried.
One of the oldest trees in Pottersville.
Don't you think I know where I live?
Martini's a good friend of mine.
There's a place to sit down.
Nick is wiping off the bar as they sit down.
You want a martini?
You want a drink or don't you?
That's a good man.
I was just thinking of a flaming rum punch.
What's he talking about?
What's the matter with him.
I never saw Nick act like that before.
You'll see a lot of strange things from now on.
You got someplace to sleep?
No wonder you jumped in the river.
Don't they believe in angels?
Then why should they be surprised when they see one?
He never grew up.
And that's another thing.
Where do you come off calling me Nick?
What's that got to do with it?
I don't know you from Adam's off ox.
Didn't I tell you never to come panhandling around here?
This is George Bailey!
Don't you know me?
That rumhead spent twenty years in jail for poisoning a kid.
Would you show these gentlemen to the door.
I'm giving out wings!
You told me that.
What else are you?
are you a hypnotist?
It's because you were not born.
You have no identity.
My name's George Bailey.
There is no George Bailey.
Wait a minute here.
I'm going home and see my wife and family.
Do you understand that?
And I'm going home alone!
Where did the Building and Loan move to?
The Building and what?
The Bailey Building and Loan.
It was up there.
They went out of business years ago.
I know that girl!
I'm off my nut!
Where do you live?
You know where I live.
You seen my wife?
I've been to your house a hundred times.
Just step on it.
Just get me home.
Is this the place?
Of course it's the place.
You have no children.
What have you done with them?
Thank heaven you're here!
What's the matter with you two guys?
You were here on my wedding night.
Think I'd better be going.
Everything's going to be all right.
I had him right here.
I need a drink.
Help me find 'em.
I thought sure you'd remember me.
If you're looking for a room there's no vacancy.
Something terrible's happened to me.
I don't know what it is.
Something's happened to everybody.
Please let me come in.
Keep me here until I get over it.
When'd you see him last?
You know where he lives?
Sure I know where he lives.
He lives in Bailey Park.
Are you sure this is Bailey Park?
All I know is this should be Bailey Park.
But where are the houses?
You weren't here to build them.
Harry Bailey went to war!
He got the Congressional Medal of Honor!
He saved the lives of every man on that transport.
Every man on that transport died.
I'm not supposed to tell.
She's an old maid.
She's just about to close up the library!
I don't know you!
Somebody call the police!
Hit him with a bottle!
He needs a strait jacket!
I don't care what happens to me.
Only get me back to my wife and kids.
I want to live again.
I've been looking all over town trying to find you.
I'll bet it's a warrant for my arrest.
Have you seen my wife?
She went looking for you with Uncle Billy.
How do you feel?
And not a smitch of temperature.
Where have you been?
Let me touch you!
You have no idea what's happened to me.
They're on their way.
Come on in here now.
Another run on the bank?
The line forms on the right.
Step right up here.
I changed my mind.
I got the faculty all up out of bed.
Mr. Gower cables you need cash.
Heehaw and Merry Christmas.
How about some wine?
The fool flew all the way up here in a blizzard.
The richest man in town!
That's a Christmas present from a very dear friend of mine.
Have a good trip?
Now wait a minute!
But it just so happens I've got a picture of her.
So you combined pleasure with business!
Isn't a word of truth in it!
Judge Doolittle may not think so.
What's all this mess?
What were you doing in Boston?
Did you get it?
What's all this horseplay about?
Come into my office!
So you got married?
I imagine this will be a surprise to some people.
It all happened rather suddenly.
And you married her.
She's written to me every day since.
Even coming down on the train together she wrote me.
What about Higgins against Higgins?
Opposing counsel wouldn't consent.
We couldn't make it in a week!
And we had a bite.
These cookies are delicious!
I'm crazy about Jane!
I came over with Johnny.
Well I should think it was sudden!
What did your family have to say about it?
I have no family.
One needs all one's time and energy for a career.
Don't you think marriage is a career in itself?
A partnership in the strictest sense of the word.
One must prepare for it.
There are so many things to learn.
What do they look like?
What's done is done.
I wish you every possible happiness and joy.
I think perhaps I'd better go to bed.
Some place to live!
Maybe we shouldn't have gotten married at all.
Don't let him eat too many strawberries.
And don't forget to make him wear his raincoat in London.
He had pneumonia once.
I feel fine now.
Take good care of him.
You forgot to pack it.
It's the only one they had left.
I think we can do better after the boat sails.
Is it something somebody gave you?
Let me see it!
But it's just something I forgot to pack.
Let me see it.
I bet it's a going away present.
You couldn't get a bigger bed in here though.
Wait till you try to turn around.
That's not so bad.
Why there's oceans of room here.
Isn't it just beautiful?
Do you know that I threw it away?
I shouldn't have done that.
Where is stateroom 504?
Nice of you to come down.
Judge Doolittle sent me.
How do you do?
Happy to know you.
It's a good thing I got here in time.
You've got just ten minutes.
Ten minutes for what?
Higgins against Higgins goes on the calendar for next week.
That's where you're mistaken.
I got a continuance for a whole month.
You think you did.
Why didn't you ask Hornblow about it?
He gave me his word of honor.
Is that what you want me to tell Doolittle?
Are you sure that Higgins case is going on next week?
Monday morning at nine o'clock.
Will you excuse us a minute?
You've got lipstick all over your mouth.
You don't call this a convenience!
But it's my honeymoon!
And Doolittle knows it's my honeymoon!
There are some things a man just can't do!
That Carter thought it was funny!
And I hope Higgins beats Higgins!
They're right in there on the desk.
It's still sopping wet.
You seem to think I've never done this before.
It's just that I never have.
How do you think the table looks?
Isn't it a little crowded?
The things that pop up at the last minute!
I always have been.
I thought tonight I'd put Miss Doolittle there.
But a lovely girl!
And shouldn't they be garnished?
There's just so much a body can do!
I'm afraid you put them on too early.
You can stand just so much.
But you can't do that!
I can't please everybody.
I bet you forgot the wine!
Old Granite Puss's favorite brand!
They'll be here any minute!
You'd better get dressed!
An ultimatum from Annie and this one's final!
She'll see us through dinner.
I don't see why you have so much trouble with servants.
Down at the office we get all the help we want.
I'd like to change places with you for just one day.
I didn't have it.
Look on the third shelf back of the eye wash.
She and the judge are like corned beef and cabbage.
Eunice had some sort of date with Carter.
What could I do?
It's practically up there now.
What's for dinner tonight?
Between roast beef and Higgins against Higgins how can we lose?
I had a memo from Doolittle today.
What did he say?
He said he couldn't have handled it better himself.
And will I tell Carter!
And will we hop the Normandie!
And will we go places!
And will we do things!
Wear the blue one.
Pretty nice neck you've got there.
As nice as Eunice Doolittle's?
What do I know about Eunice Doolittle's neck?
I never even noticed she had one.
Old Granite Puss will be here any minute.
We're having roast beef.
There ain't any more.
We like to think all our cases are important.
I told you to have the ice box fixed.
I'm only speaking metaphorically of course.
I'll get it for you.
That's how to keep an old firm young.
I shouldn't think so.
There isn't any more wine.
Would you like a stamp?
You will now retire to arrive at a verdict.
You skinned him alive.
I tore him apart!
You did a swell job!
Why didn't they wake me?
You can't go in there until you put this on.
Come in again some time.
What do you think you're doing holding up traffic?
What do you think?
Do you want to wake that baby!
but don't you think he's just beautiful?
I hope he grows up to look like you.
He has all your features.
Just the way yours do when you're happy.
He doesn't look happy.
He looks kind of bored.
But don't you think he's just beautiful?
But don't you think he's just beautiful!
Be sure you soap his head thoroughly.
Look at those shoulders!
Can I do something Jane?
Now look what you've done!
I almost dropped him!
They showed me at the hospital.
You don't rub the baby dry.
You just pat him.
Maybe the water was too hot.
It was just right.
Was its 'ittle water too hot for ittie Johnny?
Look at the chest on him!
A touch of colic.
He's been crying for five minutes.
If he were fed on time he wouldn't cry.
Too bad he has to be fed on a bottle.
I haven't heard the baby complain yet.
John never saw a bottle till he was six months old.
I won't say anything.
I'll bet it's a summons.
He's deposited Ten Dollars.
I hope it doesn't plunge Doolittle into bankruptcy.
Where are we going to put him?
Why can't he stay in our room?
You know he kept you awake last night.
That's too far from the bedroom.
Could I please see you a minute?
You mean you don't approve of my having a baby?
You can have as many babies as you like.
That's big of you.
But my business is cooking.
You get somebody else to wash the diapers.
I wish I could go back to the hospital.
Did you make a speech?
What would I have to say?
Did you tell them that funny story you told me yesterday?
It wasn't much anyway.
Don't say those things!
Sometimes I get so mad at you I can't see straight.
What did you have?
Here's some cheese you like.
And a whole cold chicken staring us right in the face.
The trouble with you is you let people step on you!
You've forgotten more about law than Carter'll ever know.
He knows it too!
But he takes advantage of you.
I wish you'd forget about us.
They'd never let you go!
You're far too valuable!
On his hands and knees!
You don't know Doolittle.
I don't want a better one later.
You liked the platinum one with the diamonds.
I do want that platinum ring!
And I want a honeymoon on the Normandie!
You can get them for me!
But first you've got to get what's coming to you!
You think it's easy.
He sends for you.
You can't talk to him like that though.
Have you ever tried?
He never asked me to sit down in his life.
Well then stand up.
But don't let him interrupt you.
It's easy to do here in the kitchen.
You're not asking a favor of him.
You're demanding your rights.
I hate to think what he'll say!
That's a good idea.
One of these days is tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.
There's no time like the present.
Judge Doolittle is in.
You're just the one I wanted to see.
You've been doing mighty good work lately.
Some of our biggest clients are affected.
They all complain they're practically working for the Government.
Naturally we have to do something about it.
These are days of sacrifice!
What time is it?
If you know the time why do you ask me?
What difference does it make what time it is?
Are you sure you're comfortable?
Certainly I'm sure I'm comfortable!
Can I help you?
I don't need any help!
How do I feel?
You'd think I committed some sort of crime!
You'd think I was on the witness stand!
Why didn't I call you back?
Why didn't I come home for supper?
I'll always let you down!
It was my fault for interfering.
I've got a good lawyer.
If you want something you gotta go get it.
I've been all over town.
Who says I'm looking for a job?
You're worth your weight in gold.
That's a lot of gold.
I knows I'm a luxury.
Is the head better?
I'll make such a mess of things without you.
I wish it were as simple as that.
You got your watermelon.
All I say is "Spit 'em out!
Are you sure Carter has our telephone number?
If he hasn't he certainly has a telephone book.
Then why do you suppose he hasn't at least called up?
Perhaps he forgot all about it.
Maybe we ought to go join him at the party.
Isn't the party also to announce his engagement to Eunice Doolittle?
How could it be awkward?
Let's call him up!
Why should it be awkward?
They say at Carter's house he left two hours ago.
We'd better forget it.
The baby definitely has the sniffles.
He's had sniffles all day.
That's when he caught your cold.
He had no temperature.
I suppose I ought to stay in my room all day!
You don't have to do anything of the kind!
It's just like any other day as far as I'm concerned.
I want to leave this with you.
Happy New Year to you all!
Happy New Year to you!
Have a good time.
We'll stay right here and celebrate.
That doesn't say much for mine.
It takes time of course.
Times are different now.
I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about!
Oh yes you do!
You've resented me from the first moment you saw me!
You resented me because you wanted Johnny to marry Eunice Doolittle!
You've hinted it often enough!
I've done nothing of the sort!
But they were engaged.
I can't understand why she's so touchy about it.
That's why you hate me!
For crying out loud!
What's the matter with you two?
Nothing's the matter with me!
It's not my house!
I do the best I can to help!
I'm the stranger around here!
Everything I say is wrong!
Everything I do is wrong!
You said it to me too!
Why can't you get along with her?
Why can't she get along with me?
Because she hates me!
You can only spit out so many seeds!
Anywhere to get away from that wrangling.
You don't have to apologize.
You go along and have a good time.
You're sure you don't mind?
But we've never had any real trouble.
And about you too!
I'd die for either of you.
At least we've finally got something we can celebrate.
C'mon over and join our party.
Something's the matter with the baby!
Come into the office a minute.
You'd better get your wife.
And I'm sorry to say that the congestion is increasing.
We must get some of that serum as soon as possible.
I'm going to check up on that right away.
All the type 9 serum has been sent to Salt Lake.
Why don't you try Johns Hopkins in Baltimore?
I've got to see Judge Doolittle right away!
At this hour of the morning?
You'll have to wake him up!
I've got to see him!
Never heard of such a thing!
Can't you understand that?
It'd be too late.
Get me my check book!
And get me a pen!
One that will write!
And find out where the nearest telegraph office is!
Let me talk to him.
I can't let you have my plane.
I think you're crazy.
May I go in and see him?
Why don't you want me to see him?
Then why don't you want me to see him?
The baby's worse; that's why you ordered the oxygen.
The oxygen's only to help him till the serum gets here.
You're lying to me!
Will you do that for me?
Please don't make me!
When can I see him?
In a little while.
But you mustn't feel that way.
Do you know when you're really lonely?
Denver calling Commercial NC 24.
Can't you read me?
Still can't contact Conway.
Storm increasing over the Rockies.
Stand by to contact Conway.
Do you read me?
Conway can you read me?
Will you help me?
We had to rush down the minute it happened!
The baby can TALK!
They don't believe us!
I've got a mother and two kid sisters to .
More good luck telegrams.
I was sent down here to clean house.
I told yuh I can't use your column any more.
It's lavender and old lace!
Send those other people in.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I get thirty dollars a week.
I'll do anything you say.
It isn't the money.
What we need is fireworks.
People who can hit with sledge hammers—start arguments.
Cashier's got your check.
Who are these people?
Norton buys a paper—and forty heads are chopped off!
why don't we tear the building down!
Lavender and old lace!
"Below is a letter which reached my desk this morning.
It's a commentary on what we laughingly call the civilized world.
Since then I haven't been able to get another one.
Norton's opening attack on the Governor!
I can smell it.
You're here rather early.
I had it served with my breakfast this morning.
Jim thinks it's D.
Of course it is!
Norton does things in a much bigger way .
Take my word for it!
What did he buy a paper for?
and if you ask me that's a phoney letter.
It's a terrible reflection on our city.
I've had a dozen calls already.
Spencer of the Chronicle .
If something isn't done.
it's my building he's jumping off of!
Get Connell at the Bulletin !
Something just flew by!
I didn't see anything.
Is there a crowd in the street?
Then he may be caught on a ledge!
This is the Mayor.
How many times are you gonna call me?
"An appeal to John Doe.
.'" " and so forth and so forth .
I'll let you know as soon as I have something!
She supports a mother and two kids.
Her mother's awful worried about her.
Go out and find her!
Her old man was Doc Mitchell.
Here it is again.
ever walked into this office.
Did you want to see me?
And I'd like to have it!
The letter from John Doe.
The whole town's in an uproar.
We've got to find him.
The letter's our only clue.
There is no letter.
You said you wanted fireworks.
Don't you know there are nine jobs waiting for this guy?
Drop the whole business quickly.
I'll have Ned write it up.
Suppose there was a John Doe—and he walked into this office.
What would you do?
He finds the world has feet of clay.
So what does he do?
But would you mind telling me who goes on Christmas Eve?
Lemme get this through this lame brain of mine.
Any time but Christmas.
You're supposed to be a smart guy!
Wasting my time listening to this mad woman.
Look what the Chronicle is running on John Doe.
They say it's a fake!
Get a load of this.
What do they want?
They all say they wrote the John Doe letter.
Tell them all to wait.
They're desperate and will do anything for a cup of coffee.
I'm beginning to like this.
We can't let the Chronicle get the laugh on us!
We've got to produce a John Doe now.
I'll show those guys.
Now let's take a look at the candidates.
The one we pick has gotta be the typical average man.
Typical American that can keep his mouth shut.
Did you write that letter to Miss Mitchell?
What are you doing up here then?
Thought there might be one left over.
What do you do when you work?
I used to pitch.
Till my wing[4] went bad.
Bush leagues mostly.[5] Med.
They have their eyes glued on his face.
ANN is very much interested.
Me and a friend of mine.
What could be more American!
Be less complicated without a family.
Look at that face.
They'll believe him .
He don't seem like a guy that'd fall into line.
Get some water quickly!
Trying to improve the world by jumping off buildings.
You couldn't improve the world if the building jumped on you!
Don't mind the Colonel.
He likes you well enough to stick around.
I haven't been able to shake him since.
This man's going to jump as a matter of principle.
We'll make a mystery out of him.
Did you speak to Mr. Norton?
Says for us to go the limit.
Is that the contract?
What's he doing here?
They play duets together.
But can we trust him?
I got it all ready.
Now I want you to sign this agreement.
Take charge of him.
Get him a suite at the Imperial and hire some bodyguards.
But don't let him out of your sight.
Start pounding that typewriter.
You two fellas sit in here.
You ain't gonna get me to stay here.
I tell you—it's no good.
And don't pull that on me neither!
I'm gonna get my arm fixed out of this.
Here's some cigars the boss sent up.
I've seen guys like you go under before.
Guys that never had a worry.
Then they got ahold of some dough and went goofy.
The next thing the dope wants is a room.
Fifty bucks ain't going to ruin me.
There's the City Hall tower I'm supposed to jump off of.
It's even higher than this.
Who'd you say was gonna get him?
Just use the phone.
I've always wanted to do this!
Who's gonna get him?
They begin creeping up on you—trying to sell you something.
And a million and one other things.
You're not the free and happy guy you used to be.
Go on out and get rid of it.
You bet I will!
As fast as I can!
Get me a pitcher's glove!
Got to get some practice.
I'm gonna get me some of that!
If it isn't the man about town!
We want some action in these pictures.
This man's going to jump off a roof.
Let me comb your hair.
I'm feeling too good.
You're a man disgusted with all of civilization.
With all of it?
You don't have to smell the world!
Never mind those guys.
Now let's see what you look like when you protest.
I don't care whose picture they're publishing.
I still say that this John Doe person is a myth.
And you can quote me on that.
And I'm going to insist on his being produced for questioning.
You should see his fan mail!
It's doubled our circulation.
She'll drive you batty!
This can arouse national interest!
Go down to the office and arrange for some radio time.
I want it as soon as possible.
I want to talk to you.
How much money do you get?
That's only the beginning.
How do you do!
I'll give you a break.
See that Miss Mitchell gets a car to take her home.
Thank you very much for everything.
I thought you were asleep!
I said good night!
It's past your bedtime.
Stick a fork through me!
I'll never get this speech right.
What are you looking for?
I need ten dollars.
I gave you fifty just the other day.
Who's the ten for?
I thought I'd buy them some groceries.
You're just like Father used to be.
We owed everybody in town.
I guess I'm just upset about all this.
Do you mean the speech you're writing?
I simply can't get it to jell!
Wait a minute .
I never knew he had a diary.
John Doe don't wanta sign no autographs.
What does he do all day?
you can't see Mr. Doe.
He wants to be alone.
The first baseman dropped the ball.
Did you get him?
What's this—the end of the eighth?
Three to two—our favor.
You've got swell form.
Must have been a pretty good pitcher.
And he came down after the game with a contract.
Do you know what?
What are they gonna think about you?
Close shot: Of the COLONEL.
I gotta figure some way out of this thing!
The elevators are still runnin'.
I know one way you can do it.
Make you a hero sure as you're born!
And he gets it right away.
You don't have to wait till Christmas.
They're closing in on you!
Feller runs the Chronicle .
I can see the heelots comin'.
The whole army of them!
It's on the level.
Tickets for the broadcast are all gone.
No more tickets left.
All set for the big night?
You won't have any trouble reading it.
The one in there.
It picks up on the mike!
All you have to remember is to be sincere.
We want you to know that we're all for you.
Mr. Doe can't be bothered now.
Have you got the speech I gave you?
I've actually fallen in love with him.
Now that's too much!
If that guy lays an egg.
I want to get something out of it.
I'm getting a Jane Doe ready!
I need one more.
A half a heelot!
Symbols of the little people.
The man's on the air!
One minute to go!
Hey—what do you say?
There's the door right there.
That's what I'd like to know!
I'll be right over there pulling for you.
Phone the Chronicle .
Tell 'em to start getting those extras out.
Tonight we give you something entirely new and different.
They don't like those articles I've been writing.
That's a pack of lies you're telling!
Who wrote that speech for you?
The speech will continue.
I'm not gonna talk about them.
He's Mr. Big and Mr. Small.
He's simple and he's wise.
He's the man the ads are written for.
He's the fella everybody sells things to.
You'll find us everywhere.
Didn't you read it?
We've existed since time began.
Because we're the people —and we're tough!
That's a lot of hooey!
But we've all got to get in there and pitch!
It's no miracle because I see it happen once every year.
And so do you.
You'd better start right now.
Don't wait till the game is called on account of darkness!
You're the hope of the world!
I knew you'd wake up sooner or later!
I had that five thousand bucks sewed up!
Could have been on my way to old Doc Brown!
It's lucky you got away from her.
Tear down all the fences.
That man is terrific!
Jitterbugs.[9] Close shot: JOHN and the COLONEL.
Glad he took the "T" out of that.
Join the John Doe Club.
Are you John Doe?
I'd know that voice anywhere.
You can't kid me!
Who'd you say it was?
The big guy there!
Picture's in the paper!
You didn't vote for me the last time.
Shame on you—get off my front porch!
Mr. Norton come yet?
Better let me talk to him.
Your office telephoned me to hold him.
He's right in my office there.
Tell them Mr. Norton is here.
Make room for Mr. Norton.
The neighbors are serving him a light lunch.
Don't argue with me here.
Wait till we get home.
Don't you push me around like that!
Something terribly important's happened.
They're forming John Doe Clubs.
He wants to send you on a lecture tour.
I don't want any part of this thing.
I just got rid of one crowd.
Let them come in.
There are snickers from the background.
What a reception they got.
And he gave you that five dollar raise.
I'd like to join but nobody asked me.
Just the John Does of the neighborhood.
Cause you know how politicians are.
I never had any such idea.
She wrote the stuff.
Don't you see what a wonderful thing this can be?
I can see that right now.
Then it was the radio.
And now it's the John Doe clubs.
I don't want to take any chances.
Your crew will do the mop up job.
There are only eight flags up there now.
I want to see that map covered before we get through!
This has been growing like wildfire!
People are going off relief!
Thirty every Thursday—sixty at sixty—who knows what!
they just won't let anybody talk politics to them.
We've got to get to them!
They represent millions of voters!
I'd hate to have that many pins stuck in me!
This John Doe convention is a natural.
It's gonna put our city on the map.
Can you imagine that?
And—don't wear your high hat!
Everything'll be taken care of!
Isn't it all too wonderful?
Will you ladies get close to him?
I'm supposed to know my way around.
This John Doe movement costs you a fortune.
This convention's gonna cost plenty.
Where do you come in?
I think maybe you'd better.
I'd better hustle him up!
He'll be ready on time.
Did you see his picture on the cover of Time ?
I've handled a good many big promotions in my time .
And now a John Doe Convention!
What do you make of him?
He's nuts about you.
You left out number five.
Can I help you pack?
Do you care if I sit down out here?
It was about you.
I dreamt I was your father.
You know how dreams are.
And there you were in bed.
But you—you were a little girl.
And the nightgown had changed into a beautiful wedding gown.
It was a fella that sends you flowers every day.
But here's the funniest part of it all.
I was the fella up there doing the marrying.
I thought you were chasing me?
The man you marry has got to swim rivers for you!
There's a bunch of autograph seekers out front.
We'll be down with the bags in a minute.
Don't make a government project out of this!
When does our plane take off again.
In a couple of minutes.
About three hundred thousand.
I've been trying to figure it out.
Maybe they're like me.
Just beginning to get an idea what those things mean.
They were always just somebody to fill up the bleachers.
I could see something in their faces.
I could feel that they were hungry for something.
Do you know what I mean?
Maybe that's why they came.
I know how they feel.
I've been lonely and hungry for something practically all my life.
And this is your coat.
A little token of appreciation.
Well—I don't quite know what to say .
And a new contract goes with it.
You've got something on your mind.
The John Doe Party.
He will also announce the third party's candidate for the presidency.
A great humanitarian; the best friend the John Does have.
It is still a phenomenal movement.
This is John B.
It's good to see you.
It's for Ann .
I'm terribly sorry she isn't here.
I'm surprised you didn't run into her.
She went over to Mr. Norton's house.
Did you want to see her about something important?
I'm afraid I might have wet the couch a little.
I'll see that she gets the flowers.
I guess you must think I'm kinda batty!
My husband said: "I love you.
That's what I mean.
I bet you he'd know how to say it all right.
Go ahead and have your dinner.
I get more of a kick out of it that way.
That's exactly what I thought.
There's a copy on my desk.
And we'll be at Jim's Bar up the street.
I like gentle people.
I'm hard—hard and tough.
Gotta be gentle to suit me.
But you want to know something?
I've got a weakness.
Want to know what it is?
The Star Spangled Banner.
But play the "Star Spangled Banner"—and I'm a sucker for it.
It always gets me right here— You know what I mean?
Must have been a kid.
I was just ripe.
Know what my old man did when I joined up?
He joined up too.
Got to be a sergeant.
We were in the same outfit.
I saw him get it.
I was right there and saw it with my own eyes.
I came out of it without a scratch.
Except for my ulcers.
Should be drinking milk.
I'm a sucker for this country.
And when they do I get mad!
And a guy named Jefferson—and Lincoln.
Lighthouses in a foggy world!
But that's what you're doing.
I'm not talking about his grandfather's pet poodle!
I don't blame you.
It's a beautiful miracle.
And I think it's terrific!
What do you think of that!
I think it's plenty terrific!
What would you say about that?
They can't use the John Doe Clubs for politics.
That's the main idea.
Then what's a big political boss like Hammett doing in town?
And a labor leader like Bennett?
B.'s house right now?
Who do you think writes 'em?
I know she writes them.
A mink coat and a diamond bracelet.
Better bring me a glass of milk.
I'm smoking too much.
You've got everything all set?
Has John Doe been taken care of?
How many people do you think will be there?
My boys are there.
They'll take care of it.
You can count on me under one condition.
Little Bennett's gotta be taken care of!
My agreement with you gentlemen stands!
We're coming to a new order of things.
There's been too much talk going on in this country.
Too many concessions have been made!
What the American people need is an iron hand!
Miss Mitchell has something to say to us.
I'm so glad to see you.
I—I was terribly worried.
But I—I had no idea what was going on.
That's a swell bracelet you're wearing.
John— Why aren't you at the convention?
Is there anything wrong?
That's rather big talk!
You're through deciding anything!
And I'll say it in my own words this time.
You've got a nerve accusing people of things!
You bet your bottom dollar we would!
I guess I've seen everything now.
But I'm beginning to understand a lot of things.
Get the Bulletin !
you're playing with dynamite!
Don't let that girl get away!
Before he gets through tonight he'll ruin us all!
I'll stop him cold!
Mr. Norton wants to see you.
I want them both arrested.
You tell the police department to pick up Connell.
I've got the girl here.
I've got the Bulletin !
I don't care what you charge them with!
Three cheers for John Doe!
We begin with a short prayer.
many of whom are homeless and hungry.
John Doe a fake!
John Doe movement a racket!
Hundreds of yelling newsboys are swarming into the park like locusts!
How could he be a fake?
It must be some kind of a gag.
Wait for the signal!
Don't listen to that man!
Everybody wait a minute!
My name is D.
you all know me!
I accuse this man of being a faker!
We've been taken for a lot of suckers!
And I'm the biggest of the lot!
And now I find out it's nothing but a cheap racket!
It's not a lie!
To stuff into their own pockets!
You can read all about it in the newspapers there!
Listen—don't believe what he says .
That's got nothing to do with it!
Were you paid for it—or weren't you?
What difference does that make?
Did you write it—or didn't you?
The rest of you get in here and riot!
Break this crowd up!
John Doe's a fake!
Something's gone wrong with the loudspeaker.
The thing's not working!
We don't have to give up our club.
They're starting to throw things!
Somebody's going to get hurt!
I'm afraid it'll be John Doe.
Listen to that mob!
I've got to go to him!
Let me go to him!
I can help him!
We got orders to hold you.
Can't they see it's a frameup?
They won't let me go!
Stick to your clubs!
We've been fed baloney so long we're getting used to it!
The idea is still good!
You're the hope of the world .
The police finally manage to get him out of the park!
I should have been there.
I could have helped him.
He was so all alone!
We certainly didn't give that man much of a chance.
Why don't you jump!
Christmas Eve at midnight!
Christmas Eve at midnight?
Is that screwball still around?
Oh—they're laughing at me!
You'd better take it easy.
Whom are you calling now?
You called that number not ten minutes ago!
Have you seen him yet?
That man is gonna be on that roof.
Don't ask me how I know.
And you know it as well as I do.
I don't think he was any fake—not with that face.
Has he been here?
Have you seen him?
I ain't seen him for a week.
He's watching the other door.
No sense in going up there!
I been here for hours.
This is as far as the elevator goes.
We've got to walk up to the tower.
I've got to decorate my tree.
I'm afraid the joke's on us.
I hope nobody finds out we've been here.
It'll do you no good.
I've already mailed a copy of this letter to Mr. Connell.
I'm glad you gentlemen are here.
I won't let you.
It isn't too late.
The John Doe movement isn't dead yet.
But we can start clean now.
Just you and I.
They're calling to us—not to give up—but to keep on fighting!
To keep on pitching!
This is no time to give up!
We just lost our heads and acted like a mob.
Only—only it'll be a lot easier with you.
Try and lick that!