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Исходник Обычный вид История

* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
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* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
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* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/17/99)
// Implementation of a simple string class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/17/99 Created
// TK 03/23/99 Released without "lastIndexOf" functions
// TK 04/02/99 Added support for 'const' strings, and added
// 'operator=' for constant char*.
// TK 04/09/99 Overloaded the output operator (<<). Currently it only
// supports outputing the String to a C sytle character based
// stream.
// TK 04/09/99 Provided support for the extraction of the DOM_CHAR
// representation of the string. The new method, "toDomChar()"
// returns a constant pointer to the internal DOM_CHAR string
// buffer.
// TK 04/10/99 Added the implementation for appending an array of DOM_CHARs
// to a string. It should be noted that a length needs to be
// provided in order to determine the length of the source
// array.
// TK 04/22/99 Fixed a bug where setting a string equal to NULL would cause
// a core dump. Also added support for constructing a string
// using the NULL identifier.
// Modified the output operator (<<) to accept a const String
// reference. This eliminates a wasteful copy constructor call.
// TK 04/28/99 Modified the clear() method to leave the DOM_CHAR array
// in place.
// TK 04/28/99 Added 3 new member functions: insert, deleteChars, and
// replace.
// TK 05/05/99 Added support for implicit integer conversion. This allows
// integers to be appended, inserted, and used as replacements
// for DOM_CHARs. To support this feature, ConvertInt has been
// added which converts the given integer to a string and stores
// it in the target.
// TK 05/05/99 Converted the typedef DOM_CHAR to UNICODE_CHAR.
// KV 07/29/99 Added lastIndexOf methods
// KV 07/29/99 Changed indexOf methods with no offset, to call the
// indexOf methods with offset of 0. This allows re-use of
// code, makes it easier to debug, and minimizes the size of
// the implementation
// LF 08/06/1999 In method #operator=,
// added line: return *this
// KV 08/11/1999 changed charAt to return -1, if index is out of bounds, instead of 0,
// since 0, is a valid character, and this makes my code more compatible
// with Java
// KV 08/11/1999 removed PRBool, uses baseutils.h (MBool)
#include "MITREObject.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
#include <iostream.h>
typedef unsigned short UNICODE_CHAR;
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#define NOT_FOUND -1
class String : public MITREObject
//Translate UNICODE_CHARs to Chars and output to the provided stream
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const String& source);
String(); //Default Constructor, create an empty string
String(Int32 initSize); //Create an empty string of a specific size
String(const String& source); //Create a copy of the source string
String(const char* source); //Create a string from the characters
String(const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
~String(); //Destroy the string, and free memory
//Assign source to this string
String& operator=(const String& source);
String& operator=(const char* source);
String& operator=(const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
String& operator=(Int32 source);
//Grow buffer if necessary and append the source
void append(UNICODE_CHAR source);
void append(char source);
void append(const String& source);
void append(const char* source);
void append(const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
void append(const UNICODE_CHAR* source, Int32 length);
void append(Int32 source);
//Provide the ability to insert data into the middle of a string
void insert(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const char source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const String& source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const char* source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
void insert(Int32 offset, Int32 source);
//Provide the ability to replace one or more characters
void replace(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const char source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const String& source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const char* source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
void replace(Int32 offset, Int32 source);
//Provide the ability to delete a range of charactes
void deleteChars(Int32 offset, Int32 count);
* Returns the character at index.
* If the index is out of bounds, -1 will be returned.
UNICODE_CHAR charAt(Int32 index) const;
void clear(); //Clear string
void ensureCapacity(Int32 capacity); //Make sure buffer is at least 'size'
//Returns index of first occurrence of data
Int32 indexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data) const;
Int32 indexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data, Int32 offset) const;
Int32 indexOf(const String& data) const;
Int32 indexOf(const String& data, Int32 offset) const;
MBool isEqual(const String& data) const; //Check equality between strings
//Returns index of last occurrence of data
Int32 lastIndexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data) const;
Int32 lastIndexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data, Int32 offset) const;
Int32 lastIndexOf(const String& data) const;
Int32 lastIndexOf(const String& data, Int32 offset) const;
Int32 length() const; //Returns the length of the string
* Sets the Length of this String, if length is less than 0, it will
* be set to 0; if length > current length, the string will be extended
* and padded with '\0' null characters. Otherwise the String
* will be truncated
void setLength(Int32 length);
* Sets the Length of this String, if length is less than 0, it will
* be set to 0; if length > current length, the string will be extended
* and padded with given pad character. Otherwise the String
* will be truncated
void setLength(Int32 length, UNICODE_CHAR padChar);
* Returns a substring starting at start
* Note: the dest String is cleared before use
String& subString(Int32 start, String& dest) const;
* Returns the subString starting at start and ending at end
* Note: the dest String is cleared before use
String& subString(Int32 start, Int32 end, String& dest) const;
//Convert the internal rep. to a char buffer
char* toChar(char* dest) const;
UNICODE_CHAR* toUnicode(UNICODE_CHAR* dest) const;
void toLowerCase(); //Convert string to lowercase
void toUpperCase(); //Convert string to uppercase
void trim(); //Trim whitespace from both ends of string
void reverse(); //Reverse the string
Int32 strLength;
Int32 bufferLength;
UNICODE_CHAR* strBuffer;
//String copies itself to the destination
void copyString(UNICODE_CHAR* dest);
//Compare the two string representations for equality
MBool isEqual(const UNICODE_CHAR* data, const UNICODE_CHAR* search,
Int32 length) const;
//Convert an Int into a String
String& ConvertInt(Int32 value, String& target);
//Calculates the length of a null terminated UNICODE_CHAR array
Int32 UnicodeLength(const UNICODE_CHAR* data);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const String& source);