зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 340949: read-only finetuning, fix for orphaned but still subscribed users, better timezone matching, misc
This commit is contained in:
@ -180,9 +180,27 @@ calWcapCalendar.prototype = {
set superCalendar( cal ) { this.m_superCalendar = cal; },
m_bReadOnly: false,
get readOnly() { return (this.m_bReadOnly || !this.isOwnedCalendar); },
get readOnly() {
return (this.m_bReadOnly ||
// read-only if not logged in, this flag is tested quite
// early, so don't log in here if not logged in already...
!this.session.isLoggedIn ||
// xxx todo: take permissions into account:
set readOnly( bReadOnly ) { this.m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; },
this.session.getSessionId(); // assure being logged in
if (this.readOnly) {
throw new Components.Exception(
"Calendar is read-only.",
Components.interfaces.calIErrors.CAL_IS_READONLY );
// xxx todo: will potentially vanish from calICalendar:
get uri() { return this.session.uri; },
set uri( thatUri ) {
@ -248,10 +266,14 @@ calWcapCalendar.prototype = {
get ownerId() {
var ar = this.getCalendarProperties("X-NSCP-CALPROPS-PRIMARY-OWNER",{});
if (ar.length < 1 || ar[0].length == 0) {
var calId = this.calId;
"cannot determine primary owner of calendar " + this.calId );
// fallback to userId:
return this.session.userId;
"cannot determine primary owner of calendar " + calId );
// fallback to calId prefix:
var nColon = calId.indexOf(":");
if (nColon >= 0)
calId = calId.substring(0, nColon);
return calId;
return ar[0];
@ -279,11 +301,7 @@ calWcapCalendar.prototype = {
get isOwnedCalendar() {
if (!this.session.isLoggedIn)
return false;
var ownerId = this.ownerId;
return (this.calId == ownerId ||
this.calId.indexOf(ownerId + ":") == 0);
return (this.ownerId == this.session.userId);
@ -318,7 +336,16 @@ calWcapCalendar.prototype = {
this_.m_calProps = xml;
catch (exc) {
this_.notifyError( exc );
// patch to read-only here, because error notification
// call the readOnly attribute, thus we would run into
// endless recursion here:
this_.m_bReadOnly = true;
// this_.notifyError( exc );
// just logging here, because user may have dangling
// users referred in his subscription list:
this_.logError( exc );
// though we continue to try to get that calprops
// next time...
if (bAsync)
@ -328,6 +355,9 @@ calWcapCalendar.prototype = {
catch (exc) {
// patch to read-only here, because error notification call the
// readOnly attribute, thus we would run into endless recursion here
this.m_bReadOnly = true;
this.notifyError( exc );
throw exc;
@ -351,13 +381,23 @@ calWcapCalendar.prototype = {
function( tzid )
// check whether it is one of cs:
if (tzid.indexOf("/mozilla.org/20050126_1/") == 0 ||
!this.session.isSupportedTimezone(tzid)) {
if (tzid.indexOf("/mozilla.org/") == 0) {
// cut mozilla prefix: assuming that the latter string portion
// semantically equals the demanded timezone
tzid = tzid.substring( // next slash after "/mozilla.org/"
tzid.indexOf("/", "/mozilla.org/".length) + 1 );
if (!this.session.isSupportedTimezone(tzid)) {
// xxx todo: we could further on search for a matching region,
// e.g. CET (in TZNAME), but for now stick to
// user's default if not supported directly
var ret = this.defaultTimezone;
// use calendar's default:
return this.defaultTimezone;
this.log( tzid + " not supported, falling back to default: " + ret);
return ret;
else // is ok (supported):
return tzid;
@ -37,6 +37,16 @@
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var g_ioService = null;
function getIoService()
if (g_ioService == null) {
g_ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
return g_ioService;
// init code for globals, prefs:
@ -226,9 +236,7 @@ var calWcapCalendarModule = { // nsIModule:
var scriptLoader =
var ioService =
var ioService = getIoService();
var baseDir = __LOCATION__.parent.parent;
for each ( var script in scripts ) {
@ -241,10 +249,10 @@ var calWcapCalendarModule = { // nsIModule:
this.m_scriptsLoaded = true;
if (!cid.equals( calWcapCalendar.prototype.classID ))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
if (!iid.equals( Components.interfaces.nsIFactory ))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
if (!cid.equals( calWcapCalendar.prototype.classID ))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return { // nsIFactory:
lockFactory: function( lock ) {},
@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ const g_nsNetErrorCodes = [
function netErrorToString( rc )
if (getErrorModule(rc) == NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK) {
if (!isNaN(rc) && getErrorModule(rc) == NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK) {
var i = 0;
while (i < g_nsNetErrorCodes.length) {
// rc is kept unsigned, our generated code signed,
// however rc is kept unsigned, our generated code signed,
// so == won't work here:
if ((g_nsNetErrorCodes[i] ^ rc) == 0)
return g_nsNetErrorCodes[i + 1];
@ -249,6 +249,8 @@ const g_wcapErrorCodes = [
function wcapErrorToString( rc )
if (isNaN(rc))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
if (rc == Components.interfaces.calIWcapErrors.WCAP_NO_ERRNO)
return "No WCAP errno (missing X-NSCP-WCAP-ERRNO).";
@ -347,7 +349,10 @@ function errorToString( err )
case Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE:
default: // probe for WCAP error:
if (isNaN(err))
return ("[" + err + "] Unknown error.");
// probe for WCAP error:
try {
return wcapErrorToString(err);
@ -356,7 +361,7 @@ function errorToString( err )
return netErrorToString(err);
catch (exc) {
return ("[" + err + "] Unknown error.");
return ("[0x" + err.toString(16) + "] Unknown error.");
@ -60,8 +60,12 @@ WcapResponse.prototype = {
m_exc: null,
get data() {
if (this.m_exc != null)
throw this.m_exc;
if (this.m_exc != null) {
// clear exception, so it is not thrown again on sync requests:
var exc = this.m_exc;
this.m_exc = null;
throw exc;
return this.m_data;
set data(d) {
@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ function issueSyncRequest( url, receiverFunc, bLogging )
else if (bLogging && LOG_LEVEL > 0) {
logMessage( "issueSyncRequest( \"" + url + "\" )",
"failed: " + status );
"failed: " + errorToString(status) );
throw new Components.Exception(
@ -90,16 +90,6 @@ function getWindowWatcher()
return g_windowWatcher;
var g_ioService = null;
function getIoService()
if (g_ioService == null) {
g_ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
return g_ioService;
var g_icsService = null;
function getIcsService()
@ -170,17 +160,12 @@ function lockedExec( func )
try {
ret = func();
catch (exc) {
finally {
if (g_eventQueueService)
else // we are on trunk using nsIThreadInternal
throw exc;
if (g_eventQueueService)
else // we are on trunk using nsIThreadInternal
return ret;
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ interface calIWcapCalendar : calICalendar
readonly attribute string displayName;
// /**
// * Gets or sets this calendar's (calId) default timezone.
// */
// attribute string defaultTimezone;
* Gets or sets this calendar's (calId) default timezone.
readonly attribute string defaultTimezone;
* Gets calendar properties.
@ -107,27 +107,29 @@ interface calIWcapCalendar : calICalendar
xxx todo: ITEM_FILTER_CLASS_OCCURRENCES is not filter, rename?
/* xxx todo: limit to currently needed ones: NEEDS-ACTION */
* Scope: Attendee
* The event or todo is an invitation from another
* user and the current user has declined the invitation.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REPLY_DECLINED = 1 << 24;
// /**
// * Scope: Attendee
// * The event or todo is an invitation from another
// * user and the current user has declined the invitation.
// */
// const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REPLY_DECLINED = 1 << 24;
* Scope: Attendee
* The event or todo is an invitation from another
* user and the current user has accepted the invitation.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REPLY_ACCEPTED = 1 << 25;
// /**
// * Scope: Attendee
// * The event or todo is an invitation from another
// * user and the current user has accepted the invitation.
// */
// const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REPLY_ACCEPTED = 1 << 25;
* Scope: Organizer
* The event or todo is an invitation from the current
* user to other invitees, and all invitees have replied.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_COMPLETED = 1 << 26;
// /**
// * Scope: Organizer
// * The event or todo is an invitation from the current
// * user to other invitees, and all invitees have replied.
// */
// const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_COMPLETED = 1 << 26;
* Scope: Attendee
@ -143,20 +145,20 @@ interface calIWcapCalendar : calICalendar
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_NEEDSNOACTION = 1 << 28;
* Scope: Organizer
* The event or todo is an invitation from the current
* user to other invitees, and is currently in the
* process of sending out invitations.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_PENDING = 1 << 29;
// /**
// * Scope: Organizer
// * The event or todo is an invitation from the current
// * user to other invitees, and is currently in the
// * process of sending out invitations.
// */
// const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_PENDING = 1 << 29;
* Scope: Organizer
* The event or todo is an invitation from the current
* user to other invitees, and is currently awaiting.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_WAITFORREPLY = 1 << 30;
// /**
// * Scope: Organizer
// * The event or todo is an invitation from the current
// * user to other invitees, and is currently awaiting.
// */
// const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_WAITFORREPLY = 1 << 30;
/* xxx todo sync feature: separate into own interface? */
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ interface calIWcapFreeBusyListener : nsISupports
* Callback receiving free-busy entries.
* xxx todo: use array of calIPeriod when available and stick
* to busy entries only...
* @param rc result code,
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