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j2me.js Build Status

j2me.js is a J2ME virtual machine in JavaScript.

The current goals of j2me.js are:

  1. Run MIDlets in a way that emulates the reference implementation of phone ME Feature MR4 (b01)
  2. Keep j2me.js simple and small: Leverage the phoneME JDK/infrastructre and existing Java code as much as we can, and implement as little as possible in JavaScript

Building j2me.js

Make sure you have a JRE installed

Get the j2me.js repo if you don't have it already

    git clone

Build using make:

    cd j2me.js

Running MIDlets, tests

To run a MIDlet:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer&

URL parameters:

  • See full list at libs/urlparams.js
  • Default midletClassName if none specified is RunTests

If testing sockets, 4 servers are necessary:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer &
    python tests/ &
    cd tests && python &
    cd tests && python &

To run specific tests (e.g. TestSystem and TestRC4):

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer&

Full list of RunTests tests available in the tests/ generated file

There's no UI to enable certain privileges on Desktop that MIDlets might need. Use Myk's tcpsocketpup addon to accomplish that

Continuous integration:

  • Uses Travis
  • Runs automation.js which uses Casper.js testing framework and slimer.js (Gecko backend for casper.js)
  • make test

gfx tests use image comparison; output should match reference


See logConsole and logLevel URL params in libs/console.js

Running j2me.js in the SpiderMonkey shell

  1. Download the SpiderMonkey shell

  2. Execute the jsshell.js file as follows:

     js jsshell.js package.ClassName