739 B
739 B
The Crash Summary dataset
The Crash Summary dataset is generated by src/main/scala/com/mozilla/telemetry/views/CrashSummaryView.scala
Generating the dataset
For distributed execution, we can build a self-contained JAR file, then run it
with Spark. For example, to generate the main_summary dataset for April 12,
2016 to April 28, 2016, and storing the resulting data in an s3 bucket called
sbt assembly
spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--class com.mozilla.telemetry.views.CrashSummaryView \
target/scala-2.11/telemetry-batch-view-1.1.jar \
--outputBucket example_bucket \
--from 20160412 \
--to 20160428