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Treeherder provides a REST API which can be used to query for all the push, job, and performance data it stores internally. For a browsable interface, see:

Profiling API endpoint performance

On our development (vagrant) instance we have django-debug-toolbar installed, which can give information on exactly what SQL is run to generate individual API endpoints. Just navigate to an endpoint (example: http://localhost:8000/api/repository/) and you should see the toolbar to your right.

Python Client

We provide a library, called treeherder-client, to simplify interacting with the REST API. It is maintained inside the Treeherder repository, but you can install your own copy from PyPI using pip:

pip install treeherder-client

It will install a module called thclient that you can access, for example:

from thclient import TreeherderClient

By default the production Treeherder API will be used, however this can be overridden by passing a server_url argument to the TreeherderClient constructor:

# Treeherder production
client = TreeherderClient()

# Treeherder stage
client = TreeherderClient(server_url='')

# Local vagrant instance
client = TreeherderClient(server_url='http://localhost:8000')

When using the Python client, don't forget to set up logging in the caller so that any API error messages are output, like so:

import logging


For verbose output, pass level=logging.DEBUG to basicConfig().

User Agents

When interacting with Treeherder's API, you must set an appropriate User Agent header (rather than relying on the defaults of your language/library) so that we can more easily track API feature usage, as well as accidental abuse. Default scripting User Agents will receive an HTTP 403 response (see bug 1230222 for more details).

If you are using the Python Client, an appropriate User Agent is set for you. When using the Python requests library, the User Agent can be set like so:

r = requests.get(url, headers={'User-Agent': ...})