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Accessing Treeherder's data

Treeherder's data can be accessed via:


Treeherder provides a REST API which can be used to query for all the push, job, and performance data it stores internally. For a browsable interface, see:

Python Client

We provide a library, called treeherder-client, to simplify interacting with the REST API. It is maintained inside the Treeherder repository, but you can install your own copy from PyPI using pip:

pip install treeherder-client

It will install a module called thclient that you can access, for example:

from thclient import TreeherderClient

By default the production Treeherder API will be used, however this can be overridden by passing a server_url argument to the TreeherderClient constructor:

# Treeherder production
client = TreeherderClient()

# Treeherder stage
client = TreeherderClient(server_url='')

# Local vagrant instance
client = TreeherderClient(server_url='http://localhost:8000')

The Python client has some convenience methods to query the Treeherder API.

Here's a simple example which prints the start timestamp of all the jobs associated with the last 10 pushes on mozilla-central:

from thclient import TreeherderClient

client = TreeherderClient()

pushes = client.get_pushes('mozilla-central') # gets last 10 by default
for pushes in pushes:
    jobs = client.get_jobs('mozilla-central', push_id=pushes['id'])
    for job in jobs:
        print job['start_timestamp']

When using the Python client, don't forget to set up logging in the caller so that any API error messages are output, like so:

import logging


For verbose output, pass level=logging.DEBUG to basicConfig().

User Agents

When interacting with Treeherder's API, you must set an appropriate User Agent header (rather than relying on the defaults of your language/library) so that we can more easily track API feature usage, as well as accidental abuse. Default scripting User Agents will receive an HTTP 403 response (see bug 1230222 for more details).

If you are using the Python Client, an appropriate User Agent is set for you. When using the Python requests library, the User Agent can be set like so:

r = requests.get(url, headers={'User-Agent': ...})


Mozilla's Redash instance at is configured to use Treeherder's read-only MySQL RDS replica as a data source. Users with LDAP credentials can find Treeherder's data under the Treeherder data source and cross-reference it with other data sets available there.


ActiveData imports Treeherder's production data into its Elasticsearch cluster. See the getting started with ActiveData guide for more details.

Direct database access

If the use-cases above aren't sufficient or you're working on a fullstack Perfherder bug, we can provide read-only access to Treeherder's production MySQL RDS replica. Please file an infrastructure bug requesting that someone from the Treeherder team grant access to the read-only replica.

!!! note You won't be able to login when using a read-only replica like the above.

Alternatively if write access is required, we can create a temporary RDS instance from a production database snapshot.

Import performance data from upstream

If the use-cases above still aren't enough, you should ask for read-only access to one of Treeherder's MySQL RDS replicas. Please file an infrastructure bug requesting that someone from the Treeherder team grant access to the read-only replica.

You should be given the credentials in connection URL format.

Once you have the connection URL pointing to the MySQL replica, please provide it in the .env local file. It should look something like this:


Now you're ready to import real data, right from the upstream database!

First, start a local Treeherder instance. Once that's up, connect to the backend container using:

docker container exec -it backend bash

From there, just use the import_perf_data Django management command. A typical import looks like the following:

./ import_perf_data --time-window 2 --frameworks raptor talos --repositories autoland mozilla-beta --num-workers 4

In about 10 minutes you should have a subset of that data available on your local database. The example above fetches 2 days worth of performance data, originating from 2 frameworks and 2 repositories.

If you need to edit the performance data from the frontend's UI, some extra steps are needed.

You have to grant your account perf sheriff rights. To do that, make sure you've logged in from the UI.

Using your favourite SQL client, enter your local database and query the auth_user table, looking for the record associated to your account. The username column should contain something like mozilla-ldap/<your_login_email>. Once you identify the correct row, set its is_staff field to 1 and that's it!