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Developing .NET nanoFramework VS Code extension

This document provides details on how to setup your local environment to develop and code for the extension. Along with some general guidelines about it.


The following packages/tools/frameworks are required:

Note: if you're running into a langversion:9 error, try installing the latest mono-nightly Note: Do not use the mono-complete package provided by your Linux distribution
as it may not include msbuild which is required for this extension to work.

Instead install the mono-complete package provided by the Mono Project.
The preview version is recommended as the stable version is outdated.

Install steps

  • Clone repository and cd into it
  • Run npm install
  • Run pwsh scripts/build.ps1 (on Linux & MacOS) or ./scripts/build.ps1 in Windows PowerShell
  • Open in Visual Studio Code (code .)
  • Press F5 to debug

Updating the dependencies

The extension depends on a .NET nanoFramework tool: nanoFirmwareFlasher. This is made available as git sub-module in the respective folder. To it manually, you have to cd into the folder and use the following git command to update to the desired tag. For example to update nanoFirmwareFlasher to version v2.0.3.

cd nanoFirmwareFlasher
git checkout tags/v2.0.3

Make sure to commit these update changes in a individual commit to the upstream repository.