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What about Deck ?

You may know Kanban website like Trello? Deck is about the same thing but secured and respectful of your privacy!
Integrated in Nextcloud, you can easily manage your projects while having your data secured.

Use cases

Project management, time management or ideation, Deck makes it easier for you to manage your work.

Using Deck

Overall, Deck is easy to use. You can create boards, add users, share the Deck, work collaboratively and in real time.

  1. Create my first board
  2. Create stacks and cards
  3. Handle cards options
  4. Mark task as done
  5. Archive old tasks
  6. Manage your board
  7. Sharing boards
  8. Import boards
  9. Trello interoperability
  10. Search
  11. New owner for the deck entities

1. Create my first board

In this example, we're going to create a board and share it with an other nextcloud user.

Gif for creating boards

2. Create stacks and cards

Stacks are simply columns with list of cards. It can represent a category of tasks or any step in your projects for example.
Check this out :

Gif for creating columns

What about the cards? Cards are tasks, objects or ideas that fit into a stack. You can put a lot of cards in a stack! An infinity? Who knows! Who knows!

And all the magic of this software consists on moving your cards from a stack to an other.
Check this out :

Gif for creating tasks

3. Handle cards options

Once you have created your cards, you can modify them or add options by clicking on them. So, what are the options? Well, there are several of them:

  • Tag Management
  • Assign a card to a user (s·he will receive a notification)
  • Render date, or deadline

Gif for puting infos on tasks

And even :

  • Description in markdown language
  • Attachment - you can leave a document, a picture or some other bonus like that.

Gif for puting infos on tasks 2

4. Mark as done

Once a task has been completed, you can mark it as done. This will prevent it from becoming overdue and hide it from the upcoming cards. You can mark it as not done at any time.

Gif for marking a card as done

5. Archive old tasks

Once obsolete, a task could be archived. The task is not deleted, it's just archived, and you can retrieve it later

Gif for archiving a task

6. Manage your board

You can manage the settings of your Deck once you are inside it, by clicking on the small wheel at the top right. Once in this menu, you have access to several things:

  • Sharing
  • Tags
  • Deleted objects
  • Timeline

The sharing tab allows you to add users or even groups to your boards.
Tags allows you to modify the tags available for the cards.
Deleted objects allows you to return previously deleted stacks or cards.
The Timeline allows you to see everything that happened in your boards. Everything!

7. Sharing boards

You can share boards with a user, a group, or, if you are using the Circles app, with a circle.

If a user is member of one or several group(s) or circle(s) a board is shared with, the following rules apply:

  1. If a user is namely specified in a board's acl, (s)he gets the permission assigned to her/him;
  2. Else, if a user is member of one or several circle(s) or group(s), (s)he gets the permission when at least one circle/group (s)he is member of has the permission.

8. Import boards

Importing can be done using the API or the occ deck:import command.

Comments with more than 1000 characters are placed as attached files to the card.

It is possible to import from the following sources:

9. Trello interoperability

Trello JSON


  • Comments with more than 1000 characters are placed as attached files to the card.


  1. Create the data file:
    • Access Trello.
    • Go to the board you want to export.
    • Follow the steps in Trello documentation and export as JSON.
  2. Create the configuration file.
  3. Execute the import, specifying the import file path, data file, and source as Trello JSON.

Create the configuration file respecting the JSON Schema for importing Trello JSON.

Example configuration file:

    "owner": "admin",
    "color": "0800fd",
    "uidRelation": {
        "johndoe": "johndoe"

Additional Limitations:

  • Importing from a JSON file imports up to 1000 actions. To find out how many actions the board to be imported has, check the number of actions in the JSON.

Trello API

Importing via API is recommended for boards with more than 1000 actions. Trello allows attaching links to a card, but Deck does not support this feature. Attachment links are instead added in a markdown table at the end of the description for each imported card.

  1. Get the API Key and Token here.
  2. Obtain the ID of the board you want to import by making a request to:{yourKey}&token={yourToken}&fields=id,name
  3. Create the configuration file, ensuring it follows the JSON Schema for Trello JSON.

Example configuration file:

    "owner": "admin",
    "color": "0800fd",
    "api": {
        "key": "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661",
        "token": "92eb5ffee6ae2fec3ad71c777531578f4a8a08f09d37b73795649038408b5f33"
    "board": "8277e0910d750195b4487976",
    "uidRelation": {
        "johndoe": "johndoe"

Deck provides a global search either through the unified search in the Nextcloud header or with the inline search next to the board controls. This search allows advanced filtering of cards across all board of the logged in user.

For example the search project tag:ToDo assigned:alice assigned:bob will return all cards where the card title or description contains project and the tag ToDo is set and the user alice is assigned and the user bob is assigned.

Supported search filters

Filter Operators Query
title : text token used for a case-insentitive search on the cards title
description : text token used for a case-insentitive search on the cards description
list : text token used for a case-insentitive search on the cards list name
tag : text token used for a case-insentitive search on the assigned tags
date : 'overdue', 'today', 'week', 'month', 'none'
> < >= <= Compare the card due date to the passed date (see supported date formats) Card due dates are always considered UTC for comparison
assigned : id or displayname of a user or group for a search on the assigned users or groups

Other text tokens will be used to perform a case-insensitive search on the card title and description

In addition, quotes can be used to pass a query with spaces, e.g. "Exact match with spaces" or title:"My card".

11. New owner for the deck entities

You can transfer ownership of boards, cards, etc to a new user, using occ command deck:transfer-ownership

php occ deck:transfer-ownership previousOwner newOwner

The transfer will preserve card details linked to the old owner, which can also be remapped by using the --remap option on the occ command.

php occ deck:transfer-ownership --remap previousOwner newOwner

Individual boards can be transferred by adding the id of the board to the command:

php occ deck:transfer-ownership previousOwner newOwner 123