
25 KiB

The REST API provides access for authenticated users to their data inside the Deck app. To get a better understand of Decks data models and their relations, please have a look at the data structure documentation.



  • Board is the the project like grouping of tasks that can be shared to different users and groups

  • Stack is the grouping of cards which is rendered in vertical columns in the UI

  • Card is the representation of a single task

  • Labels are defined on a board level and can be assigned to any number of cards

Global responses

400 Bad request

In case the request is invalid, e.g. because a parameter is missing, a 400 error will be returned:

  "status": 400,
  "message": "title must be provided"

403 Permission denied

In any case a user doesn't have access to a requested entity, a 403 error will be returned:

    "status": 403,
    "message": "Permission denied"



Some index endpoints support limiting the result set to entries that have been changed since the given time. The supported date formats are:

  • IMF-fixdate: Sun, 03 Aug 2019 10:34:12 GMT
  • (obsolete) RFC 850: Sunday, 03-Aug-19 10:34:12 GMT
  • (obsolete) ANSI C asctime(): Sun Aug 3 10:34:12 2019

It is highly recommended to only use the IMF-fixdate format.

Example curl request:

curl -u admin:admin -X GET \
    'http://localhost:8000/index.php/apps/deck/api/v1.0/boards/2/stacks' \
    -H "OCS-APIRequest: true" \
    -H "If-Modified-Since: Mon, 05 Nov 2018 09:28:00 GMT"



GET /boards - Get a list of boards


The board list endpoint supports setting an If-Modified-Since header to limit the results to entities that are changed after the provided time.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
options Bool Optional Enhance boards with details about labels, stacks and users


200 Success

Returns an array of board items

        "title": "Board title",
        "owner": {
            "primaryKey": "admin",
            "uid": "admin",
            "displayname": "Administrator"
        "color": "ff0000",
        "archived": false,
        "labels": [],
        "acl": [],
        "permissions": {
            "PERMISSION_READ": true,
            "PERMISSION_EDIT": true,
            "PERMISSION_MANAGE": true,
            "PERMISSION_SHARE": true
        "users": [],
        "shared": 0,
        "deletedAt": 0,
        "id": 10

POST /boards - Create a new board

Request body

Parameter Type Description
title String The title of the new board
color String The hexadecimal color of the new board (e.g. FF0000)
    "title": "Board title",
    "color": "ff0000"


200 Success
    "title": "Board title",
    "owner": {
        "primaryKey": "admin",
        "uid": "admin",
        "displayname": "Administrator"
    "color": "ff0000",
    "archived": false,
    "labels": [
            "title": "Finished",
            "color": "31CC7C",
            "boardId": 10,
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 37
            "title": "To review",
            "color": "317CCC",
            "boardId": 10,
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 38
            "title": "Action needed",
            "color": "FF7A66",
            "boardId": 10,
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 39
            "title": "Later",
            "color": "F1DB50",
            "boardId": 10,
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 40
    "acl": [],
    "permissions": {
        "PERMISSION_READ": true,
        "PERMISSION_EDIT": true,
        "PERMISSION_MANAGE": true,
        "PERMISSION_SHARE": true
    "users": [],
    "deletedAt": 0,
    "id": 10

GET /boards/{boardId} - Get board details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board to fetch


200 Success
    "title": "Board title",
    "owner": {
        "primaryKey": "admin",
        "uid": "admin",
        "displayname": "Administrator"
    "color": "ff0000",
    "archived": false,
    "labels": [
            "title": "Finished",
            "color": "31CC7C",
            "boardId": "10",
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 37
            "title": "To review",
            "color": "317CCC",
            "boardId": "10",
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 38
            "title": "Action needed",
            "color": "FF7A66",
            "boardId": "10",
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 39
            "title": "Later",
            "color": "F1DB50",
            "boardId": "10",
            "cardId": null,
            "id": 40
    "acl": [],
    "permissions": {
        "PERMISSION_READ": true,
        "PERMISSION_EDIT": true,
        "PERMISSION_MANAGE": true,
        "PERMISSION_SHARE": true
    "users": [
            "primaryKey": "admin",
            "uid": "admin",
            "displayname": "Administrator"
    "deletedAt": 0,
    "id": 10

PUT /boards/{boardId} - Update board details

Request body

Parameter Type Description
title String The title of the new board
color String The hexadecimal color of the new board (e.g. FF0000)
archived Bool The hexadecimal color of the new board (e.g. FF0000)
    "title": "Board title",
    "color": "ff0000",
    "archived": false


200 Success

DELETE /boards/{boardId} - Delete a board

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board to fetch


200 Success

POST /boards/{boardId}/undo_delete - Restore a deleted board

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board to fetch


200 Success

POST /boards/{boardId}/acl - Add new acl rule

Request body

Parameter Type Description
type Integer Type of the participant
participant String The uid of the participant
permissionEdit Bool Setting if the participant has edit permissions
permissionShare Bool Setting if the participant has sharing permissions
permissionManage Bool Setting if the participant has management permissions
Supported participant types:
  • 0 User
  • 1 Group
  • 7 Circle


200 Success
  "participant": {
    "primaryKey": "userid",
    "uid": "userid",
    "displayname": "User Name"
  "type": 0,
  "boardId": 1,
  "permissionEdit": true,
  "permissionShare": false,
  "permissionManage": true,
  "owner": false,
  "id": 1

PUT /boards/{boardId}/acl/{aclId} - Update an acl rule

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
permissionEdit Bool Setting if the participant has edit permissions
permissionShare Bool Setting if the participant has sharing permissions
permissionManage Bool Setting if the participant has management permissions


200 Success

DELETE /boards/{boardId}/acl/{aclId} - Delete an acl rule


200 Success


GET /boards/{boardId}/stacks - Get stacks


The board list endpoint supports setting an If-Modified-Since header to limit the results to entities that are changed after the provided time.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board to fetch


    "title": "ToDo",
    "boardId": 2,
    "deletedAt": 0,
    "lastModified": 1541426139,
    "cards": [...],
    "order": 999,
    "id": 4
200 Success

GET /boards/{boardId}/stacks/archived - Get list of archived stacks

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board to fetch


    "title": "ToDo",
    "boardId": 2,
    "deletedAt": 0,
    "lastModified": 1541426139,
    "cards": [...],
    "order": 999,
    "id": 4
200 Success

GET /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId} - Get stack details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the stack belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack


200 Success

POST /boards/{boardId}/stacks - Create a new stack

Request body

Parameter Type Description
title String The title of the new stack
order Integer Order for sorting the stacks

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board to fetch


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId} - Update stack details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the stack belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack

Request body

Parameter Type Description
title String The title of the new stack
order Integer Order for sorting the stacks


200 Success

DELETE /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId} - Delete a stack

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the stack belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack


200 Success


GET /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId} - Get card details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card


200 Success

POST /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards - Create a new card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to

Request body

Parameter Type Description
title String The title of the new stack
type String Type of the card (for later use) use 'plain' for now
order Integer Order for sorting the stacks


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId} - Update card details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card

Request data

Parameter Type Description
title String The card title
description String The markdown description of the card
type String Type of the card (for later use) use 'plain' for now
order Integer Order for sorting the stacks
duedate timestamp The duedate of the card or null
   "title": "Test card",
   "description": "A card description",
   "type": "plain",
   "order": 999,
   "duedate": null,


200 Success

DELETE /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId} - Delete a card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/assignLabel - Assign a label to a card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card

Request data

Parameter Type Description
labelId Integer The label id to assign to the card


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/removeLabel - Remove a label to a card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card

Request data

Parameter Type Description
labelId Integer The label id to remove to the card


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/assignUser - Assign a user to a card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card

Request data

Parameter Type Description
userId String The user id to assign to the card


200 Success
  "id": 3,
  "participant": {
    "primaryKey": "admin",
    "uid": "admin",
    "displayname": "admin"
  "cardId": 1
400 Bad request
  "status": 400,
  "message": "The user is already assigned to the card"

The request can fail with a bad request response for the following reasons:

  • Missing or wrongly formatted request parameters
  • The user is already assigned to the card
  • The user is not part of the board

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/unassignUser - Assign a user to a card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card

Request data

Parameter Type Description
userId String The user id to assign to the card


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/reorder - Change the sorting order of a card

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card

Request data

Parameter Type Description
order Integer The position in the stack where the card should be moved to
stackId Integer The id of the stack where the card should be moved to


200 Success


GET /boards/{boardId}/labels/{labelId} - Get label details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the label belongs to
labelId Integer The id of the label


200 Success
  "title": "Abgeschlossen",
  "color": "31CC7C",
  "boardId": "2",
  "cardId": null,
  "id": 5

POST /boards/{boardId}/labels - Create a new label

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the label belongs to

Request data

  "title": "Finished",
  "color": "31CC7C"


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/labels/{labelId} - Update label details

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the label belongs to
labelId Integer The id of the label

Request data

  "title": "Finished",
  "color": "31CC7C"


200 Success

DELETE /boards/{boardId}/labels/{labelId} - Delete a label

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the label belongs to
labelId Integer The id of the label


200 Success


GET /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/attachments - Get a list of attachments

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the card belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the card belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card


200 Success
    "cardId": 5,
    "type": "deck_file",
    "data": "6DADC2C69F4.eml",
    "lastModified": 1541529048,
    "createdAt": 1541529048,
    "createdBy": "admin",
    "deletedAt": 0,
    "extendedData": {
      "filesize": 922258,
      "mimetype": "application/octet-stream",
      "info": {
        "dirname": ".",
        "basename": "6DADC2C69F4.eml",
        "extension": "eml",
        "filename": "6DADC2C69F4"
    "id": 6

GET /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/attachments/{attachmentId} - Get the attachment file

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the attachment belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the attachment belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card the attachment belongs to
attachmentId Integer The id of the attachment


200 Success

POST /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/attachments - Upload an attachment

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the attachment belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the attachment belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card the attachment belongs to

Request data

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of the attachement
file Binary File data to add as an attachment

For now only deck_file is supported as an attachment type.


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/attachments/{attachmentId} - Update an attachment

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the attachment belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the attachment belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card the attachment belongs to
attachmentId Integer The id of the attachment

Request data

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of the attachement
file Binary File data to add as an attachment

For now only deck_file is supported as an attachment type.


200 Success

DELETE /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/attachments/{attachmentId} - Delete an attachment

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the attachment belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the attachment belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card the attachment belongs to
attachmentId Integer The id of the attachment


200 Success

PUT /boards/{boardId}/stacks/{stackId}/cards/{cardId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/restore - Resore a deleted attachment

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
boardId Integer The id of the board the attachment belongs to
stackId Integer The id of the stack the attachment belongs to
cardId Integer The id of the card the attachment belongs to
attachmentId Integer The id of the attachment


200 Success