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This documentation and the API are not final and may contain issues and bugs! Details may change!

To act like a authenticated user, use username:password@ prefix in the URL Parameters in the body override the URL-parameter

Base URL for all calls: /index.php/apps/polls Example calls:

  • Gets all comments of poll no. 1 https://username:password@nextcloud.local/index.php/apps/polls/api/v1.0/poll/1/comments
`curl -u username:password -X GET https://nextcloud.local/index.php/apps/polls/api/v1.0/poll/1/comments`


Default functions

Method Endpoint Payload Description Return codes Return value
GET /api/v1.0/polls no Get array of polls 200, 403, 404 array
GET /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId} no Get poll with {pollId} 200, 403, 404 requested poll
POST /api/v1.0/poll yes Add new poll 201, 403, 404 added poll
PUT /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId} yes Update poll 200, 403, 404, 409 updated poll
DELETE /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId} no Delete poll 200, 403, 404 deleted poll

Special functions

Method Endpoint Payload Description Return codes Return value
POST /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/clone no Clone poll from {pollId} 201, 403, 404 cloned poll
POST /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/trash no Move to/remome from trash 200, 403, 404 updated poll
GET /api/v1.0/enum/poll no Get valid enums 200, 403, 404 array

Valid payloads

Add new poll

    "type": "datePoll",
    "title": "Poll Title"

Update poll

send the full or a partial structure

    "poll": {
        "title": "Changed Title",
        "description": "Updated description",
        "expire": 0,
        "deleted": 0,
        "access": "hidden",
        "anonymous": 1,
        "allowMaybe": 1,
        "showResults": "never",
        "adminAccess": 1

Keys and values

Key Type description
expire integer unix timestamp
deleted integer unix timestamp


Default functions

Method Endpoint Payload Description Return codes Return value
GET /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/options no Get poll options 200, 403, 404 array
POST /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/option yes Add new option 201, 403, 404, 409 added option
PUT /api/v1.0/option/{optionId} yes Update option 200, 403, 404 updated option
DELETE /api/v1.0/option/{optionId} no Delete option 200, 403, 404 deleted option

Special functions (no payloads)

Method Endpoint Description Return codes Return value
PUT /api/v1.0/option/{optionId}/confirm Confirm/unconfirm option 200, 403, 404 confirmed option
PUT /api/v1.0/option/{optionId}/setorder/{order} Set order (text poll) 200, 403, 404 array

Valid payloads

Add/update option (text poll)

    "pollOptionText": "Text of new option"

Add/update option (date poll)

	"timestamp": 1589195823,
    "duration": 1800

Keys and values

Key Type description
pollOptionText String poll text
timestamp Integer 10 digit unix timestamp
duration Integer duration in seconds


Method Endpoint Description Return codes
GET /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/votes Get votes 200, 403, 404
POST /api/v1.0/vote Set vote with Payload 200, 403, 404

set vote

    "optionId": 1,
    "setTo" :"yes"


Method Endpoint Description Return codes
GET /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/comments Get comments 200, 403, 404
POST /api/v1.0/comment Add new comment with Payload 201, 403, 404
DELETE /api/v1.0/comment/{commentId} Delete comment 200, 403, 404

Add comment

    "pollId": 1,
    "message": "Comment text"


Method Endpoint Description Return codes
GET /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/shares Get shares 200, 403, 404
GET /api/v1.0/share/{token} Get share by token 200, 403, 404
POST /api/v1.0/share Add new share with Payload 201, 403, 404
DELETE /api/v1.0/share/{token} Delete share 200, 404, 409

Add share

public share

    "type": "public",
    "pollId": 1

user share


email share


contact share



Method Endpoint Description Return codes
GET /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/subscription Get subscription status 200, 403, 404
PUT /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/subscription Subcribe 201, 403
DELETE /api/v1.0/poll/{pollId}/subscription unsubscribe 200, 403