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Mobile flow
To enable collabora editor into a client there are a few things that need to be care off.
1. Check for support
Check the capabilities API
If this contains a richdocument section then mobile editing is supported. There is a list of mimetypes that can be edited with collabora supplied.
2. Open a file with a fileid
This happens via the OCS api described here This returns an URL that you have to open in a full screen webview. Be sure to have javascript enabled.
3. Interacting with the document
The richdocuments app looks for a javscript handler that the client can
register. This is: RichDocumentsMobileInterface
It expects the following functions:
This closed the webview.
open a filepicker to select a file from your nextcloud. The file has to be submitted to the asset api.
Then the client has to call the function (on the webui):
OCA.RichDocuments.documentsMain.postAsset(filename, url)
This will make sure the assets is added to the document.
opens the share sidebar for the current file