[tx-robot] updated from transifex

This commit is contained in:
Nextcloud bot 2019-09-06 02:48:10 +00:00
Родитель 05768f1fb5
Коммит b34cc34fcf
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 130DAB86D3FB356C
2 изменённых файлов: 22 добавлений и 22 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Spied Ctrl-C lai kopētu.",
"Error while getting the room ID" : "Iegūstot telpas ID, radās kļūda",
"Start a conversation" : "Sākt sarunu",
"Share this file with others to discuss" : "Koplietot šo failu ar citiem, lai apspriestu",
"Share this file with others to discuss" : "Koplietot šo datni ar citiem, lai apspriestu",
"Share" : "Koplietot",
"Room name can not be empty" : "Telpas nosaukums nedrīkst būt tukšs",
"Request password" : "Pieprasīt paroli",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Join call" : "Pievienoties zvanam",
"Start call" : "Sākt zvanu",
"Calls are disabled in this conversation." : "Šajā sarunā zvani ir atspējoti.",
"Go to file" : "Doties uz failu",
"Go to file" : "Doties uz datni",
"Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
"Copy link" : "Kopēt saiti",
"Change password" : "Mainīt paroli",
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}",
"The message you are trying to send is too long" : "Ziņojums, kuru mēģināt nosūtīt, ir pārāk garš",
"Error occurred while sending message" : "Sūtot ziņojumu, radās kļūda",
"File to share" : "Kopīgojamais fails",
"File to share" : "Kopīgojamā datne",
"Error while sharing" : "Koplietošanas laikā radās kļūda",
"Edit" : "Rediģēt",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "Pievienoties sarunai vai sākt jaunu",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser :-/" : "WebRTC netiek atbalstīta jūsu pārlūkprogrammā :-/",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome" : "Lūdzu, izmantojiet citu pārlūkprogrammu, piemēram Firefox vai Chrome",
"Waiting for camera and microphone permissions" : "Gaida kameras un mikrofona atļaujas",
"Please, give your browser access to use your camera and microphone in order to use this app." : "Lūdzu, piešķiriet pārlūkprogrammai piekļuvi kameras un mikrofona lietošanai, lai izmantotu šo programmu.",
"Please, give your browser access to use your camera and microphone in order to use this app." : "Lūdzu, piešķiriet pārlūkprogrammai piekļuvi kamerai un mikrofonam, lai izmantotu šo lietotni.",
"This conversation has ended" : "Šī saruna ir beigusies",
"Set your name in the chat window so other participants can identify you better." : "Iestatiet savu vārdu tērzēšanas logā, lai citi dalībnieki jūs varētu labāk identificēt.",
"Mute audio" : "Izslēgt audio skaņu",
@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{actor} demoted {user} from moderator" : "{actor} pazemināts {user} no regulētāja",
"You demoted {user} from moderator" : "Jūs pazeminājāt {user} no regulētāja",
"{actor} demoted you from moderator" : "{actor} pazemināja jūs no regulētāja",
"{actor} shared a file which is no longer available" : "{actor} kopīgoja failu, kas vairs nav pieejams",
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "Jūs kopīgojāt failu, kas vairs nav pieejams",
"{actor} shared a file which is no longer available" : "{actor} kopīgoja datni, kas vairs nav pieejama",
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "Jūs kopīgojāt datni, kas vairs nav pieejama",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (viesis)",
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1} un {user2} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1}, {user2} un {user3} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1}, {user2}, {user3} un {user4} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} un {user5} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Talk to %s" : "Runāt ar %s",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "Fails nav koplietots vai koplietots, bet nav koplietots ar lietotāju",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "Datne nav koplietota vai koplietots, bet nav koplietots ar lietotāju",
"%s invited you to a conversation." : "%s uzaicināja jūs uz sarunu.",
"You were invited to a conversation." : "Jūs uzaicinājāt uz sarunu.",
"Conversation invitation" : "Sarunas uzaicinājums",
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Conversation not found" : "Saruna nav atrasta",
"Path is already shared with this room" : "Ceļš jau ir koplietots ar šo telpu",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC" : "Video un audio konferences, izmantojot WebRTC",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "Tērzēšana, video un audio konferences, izmantojot WebRTC\n\n* 💬 ** Tērzēšanas integrācija! ** Nextcloud Talk piedāvā vienkāršu teksta tērzēšanu. Ļaujot koplietot failus no Nextcloud un minot citus dalībniekus.\n* 👥 ** Privāti, grupas, publiski un ar paroli aizsargāti zvani! ** Vienkārši uzaicināt kādu personu, veselu grupu vai nosūtīt publisku saiti, lai aicinātu uz zvanu.\n* 💻 ** Ekrāna koplietošana. ** Kopīgojiet savu ekrānu ar sarunas dalībniekiem. Jums tikai jāizmanto Firefox 52 versija (vai jaunāka versija), jaunākā Edge vai Chrome 49 (vai jaunāka versija) ar šo [Chrome paplašinājumu] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 ** Integrācija ar citām Nextcloud lietojumprogrammām **, piemēram, ar failiem, kontaktpersonām un datu bāzi. Vēl kaut kas.\n\nUn[nākamās versijas] (https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), aicināt cilvēkus uz citām Nextclouds",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "Tērzēšana, video un audio konferences, izmantojot WebRTC\n\n* 💬 ** Tērzēšanas integrācija! ** Nextcloud Talk piedāvā vienkāršu teksta tērzēšanu. Ļaujot koplietot datnes no Nextcloud un minot citus dalībniekus.\n* 👥 ** Privāti, grupas, publiski un ar paroli aizsargāti zvani! ** Vienkārši uzaicināt kādu personu, veselu grupu vai nosūtīt publisku saiti, lai aicinātu uz zvanu.\n* 💻 ** Ekrāna koplietošana. ** Kopīgojiet savu ekrānu ar sarunas dalībniekiem. Jums tikai jāizmanto Firefox 52 versija (vai jaunāka versija), jaunākā Edge vai Chrome 49 (vai jaunāka versija) ar šo [Chrome paplašinājumu] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 ** Integrācija ar citām Nextcloud lietojumprogrammām **, piemēram, ar failiem, kontaktpersonām un datu bāzi. Vēl kaut kas.\n\nUn[nākamās versijas] (https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), aicināt cilvēkus uz citām Nextclouds",
"None" : "Nav",
"User" : "Lietotājs",
"Everyone" : "Visi",
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall." : "TURN serveris tiek izmantots, lai bloķētu dalībnieku datplūsmu aiz ugunsmūra.",
"%s Talk on your mobile devices" : "%s Sarunas mobilajās ierīcēs",
"Join conversations at any time, any where, on any device." : "Pievienojieties sarunām jebkurā laikā, jebkurā vietā, jebkurā ierīcē.",
"Android app" : "Android programma",
"iOS app" : "iOS programma",
"Android app" : "Android lietotne",
"iOS app" : "iOS lietotne",
"Link to a conversation" : "Saite uz sarunu",
"Signaling server URL" : "Signalizēšanas servera URL",
"Delete server" : "Dzēst serveri",
@ -316,6 +316,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"* You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "* Tagad varat paziņot visiem dalībniekiem, tērzēšanas sarunā ievietojot “@all”",
"* With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "* Izmantojot bulttaustiņu, varat pārgrāmatot pēdējo ziņojumu",
"* Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "* Sarunai var būt komandas, sūtīt “/help” kā tērzēšanas ziņojumu, lai redzētu, vai administrators ir konfigurējis komandas",
"* With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "* Izmantojot projektus, var izveidot ātras saites starp sarunām, failiem un citiem vienumiem"
"* With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "* Izmantojot projektus, var izveidot ātras saites starp sarunām, datnēm un citiem vienumiem"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");

Просмотреть файл

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Spied Ctrl-C lai kopētu.",
"Error while getting the room ID" : "Iegūstot telpas ID, radās kļūda",
"Start a conversation" : "Sākt sarunu",
"Share this file with others to discuss" : "Koplietot šo failu ar citiem, lai apspriestu",
"Share this file with others to discuss" : "Koplietot šo datni ar citiem, lai apspriestu",
"Share" : "Koplietot",
"Room name can not be empty" : "Telpas nosaukums nedrīkst būt tukšs",
"Request password" : "Pieprasīt paroli",
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"Join call" : "Pievienoties zvanam",
"Start call" : "Sākt zvanu",
"Calls are disabled in this conversation." : "Šajā sarunā zvani ir atspējoti.",
"Go to file" : "Doties uz failu",
"Go to file" : "Doties uz datni",
"Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
"Copy link" : "Kopēt saiti",
"Change password" : "Mainīt paroli",
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}",
"The message you are trying to send is too long" : "Ziņojums, kuru mēģināt nosūtīt, ir pārāk garš",
"Error occurred while sending message" : "Sūtot ziņojumu, radās kļūda",
"File to share" : "Kopīgojamais fails",
"File to share" : "Kopīgojamā datne",
"Error while sharing" : "Koplietošanas laikā radās kļūda",
"Edit" : "Rediģēt",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "Pievienoties sarunai vai sākt jaunu",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser :-/" : "WebRTC netiek atbalstīta jūsu pārlūkprogrammā :-/",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome" : "Lūdzu, izmantojiet citu pārlūkprogrammu, piemēram Firefox vai Chrome",
"Waiting for camera and microphone permissions" : "Gaida kameras un mikrofona atļaujas",
"Please, give your browser access to use your camera and microphone in order to use this app." : "Lūdzu, piešķiriet pārlūkprogrammai piekļuvi kameras un mikrofona lietošanai, lai izmantotu šo programmu.",
"Please, give your browser access to use your camera and microphone in order to use this app." : "Lūdzu, piešķiriet pārlūkprogrammai piekļuvi kamerai un mikrofonam, lai izmantotu šo lietotni.",
"This conversation has ended" : "Šī saruna ir beigusies",
"Set your name in the chat window so other participants can identify you better." : "Iestatiet savu vārdu tērzēšanas logā, lai citi dalībnieki jūs varētu labāk identificēt.",
"Mute audio" : "Izslēgt audio skaņu",
@ -172,15 +172,15 @@
"{actor} demoted {user} from moderator" : "{actor} pazemināts {user} no regulētāja",
"You demoted {user} from moderator" : "Jūs pazeminājāt {user} no regulētāja",
"{actor} demoted you from moderator" : "{actor} pazemināja jūs no regulētāja",
"{actor} shared a file which is no longer available" : "{actor} kopīgoja failu, kas vairs nav pieejams",
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "Jūs kopīgojāt failu, kas vairs nav pieejams",
"{actor} shared a file which is no longer available" : "{actor} kopīgoja datni, kas vairs nav pieejama",
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "Jūs kopīgojāt datni, kas vairs nav pieejama",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (viesis)",
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1} un {user2} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1}, {user2} un {user3} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1}, {user2}, {user3} un {user4} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "Saruna ar {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} un {user5} ( Ilgums {duration})",
"Talk to %s" : "Runāt ar %s",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "Fails nav koplietots vai koplietots, bet nav koplietots ar lietotāju",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "Datne nav koplietota vai koplietots, bet nav koplietots ar lietotāju",
"%s invited you to a conversation." : "%s uzaicināja jūs uz sarunu.",
"You were invited to a conversation." : "Jūs uzaicinājāt uz sarunu.",
"Conversation invitation" : "Sarunas uzaicinājums",
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
"Conversation not found" : "Saruna nav atrasta",
"Path is already shared with this room" : "Ceļš jau ir koplietots ar šo telpu",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC" : "Video un audio konferences, izmantojot WebRTC",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "Tērzēšana, video un audio konferences, izmantojot WebRTC\n\n* 💬 ** Tērzēšanas integrācija! ** Nextcloud Talk piedāvā vienkāršu teksta tērzēšanu. Ļaujot koplietot failus no Nextcloud un minot citus dalībniekus.\n* 👥 ** Privāti, grupas, publiski un ar paroli aizsargāti zvani! ** Vienkārši uzaicināt kādu personu, veselu grupu vai nosūtīt publisku saiti, lai aicinātu uz zvanu.\n* 💻 ** Ekrāna koplietošana. ** Kopīgojiet savu ekrānu ar sarunas dalībniekiem. Jums tikai jāizmanto Firefox 52 versija (vai jaunāka versija), jaunākā Edge vai Chrome 49 (vai jaunāka versija) ar šo [Chrome paplašinājumu] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 ** Integrācija ar citām Nextcloud lietojumprogrammām **, piemēram, ar failiem, kontaktpersonām un datu bāzi. Vēl kaut kas.\n\nUn[nākamās versijas] (https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), aicināt cilvēkus uz citām Nextclouds",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "Tērzēšana, video un audio konferences, izmantojot WebRTC\n\n* 💬 ** Tērzēšanas integrācija! ** Nextcloud Talk piedāvā vienkāršu teksta tērzēšanu. Ļaujot koplietot datnes no Nextcloud un minot citus dalībniekus.\n* 👥 ** Privāti, grupas, publiski un ar paroli aizsargāti zvani! ** Vienkārši uzaicināt kādu personu, veselu grupu vai nosūtīt publisku saiti, lai aicinātu uz zvanu.\n* 💻 ** Ekrāna koplietošana. ** Kopīgojiet savu ekrānu ar sarunas dalībniekiem. Jums tikai jāizmanto Firefox 52 versija (vai jaunāka versija), jaunākā Edge vai Chrome 49 (vai jaunāka versija) ar šo [Chrome paplašinājumu] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 ** Integrācija ar citām Nextcloud lietojumprogrammām **, piemēram, ar failiem, kontaktpersonām un datu bāzi. Vēl kaut kas.\n\nUn[nākamās versijas] (https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), aicināt cilvēkus uz citām Nextclouds",
"None" : "Nav",
"User" : "Lietotājs",
"Everyone" : "Visi",
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@
"The TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall." : "TURN serveris tiek izmantots, lai bloķētu dalībnieku datplūsmu aiz ugunsmūra.",
"%s Talk on your mobile devices" : "%s Sarunas mobilajās ierīcēs",
"Join conversations at any time, any where, on any device." : "Pievienojieties sarunām jebkurā laikā, jebkurā vietā, jebkurā ierīcē.",
"Android app" : "Android programma",
"iOS app" : "iOS programma",
"Android app" : "Android lietotne",
"iOS app" : "iOS lietotne",
"Link to a conversation" : "Saite uz sarunu",
"Signaling server URL" : "Signalizēšanas servera URL",
"Delete server" : "Dzēst serveri",
@ -314,6 +314,6 @@
"* You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "* Tagad varat paziņot visiem dalībniekiem, tērzēšanas sarunā ievietojot “@all”",
"* With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "* Izmantojot bulttaustiņu, varat pārgrāmatot pēdējo ziņojumu",
"* Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "* Sarunai var būt komandas, sūtīt “/help” kā tērzēšanas ziņojumu, lai redzētu, vai administrators ir konfigurējis komandas",
"* With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "* Izmantojot projektus, var izveidot ātras saites starp sarunām, failiem un citiem vienumiem"
"* With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "* Izmantojot projektus, var izveidot ātras saites starp sarunām, datnēm un citiem vienumiem"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);"