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Исходник Ответственный История

Conversation API

Base endpoint is: /ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v1

Get user´s conversations

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /room

  • Response:

    • Header:

      • 200 OK
      • 401 Unauthorized when the user is not logged in
    • Data: Array of conversations, each conversation has at least:

      field type Description
      token string Token identifier of the conversation which is used for further interaction
      type int
      name string Name of the conversation (can also be empty)
      displayName string name if non empty, otherwise it falls back to a list of participants
      participantType int Permissions level of the current user
      participantInCall bool Flag if the current user is in the call (deprecated, use participantFlags instead)
      participantFlags int Flags of the current user (only available with in-call-flags capability)
      readOnly int Read-only state for the current user (only available with read-only-rooms capability)
      count int Number of active users
      numGuests int Number of active guests
      lastPing int Timestamp of the last ping of the current user (should be used for sorting)
      sessionId string '0' if not connected, otherwise a 512 character long string
      hasPassword bool Flag if the conversation has a password
      hasCall bool Flag if the conversation has an active call
      canStartCall bool Flag if the user can start a new call in this conversation (joining is always possible) (only available with start-call-flag capability)
      lastActivity int Timestamp of the last activity in the conversation, in seconds and UTC time zone
      isFavorite bool Flag if the conversation is favorited by the user
      notificationLevel int The notification level for the user (one of Participant::NOTIFY_* (1-3))
      lobbyState int Webinary lobby restriction (0-1), if the participant is a moderator they can always join the conversation (only available with webinary-lobby capability)
      lobbyTimer int Timestamp when the lobby will be automatically disabled (only available with webinary-lobby capability)
      unreadMessages int Number of unread chat messages in the conversation (only available with chat-v2 capability)
      unreadMention bool Flag if the user was mentioned since their last visit
      lastReadMessage int ID of the last read message in a room (only available with chat-read-marker capability)
      lastMessage message Last message in a conversation if available, otherwise empty
      objectType string The type of object that the conversation is associated with; "share:password" if the conversation is used to request a password for a share, otherwise empty
      objectId string Share token if "objectType" is "share:password", otherwise empty

Creating a new conversation

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /room

  • Data:

    field type Description
    roomType int
    invite string user id (roomType = 1), group id (roomType = 2 - optional), circle id (roomType = 2, source = 'circles'], only available with circles-support capability))
    source string The source for the invite, only supported on roomType = 2 for groups and circles (only available with circles-support capability)
    roomName string conversation name (Not available for roomType = 1)
  • Response:

    • Header:

      • 200 OK When the "one to one" conversation already exists
      • 201 Created When the conversation was created
      • 400 Bad Request When an invalid conversation type was given
      • 400 Bad Request When the conversation name is empty for type = 3
      • 401 Unauthorized When the user is not logged in
      • 404 Not Found When the target to invite does not exist
    • Data: See array definition in Get user´s conversations

Get single conversation (also for guests)

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}

  • Response:

    • Header:

      • 200 OK
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant
    • Data: See array definition in Get user´s conversations

Rename a conversation

  • Method: PUT

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}

  • Data:

    field type Description
    roomName string New name for the conversation (1-200 characters)
  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 400 Bad Request When the name is too long or empty
      • 400 Bad Request When the conversation is a one to one conversation
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator/owner
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Delete a conversation

  • Method: DELETE

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}

  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 400 Bad Request When the conversation is a one-to-one conversation (Use Remove yourself from a conversation instead)
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator/owner
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Allow guests in a conversation (public conversation)

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/public

  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 400 Bad Request When the conversation is not a group conversation
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator/owner
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Disallow guests in a conversation (group conversation)

  • Method: DELETE

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/public

  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 400 Bad Request When the conversation is not a public conversation
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator/owner
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Set read-only for a conversation

  • Method: PUT

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/read-only

  • Data:

    field type Description
    state int New state for the conversation
  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 400 Bad Request When the conversation type does not support read-only (only group and public conversation)
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator/owner or the conversation is not a public conversation
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Set password for a conversation

  • Method: PUT

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/password

  • Data:

    field type Description
    password string New password for the conversation
  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator or owner
      • 403 Forbidden When the conversation is not a public conversation
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Set conversation password

  • Method: PUT

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/password

  • Data:

    field type Description
    password string Set a new password for the conversation
  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 403 Forbidden When the current user is not a moderator/owner
      • 403 Forbidden When the conversation is not a public conversation
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Add conversation to favorites

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/favorite

  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 401 Unauthorized When the participant is a guest
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Remove conversation from favorites

  • Method: DELETE

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/favorite

  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 401 Unauthorized When the participant is a guest
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant

Set notification level

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /room/{token}/notify

  • Data:

    field type Description
    level int The notification level (See Participant notification levels)
  • Response:

    • Header:
      • 200 OK
      • 400 Bad Request When the the given level is invalid
      • 401 Unauthorized When the participant is a guest
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant