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Chat API

Base endpoint is: /ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v1

Receive chat messages of a conversation

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /chat/{token}

  • Data:

    field type Description
    lookIntoFuture int 1 Poll and wait for new message or 0 get history of a conversation
    limit int Number of chat messages to receive (100 by default, 200 at most)
    lastKnownMessageId int Serves as an offset for the query. The lastKnownMessageId for the next page is available in the X-Chat-Last-Given header.
    timeout int $lookIntoFuture = 1 only, Number of seconds to wait for new messages (30 by default, 60 at most)
    setReadMarker int 1 to automatically set the read timer after fetching the messages, use 0 when your client calls Mark chat as read manually. (Default: 1)
    includeLastKnown int 1 to include the last known message as well (Default: 0)
  • Response:

    • Status code:

      • 200 OK
      • 304 Not Modified When there were no older/newer messages
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant
      • 412 Precondition Failed When the lobby is active and the user is not a moderator
    • Header:

      field type Description
      X-Chat-Last-Given int Offset (lastKnownMessageId) for the next page.
    • Data: Array of messages, each message has at least:

      field type Description
      id int ID of the comment
      token string Conversation token
      actorType string guests or users
      actorId string User id of the message author
      actorDisplayName string Display name of the message author
      timestamp int Timestamp in seconds and UTC time zone
      systemMessage string empty for normal chat message or the type of the system message (untranslated)
      messageType string Currently known types are comment, system and command
      isReplyable bool True if the user can post a reply to this message (only available with chat-replies capability)
      referenceId string A reference string that was given while posting the message to be able to identify a sent message again (only available with chat-reference-id capability)
      message string Message string with placeholders (see Rich Object String)
      messageParameters array Message parameters for message (see Rich Object String)
      parent array Optional: See Parent data below

Parent data

  • When deleted:

    field type Description
    id int ID of the parent comment
    deleted bool true when the parent is deleted
  • Regular message:

    Full message array as shown above, but parent will never be set for a parent message.

Sending a new chat message

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /chat/{token}

  • Data:

    field type Description
    message string The message the user wants to say
    actorDisplayName string Guest display name (ignored for logged in users)
    replyTo int The message ID this message is a reply to (only allowed for messages from the same conversation and when the message type is not system or command)
    referenceId string A reference string to be able to identify the message again in a "get messages" request, should be a random sha256 (only available with chat-reference-id capability)
  • Response:

    • Status code:

      • 201 Created
      • 400 Bad Request In case of any other error
      • 403 Forbidden When the conversation is read-only
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant
      • 412 Precondition Failed When the lobby is active and the user is not a moderator
      • 413 Payload Too Large When the message was longer than the allowed limit of 32000 characters (or 1000 until Nextcloud 16.0.1, check the spreed => config => chat => max-length capability for the limit)
    • Data: The full message array of the new message, as defined in Receive chat messages of a conversation

Mark chat as read

  • Method: POST

  • Endpoint: /chat/{token}/read

  • Data:

    field type Description
    lastReadMessage int The last read message ID
  • Response:

    • Status code:
      • 200 OK
      • 404 Not Found When the room could not be found for the participant, or the participant is a guest.

Get mention autocomplete suggestions

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /chat/{token}/mentions

  • Data:

    field type Description
    search string Search term for name suggestions (should at least be 1 character)
    limit int Number of suggestions to receive (20 by default)
  • Response:

    • Status code:

      • 200 OK
      • 403 Forbidden When the conversation is read-only
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found for the participant
      • 412 Precondition Failed When the lobby is active and the user is not a moderator
    • Data: Array of suggestions, each suggestion has at least:

      field type Description
      id string The user id which should be sent as @<id> in the message (user ids that contain spaces as well as guest ids need to be wrapped in double-quotes when sending in a message: @"space user" and @"guest/random-string")
      label string The displayname of the user
      source string The type of the user, currently only users, guests or calls (for mentioning the whole conversation

System messages

  • conversation_created - {actor} created the conversation
  • conversation_renamed - {actor} renamed the conversation from "foo" to "bar"
  • call_started - {actor} started a call
  • call_joined - {actor} joined the call
  • call_left - {actor} left the call
  • call_ended - Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration 30:23)
  • read_only_off - {actor} unlocked the conversation
  • read_only - {actor} locked the conversation
  • lobby_timer_reached - The conversation is now open to everyone
  • lobby_none - {actor} opened the conversation to everyone
  • lobby_non_moderators - {actor} restricted the conversation to moderators
  • guests_allowed - {actor} allowed guests in the conversation
  • guests_disallowed - {actor} disallowed guests in the conversation
  • password_set - {actor} set a password for the conversation
  • password_removed - {actor} removed the password for the conversation
  • user_added - {actor} added {user} to the conversation
  • user_removed - {actor} removed {user} from the conversation
  • moderator_promoted - {actor} promoted {user} to moderator
  • moderator_demoted - {actor} demoted {user} from moderator
  • guest_moderator_promoted - {actor} promoted {user} to moderator
  • guest_moderator_demoted - {actor} demoted {user} from moderator