
947 B

golang library get AutoCAD parameters from registry

download: go get -u


  1. IsAutocadInstalled() bool
  2. ReleaseAutocadInstalled() string
  3. RegPathAutocadLogFile() string
  4. PathAutocadLogFile() string

func IsAutocadInstalled() bool

IsAutocadInstalled - checks installed in system any version of AutoCAD return true if installed,
return false if not istalled
used const _RegPathAcad === "Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD"

func ReleaseAutocadInstalled() string  

ReleaseAutocadInstalled return string with release of AutoCAD installer in system
return "-" if Autocad not installed

func RegPathAutocadLogFile() string  

RegPathAutocadLogFile - return string registry path to key store log file folder

func PathAutocadLogFile() string  

PathAutocadLogFile - return path to folder where AutoCAD store log file