Manual installation
- From the latest release download the whl file and the source code zip, unzip and locate the subfolder "speckle_arcgis_installer" on your machine and place whl file in it.
- Clone the default ArcGIS Pro conda environment (or set the one you use, except the default one) and restart ArcGIS Pro
- for 3.0.0: Project-> Package Manager-> Active Environment (Environment Manager)-> Clone arcgispro-py3
- Adjust the path to your new environment python executable (variable "pythonPath" in "speckle_arcgis_installer/")
- Enter the location of '' in the following command and run this command in ArcGIS Python console (View -> Python Window)
import sysconfig; import subprocess; x = sysconfig.get_paths()['data'] + r"\python.exe";, 'C:\\Users\\pathToFolder\\speckle_arcgis_installer\\'), capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True, timeout=1000 )