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post Colors Customization in Flutter Treemap widget | Syncfusion Learn here all about the Colors Customization feature of Syncfusion Flutter Treemap (SfTreemap) widget and more. Flutter SfTreemap ug

Colors Customization in Flutter Treemap (SfTreemap)

This section explains about the customization of color for the tiles based on specific value or range of values.

Level color

You can apply uniform color to the whole level using the TreemapLevel.color property.

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late List _source;

@override void initState() { _source = [ JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Sales', vacancy: 70), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 35), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 105), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 25), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 155), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel( country: 'Germany', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 25), JobVacancyModel( country: 'Germany', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 155), ]; super.initState(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: SfTreemap( dataCount: _source.length, weightValueMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].vacancy; }, levels: [ TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].country, color: Colors.cyan, padding: EdgeInsets.all(1.5), ), TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].job, color: Colors.pink[200], padding: EdgeInsets.all(10), ), TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].group, color: Colors.green[400], padding: EdgeInsets.all(10), ), ], ), ); }

class JobVacancyModel { const JobVacancyModel( {required this.country, required this.job, this.group, this.role, required this.vacancy}); final String country; final String job; final String? group; final String? role; final double vacancy; }

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Levels color customization


Equal color mapping

If you return a value of different type other than the color from the TreemapLevel.colorValueMapper, then you must set the colorMappers property which is a collection of TreemapColorMapper.

The value returned from the TreemapLevel.colorValueMapper callback will be used for the comparison in the TreemapColorMapper.value. For the matched values, the TreemapColorMapper.color will be applied to the respective tiles.

N> You can customize the legend icons color and texts using the TreemapColorMapper.color and the TreemapColorMapper.value properties respectively.

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late List _source; late List _colorMappers;

@override void initState() { _source = [ SocialMediaUsers('India', 'Facebook', 25.4), SocialMediaUsers('USA', 'Instagram', 19.11), SocialMediaUsers('Japan', 'Facebook', 13.3), SocialMediaUsers('Germany', 'Instagram', 10.65), SocialMediaUsers('France', 'Twitter', 7.54), SocialMediaUsers('UK', 'Instagram', 4.93), ];

_colorMappers = [ TreemapColorMapper.value(value: 'Facebook', color: Colors.blue[200]!), TreemapColorMapper.value(value: 'Instagram', color: Colors.deepOrange), TreemapColorMapper.value(value: 'Twitter', color: Colors.blue[800]!), ]; super.initState(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: SfTreemap( dataCount: _source.length, weightValueMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].usersInMillions; }, levels: [ TreemapLevel( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(2.5), groupMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].country; }, labelBuilder: (BuildContext context, TreemapTile tile) { return Text(_source[tile.indices[0]].socialMedia); }, colorValueMapper: (TreemapTile tile) { return _source[tile.indices[0]].socialMedia; }, ), ], colorMappers: _colorMappers, ), ); }

class SocialMediaUsers { const SocialMediaUsers(this.country, this.socialMedia, this.usersInMillions);

final String country; final String socialMedia; final double usersInMillions; }

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Equal color mapping


Range color mapping

If you return a range value in the TreemapLevel.colorValueMapper, then you must set the colorMappers property.

The value returned from the TreemapLevel.colorValueMapper callback will be checked whether it lies in the TreemapColorMapper.from and TreemapColorMapper.to range. For the matched values, the TreemapColorMapper.color will be applied to the respective tiles.

  • MinSaturation and MaxSaturation - The tiles with the lowest value which is from will be applied a minSaturation and the tiles with the highest value which is to will be applied a maxSaturation. The tiles with values in-between the range will get a saturation based on their respective value.

N> You can customize the legend icons color and texts using the TreemapColorMapper.color and the TreemapColorMapper.from and TreemapColorMapper.to properties.

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late List _source; late List _colorMappers;

@override void initState() { _source = [ SocialMediaUsers('India', 'Facebook', 25.4), SocialMediaUsers('USA', 'Instagram', 19.11), SocialMediaUsers('Japan', 'Facebook', 13.3), SocialMediaUsers('Germany', 'Instagram', 10.65), SocialMediaUsers('France', 'Twitter', 7.54), SocialMediaUsers('UK', 'Instagram', 4.93), ];

_colorMappers = [ TreemapColorMapper.range( from: 0, to: 10, minSaturation: 0.5, maxSaturation: 1, color: Colors.blue[200]!), TreemapColorMapper.range( from: 10, to: 20, minSaturation: 0.5, maxSaturation: 1, color: Colors.deepOrange), TreemapColorMapper.range( from: 20, to: 30, minSaturation: 0.5, maxSaturation: 1, color: Colors.blue[800]!), ]; super.initState(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Container( height: 400, width: 400, child: SfTreemap( dataCount: _source.length, weightValueMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].usersInMillions; }, levels: [ TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].country; }, colorValueMapper: (TreemapTile tile) { return tile.weight; }, ), ], colorMappers: _colorMappers, ), ), ), ); }

class SocialMediaUsers { SocialMediaUsers(this.country, this.socialMedia, this.usersInMillions);

final String country; final String socialMedia; final double usersInMillions; }

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Range color mapping
