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post Flat and Hierarchical Levels in Flutter Treemap | Syncfusion Learn here all about the Flat and Hierarchical Levels feature of Syncfusion Flutter Treemap (SfTreemap) widget and more. Flutter SfTreemap ug

Flat and Hierarchical Levels in Flutter Treemap (SfTreemap)

The levels of the treemap can be categorized into the following two types,

  • Flat level.
  • Hierarchical level.

Flat level

There will be a tile for each unique value returned in the TreemapLevel.groupMapper callback which is added to the levels collection property of SfTreemap.


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late List _source;

@override void initState() { _source = [ PopulationModel('Asia', 25.4), PopulationModel('South America', 19.11), PopulationModel('North America', 13.3), PopulationModel('Europe', 10.65), PopulationModel('Africa', 7.54), PopulationModel('Australia', 4.93), ]; super.initState(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Container( height: 400, width: 400, child: SfTreemap( dataCount: _source.length, weightValueMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].populationInMillions; }, levels: [ TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].continent; }, ), ], ), ), ), ); }

class PopulationModel { const PopulationModel(this.continent, this.populationInMillions);

final String continent; final double populationInMillions; }

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Squarified flat level


Hierarchical level

Hierarchical level arrange the tiles in the form of nested rectangles. Each tile of the treemap is a rectangle which is filled with smaller rectangles representing sub-data. You can have more than one TreemapLevel in the levels collection to form a hierarchical treemap.

The first level will work similarly to the flat level. From the next level in the levels collection, the items returned from the TreemapLevel.groupMapper for the indices, will be placed inside the rectangle for the same indices returned from the TreemapLevel.groupMapper in the previous level. This will go on until the last level in the levels collection.


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late List _source;

@override void initState() { _source = [ JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Sales', vacancy: 70), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 35), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 105), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Management', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Accounts', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 25), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 155), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel( country: 'Germany', job: 'Sales', group: 'Executive', vacancy: 30), JobVacancyModel( country: 'Germany', job: 'Sales', group: 'Analyst', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel( country: 'UK', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 100), JobVacancyModel( country: 'UK', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 30), JobVacancyModel(country: 'UK', job: 'HR Executives', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel(country: 'UK', job: 'Marketing', vacancy: 40), ]; super.initState(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Container( height: 400, width: 400, child: SfTreemap( dataCount: _source.length, weightValueMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].vacancy; }, levels: [ TreemapLevel(groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].country), TreemapLevel(groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].job), TreemapLevel(groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].group), TreemapLevel(groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].role), ], ), ), ), ); }

class JobVacancyModel { const JobVacancyModel( {required this.country, required this.job, this.group, this.role, required this.vacancy}); final String country; final String job; final String? group; final String? role; final double vacancy; }

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Squarified hierarchical level


Appearance customization

You can customize the levels using the following properties:

  • Padding - Specifies the gap between the groups. The default value of the TreemapLevel.padding property is EdgeInsets.all(0.5).

  • Color - Specifies the background color for the group using the TreemapLevel.color property.

  • Border - Specifies the border color, border width and border radius for the group using the TreemapLevel.border property.


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late List _source;

@override void initState() { _source = [ JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Sales', vacancy: 70), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 35), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 105), JobVacancyModel( country: 'America', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Management', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel(country: 'America', job: 'Accounts', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Testers', vacancy: 25), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 155), JobVacancyModel( country: 'India', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel( country: 'Germany', job: 'Sales', group: 'Executive', vacancy: 30), JobVacancyModel( country: 'Germany', job: 'Sales', group: 'Analyst', vacancy: 40), JobVacancyModel( country: 'UK', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Windows', vacancy: 100), JobVacancyModel( country: 'UK', job: 'Technical', group: 'Developers', role: 'Web', vacancy: 30), JobVacancyModel(country: 'UK', job: 'HR Executives', vacancy: 60), JobVacancyModel(country: 'UK', job: 'Marketing', vacancy: 40), ]; super.initState(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: SfTreemap( dataCount: _source.length, weightValueMapper: (int index) { return _source[index].vacancy; }, levels: [ TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].country, color: Colors.blue, border: RoundedRectangleBorder( side: BorderSide( color: Colors.blue, width: 1, ), ), padding: EdgeInsets.all(2.5), ), TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].job, color: Colors.orangeAccent, border: RoundedRectangleBorder( side: BorderSide( color: Colors.orangeAccent, width: 1, ), ), padding: EdgeInsets.all(2.5), ), TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].group, color: Colors.green[300], border: RoundedRectangleBorder( side: BorderSide( color: Colors.green, width: 1, ), ), padding: EdgeInsets.all(5), ), TreemapLevel( groupMapper: (int index) => _source[index].role, color: Colors.pink[300], border: RoundedRectangleBorder( side: BorderSide( color: Colors.pink, width: 1, ), ), padding: EdgeInsets.all(5), ), ], ), ); }

class JobVacancyModel { const JobVacancyModel( {required this.country, required this.job, this.group, this.role, required this.vacancy}); final String country; final String job; final String? group; final String? role; final double vacancy; }

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Appearance customized levels
