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Исходник Ответственный История



20.3.52 (2022-10-26)


Bug Fixes

  • #I400775 - DataStateChange event argument type is not matched with the original argument list has been fixed.
  • #I411026 - Expanding child grid throws script while adding data dynamically to the child has been resolved.
  • #I412478 - SetCellValue is working fine with virtualization.
  • #411780 - German translation for the word search has been changed.
  • #I367158 - While rendering the grid in the template column the script error thrown with resizing the frozen column has been fixed.

20.3.50 (2022-10-18)


Bug Fixes

  • #F176739 - CSS problem occurs when drag and drop between child grid and other grid issue has been fixed.
  • #I389344 - PDF Exporting issue with Hierarchy grid and grouping in parent grid has been fixed.
  • #F177682 - Validation message is not showing properly in movable columns with empty records has been fixed.

20.3.49 (2022-10-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #F177034 - Grid editing after removing frozen column throws script error has been fixed.
  • #I409787 - Checkbox selection is not working properly on down arrow key navigation has been fixed.
  • #F177722 - Save action of command column is not working when Grid having both left and right frozen has been fixed.
  • #FB37591 - Frozen rows are not emptied even if filtering returns no record when virtualization enabled has been fixed.
  • #F177810 - Provided localization support for sort buttons in Adaptive Grid.
  • #I405703 - CellSelected event not triggered with custom span element in row cells has been fixed.
  • #I394025 - Memory leak issue with Command column has been fixed.
  • #FB32003, #FB38052 - Ellipsis is not showing in the Firefox browser has been fixed.
  • #I407497 - Focus issue while render multiple inputs in the column template issue has been fixed.

20.3.48 (2022-10-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #I397183 - checkbox issue when enabling the persistence has been fixed.
  • #I399882 - rowIndexes in RowSelectEventArgs becomes undefined when single row is selected has been fixed.
  • #I402071 - Column chooser with frozen columns and wrap mode as header throws script error has been fixed.
  • #I404733 - SetRowData method is not working properly used inside the childGrid is fixed.

20.3.47 (2022-09-29)


New Features

  • F26767 - Provided the Shimmer effect for grid while loading, refreshing and data processing.
  • Provided the lazy load group support for infinite scrolling enabled grid.
  • I388050, I388052, I375590, I370773, I375590 - Grid features and icons have been enhanced to meet web accessibility standards and enabled localization support for aria-labels.

Breaking Changes

  • #I374913 - Prevented the group collapse action in infinite scrolling with cache mode by hiding the icons.

Bug Fixes

  • #I397430 - Script error while hiding the Sticky Header Grid using ngIf property has been fixed.
  • #I407127 - Custom command buttons not working with infinite scrolling is fixed.
  • #I401295 - Group by fails for 1 record on collapse issue has been fixed.
  • #I401412 - Script error after destroying the Grid with sticky header has been fixed.
  • #F176953 - Filtering issue with Frozen column and Row drag and drop feature has been resolved.

20.2.38 (2022-07-12)


Bug Fixes

  • #I376131 - when cell containing the checkbox is double clicked the next cell content gets highlighted issue has been fixed.
  • #I385933 - Custom format on number column is not working properly in Grid pdf export issue has been fixed.
  • #FB35672 - Empty grid in batch edit mode throws script error has been fixed.
  • #I382789 - Tab key Navigation not working When allowEditing set to false with RowDragandDrop is fixed.
  • #FB34522 - Column reorder not working properly in column freeze enabled is fixed.

20.2.36 (2022-06-30)


New Features

  • #I359178 - Provided support to show clear icon in the Grid search text box. It helps to clear the text in search text box and also clear the searching in Grid control too. Please find the demo link here

  • #I328056, #I369597 - Provided support to prevent the selection of specific rows based on the condition.

  • Enhanced the keyboard support for Data grid control. Please find the demo link here

  • #I194399 - Provided support to rotate grid header while exporting.

  • #I359178 - Provided support to show clear icon in the Grid search text box. It helps to clear the text in search text box and also clear the searching in Grid control too. Please find the demo link here

  • #I328056, #I369597 - Provided support to prevent the selection of specific rows based on the condition.

  • Enhanced the keyboard support for Data grid control. Please find the demo link here

  • #I194399 - Provided support to rotate grid header while exporting.

Bug Fixes

  • #I235957, #I347931, #F170423, #I356695 - Persist Selection misbehaves while sorting with virtualisation issue has been fixed .

20.1.47 (2022-04-04)


Bug Fixes

  • #I368223 - Filtering on the date column with a null value in the array issue has been fixed.
  • #F171832 - Pdf grid header text colour is not updated properly in pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo event issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • #I347226, #I345255 - Provided Aria accessibility with keyboard support for pager component.

19.4.55 (2022-03-08)


Bug Fixes

  • #I367001 - Inline editing is not working properly when RowDragandDrop with frozen columns is fixed.
  • #I368530 - Aggregates not shown when using expandAll and collapseAll in grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #I368787 - Autofill removing decimal values in number type columns issue has been fixed.

19.4.54 (2022-03-01)


Bug Fixes

  • #F172908 - Script error is thrown when column has sortComparer set is fixed.
  • #I367180 - RowDragandDrop not working when page size set to All has been fixed.
  • #I365069 - column menu popup not closed after filtering using enter key is fixed.

19.4.53 (2022-02-22)


Bug Fixes

  • #I364948 - column menu position issue when open last column is fixed.
  • #I363675 - Need to set id and aria label for Grid checkboxes accessibility.
  • #I366853 - Column menu icon is not showing in bigger tailwind theme.
  • #I357480 - Need to include strikeThrough style for excel export issue has been fixed.

19.4.52 (2022-02-15)


Bug Fixes

  • #I359192 - Ellipsis is not showing for the cells in the Firefox browser has been fixed.
  • #I363178 - Filter dialog position mismatches when disable ColumnMenu for particular column is fixed.
  • #I357482 - Not able to set the pager dropdown value as All on initialization issue has been fixed.
  • #F172084 - rowSelected event arguments row data is incorrect while select rows with Ctrl, issue has been fixed.
  • #F171933 - Row hover is not shown after the row drag and drop action is fixed.
  • #F171832 - Wrong grid cell value in pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo event issue has been fixed.
  • #F171308 - Lint error while passing null value in filterByColumn method is fixed.
  • #I365287 - Script error thrown when refresh the grid with column template and details rows is fixed.
  • #F172138 - Script error while enabling sticky header with react-i18next has been fixed.

19.4.47 (2022-01-25)


Bug Fixes

  • #SF-361888 - Gird rows are hide when called groupCollapseAll without grouping is fixed.
  • #SF-362860 - Last column header cell border issue has been fixed.
  • #SF-357202 - Wrong operator while filtering with Excel filter search box is fixed.
  • #SF-362140 - Script error while selecting the row with virtualization issue has been fixed.
  • #FB-31236 - Multi-column sorting missing sort number indicators issue has been fixed.
  • #FB-31556 - Row Height misalignment when show/hide the template column with frozen Grid is fixed.
  • #F171116 - Border is not apply properly in the Excel exporting has been fixed.

19.4.43 (2022-01-18)


Bug Fixes

  • #SF-359831 - Script error thrown in frozen grid while hiding the column through column chooser with aggregates issue has been fixed.
  • #SF-359248 - Script error thrown if frozen grid have empty records with PersistSelection feature issue has been fixed.
  • #F171949 - Script error while filtering with UrlAdaptor is resolved.

19.4.42 (2022-01-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #SF-361124 - Script error when filtering with excel filter in other components issue has been fixed.
  • #SF-354931 - While locking the column with enable frozen right feature, the frozen column is not moving issue has been fixed.
  • #SF-356095 - Scroll position issue while updateRow method with infinite scroll has been fixed.
  • #SF-358560 - Scroll is prevented with LazyLoadGrouping cache mode issue has been fixed.
  • #SF-358281 - ActionBegin event paging arguments cancel is not properly getting cancelled is fixed.
  • #F171308 - Filter query is not generate properly when filter the null value in OdataAdaptor and OdataV4Adaptor is resolved.

19.4.41 (2022-01-04)


Bug Fixes

  • #SF-313743 - Created event is not triggered when changing the locale is fixed.
  • #SF-354968 - Column dataSource is changed after dropdown editing a foreignkey column is fixed.
  • #F170844 - Borderline is not applied properly in stacked column has been fixed.

19.4.40 (2021-12-28)


Bug Fixes

  • #I345910 - Sticky header not working when group drop area is hidden has been fixed.
  • #I357254 - Outline is displayed in excel export has been fixed.
  • #FB30729 - Filter dialog position issue when enable virtual scrolling is fixed.
  • #I356122 - actionComplete event is trigger after row reorder is performed has been fixed.
  • #I359292 - Script error thrown while clear filtering with disabled column menu is fixed.

19.4.38 (2021-12-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #F170844 - Borderline issue in stacked column has been fixed.
  • #I355438 - Event argument type issue in actionComplete event while filtering is fixed.
  • #F170531 - wrong row information while clicking the custom sub context menu items id fixed.

19.3.57 (2021-12-07)


Bug Fixes

  • #I356474 - captionTemplate property type issue has been fixed.
  • #F170289 - Header misalignment when printing the Grid with grouped column, issue has been fixed.
  • #I348807 - Row selected automatically when persistSelection enabled is fixed.
  • #F170712, #I357715 - Script error throws when edit childGrid rows with command column buttons is fixed.
  • #F170524 - Export aggregations misalignment while using Grid with grouped column, issue has been fixed.

19.3.56 (2021-12-02)


Bug Fixes

  • #I338678 - frozen horizontal scroll issue in Ipad device has been fixed.
  • #I348728 - Throws script error while cancel the Excel filter is fixed.

19.3.55 (2021-11-23)


Bug Fixes

  • #F170201 - Passed groupcaption details in the exportGroupCaption event arguments.
  • #I347287 - Maximum call stack issue occurs when checkbox columns set visible property as false for first column has been fixed.
  • #I347439 - The last row bottom border issue in Frozen right part has been fixed.
  • #I348589 - Changing grid height programmatically throws script error while scrolling issue has been fixed.

19.3.54 (2021-11-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #I346575 - Command button click event argument type not returned properly is fixed.
  • #I347290 - Persist selection is not working properly when enable selection dynamically is fixed.
  • #I344276 - HTMLtag is not disable properly in tooltip has been fixed.
  • #I346882 - Throws script error while enabling with filterbarTemplate with ShowFilterBarOperator is fixed.
  • #F170007 - Autofit issue while render empty records has been fixed.
  • #I345285 - Footer aggregate is not aligned properly has been fixed.

New Features

  • #I338539 - Provided the tag helper support for single level stacked header in Angular Grid.

19.3.48 (2021-11-02)


Bug Fixes

  • #I345881 - Script error while reordering with the column virtualization is resolved.
  • #I345229 - expandAll and CollapseAll in grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #I343503 - row Selected data is incorrect while apply Sorting and Grouping is fixed.

19.3.47 (2021-10-26)


Bug Fixes

  • #I345516 - Grid sort icon overlapping with column header text in boostrap5 theme issue has been fixed.
  • #I341348 - Provided the support for clearing all the Grid actions.
  • #I344299 - Grid data is not loaded when using custom binding with Infinitescrolling is fixed.
  • #F167378 - Throws scripts error while apply sorting in load event with Infinitescrolling is resolved.
  • #I345190 - Date column filtering operator issue has been fixed.

19.3.46 (2021-10-19)


Bug Fixes

  • #I343873 - Infinite Scroll spinner issue while loading next block is fixed.
  • #I344229 - Script error while searching in the infinite scrolling enabled is resolved.
  • #I344295 - Infinite scroll grid is duplicating the last row issue has been fixed.
  • #FB21743 - Grouping collapse is not working properly with Infinite scroll if it don't have aggregates issue has been fixed.

19.3.45 (2021-10-12)


Bug Fixes

  • #I339088 - Export the Grouped first column becomes empty is resolved.
  • #FB27888 - Cell Edit Template is not working when using dropdown component with filtering is fixed.
  • #I338678 - Frozen horizontal scroll is not working in Ipad device has been fixed.
  • #I342380 - Command button click event argument missing issue has been fixed.

19.3.44 (2021-10-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #I341591 - Grid column virtualization does not support dynamic column changes issue has been fixed.
  • #I330797 - Provided support to set height and width for image when pdf export.
  • #I341546, #I341928 - custom date format filter issue in Excel search box has been fixed.
  • #I341353 - No Records To Display message is split while grouping has been fixed.
  • #I341339 - Editing issue in foreignKeyColumn with virtualization has been fixed.
  • #I342311 - Hierarchy Grid sends request for childGrid data when hierarchyExportMode as none is resolved.
  • #I341591 - Aggregate rendering condition order impact the grid performance issue has been fixed.

19.3.43 (2021-09-30)


New Features

  • #I284744, #I289234 - Provided keyboard navigation support for infinite scroll.
  • #I314791, #I311562 - Provided group caption collapse support for infinite scroll.

Breaking Changes

  • The groupSettings.disablePageWiseAggregates option will be enabled automatically when using aggregates and grouping in an infinite scroll.

19.2.62 (2021-09-14)


Bug Fixes

  • #F168526 - enablePersistence was not maintained when filtering applied on foreignKey column.
  • #I335206 - Throws script error while adding the stacked columns dynamically is fixed.
  • #I341127 - Excel filter sub menus does not open in mobile device is Fixed.
  • #I340337 - Immutable mode doesnt work for deep compare data issue has been fixed.
  • #I336801 - Infinite scrolling with editing with checkbox selection issue has been fixed.

19.2.60 (2021-09-07)


Bug Fixes

  • #I339334 - exportDetailDataBound event not triggered when export the HierarchyGrid has been fixed.
  • #I339880 - Script error throws when enable textwrap with auto generated columns, issue has been fixed.
  • #FB27674 - Multi column dynamic sorting issue has been resolved.
  • #I340037 - Grid focus out issue has been resolved.
  • #I340122 - Script error while using custom component on boolean menu filter has been resolved.
  • #I339774 - Script error throws while hiding columns in enabled lazyload grid, has been fixed.

19.2.59 (2021-08-31)


Bug Fixes

  • #F167458 - enablePersistence was not maintained when routing to another page is resolved.
  • #I339406 - Filtering array of values on date column by filterByColum, issue has been fixed.
  • #F168110 - Filter operation is not cleared while clicking the clear button with immediate mode, issue has been fixed.

19.2.57 (2021-08-24)


Bug Fixes

  • #I338200 - Searching operation is not working properly in foreignKeyColumn issue has been fixed.

19.2.56 (2021-08-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #I338201 - tab key issue in details rows has been resolved.
  • #I338152 - Focusing issue after collapsing all grouped records has been fixed.
  • #I336671 - first column cell is not focused properly with keyboard navigation has been fixed.

19.2.55 (2021-08-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #I331628 - Clear button issue in filter bar input has been fixed.
  • #I328013 - Copy and paste in mac os issue has been resolved.
  • #I336801 - Adding new record is not working in infinite scroll with frozen grid, has been fixed.
  • #F158244 - filter menu destroyed issue in filter template has been fixed.

New Features

  • #I334322 - Provided exporting headers with image support.
  • #I284744, #I289234 - Provided keyboard navigation support in infinite scroll.
  • #I325175, #I327940 - Provided Sticky header support.

19.2.51 (2021-08-03)


Bug Fixes

  • #F167053 - Border misalignment when adding a row in bottom has been fixed.
  • #I336216 - Cell Selection with box mode is not working properly after filtering, has been fixed.
  • #I336097, #I335284 - Virtualization Grid in flex container produce blank space issue has been fixed.

19.2.49 (2021-07-27)


Bug Fixes

  • #FB26500 - copy are hidden in context menu while cell selection mode is resolved.
  • #I334589 - throws script error drag and drop on an expanded row with DetailsTemplate is fixed.
  • #I307521 - Provided a feature to change the cursor indication while dragging.

19.2.48 (2021-07-20)


Bug Fixes

  • #I335031 - Filter icon not updated while programmatically filter the column using ColumnMenu is resolved.
  • #I334653 - Editing issue in grouped Grid with virtualization has been fixed.
  • #F166736 - Duplicate Sort numbers element rendered while prevent sort action is resolved.
  • #I334387 - Filter bar focusing is not working properly, while using the multiselect component in the filter template has been fixed.
  • #FB26392 - Script error is thrown while double-clicking the validation error message is fixed.
  • #FB26502 - Cell drag issue when field based command column, has been fixed.

19.2.47 (2021-07-13)


Bug Fixes

  • #F166398 - Empty column misalignment while using percentage width column with grouping is fixed.

  • #I331505 - Multi Selection issue when enable rowDragAndDrop is fixed.

  • #I333234 - Throws scripts error while hide/show the columns with virtualization is enabled, issue has been fixed.

  • #I325339 - Need to modify the aria-sort attribute value to lower case.

  • #I332233 - searching blank value is not working in filter text box is fixed.

  • #I329930 - Virtual scrolling issue has been fixed while using it with grouping feature.

  • #I334284, #F166423 - Infinite scroll records removed after refreshing issue has been fixed.

  • #I310815, I331546, I326532 - Grid instance retaining memory leak issue has been fixed.

  • #I310815, I331546, I326532 - Grid instance retaining memory leak issue has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the aria-sort attribute value from Ascending, Descending to ascending, descending.

19.2.46 (2021-07-06)


Bug Fixes

  • #I332536 - Persist selection is not working properly when using up/down arrows is fixed.

  • #I331703 - Excel export filter icon misalignment while using the excel export header properties, issue has been fixed.

  • #I331500 - throws script error while clearing initial filter dynamically is fixed.

  • #I328056, #I331256 - RowDeselected event is not triggered after paging while using clearSelction, has been fixed.

  • #I331465 - Focus issue while render dropdown component in the header template, issue has been fixed.

  • #I332058 - Validation rules not working in grouped columns is fixed.

  • #I332503 - throws script error when Adding new record in a empty Grid with infiniteScrolling feature is fixed.

  • #I332932 - Edit focus is not working properly when checkbox column editing is disabled is fixed.

  • #I328508 - When selecting last row in view-port, Grid scrolls up automatically issue has been fixed.

  • #I332352 - throws script error while refreshing the filtered grid with persistence is fixed.

19.2.44 (2021-06-30)


Bug Fixes

  • #FB25509 - Column grouping is not working properly while allowReordering is set true, has been fixed.

New Features

  • Provided support for row reorder with virtual scrolling.

19.1.69 (2021-06-15)


Bug Fixes

  • #I329342 - Adding new record through addRecord method with infinite scroll, issue has been fixed.
  • #F162910 - Header checkbox selection issue when enable infinite Scroll and custom binding has been fixed.
  • #I330477 - Pdf Export misalignment while using the stacked header with grouping, issue has been fixed.
  • #I323971 - Pdf Export misalignment while using the stacked header with hidden column, issue has been fixed.
  • #I329350 - Immutable mode doesnt work for date values issue has been fixed.
  • #I329350 - Update the reordered data in immutable mode re-renders multiple rows issue has been fixed.
  • #I327293 - CPU takes more usage when export the hierarchy grid issue has been fixed.
  • #FB25510 - Throws script error While grouping the complex columns is fixed.

19.1.67 (2021-06-08)


Bug Fixes

  • #I329898, #I329726, #I330440, #I330494, #I330714, #I330816, #I331022 - Frozen headers not refreshed while refresh the grid in latest chrome is resolved.

  • #I327857 - Script error throws while save grid with edited state in two child grid is fixed.

  • #I329250 - Adaptive view filter function issue has been fixed.

  • #I269563 - Excel custom filter was not working in angular platform has been fixed.

19.1.66 (2021-06-01)


Bug Fixes

  • #I329121 - Horizontal scrolling in columnVirtualization makes glitch issue has been fixed.
  • #I326727 - Column resize issue with frozen right/left and aggregate has been resolved.
  • #I327237 - Empty row appears while hiding/showing columns in virtualized grouping grid, has been fixed.
  • #I299221 - Frozen part refresh issue with template column has been resolved.
  • #I311142 - Provided internal event to handle queries on custom ExcelFilter dataSource.

19.1.65 (2021-05-25)


Bug Fixes

  • #I326169 - Column chooser popup closing issue has been fixed.
  • #I327972 - Script error issue has been fixed while using anchor tag in header template.
  • #I312347 - The selected row is not properly displayed in viewport when virtualization is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #I328013 - Autofill editing functionality issue has been fixed.
  • #I327316 - Default value as null is not working in numeric column is fixed.
  • #I327294 - Batch edit disregards null value in numeric column is fixed.

19.1.64 (2021-05-19)


Bug Fixes

  • #I323987 - Wrong batch changes while editing date column has been fixed.
  • #I325763 - minwidth issue with detail template has been fixed.
  • #I325707 - When enable detail template and rowDragAndDrop, aggregate cells alignment issue has been fixed.
  • #I323588 - Provided beforeOpenAdaptiveDialog event to listen the adaptive sort and filter dialog open action.
  • #I323268 - Provided public methods showAdaptiveFilterDialog and showAdaptiveSortDialog to open the virtual row mode filter and sort dialog in adaptive horizontal mode.
  • #F165067, #I323250 - setCellValue method issue with Frozen Grid has been fixed.
  • #I318420 - filter dialog position when columnMenu is displayed issue has been fixed.
  • #I321693 - RowDeselected event data property issue when unchecking the header checkbox, has been resolved.
  • #I326604 - Aggregate value calculated incorrectly when batch adding is Fixed.
  • #I325669 - Excel export misalignment while using the grouped custom datasource, issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • #I315345 - Provided server side CSV exporting support.
  • #I317320 - Provided inline editing support in column virtualization.

19.1.59 (2021-05-04)


Bug Fixes

  • #I324695 - Misalignment occurred while doing show or hide in stacked header with frozen is fixed.
  • #I321693 - RowDeselected event data as empty when unchecking the select All checkbox, issue has been resolved.
  • #I295052 - Switch component editing issue in dialog template has been fixed.
  • #I322601 - Header checkbox state is not proper on dynamic data update, issue has been fixed.
  • #I317611 - Warning error thrown when using local data issue has been fixed.
  • #I324294 - Grid checkbox selection performance issue has been fixed in material theme.
  • #F164532 - Column remote data issue with dropdown edit has been fixed.

19.1.58 (2021-04-27)


Bug Fixes

  • #I323447 - Grid print dialog hovering issue has been fixed.
  • #I323007 - getRowIndexByPrimaryKey thrown script error while rendering the child grid issue has been fixed.
  • #I322540 - Selected row index property issue with checkbox deselection has been fixed.
  • #I322859, #I323462 - Ignore accent property issue with excel filter has been fixed.
  • #I318995 - Child Grid expand not working properly has been fixed.
  • #I321908 - Throws script error while dragging page number index in Grid is fixed.
  • #I323304 - Displayed the headerText instead of Filter in adaptive UI filter dialog.
  • #I323304 - Column's visible, allowFiltering, and allowSorting properties not working in adaptive UI issue has been fixed.
  • #I322769 - Adaptive UI default toolbar items issue has been fixed.

19.1.57 (2021-04-20)


Bug Fixes

  • #I323673 - Paging issue while deleting records in last page has been fixed.
  • #I321175 - Previous filter value is reappearing on the excel filter input issue has been fixed.
  • #I323060 - Excel custom filter issue has been fixed.
  • #I322391 - Provided the support for rtl in menu filter in dropdown component.
  • #I321693 - RowDeselected event data property issue has been resolved.

19.1.56 (2021-04-13)


Bug Fixes

  • #I319687 - Child grid row drag and drop issue has been fixed.
  • #I321090 - Throws script error while using hideSearchbox in filter is fixed.
  • #I163579 - Focus issue while render multiple inputs in column template, issue has been fixed.
  • #I320238 - Change content casing of No matches found has been resolved.
  • #I317408 - Warning error thrown when binding a data dynamically by using asyncpipe binding issue has been fixed.
  • #I321142 - Exporting is not working properly in foreignKeyColumn issue has been fixed.
  • #I317066, #I317853 - When we right-click the bottom row in the current view area, the grid automatically scrolls issue has been fixed.

19.1.55 (2021-04-06)


Bug Fixes

  • #I319396,#I317406 - Incorrect click handler reference while destroying Grid has been resolved.
  • #F163694 - Delete action issue with non-current view records has been fixed.
  • #I291960 - Resize handler height issue while window resizing has been resolved.
  • #I319831 - Column resizing line not shown issue has been fixed in virtualization feature.
  • #I314289 - Frozen horizontal scrollbar issue has been fixed in mac browsers.
  • #I318411 - column menu opens in wrong direction issue has been resolved.
  • #I319726 - Pdf export issue while using valueAccessor in boolean column has been fixed.
  • #I318892 - checkboxOnly selection issue while enable rowDragandDrop has been resolved.
  • #I320238 - Header checkbox selection issue when remove pager has been fixed.
  • #I318745 - infinite Scroll invoked while moving the horizontal scrollbar issue has been fixed.
  • #I320328 - throws script error while updating the data in Dialog editing is fixed.
  • #I300506 - Provided support to set locale texts for Boolean values in checkbox filter.

19.1.54 (2021-03-30)


New Features

  • #266164, #298390, #298305, #317536, #197245 - Provided mobile view support for responsive Grid.
  • #243700, #255673, #145292, #312122, #316185, #162746, #162824 - Provided exporting image and hyper link to Excel and PDF file formats.
  • #297861 - Provided option for rendering checkbox items in menu filter dialog.
  • #308524 - Provided autofilter support in Grid to Excel export.
  • #297263 - Provided complex column filtering and sorting support with IQueryable.
  • #307522 - Provided the target indicator support for drag and drop with different Grid.

Bug Fixes

  • #317762 - Increasing frozen columns using custom toolbar issue has been resolved.

18.4.49 (2021-03-23)


Bug Fixes

  • #317578 - Throws script error while updating the template column in Batch edit mode issue has been fixed.
  • #316684, #319594 - Script error when drag rows from grid to other components issue has been fixed.
  • #317534 - Custom filtering not working when using filter template, has been fixed.

18.4.48 (2021-03-16)


Bug Fixes

  • #315782 - Virtualization with grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #19156 - Scroll is prevented with infinite scroll's cache mode issue has been fixed.

18.4.47 (2021-03-09)


Bug Fixes

  • #315085 - Script error with custom format in server side exporting has been fixed.
  • #22476 - getRowIndexByPrimarykey method returns incorrect index with complex data has been fixed.
  • #292594 - Preventing the row deselection issue has been resolved.
  • #316299 - Previous data is not properly return while save action, issue has been fixed.
  • #315859 - Script error while using using the textbox component in the filter template has been fixed.
  • #311142 - Provided the support for custom datasource in excel filter.
  • #314870 - Checkbox Filter true/false locale text issue has been resolved.
  • #315677 - Horizontal scroll bar is hide while filtering the column with frozen columns issue has been fixed.

18.4.46 (2021-03-02)


Bug Fixes

  • #313780 - Infinite Scroll invoked while moving the horizontal scrollbar issue has been fixed.
  • #314929 - Maximum call stack exceeds issue when pressing tab key has been resolved.

18.4.44 (2021-02-23)


Bug Fixes

  • #314800 - filter dialog position when rtl is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #314860 - Grouped icon drag and drop issue has been fixed.

18.4.43 (2021-02-16)


Bug Fixes

  • #310507 - Frozen layout issue while changing pagesizes issue has been resolved.

  • #306030 - Filtering numeric columns through enter key issue has been resolved.

  • #311829 - Records are repeated while doing virtual scrolling when selection or focus applied issue has been fixed.

  • #312581 - Header aria-colindex attribute issue has been fixed.

  • #313556 - ExcelFilter dialog position issue has been fixed.

  • #308792 - Filter icon update when enable foreignKey column, issue has been resolved.

  • #313637 - Dynamically disabling infinite scrolling issue has been resolved.

18.4.42 (2021-02-09)


Bug Fixes

  • #310158 - Selected records reorder issue has been fixed.
  • #311583 - rowSelected event issue has been resolved.

undefined- #311879 - Column template with freeze direction issue has been fixed.

18.4.41 (2021-02-02)


Bug Fixes

  • #309585 - copy with header in clipboard issue has been resolved.
  • #299892 - script error when calling refresh method issue has been resolved.
  • #310296 - Parent level group footer not visible in excel export issue has been fixed.
  • #309731 - Persist Checkbox selection issue while show/hide column, has been fixed.
  • #310699 - column width is set as 'auto' works properly while exporting in excel.
  • #310989 - filtered value retained properly in the filterbar when persistence enabled.

18.4.39 (2021-01-28)


Bug Fixes

  • #310077 - Persist Checkbox selection with frozen columns issue has been fixed.

  • #309205 - Script error While sorting in excel filter when more than one grid is rendered issue has been resolved.

  • #310815 - The Grid memory leak issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • #247931, #251431 - Provided the server side Excel and PDF export support.

18.4.35 (2021-01-19)


Bug Fixes

  • #310607 - Script error while excel filtering with Blank value has been fixed.
  • #308259 - Row deselect event not triggered when clicking on the row has been fixed.
  • #160944 - Autofit issue while double clicking has been fixed.

18.4.34 (2021-01-12)


Bug Fixes

  • #309059 - The horizontal scroll bar is not displayed while using Frozen column issue has been fixed.
  • #308465 - Filtering Foreign key column issue has been fixed.
  • #309205 - Script error while using Excel Filter issue has been resolved.
  • #160945 - Rendering wrong page records issue after deleting with Group has been fixed.

18.4.33 (2021-01-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #306851 - Virtualization with selectRow method issue has been fixed.
  • #297879 - Alignment issue has been fixed when we have the hidden frozen column with empty data set.
  • #160660 - Grid query included in foreign key column issue has been resolved.
  • #306162 - Pager dropdown overlap issue has been resolved.
  • #307973 - The isInteracted property issue in row deselect events has been fixed.
  • #160548 - Frozen grid duplicate template rendering issue has been fixed.
  • #296093 - Grouping with virtualization hide column issue has been fixed.

18.4.32 (2020-12-29)


Bug Fixes

  • #160497 - PageSizes dropdown showing empty string issue has been resolved.
  • #308117 - Changing PageSettings dynamically issue has been fixed.
  • #305463, #307312 - Filter icon updated issue has been resolved.
  • #307775, #307812, #306656 - Script error throws when update the react state value issue has been fixed.
  • #308510 - where property type changed to Predicate in dataStateChangeEventArgs.

18.4.31 (2020-12-22)


Bug Fixes

  • #303869 - Event argument type issue has been fixed.
  • #160246 - Sorting column not removed while changing groupSettings issue has been resolved.
  • #301282 - Export aggregations misalignment while using the custom datasource, issue has been fixed.
  • #305619 - Export aggregations misalignment while using the stacked header, issue has been fixed.
  • #306030 - Filtering numeric column by pressing Enter Key is not working, has been fixed.
  • #306032 - custom validation message misalignment issue has been fixed.
  • #306282 - sort icon alignment issue in bootstap4 has been fixed.

18.4.30 (2020-12-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #301599 - Editing issue in frozen Grid with virtualization has been fixed.

New Features

  • #284110 - Provided support for sorting in excel filter dialog.
  • #295348, #159594 - Provided support for Grid column selection.
  • #202824 , #199899, #138469, #263330, #151661, #271993, #158735 - Provided support for freeze column to the right of Grid.
  • #10632 - Provided support for specifying 'items' type in grid pager.
  • #294082 - Provided support for row reorder refresh support in Grid component.

Breaking Changes

  • In Frozen Grid, we have moved the vertical scroller from movable content div to its parent element and also rendered a separate div in grid content element to perform the horizontal scroll action. This changes improves scrolling smoothness and avoid delayed scrolling between the frozen and movable content.

18.3.53 (2020-12-08)


Bug Fixes

  • #304497 - Initial filtering sends two request issue has been resolved.
  • #18774 - Footer aggregate with frozen columns in rtl mode alignment issue has been resolved.
  • #160297 - opening excel filter through column menu issue has been resolved.

18.3.52 (2020-12-01)


Bug Fixes

  • #304090 - Checkbox selection issue with filtering actions has been fixed.
  • #159766 - Dialog footer content issue has been fixed.
  • #303904 - Grid columns is Auto Scroll issue while clicking the first column has been fixed.
  • #299643 - Provided the support for rtl in excel export.
  • #302342 - Whiling dragging header, cursor not following issue has been resolved.
  • #159701 - Currency format not applied while exporting pdf issue has been resolved.
  • #159725 - Sorting icon displayed over the header in fabric theme issue has been fixed.
  • #296476 - AutoFit columns issue with hierarchy Grid has been resolved.
  • #304389 - foreignKey columns grouping issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • #284110 - Provided support for sorting in excel filter dialog.

18.3.51 (2020-11-24)


Bug Fixes

  • #302178 - Grid does not destroyed issue has been resolved.
  • #301357,#302019 - frozen Grid layout issue when change the empty datasource has been fixed.

18.3.50 (2020-11-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #158208 - Grid pageSize 'All' translated issue has been fixed.

18.3.48 (2020-11-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #13681 - Removed select row checkbox in dialog editing popup as a improvement feature.

  • #158850 - Missing of Column name in actionBegin arguments while ungrouping has been added.

  • #298860 - Inline editing with persist selection issue has been resolved.

  • #300648 - Script error while clicking on empty records issue has been fixed.

  • #300137 - Tooltip is not closed issue has been fixed.

  • #158868, #159209- Fixed the asynchronous refreshing while Grid initialization.

  • #298630 - checkboxOnly selection not working when editing, has been fixed.

  • #299325 - Checkbox selection not working while dynamically changing the DataSource, has been resolved.

  • #298387 - Cellsave issue when using home and end keys has been fixed.

  • #300566 - Script error while loading the setCulture file when allowPaging is enabled issue has been fixed.

18.3.47 (2020-11-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #292035 - Resolved Touch functionality is not working with draggable.

  • #298662 - Grid drag and drop issue has been fixed in IE11 browser.

  • #10632 - provided the custom text support in pager instance.

  • #159184 - Script error throws while exporting grid component with aggregates issue has been fixed.

  • #158808 - allowKeyboard property issue has been resolved.

18.3.44 (2020-10-27)


Bug Fixes

  • #297750 - Stacked columns with frozen columns issue has been fixed.
  • #296093 - Prevented row drag and drop icon when virtualization is enabled.
  • #293443 - Incorrect rows count while focusing table with JAWS has been fixed.
  • #298824 - Pdf export with boolean column issue has been fixed.

18.3.42 (2020-10-20)


Bug Fixes

  • #293485 - ActionBegin event paging arguments cancel property retained issue has been fixed.

18.3.40 (2020-10-13)


Bug Fixes

  • #293407 - RowDeselecting event triggered when clicking on expansion area issue has been resolved.
  • #292818 - Aggregate column alignment issue has been fixed.
  • #157969 - Default filtering operator when enabling showFilterBarOperator issue has been resolved.
  • #157753 - Update and insert actionFailure events arguments structure issue has been fixed.
  • #291959 - Radio button editing issue in dialog template has been fixed.
  • #291000 - CurrentLocale pager DropDown API changing issue has been fixed.
  • #288619 - Persist selection issue with initial selection has been fixed.
  • #293646 - Dynamic query updating issue has been fixed.
  • #295025 - sort order with foreign key column issue has been fixed.
  • #293387 - Infinite scrolling with grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #295712 - Scrollbar move issue when hide columns with RTL mode, has been fixed.
  • #292471 - Template properties not showing in pagerTemplate issue has been fixed.

18.3.35 (2020-10-01)


New Features

  • #279959, #278895 - Provided lazy load grouping support.
  • #252918 - Provided immutable mode and methods support.

18.2.59 (2020-09-21)


Bug Fixes

  • #283675 - Excel custom filtered value issue has been resolved.
  • #291032 - String column Change event issue has been fixed.
  • #291960 - resize handler height issue with auto wrap has been fixed.
  • #293441 - Improved the Checkbox filter module with keyboard navigation.
  • #287676 - Mouse position issue when row dragged, has been fixed.

18.2.58 (2020-09-15)


Bug Fixes

  • #291552 - Resizing lines in stacked header issue has been resolved.
  • #290601 - Recordclick event arguments has been fixed.
  • #291949, #287468 - Provided the internal event to use custom datasource in checkbox filter.
  • #280083 - Added the correct translated string in the locale json file.
  • #291160 - Edit form closes when exception thrown from server issue has been fixed.
  • #157390 - Provided the column and rowIndex details inside the editTemplate.
  • #292599 - Script error while using grouped foreignkeyColumn with aggregate column has been fixed.

18.2.57 (2020-09-08)


Bug Fixes

  • #288147 - Script error while using addRecord in IE11, has been fixed.
  • #288292 - copy and paste in mac os issue has been resolved.
  • #290651 - column chooser pop-up is hidden partially has been fixed.
  • #290215 - Checkbox selection issue when delete records, has been fixed.

18.2.56 (2020-09-01)


Bug Fixes

  • #289461 - Added the internal event to access menu filter popup before close.
  • #289421 - AutoFill functionality issue when frozen columns, has been fixed.
  • #289539 - Script error while using commandcolumns with virtualization has been fixed.
  • #290636 - Decimal value paste issue has been fixed.

18.2.55 (2020-08-25)


Bug Fixes

  • #288845 - Multi-column sort pop-up in mobile device issue has been resolved.
  • #289048 - Checkbox selection issue when adding row has been fixed.
  • #288647, #289359 - Menu and excel filter dialog open issue has been fixed.

18.2.54 (2020-08-18)


Bug Fixes

  • #285919 - script error while using checkbox column with dialog editing has been fixed.
  • #282743 - Provided custom separator support in csv export.
  • #287707 - Menu Filtering in string column issue has been resolved.
  • #286727 - Cell text selection issue while editing has been fixed.
  • #287222 - Date column filtering issue with blank value has been fixed.
  • #278507, #288354 - Setting column minWidth support while window resizing has been provided.
  • #281825 - Grid resizing behaviour with percentage width column and grouping has been.
  • #287897 - Row drag issue when field based checkbox column, has been fixed.

18.2.48 (2020-08-04)


Bug Fixes

  • #155948 - Grid pager text issue has been fixed.

  • #285963, #282379 - Provided catch exception for pdf exporting using custom datasource.

  • #286379 - rowSelected event arguments in row data, issue has been fixed.

  • #286293 - Excel export aggregations misalignment while using the command column, issue has been fixed.

  • #156328 - Filterbar operator alignment issue has been fixed.

  • #273866 - Column resize icon issue has been fixed.

  • #285372 - script error while using groupcaptiontemplate with persistence has been fixed.

18.2.47 (2020-07-28)


Bug Fixes

  • #279922 - Frozen columns Border issue has been fixed.
  • #284955 - cell focusing in Batch mode issue has been fixed.
  • #285597, #155910 - Aggregate cell alignment issue has been fixed.
  • #286012 - Page number style in Pdf footer issue has been fixed.
  • #15777 - Multiple selection in row drag and drop issue has been resolved.
  • #281447 - Provided dataStateChange event support for menu and excel filter autocomplete control.
  • #285669, #284890 - Column reordering issue with custom binding has been fixed.

New Features

  • #284752 - Provided pdfAggregateQueryCellInfo and excelAggregateQueryCellInfo event to customize the aggregate cell before exporting .

18.2.46 (2020-07-21)


Bug Fixes

  • #282385 - Footer and Header content alignment issue with Pdf export has been fixed.
  • #281232 - Scroll bar not working properly has been fixed.
  • #281745 - rowIndexes property return the improper value in rowDeselectEventArgs has been fixed.
  • #280856 - Opening context menu resets horizontal scroller has been fixed.
  • #282656 - Restoring Excel filter Operator selection with Grid persistence issue has been fixed.
  • #284270 - Foreign Key column search issue has been fixed.

18.2.45 (2020-07-14)


Bug Fixes

  • #278574 - Virtualization scroll jumps when rendering grid inside the dialog component issue has been fixed.
  • #283109 - Column Templates are removed in the Infinite scrolling issue has been fixed.
  • #281788 - Infinite scroll editing issue has been fixed.
  • #282440 - White space occurs while scrolling left and right in Frozen columns with virtualization issue has been fixed.
  • #283323, #283973 - Triggering multiple actionBegin and actionComplete event while show/hide column issue has been fixed.
  • #283675 - Script error while using excel filter has been fixed.
  • #276276 - dateTime filtering issue with URLAdaptor has been fixed.
  • #279521 - Scrollbar now refreshes correctly after filtering with frozen columns and virtualization present.
  • #279969 - ActionBegin event arguments cancel property retained issue has been fixed.
  • #281958 - BoxWithBorder selection issue has been fixed.
  • #282215 - When resetOnRowClick is enabled, records in the previous page are not deselected issue has been fixed.
  • #280984 - When enable frozen columns and resize, aggregate cells alignment issue has been fixed.
  • #282759, #280077 - Scrollbar when clicking childgrid page container, issue has been fixed.
  • #282379 - Provided catch exception for pdf exporting.
  • #280511 - Cell focus not retained when escape key pressed while editing has been fixed.

18.2.44 (2020-07-07)


New Features

  • #221401, #247125, #152063 - Provided support to select the operator for filterbar in UI.
  • #147816 - Provided support for Frozen rows and columns with AutoFill.
  • Provided the Frozen support in Grid continuous scroll feature.
  • Provide the Editing support in Grid continuous scroll feature.

18.1.59 (2020-06-23)


Bug Fixes

  • #279922, #280077 - Scrollbar when clicking childgrid summary row, issue has been fixed.

18.1.57 (2020-06-16)


Bug Fixes

  • #279487 - Selecting and Deselecting now works properly after searching in external column chooser.
  • #278413 - Unwanted Vertical scrollbar after column resizing issue has been resolved.
  • #279922 - The last row detail template border issue has been fixed.
  • #154568 - Filter pop-up issue with mobile device has been fixed.
  • #263232 - Throws scripts error while hide/show the columns issue has been fixed.
  • #277663 - Footer aggregate works properly with custom data while exporting in excel.

18.1.56 (2020-06-09)


Bug Fixes

  • #278390 - Internal event for access the excel export rows has been added.
  • #277728 - Search box focus issue in IE has been fixed.
  • #12629 - Prevented the dataStateChange event after re-ordering a column.
  • #154111 - Issue in updating aggregate format with culture change has been fixed.
  • #14010 - Grid row selection event arguments type issue has been fixed.
  • #278858 - rowDeselected event with persistence and ResetOnRowClick issue has been fixed.
  • #154619 - Number formatting with empty string issue has been fixed.
  • #279065 - Groupcaption aggregate in pdf export issue has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • Now data, row, foreignKeyData these Grid selection event arguments are get array values only when we perform multi selection. Please find modified event arguments and it types from the below table,
Properties Type
data Object or Object[]
rowIndex number
rowIndexes number[]
row Element or Element[]
foreignKeyData Object or Object[]

18.1.55 (2020-06-02)


Bug Fixes

  • #269310 - Throws scripts error while using the persist selection issue has been fixed.
  • #277025 - Maintain the edit form while cancelling the edit action inside the actionBegin event has been fixed.
  • #278295 - Cell did not save the empty value for complex field has been fixed.
  • #278209 - Additional Lines with AutoFill selection issue has been fixed.
  • #275723 - Data skipping issue has been fixed in virtualScroll feature.

18.1.54 (2020-05-26)


Bug Fixes

  • #277115 - Issue with custom datasource while exporting has been fixed.
  • #275804 - aria-label of the column for summary rows in both footer aggregates and group footer aggregates has been fixed.
  • #154185 - Script error, cannot read property getBoundingClientRect has been fixed.
  • #154127 - Missing of first row foreignKey data in the rowSelected event argument has been fixed.
  • #276812 - Grid stacked header with frozen misalignment issue has been fixed.

18.1.53 (2020-05-19)


Bug Fixes

  • #275858 - Border misalignment issue with frozen columns in batch editing has been fixed.
  • #275150 - Grid with frozen columns and row height is not set properly issue has been fixed.
  • #275631 - Grid with frozen columns and cell editing is not working properly issue has been fixed.
  • #152895, #271656, #273560 - Grouped Headers are not rendered properly in pdf document issue has been resolved.
  • #270479 - Script error while using isFrozen property in batch editing has been fixed.
  • #275867 - Misalignment while editing the cell with frozen columns has been fixed.

18.1.52 (2020-05-13)


Bug Fixes

  • #273572 - script error after pressing enter key in batch edit mode issue has been resolved.
  • #153383 - grid lines mismatched while scrolling with frozen column in firefox issue has been resolved.
  • #273838 - Unnecessary to include an Empty row when inserting a frozenColumn Grid row issue has been resolved.
  • #274520 - cellSeletected and cellDeSelected events triggers many time while selecting cells via mouse issue has been resolved.
  • #275010 - Need internal events for column chooser buttons issue has been fixed.
  • #274227 - cancel icon not rendered in the filter bar with movable header has been fixed.

New Features

  • #261103, #267581 - Provided the column Reordering support for Grid with virtualization and frozen columns feature.

18.1.48 (2020-05-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #269945, #271023 - editTemplate element events are not triggered for movable content.
  • #273042 - grouping after restoring the persist data issue has been resolved.
  • #273483, #275002, #275153 - actionfailure event error message issue has been fixed.
  • #273238 - Missing of headerText property in the template data has been fixed.
  • #266631 - Hidden column headers in Grid did not reflect in pdf export while using includeHiddenColumn issue has been fixed.
  • #271911 - column template in angular after print issue has been resolved.
  • #273134 - Header template in angular after print issue has been fixed.
  • #269502 - Mismatch of reordering column issue has been fixed.
  • #273854, #274776 - Foreign Key search query for UrlAdaptor has been fixed.

18.1.46 (2020-04-28)


Bug Fixes

  • #272718 - cellsaved event while pressing escape key issue has been resolved.
  • #153144 - RowDeselected event isInteracted and rowIndex property issue has been resolved.
  • #274186 - Script error with incorrect sorting column has been fixed.
  • #272426 - Hierarchy exporting with remote/local data issue has been resolved.
  • #153397 - Persist selection issue with grouping has been fixed.
  • #272957 - Script error while hovering on new row form element with frozen columns has been resolved.
  • #272107 - setCellValue method issue with row Drag and Drop has been fixed.

18.1.45 (2020-04-21)


Bug Fixes

  • #269217 - numeric edit precision issue has been resolved.
  • #272015, #152919 - React editTemplate auto save issue has been resolved.
  • #271853 - Missing additional parameters in the foreignKey column filtering and editing server request issue has been fixed.
  • #152879 - Filter bar focusing is not working properly, while using checkboxmode as ResetOnRowClick issue has been fixed.
  • #151211 - Provided exportGroupCaption event support for Excel exporting.
  • #270519 - Script error while setting undefined value for column type/format property with Angular Grid has been fixed.
  • #258482 - Improper target element in rowSelecting event issue has been fixed.
  • #271748 - Autofit min and max width issue has been resolved.
  • #223835, #272592 - script error while navigating from movable to frozen header issue has been resolved.
  • #272340- Mismatch of requestType while clear filtering in excel and Checkbox filter issue has been fixed.

18.1.44 (2020-04-14)


Bug Fixes

  • #271625, #272096 - Frozen Grid cell selection issue has been fixed.
  • #271625 - Grid resize cursor issue with stacked header has been fixed.
  • #271240 - Batch editing cellSaved event after escape key issue has been fixed.
  • #260390 - Header misalignment in auto wrap enabled Grid with frozen columns has been fixed.

New Features

  • #256907 - Provided support to filter array values.

18.1.43 (2020-04-07)


Bug Fixes

  • #268095 - Undefined value is saved as [Object Object] in batch editing has been fixed.
  • #266864 - Error in Angular Production build with toolbar search is enabled in Grid has been fixed.
  • #268842 - Empty summary value issue when collapse the record has been fixed.
  • #270597, #271625 - Validation message position issue has been fixed.
  • #268807 - ResetOnRowClick now works properly with persist selection.
  • #270585 - recordClick event issue after grouping has been resolved.
  • #258489, #268908 - Saving the cell through tab key issue in batch edit has been fixed.
  • #270170 - Script error with Esc key while in cell edit state and filter enabled has been fixed.
  • #151902- Script error When auto fit the Grid having Aggregate, Resize and Freeze enabled has been fixed.
  • #269226,#152345- Focusing is not working properly when filtering the column by tab key with immediate mode issue has been fixed.
  • #152164 - CheckBox column value overriding the boolean type column while editing issue has been resolved.

18.1.42 (2020-04-01)


Bug Fixes

  • #151795 - Provided the row information when clicking the row drag and drop icon.
  • #266184, #269384, #270479 - Last row cell is not saved properly in batch edit mode issue has been fixed.
  • #267889 - Saving Null value as NaN in numeric edit columns issue has been fixed.
  • #268588 - Script error while destroying the grouping enabled hierarchy Grid has been fixed.
  • #269161 - Column chooser issue in IE11 has been resolved.

18.1.36-beta (2020-03-19)


Bug Fixes

  • #261856 - Initial sorting with initial grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #264895 - Provided support to add aggregates for auto generated columns dynamically.
  • #263303 - Grid UI has been refreshed while changing allowRowDragAndDrop property.
  • #264370 - Empty tooltip for checkbox column with ellipsisWithTooltip property issue has been resolved.
  • #252918 - Provided a feature to change the UI and datasource value without enabling edit property.
  • #261903, #263836 - Incorrect datetime predicate issue has been resolved.

17.4.55 (2020-03-10)


Bug Fixes

  • #261856 - Initial sorting with initial grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #264895 - Provided support to add aggregates for auto generated columns dynamically.
  • #263303 - Grid UI has been refreshed while changing allowRowDragAndDrop property.
  • #264370 - Empty tooltip for checkbox column with ellipsisWithTooltip property issue has been resolved.
  • #252918 - Provided a feature to change the UI and datasource value without enabling edit property.
  • #261903, #263836 - Incorrect datetime predicate issue has been resolved.
  • #151850 - Case sensitivity issue with Excel filter has been resolved.
  • #267120 - Unwanted new record while pressing tab key with batch mode has been resolved.
  • #267938 - Improper column rendering issue with column chooser has been resolved.
  • #264582 - Grid filter dialog styles issue in compatibility theme has been resolved.
  • #267397 - Misalignment issue has been resolved while hiding columns with Grid edit state.
  • #264165, #266190 - validation message issue has been fixed when we set newRowPosition as bottom in batch mode.

17.4.51 (2020-02-25)


Bug Fixes

  • #150980 - script error while using item template issue has been fixed .
  • #263885 - script error in IE11 while enabling persistence has been resolved.

17.4.50 (2020-02-18)


Bug Fixes

  • #262976 - Numeric text box min max validation issue has been resolved.
  • #149695 - Checkbox search value is added to the filter search begin event.
  • #261796 - Script error while navigating batch added record with tab has been fixed.
  • #263530 - beforeOpenColumnChooser event has been triggered while calling openColumnChooser.
  • #262469 - Issue in hiding custom column menu has been fixed.
  • #151010 - Scroll position issue while filtering has been fixed.

17.4.49 (2020-02-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #262309 - Incorrect selected records after batch delete issue has been fixed.
  • #261796 - Script error while adding row at bottom after batch delete has been resolved.
  • #261544 - Incorrect column resizing with row drag and drop issue has been resolved.
  • #150858 - Media Query issue has been resolved.
  • #263233 - Data type in row drop event argument issue has been resolved.
  • #262898 - Filtering text box in movable columns focus issue has been fixed.<2E>

17.4.47 (2020-02-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #261008 - Aggregate issue while batch adding in empty Grid has been resolved.
  • #150685 - Persist selection behaviour issue has been fixed
  • #260966 - Excel Filter locale text issue has been resolved.
  • #261623 - Script error while removing foreign key column filter issue has been resolved.
  • #260182 - Multiple request while setting query issue has been resolved.

17.4.46 (2020-01-30)


Bug Fixes

  • #260390 - Misalignment while editing with frozen column issue has been fixed.
  • #260090 - isInteracted property is added to the row selecting events.
  • #150452 - Misalignment while hiding columns with row drag and drop has been fixed.

17.4.44 (2021-01-21)


Bug Fixes

  • #259865 - Grid focus persistence while checkbox filtering has been fixed.
  • #258341 - action parameter has been added for filter events.
  • #150314 - Footer template issue with Pdf export has been fixed.
  • #260453 - rowDragStartHelper'saction can be cancelled using the args.cancel parameter.
  • #255626 - Grid data not properly loaded on dynamically changing culture issue has been fixed.
  • #251481 - Provided the pdf export support for Grid stacked header feature.

17.4.43 (2020-01-14)


Bug Fixes

  • #259844 - Excel filter with null operator issue has been fixed.
  • #248887, #245140, #249856 - Selection issue while Virtualization enabled has been fixed.

17.4.41 (2020-01-07)


Bug Fixes

  • #257854 - Multiple requests while pager dropdown change has been fixed.
  • #258463 - CheckBox filter search list query issue has been fixed.
  • #258467 - Command button duplicate id issue has been fixed.
  • #258196 - command column with frozen content issue has been fixed.
  • #258555 - Unnecessary row selected event while paging issue has been fixed.
  • #258341 - Incorrect arguments of clear filtering events has been fixed.

17.4.40 (2019-12-24)


Bug Fixes

  • #257521 - Styling issue on Aggregate columns has been fixed.
  • #257192 - Provided cancel support for Sorting action.
  • #253400 - Enabled hovering for whole row in frozen columns.
  • #F136797, #259020 - Script error throws in IE11 while using autoGenerated columns has been resolved.
  • #250970 - Check box as field with header checkbox selection is not working properly has been fixed.
  • #256174 - Select all does not work properly when Grid have empty records with virtual rows in Batch edit has been fixed.
  • #F146375 - Aggregate is not shown in Exported file for Child Grid issue has been fixed.

17.4.39 (2019-12-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #256411 - While programmatically filter the Grid, filterBar does not get updated issue has been fixed.
  • Filter item template arguments from single object to nested object structure has been reverted.
  • #253073, #255255 - Aria labels added for grid dialog with feature name for accessibility improvement.
  • #253073, #255255 - When pressing tab key focus moving to next row support added.

New Features

  • Provided virtualization support in Frozen Grid.

17.3.28 (2019-11-19)


Bug Fixes

  • #242503 - Aggregation not working with the Frozen and Batch Editing issue has been fixed.
  • #254164 - Support for FilterItemTemplate function like as ValueAccessor is given.
  • #253705 - Ctrl+A in Grid does not select the last record in Batch mode issue has been fixed.
  • #253106 - Error thrown on using setCellValue method when row drag and drop is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #253398 - Frozen header height discrepancy when setting rowHeight and allowTextWrap property issue has been fixed.
  • #252923 - Grid footer element is invisible while dynamically bind the Grid dataSource issue has been fixed.
  • #253614 - Changed the scope of the filterOperator variable as public.

17.3.27 (2019-11-12)


Bug Fixes

  • #249911 - Border style is not set on last row when performing edit operations issue has been fixed.
  • #253795 - Script error thrown when having header template in stacked header cell issue has been fixed.
  • #252476 - Script errors throws while navigating empty grid with tab issue has been fixed.
  • #251960 - Performance issue occurs when selecting large amount of records in Checkbox in Grid.
  • #251934 - Custom Date format issue has been fixed.
  • #252405 - Provided operator support for Custom Excel filter.
  • #252987,#252201 - Refreshing the grid with edited child grid throws script error has been fixed.
  • #148096 - Error thrown when hidemedia is enabled issue has been fixed.

17.3.26 (2019-11-05)


Bug Fixes

  • #250198 - Unable to cancel row and cell selecting when multi selection is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #250198 - CellSelected event returning same data for both current and previous cell has been fixed.
  • #251226,#252997 - Complex field primary key column is not working while the column type is string issue has been fixed.
  • #252052 - Filtering throws console error when complex data with null values are bound to Grid has been fixed.
  • #251292 - Duplicate records is sent in Remote Save Adaptor batch deleting issue has been fixed.
  • #252476 - Script error throws while navigating empty grid with tab issue has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • Now disableHtmlEncode default value is set to true, so the HTML tags can be displayed in the Grid header and content by default, so to display it as html content disableHtmlEncode need to be set as false.

17.3.21 (2019-10-30)


Bug Fixes

  • #251660 - Grouping with Virtualization throws script error has been fixed.

17.3.19 (2019-10-22)


Bug Fixes

  • #247618 - DataGrid shows hand icon instead of standard mouse on non sortable and non clickable column headers.
  • #249163 - Grid header lines are not properly rendered while resizing the window with text wrap feature.

17.3.17 (2019-10-15)


Bug Fixes

  • #244767 - Validation error message not shown for Batch and Dialog editing has been fixed.
  • #249835 - Need to show confirmation dialog while in batch mode with drag and drop has been fixed.
  • #250135 - Column resizing feature is not working properly when row drag and drop is enabled.
  • #147538 - recordDoubleClick event does not remove when destroy grid element is fixed.
  • #244693 - Script error throws while using aggregates with set Row method is fixed.
  • #249990 - Script error throws while using detail template with auto generated columns is fixed.
  • #145834 - Need to access complex columns while using auto generated columns is fixed.
  • #249176 - Exclamation sign was not supported by Filter column is fixed.

17.3.16 (2019-10-09)


Bug Fixes

  • #249323 - Case-sensitive is not working when filter the records by filterByColum issue has been fixed.
  • #244767 - childElement count undefined issue has been fixed.
  • #244767 - Added the columnuid and customAttributes in summary column.
  • #244767 - Misalignment issue has been fixed while using frozen with aggregate.
  • #244767 - Validation error message position issue has been fixed.

17.3.14 (2019-10-03)


Bug Fixes

  • #247870,#248097 - Print issue while having grouped columns has been fixed.
  • #244767 - Script error thrown when having custom aggregates and dynamically show/hide columns has been fixed.
  • #247790,#147427 - True type font issue when having header in Pdf Export has been fixed.
  • #147146 - Check box filter is not showing results while typing in the search box for boolean type column.
  • #242503 - Summary not updated for newly added records in the Grid with batch edit mode with freeze columns issue has been fixed.
  • #147270 - Maximum call stack issue occurs when Grid has no records and set visible property as false for first column has been fixed.
  • #147513 - AutoComplete does not show records properly in filter menu while using complex data binding has been fixed.

17.3.9-beta (2019-09-20)


Bug Fixes

  • #146977 - Script error thrown when enable frozen column with auto generated columns in Grid.
  • #246309 - AllowResize must be disabled when we are in edit state.
  • #246947,#246460- Script error is thrown while routing with persistence.
  • #245859 - Can't access selected records properly in rowSelected event while selecting the header checkbox.
  • #244916 - Virtual scroll displays empty block while directly scroll to the bottom.

17.2.49 (2019-09-04)


Bug Fixes

  • #244574 - Grid scroller jumps on browser delay while using virtualization has been fixed.
  • #245739 - Filter dialog does not close properly when render grid inside the dialog has been fixed.
  • #244047 - Focus module destroyed completely from the content ready.
  • #223749, #241000 Provided the support to use selectRow method in virtualized Grid.
  • #241241 - Filtering not working with ColumnVirtualization.
  • #244927 - CurrrentPage was not refreshed after changing the dropdown with its highest value.
  • Select multi rows with checkbox wrong while set frozen column in grid component has been fixed.

17.2.48-beta (2019-08-28)


Bug Fixes

  • #244231 - On key pressing of column chooser Search bar, empty Grid renders if all columns are unchecked, issue has been fixed.
  • #146166 - CheckBox column disappears after hiding other columns through columnChooser issue has been fixed.
  • #146777 - While locking the column dynamically, the Locked column is not moving to the first column position issue has been fixed.
  • #245747 - Validation message position is wrong for rows added in the bottom issue has been fixed.
  • #242519,#244186 - Misalignment issue in Frozen Column while editing Grid with edit template.
  • #243593 - Script error thrown when perform row drag and drop with expand child.
  • #242503 - On Saving the cell Footer Content scrollLeft is set to zero issue has been fixed.
  • #146553 - Command column was not working when dynamically added in columnModel is resolved.

17.2.47 (2019-08-27)


Bug Fixes

  • #244231 - On key pressing of column chooser Search bar, empty Grid renders if all columns are unchecked, issue has been fixed.
  • #146166 - CheckBox column disappears after hiding other columns through columnChooser issue has been fixed.
  • #146777 - While locking the column dynamically, the Locked column is not moving to the first column position issue has been fixed.
  • #245747 - Validation message position is wrong for rows added in the bottom issue has been fixed.
  • #242519,#244186 - Misalignment issue in Frozen Column while editing Grid with edit template.
  • #243593 - Script error thrown when perform row drag and drop with expand child.
  • #242503 - On Saving the cell Footer Content scrollLeft is set to zero issue has been fixed.
  • #146553 - Command column was not working when dynamically added in columnModel is resolved.

17.2.41 (2019-08-14)


Bug Fixes

  • #244183 - Provided the cacheAdaptor support in Grid.
  • #240141 - Resize not working properly when enabling row drag and drop feature has been fixed.
  • #243754 - Removed the filterItemTemplate from Grid persist data.
  • #244375 - Checkbox state was not refreshed while calling openColumnChooser has been fixed.
  • #234468 - Script error while refreshing the Grid with foreignKeyColumn in persistence enabled has been fixed.

17.2.40 (2019-08-06)


Bug Fixes

  • #242503 - Add form gets misplaced in an empty grid with frozenColumns.
  • #242201 - Script error thrown while navigating to other page and come back to grid with filter settings.
  • #237984 - Need to show warning message if provided dataSource in incorrect format.
  • #242484 - Default value is not set for the stacked columns.
  • #146156 - Drag area created while selecting the input area (row drag and drop and multiple selection enabled).
  • #242673 - Change return type for getCurrentEditCellData.

17.2.39 (2019-07-30)


Bug Fixes

  • #240377 - Changing page size dynamically in batch edit mode will now prompt confirmation dialog before discarding the changes.
  • #240117 - Support to access column object in grid column template has been provided. Use column inside the template to access the respective column properties.
  • #242654 - Dynamically changing ShowInColumnChooser property now updated in the columnMenu too.

New Features

  • Default filter operator support has been provided. Use column.filter.operator with any of the filter operators to set default operator for filtering.

17.2.36 (2019-07-24)


Bug Fixes

  • #241299 - Misalignment is resolved when hiding a column in a allowDragAndDrop enabled Grid.
  • #237505 - Grouping expand and collapse rows are now working properly when virtualization enabled with aggregates.
  • #241020 - Grid initial filtering is now working fine while filtering the foreignKey enabled column.
  • #241150,#242157 - Script error while clicking inside the Grid edit form with hidden column has been fixed.
  • #238244 - Script error has been fixed in IE browser while continuously create and destroy the grid.
  • #240283 - Support to dynamically set true/false to the allowDragAndDrop has been provided.
  • #222746 - Last block of records are now working properly in grouping with virtualization feature.

New Features

  • #235428 - Support has been provided to enable or disable match case in filterSettings. Use filterSettings.enableCaseSensitivity to enable or disable match case.
  • Provided autoFit property in column level to do initial auto-fitting operation.
  • Provided keyPressed event support.

17.2.35 (2019-07-17)


Bug Fixes

  • #238402 - Sort comparer is now working properly for RemoteSaveAdaptor;
  • #235736, #237229 - Provided responsive height support for columnChooser of columnMenu.
  • #234395 - Provided currency code while exporting to excel end csv documents.
  • #232623 - Comparer object is now properly working in custom sortComparer function while performing in descending order.
  • #240045 - recordDoubleClick event is now prevented while clicking on groupcaption row.
  • #239272 - autoFitColumns for column resizing is now calculated based on aggregates cell content too.
  • #241310 - Text wrap is now applying for movable headers too while refreshing the grid.
  • #234709 - Sorting order is now maintained in the column after undo operation of the grouped column.
  • #236350 - Script error has been resolved while destroying the grid with pager template.

17.2.34 (2019-07-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #237403 - Footer template shows proper result when using both group footer and footer template in exported excel document.
  • #232272 - RemoteSaveAdaptor batch changes are now refreshed properly in grid when ContractResolver set to DefaultContractResolver.
  • #236337, #234622 - Child grid data is now successfully loads with query property in the url adaptor.
  • #236011 - Selection api example is now working properly in the sample browser.
  • #233069 - Intelligence is now showing properly for editSettings.template property of the grid.
  • #239971 - Script error has been fixed in command column while adding a new row.
  • #233758 - Underscore in the field name is considered as Complex data while saving the changes in Dialog template editing has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • Now in dialog and inline template editing, the element name for complex fields should be given with triple underscore instead of single underscore. This change has been made as underscore is valid identifier in DB field names.

17.2.28-beta (2019-06-27)


Bug Fixes

  • #238512 - Script error during show or hide column operations in hierarchyGrid has been resolved.
  • #145013 - Support has been provided for custom command button click event.
  • #239027 - Multiselection is now handled for Mac OS.
  • #236920 - field property is applied to headerText in MVC platform When header text is set as blank has been resolved.
  • #234538 - Performing filter operation in the dropdownlist is updating Grid column's dataSource has been resolved.
  • #238762 - beforePaste event support has been provided.
  • #239158 - Selection border is not removed while clearing the selection using clearSelection method has been fixed.
  • #238396 - Custom filter is now working properly with 0 value.
  • #237140 - ForeignKey column filtering is now working in remote date with same foreignKeyfield and foreignkeyvalue.
  • #232623 - Support has been provided to send row object as one of the parameter for sortComparer function.
  • #145110 - Column chooser is now working properly when column is not shown in the column chooser list.
  • #234709 - Sorting is maintained in the column after ungrouping the column has been resolved.
  • #236657 - getSelectedRowCellIndexes method has been fixed to return appropriate values.
  • #236295 - An object type is set as defaultValue property for aspType.
  • #237984 - Warning log support has been provided for indicating incorrect dataSource in asyncpipe.
  • #144746 - Server post request has been prevented in pdfExport while exporting the currentViewData.
  • #223604 - Script error while scrolling when activeElement is in null state has been fixed.
  • #235834 - isVisibile property is now set while generating focus matrix.

Breaking Changes

  • Show or hide operation in grid is no more asynchronous. Previously show/hide grid columns has refreshed the grid content and dataBound event will be triggered. This behaviour has been now made synchronous to improve toggle visibility performance.
  • minWidth property value is now applied to the columns when column width is not provided. This ensures that the cell content can occupy as much as available space and should not shrink below the given minWidth value.

17.1.51 (2019-06-11)


Bug Fixes

  • #235294 - Pager of the grid is refreshed properly during grid persistence.
  • #232623 - Complex field structure for primary key columns when using deep watch has been resolved.
  • #233441 - Misalignment has been fixed when applying auto-fit for stacked header columns.
  • #234514 - Context menu is properly rendering when using both default and custom items in header.
  • #235841 - Colspan is set properly while having empty records in hierarchy grid.
  • #236745 - aria-label attribute is updated when changing value in batch mode.
  • #144884 - Selected rowIndexes during selectAll checkbox operation has been resolved.
  • #143410 - Exporting pdf document with UTC date value in string format has been fixed.
  • #235826 - Filter icon overlaps the headerText when using menu filter dynamically has been fixed.
  • #235017 - Problem with visible property, when HideAtMedia is enabled for the column has been resolved.
  • #235264 - Script error when click on the column menu filter option in phone mode has been fixed.
  • #236759 - ContextMenu maintains the previous selected row has been resolved.
  • #237815 - Grid updated value is persisted when data has not been returned from server.
  • #237239 - Template column is rendered properly with persistence during page refresh.

17.1.50 (2019-06-04)


Bug Fixes

  • #236235 - To get the visible element in custom function while using custom validation has been resolved.
  • #235593 - To send the tr element in rowDataBound event instead of document fragment has been fixed.
  • #144448 - Maximum call stack issue while invoking clearFiltering method in dataBound event has been fixed.
  • #144431 - Grid export when null is provided for any complex field has been resolved.
  • #235415 - actionFailure event during successful server side CRUD actions has been resolved.
  • #234931 - Performance of checking checkbox columns during show/hide operation has been optimized.
  • #235081 - Column value as null in contextMenuClick event args while the target is column cell has been fixed.
  • #232225 - Server side Sorting in complex type(with nullable value) data column has been fixed.
  • #143671 - Grid filter with null date values has been resolved.
  • #225078 - Excel filter check list search criteria has been considered for grid filtering.

17.1.48 (2019-05-21)


Bug Fixes

  • #228547 - White space during normal editing is fixed while enabling the row drag and drop functionality.
  • #232660 - Script error while exporting the grouped Grid with enableGroupByFormat has been resolved.

New Features

  • #144253 - Provided tag helper support for data manager control.
  • #225561 - Provided support to filter records when ForeignKey columns and Grid columns have same field names.

17.1.47 (2019-05-14)


Bug Fixes

  • #226746 - Provide support to set format for aggregate values while exporting is resolved.
  • #234554 - Provide template support for stacked header is resolved.
  • #234230 - Batch edit misbehaves when allowDragAndDrop enabled is resolved.
  • #229226 - Hyperlink is not working when setting clipMode property in iOS is resolved.

17.1.44 (2019-05-07)


Bug Fixes

  • #234045 - Custom date format does not applied properly when excel exporting is fixed.
  • #231005 - Added Select All option for column chooser.
  • #232848 - enablePersistence with virtual scrolling displays blank page after refresh is resolved.

17.1.43 (2019-04-30)


Bug Fixes

  • #233158- Duplicate virtual element rendered while refreshing the grid is resolved.
  • #230859- actionComplete event argument requestType shown as paging while delete operation is resolved.
  • #233673- Script error occurs while using column virtualization with enablePersistance property is resolved.
  • #233281- Misalignment between frozen and movable content when using EJ compatibility CSS is resolved.
  • #233413- Alignment issue in grid stacked header when we enable frozen feature is resolved.
  • #143681- clearFiltering method will send multiple posts in excel filter is resolved.
  • #234189- Script error while using hidden columns method is resolved.

17.1.42 (2019-04-23)


Bug Fixes

  • #233507- Need to modify api description for startedit method is resolved.
  • #229454- A large text content gets collapsed while using rowHeight in grid is resolved.
  • #232985- Need to send edit operation args in beforeDataBound event is resolved.
  • #231808- Problem in hiding scrollbar place holder when having frozen is resolved.
  • #232924- Horizontal scrollbar gets hidden in IE and EDGE browsers is resolved.

17.1.41 (2019-04-16)


Bug Fixes

  • args.cancel support for grid rowDeselecting event with checkbox selection is provided.
  • rowDeselected event is misbehaved when performing the grid action with persistSelection property is resolved.
  • Unable to provide custom format for aggregate columns using tag helpers is resolved.
  • When the field for column is ""(not defined) then the column displays as "[object][object]" is resolved.
  • Searching is not working when dynamically changing the toolbar tooltip text is resolved.
  • Checkbox options in filter dialog misaligns in touch mode is resolved.

17.1.40 (2019-04-09)


Bug Fixes

  • Column template is removed after calling getPersistData method is resolved.
  • Script error is resolved when using setRowData method in cellSave event.
  • Grid content background in material-dark theme is resolved.
  • Group caption is displaying [object][object] instead of 0 with foreignkey column is resolved.
  • Missing of records after sorting in virtual scrolling grid is resolved.
  • Script error when opening column menu in column virtualised grid is resolved.
  • Grid menu filter does not filter the null date values properly is resolved.
  • Validation message is hidden when editing the last row of the current page is resolved.
  • Validation message is misplaced while using horizontal scrollbar in grid is resolved.
  • actionComplete event is not invoked after delete all records is resolved.
  • GetRowIndexes method returns incorrect index when invoked after filtering records in virtualisation grid.
  • A support to get row index from row data is provided.
  • Unable to delete record using command delete button when showConfirmDialog set to false is resolved.

17.1.38 (2019-03-29)


Bug Fixes

  • Excluded template from pageSettings while get persist data in Grid.
  • Edit cells are focused when enabling multiselect dropdown with checkbox mode.
  • Grid validationRules works fine while using min and max value for NumericTextBox.
  • Script error is resolved when opening contextmenu in stacked header.
  • In FilterBar mode, the specified format is applied to date column value while performing initial filtering.
  • Grid exports current view columns alone when column virtualization is enabled.
  • Filtering is working properly after Search toolbar action.
  • Additional parameters should be send in params property is achieved.
  • StringLength attribute converts the HTML value as lowercase instead of camelCase issue is resolved.
  • Grid Locale is not applied for edit Form components is resolved.
  • Complex data fields are updated in OdataV4 adaptor.
  • Provided support for defining custom url in Normal editing for Odata adaptor.
  • Script error is resolved while opening the menu filter in empty grid.
  • Underscore with field is consider as complex data while save the changes in dialog template editing is resolved.
  • Script error is resolved in excel Filter for date columns when data source for date column is in string.
  • Programmatic update and delete operations are working properly with batch mode.
  • Checkbox is aligned properly when a row with check box column with textAlign property is edited.
  • Row misalignment occurs when having checkbox column as frozen is resolved.
  • Searching misbehaves in a URLAdaptor bind in Grid while having Checkbox column is resolved.
  • Column menu icon is misaligned when changing default rowHeight of the grid is resolved.
  • UI issue with Excel Filter Dialog in Bootstrap theme is resolved.
  • Search query in WebAPI request is not proper when have a CheckBox column in Grid is resolved.
  • Row height is applied in Grid with null values in first column.
  • Provided Internal events support for cancelling the batch editing and after the form render.
  • Row deselection is not working properly while using persistSelection property is resolved.
  • Using checkbox property in IEditCell type throws compilation error is resolved.
  • Grid Excel filter sub menu misalignment in IE11 browser is resolved.
  • Pager is not refreshed with currentPage value in pageSettings while initial rendering is resolved.
  • Grid shows incorrect result while getting selected records with selectAll in rowSelected event is resolved.
  • Childgrid with empty record is not showing No records to display while excel exporting is resolved.

New Features

  • Provided virtualization support while expand or collapse the grouped records when virtualization is enabled.
  • Provided support to edit next row cell while pressing the tab key in Batch edit mode.
  • Provided support to add new row in bottom while pressing the tab key in last cell of last row in current page.
  • Provided support to trigger actionComplete event after calling expandAll and collapseAll methods.
  • Provided support to implement 'Angular deep watch pipe'.
  • Add and Delete operation changes are updated in the grid UI when virtualization is used.
  • Provided internal event to change the edit form elements for tree grid team.
  • Provided Error handler support in Grid Component.

17.1.1-beta (2019-01-29)


Bug Fixes

  • Updating Vue component data throws script error with stacked header is resolved.
  • rowHeight is not working when group grid columns is resolved.
  • Pager dropdown does not render in Production is fixed.
  • Provided support to exclude the grid properties from persist in the grid initialize.
  • Validation rules not working in Grid stacked columns is fixed.
  • Advanced popup is misaligned in excel-filter when scroll down on the page.
  • RowSelected event is triggered when sub context menu get open is fixed.
  • Query property not working for dynamic property change is fixed.
  • Touch-scrolling frozen content moves page scrollbar is resolved.
  • Script error throws in row-template when scroll up/down is fixed.
  • Unable to filter the date column with excel-filter using DataOperations class is fixed.
  • IE cannot handle the viewport height when scroll(virtual scrolling) is resolved.
  • Grouped column is not included in dialog editing when showGroupedColumn is false is fixed.
  • Initial Grouping not maintained when setting the locale property dynamically is fixed.
  • Script error when editTemplate is used in batch mode is fixed.

New Features

  • row Drag and Drop support within a single grid is provided.

  • Support for true type font in PDF library is added.

  • Hierarchy Grid printing support is added.

  • Support For Excel,CSV and Pdf export with Hierarchy Grid is provided.

  • Support for row-spanning in Grid is added.

  • Adding a new row at the bottom of the grid support is added.

  • support for paste option to Grid from Excelsheet/Grid is provided.

  • Excel-Like Auto Filling support is added.

  • Filter template support added.

  • Edit template support added.

16.4.40-beta (2018-12-10)


Bug Fixes

  • Getter function from super class are not available inside the template-context is fixed.
  • Filter icon goes a little above the headerText with wrapMode as Header is resolved.
  • rowDeselecting event not triggered after double clicking a particular row and select different row is resolved.
  • Column-Menu items are not disabled when disabled the grid properties at column level is fixed.
  • Provided theme support for grid header in excel-export.
  • Provided whole dataset for the custom-aggregate function when use disablePageWiseAggregate with no grouping.
  • Provided theme support for grid content in pdf-export.
  • Script error when editTemplate is used in batch mode is fixed.

Breaking Changes

Interface changed for PdfExportProperties

Property Old New
theme.header borders.color border.color
borders.lineStyle border.dashStyle
theme.record borders.color border.color
borders.lineStyle border.dashStyle
theme.caption borders.color border.color
borders.lineStyle border.dashStyle

16.3.33 (2018-11-20)


Bug Fixes

  • Using html in footerTemplate of aggregation is hidden in excel-export and pdf-export is fixed.
  • columnMenu is not properly render when disable the grid properties at column level is resolved.
  • With Virtual scrolling, args.data returns as undefined in rowSelected event is fixed.
  • Virtualization translate value calculated incorrectly when set height 100% is fixed.

16.3.32 (2018-11-13)


Bug Fixes

  • Refreshing a template in column Grid after edit and update displays no records in IE is fixed.
  • Unable to use captionTemplate in angular grid is resolved.

16.3.31 (2018-11-07)


Bug Fixes

  • aggregateModule is made public from grid class.
  • Tooltip throw script error when hover grid cell faster with EllipsisWithTooltip is fixed.
  • excelexport failed when complex property has null as value is resolved.
  • Script error throws while deleting the records after adding new records in batch-editing mode is resolved.

New Features

  • Provided dialog settings to customize dialog-editing.

Breaking Changes

  • For dialog editing, the dialog overlay will be displayed to entire document, Previously the overlay will be displayed only on the grid element.

16.3.30 (2018-11-01)


Bug Fixes

  • extend like method to keep getters in the data is added.
  • Tab-key press and update the data in command-column causes multiple posts at server side is resolved.
  • Added target to the arguments of the rowDeselecting event of Grid.
  • Cell edit template read function does not called when column type as boolean is resolved.
  • Script error thrown in production mode when using hideColumns method to hide a column.

16.3.27 (2018-10-23)


Bug Fixes

  • Grid Filter column field is undefined while using stacked headers is fixed.
  • Angular Grid is failed in production mode when sideEffects is set as false is fixed.
  • Checkbox select all is not selecting all records when batch added record is fixed.
  • rowHeight is not set properly when grouping column enabled is resolved.
  • When performing excel filter search with enter key the operators are always contains is resolved.
  • script error throws in rowSelected and cellSelected event after moving from one page to another page is fixed.

16.3.25 (2018-10-15)


Bug Fixes

  • Angular Grid printing is not working properly when using ng-template is fixed.
  • dialog template is not working properly when grid contains column template is fixed.
  • ODataV4 - Need to skip expand and select queries when apply groupby is used is added.
  • parse error when valid json values are passed into DataUtil.parse.parseJSON.
  • field value is undefined while adding the record in batch editing when we enable checkbox selection is resolved.
  • Need to provide whole dataset for the custom aggregate function when use disablePageWiseAggregates with no grouping is added.
  • rowSelected event arguments are not proper when selecting new records in batch mode is fixed.
  • Custom aggregate function parameters are incorrect when perform grouping with disablePageWiseAggregates is resolved.
  • setCellValue is not working for template column is fixed.
  • Provided separate title support for command column button.

16.3.24 (2018-10-09)


Bug Fixes

  • Excel Exporting with aggregates throws error is fixed.
  • Field value is undefined while adding record in batch editing when enabling checkbox selection is fixed.
  • Column chooser is overridden by search textbox due to padding top property issue is fixed.
  • Rendering dropdown component in grid editing returns only the first record in the dropdown list is fixed.
  • Parent grid column chooser is not opening after expanding child grid in hierarchical is resolved.
  • Grid Excel export not supporting the custom date format instead of skeleton format is resolved.
  • Provided support for range selection delete with Batch mode.
  • Separators are not hidden in context menu is resolved.
  • Using angular services to replace display values in checkbox filter is resolved.

16.3.23 (2018-10-03)


Bug Fixes

  • Prevented the grid refresh action when change the showDropArea visibility.
  • Changed the default values while add the empty data.
  • Context menu separators are not hidden properly when open in header.
  • Script error is thrown while auto fit the hierarchy grid with empty data is fixed.
  • Batch changes not passed when the column is edited with spaces.
  • Misalignment occurred while doing show or hide grid column with enable frozen columns is fixed.
  • Support for column chooser can search with user given operators.

16.3.22 (2018-09-25)


Bug Fixes

  • Provided batchsave as request type for actionComplete event of bulk save.
  • Provided optional parameter support for autoFitColumns API.
  • Cancel icon is not clearing the searched text when externally opening column chooser fixed.
  • Now row height is set in batch edit mode to avoid shrinking when not data is added.
  • Foreign key column checkbox filter shows blank values resolved.
  • Date value is sent to server side as empty sting instead of null value while adding the record fixed.
  • Script error thrown when perform editing with command column and detail template.
  • Need to retrieve the batch changes from the grid when the column is edited with spaces.
  • Changing page size dropdown value destroys another grid page size dropdown resolved.
  • Deleted record row objects maintains resolved.
  • Resolved issue with dynamic data source change when foreign key is used.
  • Added cancel event argument for search actionBegin event.
  • ODataV4 - Excel filter now uses groupby to get distinct data.
  • Autofit columns for empty detail Grid issue is fixed.

16.3.21 (2018-09-22)


Bug Fixes

  • Initial multi-sorting icon is added incorrectly fixed.
  • Validation for complex property is not added properly resolved.

New Features

  • Dialog edit template support added.
  • Reactive aggregate update support added.
  • Date time type column filter support added.
  • Windows explorer like check-box selection added.
  • Expand and collapse enabled in excel exported document for grouped grid.
  • Support to prevent the overriding of autofit columns by Resizing added.
  • Show All option added for page size drop-down.

16.3.17 (2018-09-12)


Bug Fixes

  • Initial multi-sorting icon is added incorrectly fixed.
  • Validation for complex property is not added properly resolved.

New Features

  • Dialog edit template support added.
  • Reactive aggregate update support added.
  • Date time type column filter support added.
  • Windows explorer like check-box selection added.
  • Expand and collapse enabled in excel exported document for grouped grid.
  • Support to prevent the overriding of autofit columns by Resizing added.
  • Show All option added for page size drop-down.

16.2.50 (2018-09-04)


Bug Fixes

  • Script error thrown with dynamic column and datasource inside the service subscription.
  • Cell selection misbehaves when having both checkbox and template columns in Grid issue is fixed.
  • Initial sorting and grid sorting is fixed when isFrozen property set for column.
  • Maximum call stack occurred when traverse through grouped hierarchy grid issue resolved.

Breaking Changes

  • For remote data, while using the checkbox/excel filter, the search operator is changed to equal for number and date type columns.
  • Previously startswith operator was used.

16.2.49 (2018-08-21)


Bug Fixes

  • Cursor element height set as 0 when using hidden property issue resolved.
  • Updating foreignKey with URL Adaptor not working issue resolved.
  • actionComplete event is raised for batch save operation.

16.2.48 (2018-08-14)


Bug Fixes

  • ODataV4 - $search is not used when using foreign key column resolved.
  • Primary key column is now included in select query when using columnQueryMode as ExcludeHidden.
  • Edit form is now rendered with tab key while grid is rendered inside dialog.
  • Selection is now maintained while expand or collapse child grid.
  • Footer aggregate is not aligned properly when apply column fit resolved.

16.2.47 (2018-08-07)


Bug Fixes

  • Batch editing tab key press prevention when grid placed inside dialog fixed.
  • Unable to use headerText in group caption template is resolved.
  • Query table name is not used by grid CRUD operations fixed.
  • Arguments return properly in beforeExcelExport and beforePdfExport event.
  • Cancel support for rowDrop event is provided.

16.2.46 (2018-07-30)


Bug Fixes

  • Selected rows event arguments are wrong with grouping and enableVirtualization is resolved.
  • Multiple rows selecting while scrolling with grouping and enableVirtualization is resolved.
  • Provided locale string for pager All option.

16.2.45 (2018-07-17)


Bug Fixes

  • Edit parameter is not properly applied for foreign key column is resolved.
  • Batch edit for Template column is fixed.
  • ng-compiler for filter itemTemplate property is fixed.
  • Operators are not maintained while filtering multiple columns with filter bar issue resolved.
  • Display of raw HTML when dragging column header to group area is resolved.
  • Grid displays fine when enable/disable enableVirtualization dynamically.

16.2.44 (2018-07-10)


Bug Fixes

  • Dynamic aggregate columns enabled is not working issue resolved.
  • Custom aggregate is not applied in MVC

16.2.43 (2018-07-03)


Bug Fixes

  • Passed row data to checkbox filter item template.
  • The locale is not properly applied for aggregates is resolved.
  • Export cell object is missing on exporting query cell info event argument is resolved.
  • setCellValue not updated the value when we use frozen columns is resolved.
  • Support to provide show all record option in pager dropdown.
  • Format is not applying for group caption while using Urladaptor.

16.2.42 (2018-06-27)


Bug Fixes

  • Batch confirmation dialog is not shown when we use Excel/Checkbox filter in Grid is resolved.
  • Excel text filter icon does not update with localization is resolved.
  • Provide cellSaved event support for getting the edited data while using batch Editing.
  • column size in IE when grouping is not changing like in chrome is resolved.
  • Bottom rows do not get selected with Virtualization and Grouping is resolved.
  • Script error thrown while refreshing grid in edit state is resolved.
  • Complex data with custom excel filter throws script error is resolved.
  • Invalid filtered data in datetime column issue resolved.
  • Empty Grid showed while editing request failed issue resolved.
  • Prevented the script errors while destroying grid.
  • Script error while rendering the grid inside a dialog issue resolved.
  • Complex data with first row null value issue resolved.
  • Success and fail handler triggering issue resolved.
  • Additional parameter not available in menu filter issue resolved.

16.2.41 (2018-06-25)


Bug Fixes

  • Group footer template shows incorrect value while using disablePageWiseAggregate issue fixed.

  • Unable to sort when set dynamic sort settings in descending order resolved.

  • Footer aggregate row is not aligned properly when using child grid resolved.

  • In batch editing, script error occurs when focusing on grid after clicking add and cancel button fixed.

  • Filter icon misalignment with text wrap enabled resolved.

  • Selection retained after unchecking the check all checkbox with remote data source fixed.

  • actionComplete event is not triggered for batch cancel resolved.

  • Frozen content got hidden while adding new row with auto height is resolved.

  • Unable to use auto complete inside filter bar template resolved.

  • Aggregates row get misaligned while horizontal scrolling if vertical scrollbar presents resolved.

  • Excel filter dialog is not updated when properties updated through setProperties issue resolved.

  • Indent column disappeared when resizing the hierarchy column in Grid issue fixed.

  • Row elements are not available while using ngSwitch in row template.

  • Incorrect footer aggregate value calculated with async pipe is resolved.


  • Added excel filter UI with async pipe support.

16.1.44 (2018-05-18)


Bug Fixes

  • edited data is not remove when we click the cancel button with frozen column feature enable.

16.1.43 (2018-05-18)


Bug Fixes

  • Complex data editing is not shown valid selector when we use frozen feature.

16.1.42 (2018-05-15)


Bug Fixes

  • Excel Filter dialog not updated while initial rendering and through setproperties.
  • Localization not applied in Exporting Grid.
  • Complex data binding not working properly with editing add action.

16.1.41 (2018-05-09)


Bug Fixes

  • dataStateChange event is now trigged when pageSize is changed.
  • Provided support for optimizing frozen content height with auto wrap.

16.1.40 (2018-05-08)


Bug Fixes

  • dataStateChange event is now trigged when pageSize is changed.
  • Group and caption aggregate is now working with async pipe.
  • Now grid refreshed when group and caption aggregates is emptied.
  • In Remote data, the getSelectedRecords method returns proper count with persistSelection enabled.
  • Script error thrown when set dataSource and columns is provided at the same time fixed.

16.1.39 (2018-05-05)


Bug Fixes

  • Memory leak issue resolved.

16.1.38 (2018-05-03)


Bug Fixes

  • Duplicate values updating in batch changes for complex property is resolved.
  • Creating multiple elements while hovering for tooltip issue is resolved.
  • Lint issue occurs in custom toolbar with latest typescript version is resolved.
  • Undoing delete operation only restores frozen content in batch edit fixed.

16.1.37 (2018-04-24)


Bug Fixes

  • Script error thrown while deleting all records with aggregates and Urladaptor is resolved.
  • FilterBar message is not updated while setting filter settings in setProperties method is resolved.
  • Excel Filter dialog not updated while programmatically filter the column is resolved.
  • With virtual scrolling grid refreshes constantly issue is resolved.

16.1.35 (2018-04-17)


Bug Fixes

  • Maximum call stack issue while filtering date column with disablePageWiseAggregates is resolved.
  • Provided locale support for custom filter labels and column chooser.
  • Between operator provides incorrect result in Excel filter issue fixed.
  • Content rendering delayed while using virtual scrolling with grouping when scrolling horizontally is resolved.

Breaking Changes

  • The Locale properties such as OK, Filter, Clear are removed instead use OKButton, FilterButton, ClearButton.

16.1.34 (2018-04-10)


Bug Fixes

  • Pager Dropdown values is not updated while dynamically changing the Page size issue is resolved.
  • Provide locale column format support for excel-export.
  • Setting filter Properties through setProperties method is resolved.
  • Changing frozen columns from null throws script error is resolved.
  • Excel exporting group caption shows field name instead of header text issue is resolved.
  • String values not accepted for methods from window in custom filter menu template is resolved.

16.1.33 (2018-04-04)


Bug Fixes

  • Updating column object for dynamically bounded columns.

16.1.32 (2018-03-29)


Bug Fixes

  • Grid refreshes before insert operation completed resolved.
  • Grid refresh prevented when column showing or hiding dynamically through hideAtMedia.
  • Initial multi sorted column icons is ordered correctly.
  • Removed filter bar border when using compatibility theme.
  • Provide complex data editing support.
  • Grouping with search always shown the spinner when data source has no value is resolved.
  • Filtering the column while field has underscore value is resolved.
  • Aggregate returns the null value when grouped has no aggregate field is resolved.
  • Header text shown along with header template is resolved.

16.1.30 (2018-03-20)


Bug Fixes

  • Column properties is not persisted after reordering columns resolved.
  • args.cancel has included in rowSelecting event while select the rows through method and user interaction.

16.1.29 (2018-03-13)


Bug Fixes

  • args.cancel has included in rowSelecting event.
  • Dynamically changing filter settings does not update Filterbar value and filter status message is resolved.
  • Batch edit should close on clicking outside grid and on pressing enter or tab key is resolved.
  • updateRow method is provided for Normal editing and Dialog editing.
  • Duplicate columns added in group drop area issue resolved.

16.1.28 (2018-03-09)


Bug Fixes

  • Minimum height for edit dialog is provided.
  • Identity column is not disabled when adding resolved.
  • Script error thrown when destroy the Grid with custom toolbar template issue resolved.
  • Batch editing save action shows empty grid issue resolved.
  • currentViewData is not changed in remote data editing issue resolved.

16.1.24 (2018-02-22)


New Features

  • New Excel like column filtering option is added.
  • Added Look-up table or foreign key data binding to grid column.
  • Row height adjustment feature added.

Bug Fixes

  • Angular and React enablePersistence issue resolved.

Breaking Changes

  • All grid enum property values are changed from camel casing to pascal casing. Please refer the below link for complete API changes from v15.4.23 to v16.1.24.
  • Migration.

15.4.30-preview (2018-02-14)


Bug Fixes

  • Exporting is working fine with template column.
  • Aggregate with frozen columns scroller is working fine

15.4.29-preview (2018-02-07)


Bug Fixes

  • Renamed event dataSourceChange to dataSourceChanged.

15.4.28-preview (2018-01-30)


Bug Fixes

  • Child Grid editing dialog closes when clicking on edit element.
  • Printing window is blocking by browser and column hiding.
  • getSelectedRecords method returns selected records properly with checkbox persist selection fixed.
  • Aggregate with frozen columns scroller is working fine.

15.4.27-preview (2018-01-30)


Bug Fixes

  • Disable edit, delete button when Grid is empty.
  • ShowConfirmDialog is not showing in Command Column.
  • Grid Validation message is not shown in EJ2 compatibility theme.
  • Checkbox selection fixes with virtual scrolling.
  • Provide support to add row with rowindex in AddRecord method.

15.4.26-preview (2018-01-23)


Bug Fixes

  • Validation error message partially hidden when grid has single record in add and update action.
  • Two way binding for headers on grid not working.
  • Child grid collapses after save operation fixed.
  • Checkbox column binding with data source is not working fixed.
  • Misalignment occurs in frozen columns without height property fixed.

15.4.25-preview (2018-01-09)


New Features

  • isBlob argument added in export methods to get blob data export complete events.

Bug Fixes

  • Check Select all not working when refreshing the Grid header in run time.
  • Column chooser throws script error in IE 11 while destroying the component.
  • Column checkbox filtering shows no records while grid have menu filtering.

15.4.24-preview (2018-01-10)


Bug Fixes

  • Filter menu clear action throws script error with column menu.
  • Add row misaligns with header when grid has hidden columns.
  • Support for rowSelected event for template column.
  • Date filtering request pass as string when reloading.
  • Script error on add record by hidden column.
  • Row deselect event not fires in check box selection.
  • Sorting and grouping failed on complex data.
  • Last and next page options are enabled when data source is empty.
  • Default cursor not displayed after invoke grid refresh method.

15.4.23-preview (2017-12-27)


New Features

  • Added typing file for ES5 global scripts (dist/global/index.d.ts).

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the module bundle file name for ES6 bundling.


Bug Fixes

  • Header content is not scrolling while adding a record in empty Grid.
  • displayAsCheckbox not working for numeric values.
  • Filtered value not persisting in filter menu with date picker.
  • Reordering with filter menu throws script error.
  • Exporting Grouped Grid with Header not working.

15.4.22-preview (2017-12-14)


New Features

  • recordDoubleClick event added.

Bug Fixes

  • Grid height 100% is not working fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • Now ColumnChooser module must be injected to use column chooser feature.

15.4.21-preview (2017-12-08)


Bug Fixes

  • Script error when exporting with Custom aggregate fixed.
  • State persistence in angular is not working fixed.
  • Exporting with stacked header is not working fixed.
  • Alignment issue with checkbox column fixed.
  • Cancelling edit with edit Template fixed.
  • Stacked header alignment issue fixed.
  • Disabling Edit confirm dialog is not working issue fixed.
  • Script error throws when save the record after edit in IE11 fixed.
  • Editing not working after batch save in action begin event fixed.
  • Deleting unsaved record throws Script error fixed.

15.4.20-preview (2017-12-01)


Bug Fixes

  • Column format is not applied when type is specified fixed
  • Value search in checkbox filter is not worked for complex binding fixed
  • Editing is not worked with stacked header fixed
  • Numeric Edit column didn't get modified value when Enter key press fixed
  • Null shows as date value in date type column fixed
  • Edit Confirm Dialog is not working properly in batch edit mode fixed

15.4.19-preview (2017-11-23)


Bug Fixes

  • Script error resolved when exporting Grid data.
  • Provided filter menu support for template columns.
  • Localization is not found for numeric and date filter menu issue fixed.

15.4.18-preview (2017-11-16)


Bug Fixes

  • enum support for toolbar items provided.
  • Edit state not changed when changing dataSource issue fixed.
  • Duplicate service injection in React fixed.

15.4.17-preview (2017-11-13)


Grid component is used to display and manipulate tabular data with configuration options to control the way the data is presented and manipulated.

  • Data sources - Bind the Grid component with an array of JavaScript objects or DataManager.
  • Sorting and grouping - Supports n levels of sorting and grouping.
  • Selection - Provides the option to select the grid rows single or multiple.
  • Filtering - Offers filter bar or menu , or checkbox at each column to filter data.
  • Editing - Provides the options to dynamically insert, delete and update records.
  • Virtualization - Provides the options to load large amount of data without performance degradation.
  • Aggregates - Provides built in types are sum , average, min, max, count.
  • Paging - Provides the option to easily switch between pages using the pager bar.
  • Reordering - Allows you to drag any column and drop it at any position in the Grids column header row, allowing columns to be repositioned.
  • Resize - Allow you to resize the grid column width dynamically.
  • Frozen Rows And Columns - Provides the options to freeze certain rows or columns to scroll remaining movable content.
  • Clipboard - Provides an option to copy selected rows or cells data into clipboard.
  • Column Spanning - Provides an option to allows to span the multiple adjacent cells.
  • Stacked Header - It can be stacked or grouped in order to show multiple level of column headers.
  • Hierarchy Grid - It is used to display table data in hierarchical structure which can show or hide by clicking on expand or collapse button.
  • Print and Exporting - Provides the option to print and exporting grid records.
  • RTL - Provides a full-fledged right-to-left mode which aligns content in the Grid component from right to left.
  • Localization - Provides inherent support to localize the UI.