2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
#addin "Cake.Xamarin"
#addin "Cake.XCode"
2016-02-24 22:10:20 +03:00
#addin "Cake.FileHelpers"
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-24 22:10:20 +03:00
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var TARGET = Argument ("t", Argument ("target", Argument ("Target", "Default")));
var NuGetSources = new [] { "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/" };
var NugetToolPath = GetToolPath ("../nuget.exe");
var XamarinComponentToolPath = GetToolPath ("../xamarin-component.exe");
var CakeToolPath = GetToolPath ("Cake.exe");
var NUnitConsoleToolPath = GetToolPath ("../NUnit.Console/tools/nunit3-console.exe");
var GenApiToolPath = GetToolPath ("../genapi.exe");
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
var MDocPath = GetMDocPath ();
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
2016-05-06 18:39:38 +03:00
DirectoryPath ROOT_PATH = MakeAbsolute(Directory("."));
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DirectoryPath DEPOT_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("depot_tools"));
DirectoryPath SKIA_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("skia"));
// TOOLS & FUNCTIONS - the bits to make it all work
var SetEnvironmentVariable = new Action<string, string> ((name, value) => {
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
Information ("Setting Environment Variable {0} to {1}", name, value);
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable (name, value, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
var AppendEnvironmentVariable = new Action<string, string> ((name, value) => {
var old = EnvironmentVariable (name);
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
var sep = IsRunningOnWindows () ? ';' : ':';
if (!old.ToUpper ().Split (sep).Contains (value.ToUpper ())) {
Information ("Adding {0} to Environment Variable {1}", value, name);
value += sep + old;
SetEnvironmentVariable (name, value);
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
void ListEnvironmentVariables ()
Information ("Environment Variables:");
foreach (var envVar in EnvironmentVariables ()) {
Information ("\tKey: {0}\tValue: \"{1}\"", envVar.Key, envVar.Value);
FilePath GetToolPath (FilePath toolPath)
var appRoot = Context.Environment.GetApplicationRoot ();
var appRootExe = appRoot.CombineWithFilePath (toolPath);
if (FileExists (appRootExe))
return appRootExe;
throw new FileNotFoundException ("Unable to find tool: " + appRootExe);
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
FilePath GetMDocPath ()
FilePath mdocPath;
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
mdocPath = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mdoc";
} else {
DirectoryPath progFiles = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86);
mdocPath = progFiles.CombineWithFilePath ("Mono/bin/mdoc.bat");
if (!FileExists (mdocPath)) {
mdocPath = "mdoc";
return mdocPath;
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
var RunNuGetRestore = new Action<FilePath> ((solution) =>
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
NuGetRestore (solution, new NuGetRestoreSettings {
ToolPath = NugetToolPath
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
var RunGyp = new Action<string, string> ((defines, generators) =>
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GYP_GENERATORS", generators);
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GYP_DEFINES", defines);
2016-02-05 00:07:32 +03:00
Information ("Running 'sync-and-gyp'...");
Information ("\tGYP_GENERATORS = " + EnvironmentVariable ("GYP_GENERATORS"));
Information ("\tGYP_DEFINES = " + EnvironmentVariable ("GYP_DEFINES"));
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
var result = StartProcess ("python", new ProcessSettings {
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
Arguments = SKIA_PATH.CombineWithFilePath("bin/sync-and-gyp").FullPath,
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
WorkingDirectory = SKIA_PATH.FullPath,
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
if (result != 0) {
throw new Exception ("sync-and-gyp failed with error: " + result);
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var RunInstallNameTool = new Action<DirectoryPath, string, string, FilePath> ((directory, oldName, newName, library) =>
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
if (!IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ("install_name_tool is only available on Unix.");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
StartProcess ("install_name_tool", new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = string.Format("-change {0} {1} \"{2}\"", oldName, newName, library),
WorkingDirectory = directory,
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var RunLipo = new Action<DirectoryPath, FilePath, FilePath[]> ((directory, output, inputs) =>
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
if (!IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ("lipo is only available on Unix.");
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
var dir = directory.CombineWithFilePath (output).GetDirectory ();
if (!DirectoryExists (dir)) {
CreateDirectory (dir);
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var inputString = string.Join(" ", inputs.Select (i => string.Format ("\"{0}\"", i)));
StartProcess ("lipo", new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = string.Format("-create -output \"{0}\" {1}", output, inputString),
WorkingDirectory = directory,
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var PackageNuGet = new Action<FilePath, DirectoryPath> ((nuspecPath, outputPath) =>
// NuGet messes up path on mac, so let's add ./ in front twice
var basePath = IsRunningOnUnix () ? "././" : "./";
2016-01-15 03:18:32 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists (outputPath)) {
CreateDirectory (outputPath);
2016-02-04 22:46:42 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
NuGetPack (nuspecPath, new NuGetPackSettings {
Verbosity = NuGetVerbosity.Detailed,
OutputDirectory = outputPath,
BasePath = basePath,
ToolPath = NugetToolPath
2016-01-19 01:35:35 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var RunTests = new Action<FilePath> ((testAssembly) =>
2016-02-02 17:39:03 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
var dir = testAssembly.GetDirectory ();
var result = StartProcess (NUnitConsoleToolPath, new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = string.Format ("\"{0}\" --work=\"{1}\"", testAssembly, dir),
if (result != 0) {
throw new Exception ("NUnit test failed with error: " + result);
2016-02-02 17:39:03 +03:00
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
var RunMdocUpdate = new Action<FilePath, DirectoryPath> ((assembly, docsRoot) =>
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
StartProcess (MDocPath, new ProcessSettings {
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
Arguments = string.Format ("update --out=\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", docsRoot, assembly),
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
var RunMdocMSXml = new Action<DirectoryPath, FilePath> ((docsRoot, output) =>
StartProcess (MDocPath, new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = string.Format ("export-msxdoc --out=\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", output, docsRoot),
var RunMdocAssemble = new Action<DirectoryPath, FilePath> ((docsRoot, output) =>
StartProcess (MDocPath, new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = string.Format ("assemble --out=\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", output, docsRoot),
2016-02-24 22:10:20 +03:00
var ProcessSolutionProjects = new Action<FilePath, Action<string, FilePath>> ((solutionFilePath, process) => {
var solutionFile = MakeAbsolute (solutionFilePath).FullPath;
foreach (var line in FileReadLines (solutionFile)) {
var match = Regex.Match (line, @"Project\(""(?<type>.*)""\) = ""(?<name>.*)"", ""(?<path>.*)"", "".*""");
if (match.Success && match.Groups ["type"].Value == "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") {
var path = match.Groups["path"].Value;
var projectFilePath = MakeAbsolute (solutionFilePath.GetDirectory ().CombineWithFilePath (path));
Information ("Processing project file: " + projectFilePath);
process (match.Groups["name"].Value, projectFilePath);
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
var MSBuildNS = (XNamespace) "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003";
var SetXValue = new Action<XElement, string, string> ((root, element, value) => {
var node = root.Element (MSBuildNS + element);
if (node == null)
root.Add (new XElement (MSBuildNS + element, value));
node.Value = value;
var AddXValue = new Action<XElement, string, string> ((root, element, value) => {
var node = root.Element (MSBuildNS + element);
if (node == null)
root.Add (new XElement (MSBuildNS + element, value));
node.Value += value;
var SetXValues = new Action<XElement, string[], string, string> ((root, parents, element, value) => {
IEnumerable<XElement> nodes = new [] { root };
foreach (var p in parents) {
nodes = nodes.Elements (MSBuildNS + p);
foreach (var n in nodes) {
SetXValue (n, element, value);
var AddXValues = new Action<XElement, string[], string, string> ((root, parents, element, value) => {
IEnumerable<XElement> nodes = new [] { root };
foreach (var p in parents) {
nodes = nodes.Elements (MSBuildNS + p);
foreach (var n in nodes) {
AddXValue (n, element, value);
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
// find a better place for this / or fix the path issue
var VisualStudioPathFixup = new Action (() => {
var props = SKIA_PATH.CombineWithFilePath ("out/gyp/libjpeg-turbo.props").FullPath;
var xdoc = XDocument.Load (props);
var temp = xdoc.Root
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "ItemDefinitionGroup")
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "assemble")
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "CommandLineTemplate")
.Single ();
var newInclude = SKIA_PATH.Combine ("third_party/externals/libjpeg-turbo/win/").FullPath;
if (!temp.Value.Contains (newInclude)) {
temp.Value += " \"-I" + newInclude + "\"";
xdoc.Save (props);
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// EXTERNALS - the native C and C++ libraries
2016-01-15 03:18:32 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// this builds all the externals
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
Task ("externals")
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("externals-genapi")
.IsDependentOn ("externals-native")
.Does (() =>
// this builds the native C and C++ externals
Task ("externals-native")
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("externals-uwp")
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("externals-windows")
.IsDependentOn ("externals-osx")
.IsDependentOn ("externals-ios")
.IsDependentOn ("externals-android")
.Does (() =>
2016-02-02 17:39:03 +03:00
// copy all the native files into the output
CopyDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/", "./output/native/");
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
// copy the non-embedded native files into the output
if (IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/windows/x86")) CreateDirectory ("./output/windows/x86");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/windows/x64")) CreateDirectory ("./output/windows/x64");
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/windows/x86/libskia_windows.dll", "./output/windows/x86/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/windows/x86/libskia_windows.pdb", "./output/windows/x86/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/windows/x64/libskia_windows.dll", "./output/windows/x64/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/windows/x64/libskia_windows.pdb", "./output/windows/x64/");
2016-05-06 18:39:38 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/uwp/x86")) CreateDirectory ("./output/uwp/x86");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/uwp/x64")) CreateDirectory ("./output/uwp/x64");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/uwp/arm")) CreateDirectory ("./output/uwp/arm");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/uwp/x86/libskia_uwp.dll", "./output/uwp/x86/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/uwp/x86/libskia_uwp.pdb", "./output/uwp/x86/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/uwp/x64/libskia_uwp.dll", "./output/uwp/x64/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/uwp/x64/libskia_uwp.pdb", "./output/uwp/x64/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/uwp/arm/libskia_uwp.dll", "./output/uwp/arm/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/uwp/arm/libskia_uwp.pdb", "./output/uwp/arm/");
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/osx")) CreateDirectory ("./output/osx");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/mac")) CreateDirectory ("./output/mac");
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/osx/libskia_osx.dylib", "./output/osx/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./native-builds/lib/osx/libskia_osx.dylib", "./output/mac/");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// this builds the managed PCL external
Task ("externals-genapi")
.Does (() =>
2016-02-02 17:39:03 +03:00
// build the dummy project
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("binding/SkiaSharp.Generic.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { "\"Any CPU\"" };
2016-01-19 00:30:36 +03:00
2016-02-02 17:39:03 +03:00
// generate the PCL
2016-01-19 00:30:36 +03:00
FilePath input = "binding/SkiaSharp.Generic/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll";
var libPath = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5/,.";
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
StartProcess (GenApiToolPath, new ProcessSettings {
2016-02-02 03:33:43 +03:00
Arguments = string.Format("-libPath:{2} -out \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", input.GetFilename () + ".cs", input.GetFilename (), libPath),
WorkingDirectory = input.GetDirectory ().FullPath,
2016-01-19 00:30:36 +03:00
CopyFile ("binding/SkiaSharp.Generic/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll.cs", "binding/SkiaSharp.Portable/SkiaPortable.cs");
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
// this builds the native C and C++ externals for Windows
Task ("externals-windows")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnWindows ())
.WithCriteria (
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/windows/x86/libskia_windows.dll") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/windows/x64/libskia_windows.dll"))
.Does (() =>
2016-02-24 22:10:20 +03:00
var buildArch = new Action<string, string, string> ((platform, skiaArch, dir) => {
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
RunGyp ("skia_arch_type='" + skiaArch + "'", "ninja,msvs");
VisualStudioPathFixup ();
2016-02-24 23:43:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("native-builds/libskia_windows/libskia_windows_" + dir + ".sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { platform };
if (!DirectoryExists ("native-builds/lib/windows/" + dir)) CreateDirectory ("native-builds/lib/windows/" + dir);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_windows/Release/libskia_windows.lib", "native-builds/lib/windows/" + dir);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_windows/Release/libskia_windows.dll", "native-builds/lib/windows/" + dir);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_windows/Release/libskia_windows.pdb", "native-builds/lib/windows/" + dir);
2016-02-24 22:10:20 +03:00
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
// set up the gyp environment variables
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
AppendEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", DEPOT_PATH.FullPath);
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
2016-02-24 22:10:20 +03:00
buildArch ("Win32", "x86", "x86");
buildArch ("x64", "x86_64", "x64");
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
// this builds the native C and C++ externals for Windows UWP
Task ("externals-uwp")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnWindows ())
.WithCriteria (
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/uwp/ARM/libskia_uwp.dll") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/uwp/x86/libskia_uwp.dll") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/uwp/x64/libskia_uwp.dll"))
.Does (() =>
var convertDesktopToUWP = new Action<FilePath, string> ((projectFilePath, platform) => {
// TODO: the stuff in this block must be moved into the gyp files !!
var projectFile = MakeAbsolute (projectFilePath).FullPath;
var xdoc = XDocument.Load (projectFile);
var configType = xdoc.Root
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "PropertyGroup")
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "ConfigurationType")
.Select (e => e.Value)
.FirstOrDefault ();
if (configType != "StaticLibrary") {
// skip over "Utility" projects as they aren't actually
// library projects, but intermediate build steps.
} else {
// special case for ARM, gyp does not yet have ARM,
// so it defaults to Win32
// update and reload
if (platform.ToUpper () == "ARM") {
ReplaceTextInFiles (projectFile, "Win32", "ARM");
ReplaceTextInFiles (projectFile, "SkTLS_win.cpp", "SkTLS_none.cpp");
xdoc = XDocument.Load (projectFile);
var globals = xdoc.Root
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "PropertyGroup")
.Where (e => e.Attribute ("Label") != null && e.Attribute ("Label").Value == "Globals")
.Single ();
globals.Elements (MSBuildNS + "WindowsTargetPlatformVersion").Remove ();
SetXValue (globals, "Keyword", "StaticLibrary");
SetXValue (globals, "AppContainerApplication", "true");
SetXValue (globals, "ApplicationType", "Windows Store");
SetXValue (globals, "WindowsTargetPlatformVersion", "10.0.10586.0");
SetXValue (globals, "WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion", "10.0.10240.0");
SetXValue (globals, "ApplicationTypeRevision", "10.0");
SetXValue (globals, "DefaultLanguage", "en-US");
var properties = xdoc.Root
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "PropertyGroup")
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "LinkIncremental")
.First ()
SetXValue (properties, "GenerateManifest","false");
SetXValue (properties, "IgnoreImportLibrary","false");
SetXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "ClCompile" }, "CompileAsWinRT", "false");
//AddXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "ClCompile" }, "AdditionalOptions", " /sdl ");
AddXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "ClCompile" }, "PreprocessorDefinitions", ";SK_BUILD_FOR_WINRT;WINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_APP;");
AddXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "ClCompile" }, "DisableSpecificWarnings", ";4146;4703;");
SetXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "Link" }, "SubSystem", "Console");
SetXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "Link" }, "IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries", "false");
SetXValues (xdoc.Root, new [] { "ItemDefinitionGroup", "Link" }, "GenerateWindowsMetadata", "false");
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "ItemDefinitionGroup")
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "Link")
.Elements (MSBuildNS + "AdditionalDependencies")
.Remove ();
xdoc.Save (projectFile);
var buildArch = new Action<string, string> ((platform, arch) => {
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/" + arch);
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/Release");
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/Generated Files");
ProcessSolutionProjects ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/libskia_uwp_" + arch + ".sln", (projectName, projectPath) => {
if (projectName != "libskia_uwp")
convertDesktopToUWP (projectPath, platform);
VisualStudioPathFixup ();
DotNetBuild ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/libskia_uwp_" + arch + ".sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { platform };
if (!DirectoryExists ("native-builds/lib/uwp/" + arch)) CreateDirectory ("native-builds/lib/uwp/" + arch);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/Release/libskia_uwp.lib", "native-builds/lib/uwp/" + arch);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/Release/libskia_uwp.dll", "native-builds/lib/uwp/" + arch);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_uwp/Release/libskia_uwp.pdb", "native-builds/lib/uwp/" + arch);
// set up the gyp environment variables
AppendEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", DEPOT_PATH.FullPath);
RunGyp ("skia_arch_type='x86_64' skia_gpu=0", "ninja,msvs");
buildArch ("x64", "x64");
RunGyp ("skia_arch_type='x86' skia_gpu=0", "ninja,msvs");
buildArch ("Win32", "x86");
RunGyp ("skia_arch_type='arm' arm_version=7 arm_neon=0 skia_gpu=0", "ninja,msvs");
buildArch ("ARM", "arm");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// this builds the native C and C++ externals for Mac OS X
2016-01-15 15:24:57 +03:00
Task ("externals-osx")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnUnix ())
.WithCriteria (
2016-02-02 20:38:48 +03:00
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/osx/libskia_osx.dylib"))
2016-01-15 15:24:57 +03:00
.Does (() =>
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-03 07:18:07 +03:00
var buildArch = new Action<string, string> ((arch, skiaArch) => {
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
RunGyp ("skia_arch_type='" + skiaArch + "'", "ninja,xcode");
2016-02-03 07:18:07 +03:00
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
XCodeBuild (new XCodeBuildSettings {
Project = "native-builds/libskia_osx/libskia_osx.xcodeproj",
Target = "libskia_osx",
Sdk = "macosx",
Arch = arch,
Configuration = "Release",
if (!DirectoryExists ("native-builds/lib/osx/" + arch)) {
CreateDirectory ("native-builds/lib/osx/" + arch);
CopyDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_osx/build/Release/", "native-builds/lib/osx/" + arch);
2016-02-02 20:38:48 +03:00
RunInstallNameTool ("native-builds/lib/osx/" + arch, "lib/libskia_osx.dylib", "@loader_path/libskia_osx.dylib", "libskia_osx.dylib");
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
// set up the gyp environment variables
AppendEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", DEPOT_PATH.FullPath);
2016-02-03 07:18:07 +03:00
buildArch ("i386", "x86");
buildArch ("x86_64", "x86_64");
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
// create the fat dylib
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
RunLipo ("native-builds/lib/osx/", "libskia_osx.dylib", new [] {
(FilePath) "i386/libskia_osx.dylib",
(FilePath) "x86_64/libskia_osx.dylib"
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// this builds the native C and C++ externals for iOS
2016-01-15 15:24:57 +03:00
Task ("externals-ios")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnUnix ())
.WithCriteria (
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/ios/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios"))
.Does (() =>
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
var buildArch = new Action<string, string> ((sdk, arch) => {
XCodeBuild (new XCodeBuildSettings {
Project = "native-builds/libskia_ios/libskia_ios.xcodeproj",
Target = "libskia_ios",
Sdk = sdk,
Arch = arch,
Configuration = "Release",
if (!DirectoryExists ("native-builds/lib/ios/" + arch)) {
CreateDirectory ("native-builds/lib/ios/" + arch);
CopyDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_ios/build/Release-" + sdk, "native-builds/lib/ios/" + arch);
// set up the gyp environment variables
AppendEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", DEPOT_PATH.FullPath);
2016-04-15 01:21:56 +03:00
RunGyp ("skia_os='ios' skia_arch_type='arm' armv7=1 arm_neon=0", "ninja,xcode");
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
buildArch ("iphonesimulator", "i386");
buildArch ("iphonesimulator", "x86_64");
buildArch ("iphoneos", "armv7");
buildArch ("iphoneos", "armv7s");
buildArch ("iphoneos", "arm64");
// create the fat framework
CopyDirectory ("native-builds/lib/ios/armv7/libskia_ios.framework/", "native-builds/lib/ios/libskia_ios.framework/");
DeleteFile ("native-builds/lib/ios/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
RunLipo ("native-builds/lib/ios/", "libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios", new [] {
(FilePath) "i386/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios",
(FilePath) "x86_64/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios",
(FilePath) "armv7/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios",
(FilePath) "armv7s/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios",
(FilePath) "arm64/libskia_ios.framework/libskia_ios"
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// this builds the native C and C++ externals for Android
2016-01-15 15:24:57 +03:00
Task ("externals-android")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnUnix ())
.WithCriteria (
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/android/x86/libskia_android.so") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/android/x86_64/libskia_android.so") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/android/armeabi/libskia_android.so") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/android/armeabi-v7a/libskia_android.so") ||
!FileExists ("native-builds/lib/android/arm64-v8a/libskia_android.so"))
.Does (() =>
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
var ANDROID_HOME = EnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_HOME") ?? EnvironmentVariable ("HOME") + "/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx";
var ANDROID_NDK_HOME = EnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_NDK_HOME") ?? EnvironmentVariable ("HOME") + "/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-ndk";
var buildArch = new Action<string, string> ((arch, folder) => {
StartProcess (SKIA_PATH.CombineWithFilePath ("platform_tools/android/bin/android_ninja").FullPath, new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = "-d " + arch + " \"skia_lib\"",
WorkingDirectory = SKIA_PATH.FullPath,
// set up the gyp environment variables
AppendEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", DEPOT_PATH.FullPath);
2016-01-15 03:18:32 +03:00
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GYP_DEFINES", "");
SetEnvironmentVariable ("GYP_GENERATORS", "");
2016-01-15 00:41:16 +03:00
SetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILDTYPE", "Release");
SetEnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_HOME", ANDROID_HOME);
SetEnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT", ANDROID_SDK_ROOT);
SetEnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_NDK_HOME", ANDROID_NDK_HOME);
buildArch ("x86", "x86");
buildArch ("x86_64", "x86_64");
buildArch ("arm", "armeabi");
buildArch ("arm_v7_neon", "armeabi-v7a");
buildArch ("arm64", "arm64-v8a");
var ndkbuild = MakeAbsolute (Directory (ANDROID_NDK_HOME)).CombineWithFilePath ("ndk-build").FullPath;
StartProcess (ndkbuild, new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = "",
WorkingDirectory = ROOT_PATH.Combine ("native-builds/libskia_android").FullPath,
2016-02-03 07:18:07 +03:00
foreach (var folder in new [] { "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a" }) {
if (!DirectoryExists ("native-builds/lib/android/" + folder)) {
CreateDirectory ("native-builds/lib/android/" + folder);
CopyFileToDirectory ("native-builds/libskia_android/libs/" + folder + "/libskia_android.so", "native-builds/lib/android/" + folder);
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// LIBS - the managed C# libraries
Task ("libs")
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("libs-base")
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("libs-windows")
.IsDependentOn ("libs-osx")
.Does (() =>
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
Task ("libs-base")
.Does (() =>
// set the SHA on the assembly info
var sha = EnvironmentVariable ("GIT_COMMIT") ?? string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sha) && sha.Length >= 6) {
sha = sha.Substring (0, 6);
Information ("Setting Git SHA to {0}.", sha);
ReplaceTextInFiles ("./binding/SkiaSharp/Properties/SkiaSharpAssemblyInfo.cs", "{GIT_SHA}", sha);
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
Task ("libs-windows")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnWindows ())
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("libs-base")
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
.Does (() =>
// build
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
RunNuGetRestore ("binding/SkiaSharp.Windows.sln");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("binding/SkiaSharp.Windows.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/portable/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/portable/");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/windows/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/windows/");
2016-05-06 18:39:38 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/uwp/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/uwp/");
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// copy build output
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Portable/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/portable/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/windows/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.pdb", "./output/windows/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll.config", "./output/windows/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.Desktop.targets", "./output/windows/");
2016-05-06 18:39:38 +03:00
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.UWP/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/uwp/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.UWP/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.pdb", "./output/uwp/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.UWP/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.pri", "./output/uwp/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.UWP/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.UWP.targets", "./output/uwp/");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
Task ("libs-osx")
.WithCriteria (IsRunningOnUnix ())
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("libs-base")
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
.Does (() =>
// build
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
RunNuGetRestore ("binding/SkiaSharp.Mac.sln");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("binding/SkiaSharp.Mac.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/android/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/android/");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/ios/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/ios/");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/osx/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/osx/");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/portable/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/portable/");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/mac/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/mac/");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// copy build output
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Android/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/android/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.iOS/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/ios/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.OSX/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/osx/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.OSX/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.OSX.targets", "./output/osx/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Portable/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/portable/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/mac/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.Desktop.targets", "./output/mac/");
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Desktop/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll.config", "./output/mac/");
// TESTS - some test cases to make sure it works
Task ("tests")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
.Does (() =>
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
RunNuGetRestore ("./tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests.sln");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// Windows (x86 and x64)
if (IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
DotNetBuild ("./tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { "x86" };
DotNetBuild ("./tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { "x64" };
// Mac OSX (Any CPU)
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
DotNetBuild ("./tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests/SkiaSharp.Desktop.Tests.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
2016-02-23 03:31:17 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// SAMPLES - the demo apps showing off the work
Task ("samples")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
.Does (() =>
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
RunNuGetRestore ("./samples/Skia.OSX.Demo/Skia.OSX.Demo.sln");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("./samples/Skia.OSX.Demo/Skia.OSX.Demo.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
RunNuGetRestore ("./samples/Skia.Forms.Demo/Skia.Forms.Demo.sln");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("./samples/Skia.Forms.Demo/Skia.Forms.Demo.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { "iPhone" };
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
RunNuGetRestore ("./samples/Skia.WindowsDesktop.Demo/Skia.WindowsDesktop.Demo.sln");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
DotNetBuild ("./samples/Skia.WindowsDesktop.Demo/Skia.WindowsDesktop.Demo.sln", c => {
c.Configuration = "Release";
c.Properties ["Platform"] = new [] { "x86" };
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
// DOCS - building the API documentation
Task ("docs")
.IsDependentOn ("externals-genapi")
.Does (() =>
RunMdocUpdate ("./binding/SkiaSharp.Generic/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./docs/en/");
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/docs/msxml/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/docs/msxml/");
RunMdocMSXml ("./docs/en/", "./output/docs/msxml/SkiaSharp.xml");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/docs/mdoc/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/docs/mdoc/");
RunMdocAssemble ("./docs/en/", "./output/docs/mdoc/SkiaSharp");
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// NUGET - building the package for NuGet.org
Task ("nuget")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("docs")
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
.Does (() =>
if (IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
PackageNuGet ("./nuget/SkiaSharp.Windows.nuspec", "./output/");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
PackageNuGet ("./nuget/SkiaSharp.Mac.nuspec", "./output/");
PackageNuGet ("./nuget/SkiaSharp.nuspec", "./output/");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// COMPONENT - building the package for components.xamarin.com
Task ("component")
.IsDependentOn ("nuget")
.Does (() =>
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
// TODO: Not yet ready
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
// if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/")) {
// CreateDirectory ("./output/");
// }
// FilePath yaml = "./component/component.yaml";
// var yamlDir = yaml.GetDirectory ();
// PackageComponent (yamlDir, new XamarinComponentSettings {
// ToolPath = XamarinComponentToolPath
// });
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
2016-02-23 01:18:12 +03:00
// MoveFiles (yamlDir.FullPath.TrimEnd ('/') + "/*.xam", "./output/");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// CLEAN - remove all the build artefacts
2016-01-15 03:18:32 +03:00
Task ("clean")
.IsDependentOn ("clean-externals")
.Does (() =>
2016-02-23 00:19:23 +03:00
CleanDirectories ("./binding/**/bin");
CleanDirectories ("./binding/**/obj");
CleanDirectories ("./samples/**/bin");
CleanDirectories ("./samples/**/obj");
CleanDirectories ("./tests/**/bin");
CleanDirectories ("./tests/**/obj");
2016-01-15 03:18:32 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
if (DirectoryExists ("./output"))
DeleteDirectory ("./output", true);
2016-01-15 03:18:32 +03:00
Task ("clean-externals").Does (() =>
// skia
CleanDirectories ("skia/out");
CleanDirectories ("skia/xcodebuild");
// all
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/lib");
// android
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_android/obj");
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_android/libs");
// ios
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_ios/build");
// osx
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_osx/build");
// windows
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_windows/Release");
CleanDirectories ("native-builds/libskia_windows/x64/Release");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
// DEFAULT - target for common development
Task ("Default")
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
.IsDependentOn ("libs");
// CI - the master target to build everything
Task ("CI")
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
2016-02-23 13:57:08 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("docs")
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
.IsDependentOn ("nuget")
.IsDependentOn ("component")
.IsDependentOn ("tests")
.IsDependentOn ("samples");
2016-05-05 04:24:31 +03:00
Task ("Windows-CI")
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
.IsDependentOn ("tests")
.IsDependentOn ("samples");
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
Information ("Cake.exe ToolPath: {0}", CakeToolPath);
Information ("Cake.exe NUnitConsoleToolPath: {0}", NUnitConsoleToolPath);
Information ("NuGet.exe ToolPath: {0}", NugetToolPath);
Information ("Xamarin-Component.exe ToolPath: {0}", XamarinComponentToolPath);
Information ("genapi.exe ToolPath: {0}", GenApiToolPath);
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
2016-02-23 00:14:48 +03:00
ListEnvironmentVariables ();
2016-01-14 07:42:16 +03:00
RunTarget (TARGET);