812 строки
17 KiB
812 строки
17 KiB
<# // vim: set filetype=cs :
<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ import namespace="System" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
var exports = new [] {
#region metadata/class.h
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_class_from_name",
"MonoImage *", "image",
"const char *", "name_space",
"const char *", "name"
new Export ("MonoMethod *", "mono_class_get_method_from_name",
"MonoClass *", "klass",
"const char *", "name",
"int", "param_count"
new Export ("MonoClassField *", "mono_class_get_field_from_name",
"MonoClass *", "klass",
"const char *", "name"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_class_is_assignable_from",
"MonoClass *", "klass",
"MonoClass *", "oklass"
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_class_from_mono_type",
"MonoType *", "type"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_class_is_delegate",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_class_get_element_class",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("const char *", "mono_class_get_namespace",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("const char *", "mono_class_get_name",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_class_is_subclass_of",
"MonoClass *", "klass",
"MonoClass *", "klassc",
"mono_bool", "check_interfaces"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_class_is_valuetype",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_class_is_enum",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("MonoType *", "mono_class_enum_basetype",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("int32_t", "mono_class_value_size",
"MonoClass *", "klass",
"uint32_t *", "align"
new Export ("MonoType *", "mono_class_get_type",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
#region metadata/class-internals.h
new Export (true, "gboolean", "mono_class_is_nullable",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export (true, "MonoClass *", "mono_class_get_nullable_param",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
#region metadata/debug-helpers.h
new Export ("char *", "mono_method_full_name",
"MonoMethod *", "method",
"mono_bool", "signature"
#region metadata/object.h
new Export ("MonoObject *", "mono_runtime_invoke",
"MonoMethod *", "method",
"void *", "obj",
"void **", "params",
"MonoObject **", "exc"
new Export ("uint32_t", "mono_gchandle_new",
"MonoObject *", "obj",
"mono_bool", "pinned"
new Export ("MonoObject *", "mono_gchandle_get_target",
"uint32_t", "gchandle"
new Export ("void", "mono_gchandle_free",
"uint32_t", "gchandle"
new Export ("uint32_t", "mono_gchandle_new_weakref",
"MonoObject *", "obj",
"mono_bool", "track_resurrection"
new Export ("void", "mono_raise_exception",
"MonoException *", "ex"
new Export ("char*", "mono_array_addr_with_size",
"MonoArray *", "array",
"int", "size",
"uintptr_t", "idx"
new Export ("MonoString *", "mono_string_new",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"const char *", "text"
new Export ("MonoArray *", "mono_array_new",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"MonoClass *", "eclass",
"uintptr_t", "n"
new Export ("void *", "mono_object_unbox",
"MonoObject *", "obj"
new Export ("char *", "mono_string_to_utf8",
"MonoString *", "string_obj"
new Export ("uintptr_t", "mono_array_length",
"MonoArray *", "array"
new Export ("MonoObject *", "mono_object_isinst",
"MonoObject *", "obj",
"MonoClass *", "klass"
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_object_get_class",
"MonoObject *", "obj"
new Export ("MonoMethod *", "mono_object_get_virtual_method",
"MonoObject *", "obj",
"MonoMethod *", "method"
new Export ("void", "mono_field_get_value",
"MonoObject *", "obj",
"MonoClassField *", "field",
"void *", "value"
new Export ("MonoObject *", "mono_value_box",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"MonoClass *", "klass",
"void *", "val"
new Export ("void", "mono_gc_wbarrier_set_arrayref",
"MonoArray *", "arr",
"void *", "slot_ptr",
"MonoObject *", "value"
#region metadata/profiler.h
new Export ("void", "mono_profiler_install",
"MonoProfiler *", "prof",
"MonoProfileFunc", "shutdown_callback"
new Export ("void", "mono_profiler_install_thread",
"MonoProfileThreadFunc", "start",
"MonoProfileThreadFunc", "end"
new Export ("void", "mono_profiler_install_gc",
"MonoProfileGCFunc", "callback",
"MonoProfileGCResizeFunc", "heap_resize_callback"
new Export ("void", "mono_profiler_load",
"const char *", "desc"
#region metadata/threads.h
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_thread_is_foreign",
"MonoThread *", "thread"
new Export ("MonoThread * ", "mono_thread_current"),
new Export ("MonoThread *", "mono_thread_attach",
"MonoDomain *", "domain"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_thread_detach_if_exiting"),
#region metadata/object-internals.h
new Export (true, "void", "mono_runtime_set_pending_exception",
"MonoException *", "exc",
"mono_bool", "overwrite"
AlternativeExpression = "return mono_raise_exception (exc);",
#region metadata/assembly.h
new Export ("void", "mono_set_assemblies_path",
"const char *", "path"
new Export ("MonoAssembly *", "mono_assembly_open",
"const char *", "filename",
"MonoImageOpenStatus *", "status"
new Export ("MonoImage *", "mono_assembly_get_image",
"MonoAssembly *", "assembly"
new Export ("MonoAssemblyName *", "mono_assembly_name_new",
"const char *", "name"
new Export ("void", "mono_assembly_name_free",
"MonoAssemblyName *", "aname"
new Export ("MonoAssembly *", "mono_assembly_loaded",
"MonoAssemblyName *", "aname"
new Export ("void", "mono_register_machine_config",
"const char *", "config_xml"
new Export ("void", "mono_set_dirs",
"const char *", "assembly_dir",
"const char *", "config_dir"
new Export ("const char *", "mono_assembly_name_get_name",
"MonoAssemblyName *", "aname"
new Export ("const char *", "mono_assembly_name_get_culture",
"MonoAssemblyName *", "aname"
new Export ("void", "mono_install_assembly_preload_hook",
"MonoAssemblyPreLoadFunc", "func",
"void *", "user_data"
new Export ("MonoAssemblyName *", "mono_assembly_get_name",
"MonoAssembly *", "assembly"
#region metadata/loader.h
new Export ("void", "mono_add_internal_call",
"const char *", "name",
"const void *", "method"
new Export (true, "void", "mono_dangerous_add_raw_internal_call",
"const char *", "name",
"const void *", "method"
new Export ("MonoMethodSignature *", "mono_method_signature",
"MonoMethod *", "method"
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_method_get_class",
"MonoMethod *", "method"
new Export ("void", "mono_dllmap_insert",
"MonoImage *", "assembly",
"const char *", "dll",
"const char *", "func",
"const char *", "tdll",
"const char *", "tfunc"
) {
Mode = DotNetMode.OnlyLegacy,
#region metadata/appdomain.h
new Export ("MonoDomain *", "mono_domain_get"),
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_get_intptr_class"),
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_get_string_class"),
new Export ("MonoImage *", "mono_get_corlib"),
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_get_array_class"),
new Export ("MonoClass *", "mono_get_exception_class"),
new Export ("MonoDomain *", "mono_get_root_domain"),
new Export ("void", "mono_domain_set_config",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"const char *", "base_dir",
"const char *", "config_file_name"
#region metadata/reflection.h
new Export ("MonoReflectionAssembly *", "mono_assembly_get_object",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"MonoAssembly *", "assembly"
new Export ("MonoReflectionMethod *", "mono_method_get_object",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"MonoMethod *", "method",
"MonoClass *", "refclass"
new Export ("MonoReflectionType *", "mono_type_get_object",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"MonoType *", "type"
new Export ("MonoType *", "mono_reflection_type_get_type",
"MonoReflectionType *", "reftype"
#region metadata/metadata.h
new Export ("MonoType *", "mono_signature_get_params",
"MonoMethodSignature *", "sig",
"void **", "iter"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_type_is_byref",
"MonoType *", "type"
new Export ("MonoType *", "mono_signature_get_return_type",
"MonoMethodSignature *", "sig"
new Export ("int", "mono_type_get_type",
"MonoType *", "type"
#region metadata/mono-debug.h
new Export ("void", "mono_debug_init",
"MonoDebugFormat", "format"
new Export ("mono_bool", "mono_is_debugger_attached"),
#region metadata/mono-config.h
new Export ("void", "mono_config_parse_memory",
"const char *", "buffer"
#region metadata/mono-gc.h
new Export ("int", "mono_gc_max_generation"),
#region metadata/mono-hash.h
new Export ("MonoGHashTable *", "mono_g_hash_table_new_type",
"GHashFunc", "hash_func",
"GEqualFunc", "key_equal_func",
"MonoGHashGCType", "type"
new Export ("gpointer", "mono_g_hash_table_lookup",
"MonoGHashTable *", "hash",
"gconstpointer", "key"
new Export ("void", "mono_g_hash_table_insert",
"MonoGHashTable *", "hash",
"gpointer", "k",
"gpointer", "v"
#region metadata/exception.h
new Export ("MonoException *", "mono_get_exception_execution_engine",
"const char *", "msg"
new Export ("MonoException *", "mono_exception_from_name_msg",
"MonoImage *", "image",
"const char *", "name_space",
"const char *", "name",
"const char *", "msg"
new Export ("MonoException *", "mono_get_exception_out_of_memory"),
#region metadata/gc-internal.h
new Export ("MonoReferenceQueue *", "mono_gc_reference_queue_new",
"mono_reference_queue_callback", "callback"
new Export ("void", "mono_gc_reference_queue_free",
"MonoReferenceQueue *", "queue"
new Export ("gboolean", "mono_gc_reference_queue_add",
"MonoReferenceQueue *", "queue",
"MonoObject *", "obj",
"void *", "user_data"
new Export ("void", "mono_gc_register_finalizer_callbacks",
"MonoGCFinalizerCallbacks *", "callbacks"
) {
XamarinRuntime = RuntimeMode.MonoVM,
#region metadata/sgen-toggleref.h
new Export ("void", "mono_gc_toggleref_add",
"MonoObject *", "object",
"mono_bool", "strong_ref"
new Export ("void", "mono_gc_toggleref_register_callback",
"MonoToggleRefCallback", "process_toggleref"
#region utils/mono-publib.h
new Export ("void", "mono_free",
"void *", "ptr"
#region mini/jit.h
new Export ("char *", "mono_get_runtime_build_info"),
new Export ("MonoDomain *", "mono_jit_init_version",
"const char *", "root_domain_name",
"const char *", "runtime_version"
new Export ("MonoDomain *", "mono_jit_init",
"const char *", "file"
new Export ("int", "mono_jit_exec",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"MonoAssembly *", "assembly",
"int", "argc",
"const char**", "argv"
new Export ("void", "mono_jit_parse_options",
"int", "argc",
"char**", "argv"
new Export ("void", "mono_jit_set_aot_mode",
"MonoAotMode", "mode"
new Export ("void", "mono_set_signal_chaining",
"mono_bool", "chain_signals"
new Export ("void", "mono_set_crash_chaining",
"mono_bool", "chain_signals"
new Export ("void", "mono_jit_set_trace_options",
"const char *", "option"
#region mini/mini.h
new Export ("void*", "mono_jit_thread_attach",
"MonoDomain *", "domain"
new Export ("void", "mono_install_unhandled_exception_hook",
"MonoUnhandledExceptionFunc", "func",
"gpointer", "user_data"
new Export ("int", "mono_main",
"int", "argc",
"char **", "argv"
new Export (true, "void", "mono_install_load_aot_data_hook",
"MonoLoadAotDataFunc", "load_func",
"MonoFreeAotDataFunc", "free_func",
"gpointer", "user_data"
new Export (true, "gboolean", "mini_parse_debug_option",
"const char *", "option"
#region utils/logger.h
new Export ("void", "mono_trace_set_log_handler",
"MonoLogCallback", "callback",
"void *", "user_data"
) {
XamarinRuntime = RuntimeMode.MonoVM,
new Export ("void", "mono_trace_set_print_handler",
"MonoPrintCallback", "callback"
) {
XamarinRuntime = RuntimeMode.MonoVM,
new Export ("void", "mono_trace_set_printerr_handler",
"MonoPrintCallback", "callback"
) {
XamarinRuntime = RuntimeMode.MonoVM,
#region utils/mono-threads-api.h
new Export (true, "void*", "mono_threads_enter_gc_unsafe_region",
"void **", "stackdata"
new Export (true, "void", "mono_threads_exit_gc_unsafe_region",
"void *", "cookie",
"void **", "stackdata"
new Export (true, "void*", "mono_threads_enter_gc_safe_region",
"void **", "stackdata"
new Export (true, "void", "mono_threads_exit_gc_safe_region",
"void *", "cookie",
"void **", "stackdata"
new Export (true, "void", "mono_threads_assert_gc_safe_region" ),
new Export (true, "void", "mono_threads_assert_gc_unsafe_region" ),
new Export (true, "void", "mono_threads_assert_gc_starting_region" ),
#region utils/mono-threads.h
new Export (true, "void*", "mono_thread_info_current_unchecked" ),
#region metadata/threads-types.h
new Export (true, "void *", "mono_threads_attach_coop",
"MonoDomain *", "domain",
"gpointer*", "dummy"
new Export (true, "void *", "mono_threads_detach_coop",
"gpointer", "cookie",
"gpointer*", "dummy"
#region metadata/marshal.h
new Export (true, "void", "mono_install_ftnptr_eh_callback",
"MonoFtnPtrEHCallback", "callback"
#region mini/debugger-agent.h
new Export ("void", "mono_debugger_agent_parse_options",
"const char *", "options"
new Export ("gboolean", "mono_debugger_agent_transport_handshake"),
new Export ("void", "mono_debugger_agent_register_transport",
"DebuggerTransport *", "trans"
#region mini/mono-private-unstable.
new Export ("int", "monovm_initialize",
"int", "propertyCount",
"const char **", "propertyKeys",
"const char **", "propertyValues"
) {
Mode = DotNetMode.OnlyDotNet,
class Arg
public string Type;
public string Name;
enum DotNetMode {
Both = 0,
OnlyDotNet = 1,
OnlyLegacy = 2,
enum RuntimeMode {
Both = 0,
MonoVM = 1,
CoreCLR = 2,
class Export
public string ReturnType;
public string EntryPoint;
public string AlternativeExpression;
public List<Arg> Arguments;
public bool Optional;
public DotNetMode Mode;
public RuntimeMode XamarinRuntime;
public Export (string returnType, string entryPoint, params string [] arguments)
: this (false, returnType, entryPoint, arguments)
public string DotNetIf {
get {
switch (Mode) {
case DotNetMode.OnlyLegacy:
return "#if !DOTNET\n";
case DotNetMode.OnlyDotNet:
return "#if DOTNET\n";
return string.Empty;
public string DotNetEndIf {
get {
switch (Mode) {
case DotNetMode.OnlyLegacy:
case DotNetMode.OnlyDotNet:
return "#endif\n";
return string.Empty;
public string RuntimeIf {
get {
switch (XamarinRuntime) {
case RuntimeMode.CoreCLR:
return "#if defined (CORECLR_RUNTIME)\n";
case RuntimeMode.MonoVM:
return "#if !defined (CORECLR_RUNTIME)\n";
return string.Empty;
public string RuntimeEndIf {
get {
switch (XamarinRuntime) {
case RuntimeMode.CoreCLR:
case RuntimeMode.MonoVM:
return "#endif\n";
return string.Empty;
public Export (bool optional, string returnType, string entryPoint, params string [] arguments)
ReturnType = returnType;
EntryPoint = entryPoint;
Optional = optional;
if (arguments == null || arguments.Length == 0)
if (arguments.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new Exception ("Export arguments params must be an even " +
"number to form a set of (type, name) tuples");
Arguments = new List<Arg> ();
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i += 2)
Arguments.Add (new Arg {
Type = arguments [i],
Name = arguments [i + 1]
string FormatArgs (string empty, bool nameOnly)
if (Arguments == null || Arguments.Count == 0)
return empty;
var builder = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (var arg in Arguments) {
if (!nameOnly) {
builder.Append (arg.Type);
builder.Append (' ');
builder.Append (arg.Name);
builder.Append (", ");
builder.Length -= 2;
return builder.ToString ();
public string ArgumentSignature {
get { return FormatArgs ("void", nameOnly: false); }
public string ArgumentNames {
get { return FormatArgs (String.Empty, nameOnly: true); }