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Objective-C protocols

This document describes how we bind Objective-C protocols in C#, and in particular improvements we've done in .NET 9.

Can Objective-C protocols be modeled as C# interfaces?

Objective-C protocols are quite similar to C# interfaces, except when they're not, and that makes binding them somewhat complicated.

Optional/required members

Objective-C protocols can have both optional and required members. It's always been possible to represent required members in a C# interface (any interface member would be required), but optional members were not possible until C# added support for default interface members in C# 8.

In the past (before .NET 9) we represented optional members in two ways:

  • As an extension method on the interface (useful when calling the optional member).
  • As an IDE feature that would show any optional members from an interface by typing 'override ...' in the text editor (useful when implementing an optional member).

This had a few drawbacks:

  • There are no extension properties, so optional properties would have to be bound as a pair of GetProperty/SetProperty methods.

  • The IDE feature was obscure, few people knew about it, it broke on pretty much every major release of Visual Studio for Mac, and it was never implemented for Visual Studio on Windows. This made it quite hard to implement optional members in a managed class extending an Objective-C protocol, since developers would have to figure out the correct Export attribute as well as the signature (which is quite complicated for more complex signatures, especially if blocks are involved).

Changing requiredness

It's entirely possible to change a member from being required to being optional in Objective-C. Technically it's also a breaking change to do the opposite (make an optional member required), but Apple does it all the time.

Before .NET 9 we had no way of changing requiredness in the corresponding C# bindings, because it would be a breaking change. We would just not update the binding until we're able to do breaking changes (which happens very rarely).

Static members

Objective-C protocols can have static members. C# didn't allow for static members in interfaces until C# 11, so there wasn't any good way to bind static protocol members on a protocol.

Our workaround was to manually inline every static member in all classes that implemented a given protocol.


Objective-C protocols can have initializers (constructors). C# still doesn't allow for constructors in interfaces.

In the past we haven't bound any protocol initializer at all, we've completely ignored them.

Binding in C#

Optional/required members and changing requiredness

Given the following API definition:

public interface Protocol {
    [Export ("requiredMethod")]
    void RequiredMethod ();

    [Export ("optionalMethod")]
    void OptionalMethod ();

we're binding it like this:

[Protocol ("Protocol")]
public interface IProtocol : INativeObject {
    [Export ("requiredMethod")]
    public void RequiredMethod () { /* default implementation */ }

    [Export ("optionalMethod")]
    public void OptionalMethod () { /* default implementation */ }

The only difference between them is that the required method has a [RequiredMember] attribute, and the optional method as an [OptionalMember] attribute.

This way it won't be a breaking change to make a required member optional, and vice versa.

The downside is that the C# compiler won't enforce that required members are implemented (note that in many cases it's possible to not implement a required member in Objective-C - you'll get a compiler warning, but you may get away with it at runtime, depending on the code that uses your protocol implementation).

In the future we plan to emit a warning at build time from our own build tools (linker steps), that lets the developer know about required members that haven't been implemented. It will be possible to either ignore these warnings, or make them errors.

Static members

Given the following API definition:

public interface Protocol {
    [Export ("requiredStaticMethod")]
    void RequiredStaticMethod ();

    [Export ("optionalStaticMethod")]
    void OptionalStaticMethod ();

    [Export ("requiredStaticProperty")]
    IntPtr RequiredStaticProperty { get; set; }

    [Export ("optionalStaticProperty")]
    IntPtr OptionalStaticProperty { get; set; }

we're binding it like this:

[Protocol ("Protocol")]
public interface IProtocol : INativeObject {
    [Export ("requiredStaticMethod")]
    public static void RequiredStaticMethod<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* implementation */ }

    [Export ("optionalStaticMethod")]
    public static void OptionalStaticMethod<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* implementation */ }

    [Property ("RequiredStaticProperty")]
    [Export ("requiredStaticProperty")]
    public static IntPtr GetRequiredStaticProperty<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* implementation */ }

    [Property ("RequiredStaticProperty")]
    [Export ("setRequiredStaticProperty:")]
    public static void SetRequiredStaticProperty<T> (IntPtr value) where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* implementation */ }

    [Property ("OptionalStaticProperty")]
    [Export ("optionalStaticProperty")]
    public static IntPtr GetOptionalStaticProperty<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* implementation */ }

    [Property ("OptionalStaticProperty")]
    [Export ("setOptionalStaticProperty:")]
    public static void SetOptionalStaticProperty<T> (IntPtr value) where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* implementation */ }

There are three points of interest here:

  1. Each method has a generic type argument that specifies which type's static member should be called.
  2. Properties have been turned into a pair of Get/Set methods - this is because properties can't have type arguments the way methods can.
  3. There are no differences between optional and required members.

Example consuming code:

public class MyClass : NSObject, IProtocol {}

// Call a required method:
IProtocol.RequiredStaticMethod<MyClass> ();


Given the following API definition:

public interface Protocol {
    [Export ("init")]
    IntPtr Constructor ();

    [Export ("initWithValue:")]
    IntPtr Constructor (IntPtr value);

    [Bind ("Create")]
    [Export ("initWithPlanet:")]
    IntPtr Constructor ();

we're binding it like this:

[Protocol ("Protocol")]
public interface IProtocol : INativeObject {
    [Export ("init")]
    public static T CreateInstance<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* default implementation */ }

    [Export ("initWithValue:")]
    public static T CreateInstance<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* default implementation */ }

    [Export ("initWithPlanet:")]
    public static T Create<T> () where T: NSObject, IProtocol { /* default implementation */ }

In other words: we bind initializers as a static C# factory method that takes a generic type argument specifying the type to instantiate.


  1. Constructors are currently not inlined in any implementing classes, like other members are. This is something we could look into if there's enough interest.
  2. If a managed class implements a protocol with a constructor, the class has to implement the constructor manually using the [Export] attribute in order to conform to the protocol:
interface IMyProtocol {
    [Export ("initWithValue:")]
    IntPtr Constructor (string value);
class MyClass : NSObject, IMyProtocol {
    public string Value { get; private set; }

    [Export ("initWithValue:")]
    public MyClass (string value)
        this.Value = value;

Coping with C# quirks

An interface member is not accesible from a variable typed as a class that implements the interface. This means that a variable must be cast to the interface before calling any members on it.


interface I {
    public void DoSomething () {}
class C : I {
class Program {
    static void Main ()
        var c = new C ();
        c.DoSomething (); // this doesn't work: CS1061: 'C' does not contain a definition for 'DoSomething' and no accessible extension method 'DoSomething' accepting a first argument of type 'C' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
        ((I) c).DoSomething (); // this works

We improve this by inlining all protocol members in any implementing class.

One complication is that there's currently no way to call the default interface implementation from the implementing class (see https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2337), so we have to go through a static method.

Given the following API definition:

public interface Protocol {
    [Export ("requiredMethod")]
    void RequiredMethod ();

    [Export ("optionalMethod")]
    void OptionalMethod ();

[BaseType (NSObject)]
public interface MyObject : Protocol {

we're binding it like this:

[Protocol ("Protocol")]
public interface IProtocol : INativeObject {
    [Export ("requiredMethod")]
    public void RequiredMethod () { _RequireMethodImpl (Handle); }

    [Export ("optionalMethod")]
    public void OptionalMethod () { _OptionalMethodImpl (Handle); }

    internal static void _RequireMethodImpl (IntPtr handle)
        /* default implementation */

    internal static void _OptionalMethodImpl (IntPtr handle)
        /* default implementation */

public class MyObject : NSObject, IProtocol {
    public virtual void RequiredMethod ()
        IProtocol._RequireMethodImpl (Handle); // just forward to the default implementation

    public virtual void OptionalMethod ()
        IProtocol._OptionalMethodImpl (Handle); // just forward to the default implementation

Backwards compatibility

Pre-NET 9 extension class

Before .NET 9, we generated an extension class for optional members. This is no longer needed, but we still need to do it for existing protocols (to not break backwards compatibility).

The Protocol attribute used by the generator will have a new property to reflect that the extension class is not needed anymore:

class ProtocolAttribute : Attribute
    public ProtocolAttribute (bool mustBeBackwardsCompatible = true)
        this.MustBeBackwardsCompatible = mustBeBackwardsCompatible;

    public bool MustBeBackwardsCompatible { get; set; }

This property will default to true (that way we don't have to change existing code), and then the next time we can do an API break (the XAMCORE_5_0 define), we'll remove the property since we no longer need to be backwards compatible.

Pre-NET 9 attributes

Before .NET 9, we generated a ProtocolMember attribute on the interface for all members on the protocol, with enough information for our runtime to be able to do the right thing.

This is no longer necessary, since we have all the required information on the interface members.

We'll keep generating these attributes for protocols defined with MustBeBackwardsCompatible.

Notable consequences

Since every member in a C# interface binding a protocol will have a default implementation, the compiler won't enforce required members anymore.

As a result, the IDE (at least Visual Studio for Mac) won't show a quick action to implement these interface members. However, Intellisense will show up if you do this:

public class MyObject : IProtocol {
    void IProtocol.[list of members on IProtocol will show up]