
410 строки
13 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using System.Globalization;
using Xamarin.Localization.MSBuild;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks {
public abstract class ArchiveTaskBase : XamarinTask {
protected readonly DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;
#region Inputs
public ITaskItem AppBundleDir { get; set; }
public ITaskItem [] AppExtensionReferences { get; set; }
// default is `MonoBundle` but that can be changed with `_CustomBundleName`
public string CustomBundleName { get; set; }
public string InsightsApiKey { get; set; }
public ITaskItem [] ITunesSourceFiles { get; set; }
public string OutputPath { get; set; }
public string ProjectName { get; set; }
public string ProjectGuid { get; set; }
public string ProjectTypeGuids { get; set; }
public string SolutionPath { get; set; }
public string SigningKey { get; set; }
public ITaskItem [] WatchAppReferences { get; set; }
#region Outputs
public string ArchiveDir { get; set; }
protected string DSYMDir {
get { return AppBundleDir.ItemSpec + ".dSYM"; }
protected string MSYMDir {
get { return AppBundleDir.ItemSpec + ".mSYM"; }
protected string XcodeArchivesDir {
get {
var home = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
return Path.Combine (home, "Library", "Developer", "Xcode", "Archives");
string UserFrameworksPath {
get {
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
return Path.Combine (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec, "Frameworks");
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
return Path.Combine (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec, "Contents", "Frameworks");
throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (MSBStrings.InvalidPlatform, Platform));
string UserDylibPath {
get {
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
return AppBundleDir.ItemSpec;
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
return Path.Combine (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec, "Contents", CustomBundleName);
throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (MSBStrings.InvalidPlatform, Platform));
public override bool Execute ()
var archiveDir = CreateArchiveDirectory ();
try {
var plist = PDictionary.FromFile (PlatformFrameworkHelper.GetAppManifestPath (Platform, AppBundleDir.ItemSpec));
var productsDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "Products");
// Archive the OnDemandResources...
var resourcesDestDir = Path.Combine (productsDir, "OnDemandResources");
var resourcesSrcDir = Path.Combine (OutputPath, "OnDemandResources");
if (Directory.Exists (resourcesSrcDir))
Ditto (resourcesSrcDir, resourcesDestDir);
// Archive the Applications...
var appDestDir = Path.Combine (productsDir, "Applications", Path.GetFileName (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec));
Ditto (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec, appDestDir);
// Archive the main dSYM...
ArchiveDSym (DSYMDir, archiveDir);
// for each `.dylib` (file) inside `MonoBundle` there could be a corresponding `.dSYM` - e.g. when using an AOT mode
foreach (var dylib in Directory.GetFiles (UserDylibPath, "*.dylib")) {
var dsym = Path.Combine (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec, "..", Path.GetFileName (dylib) + ".dSYM");
ArchiveDSym (dsym, archiveDir);
// for each user framework (directory) that is bundled inside the app we must also archive their dSYMs, if available
var fks = UserFrameworksPath;
if (Directory.Exists (fks)) {
foreach (var fx in Directory.GetDirectories (fks, "*.framework")) {
var dsym = Path.Combine (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec, "..", Path.GetFileName (fx) + ".dSYM");
ArchiveDSym (dsym, archiveDir);
// Archive the mSYMs...
ArchiveMSym (MSYMDir, archiveDir);
// Archive the Bitcode symbol maps
var bcSymbolMaps = Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetDirectoryName (DSYMDir), "*.bcsymbolmap");
if (bcSymbolMaps.Length > 0) {
var bcSymbolMapsDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "BCSymbolMaps");
Directory.CreateDirectory (bcSymbolMapsDir);
for (int i = 0; i < bcSymbolMaps.Length; i++)
File.Copy (bcSymbolMaps [i], Path.Combine (bcSymbolMapsDir, Path.GetFileName (bcSymbolMaps [i])));
if (AppExtensionReferences != null) {
// Archive the dSYMs, mSYMs, etc for each of the referenced App Extensions as well...
for (int i = 0; i < AppExtensionReferences.Length; i++)
ArchiveAppExtension (AppExtensionReferences [i], archiveDir);
if (WatchAppReferences != null) {
// Archive the dSYMs, mSYMs, etc for each of the referenced WatchOS2 Apps as well...
for (int i = 0; i < WatchAppReferences.Length; i++)
ArchiveWatchApp (WatchAppReferences [i], archiveDir);
if (ITunesSourceFiles != null) {
// Archive the iTunesMetadata.plist and iTunesArtwork files...
var iTunesMetadataDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "iTunesMetadata", Path.GetFileName (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec));
for (int i = 0; i < ITunesSourceFiles.Length; i++) {
var archivedMetaFile = Path.Combine (iTunesMetadataDir, Path.GetFileName (ITunesSourceFiles [i].ItemSpec));
Directory.CreateDirectory (iTunesMetadataDir);
File.Copy (ITunesSourceFiles [i].ItemSpec, archivedMetaFile, true);
// Generate an archive Info.plist
var arInfo = new PDictionary ();
// FIXME: figure out this value
//arInfo.Add ("AppStoreFileSize", new PNumber (65535));
var props = new PDictionary ();
props.Add ("ApplicationPath", new PString (string.Format ("Applications/{0}", Path.GetFileName (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec))));
props.Add ("CFBundleIdentifier", new PString (plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier ()));
var version = plist.GetCFBundleShortVersionString ();
var build = plist.GetCFBundleVersion ();
props.Add ("CFBundleShortVersionString", new PString (version ?? (build ?? "1.0")));
props.Add ("CFBundleVersion", new PString (build ?? "1.0"));
var iconFiles = plist.GetCFBundleIconFiles ();
var iconDict = plist.GetCFBundleIcons ();
var icons = new PArray ();
if (iconFiles != null)
AddIconPaths (icons, iconFiles, Path.Combine (archiveDir, "Products"));
if (iconDict != null) {
var primary = iconDict.Get<PDictionary> (ManifestKeys.CFBundlePrimaryIcon);
if (primary != null && (iconFiles = primary.GetCFBundleIconFiles ()) != null)
AddIconPaths (icons, iconFiles, Path.Combine (archiveDir, "Products"));
if (icons.Count > 0)
props.Add ("IconPaths", icons);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SigningKey))
props.Add ("SigningIdentity", SigningKey);
arInfo.Add ("ApplicationProperties", props);
arInfo.Add ("ArchiveVersion", new PNumber (2));
arInfo.Add ("CreationDate", new PDate (Now.ToUniversalTime ()));
arInfo.Add ("Name", new PString (plist.GetCFBundleName () ?? plist.GetCFBundleDisplayName ()));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ProjectGuid))
arInfo.Add ("ProjectGuid", new PString (ProjectGuid));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ProjectTypeGuids))
arInfo.Add ("ProjectTypeGuids", new PString (ProjectTypeGuids));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SolutionPath)) {
arInfo.Add ("SolutionName", new PString (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (SolutionPath)));
arInfo.Add ("SolutionPath", new PString (SolutionPath));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (InsightsApiKey))
arInfo.Add ("InsightsApiKey", new PString (InsightsApiKey));
arInfo.Save (Path.Combine (archiveDir, "Info.plist"));
ArchiveDir = archiveDir;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.LogErrorFromException (ex);
Directory.Delete (archiveDir, true);
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
protected string CreateArchiveDirectory ()
var timestamp = Now.ToString ("M-dd-yy h.mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var folder = Now.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd");
var baseArchiveDir = XcodeArchivesDir;
string archiveDir, name;
int unique = 1;
do {
if (unique > 1)
name = string.Format ("{0} {1} {2}.xcarchive", ProjectName, timestamp, unique);
name = string.Format ("{0} {1}.xcarchive", ProjectName, timestamp);
archiveDir = Path.Combine (baseArchiveDir, folder, name);
} while (Directory.Exists (archiveDir));
Directory.CreateDirectory (archiveDir);
return archiveDir;
void ArchiveAppExtension (ITaskItem appex, string archiveDir)
var plist = PDictionary.FromFile (Path.Combine (appex.ItemSpec, "Info.plist"));
string watchAppBundleDir;
if (IsWatchAppExtension (appex, plist, out watchAppBundleDir)) {
var wk = Path.Combine (watchAppBundleDir, "_WatchKitStub", "WK");
var supportDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "WatchKitSupport");
if (File.Exists (wk) && !Directory.Exists (supportDir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (supportDir);
File.Copy (wk, Path.Combine (supportDir, "WK"), true);
// Note: App Extension dSYM dirs exist alongside the main app bundle now that they are generated from the main app's MSBuild targets
var dsymDir = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec), Path.GetFileName (appex.ItemSpec) + ".dSYM");
ArchiveDSym (dsymDir, archiveDir);
var msymDir = appex.ItemSpec + ".mSYM";
ArchiveMSym (msymDir, archiveDir);
protected void ArchiveDSym (string dsymDir, string archiveDir)
if (Directory.Exists (dsymDir)) {
var destDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "dSYMs", Path.GetFileName (dsymDir));
Ditto (dsymDir, destDir);
protected void ArchiveMSym (string msymDir, string archiveDir)
if (Directory.Exists (msymDir)) {
var destDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "mSYMs", Path.GetFileName (msymDir));
Ditto (msymDir, destDir);
void ArchiveWatchApp (ITaskItem watchApp, string archiveDir)
var wk = Path.Combine (watchApp.ItemSpec, "_WatchKitStub", "WK");
var supportDir = Path.Combine (archiveDir, "WatchKitSupport2");
if (File.Exists (wk) && !Directory.Exists (supportDir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (supportDir);
File.Copy (wk, Path.Combine (supportDir, "WK"), true);
var dsymDir = watchApp.ItemSpec + ".dSYM";
ArchiveDSym (dsymDir, archiveDir);
var msymDir = watchApp.ItemSpec + ".mSYM";
ArchiveMSym (msymDir, archiveDir);
protected static int Ditto (string source, string destination)
var args = new CommandLineArgumentBuilder ();
args.AddQuoted (source);
args.AddQuoted (destination);
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo ("/usr/bin/ditto", args.ToString ()) {
RedirectStandardOutput = false,
RedirectStandardError = false,
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = true,
using (var process = Process.Start (psi)) {
process.WaitForExit ();
return process.ExitCode;
static bool IsWatchAppExtension (ITaskItem appex, PDictionary plist, out string watchAppBundleDir)
PString expectedBundleIdentifier, bundleIdentifier, extensionPoint;
PDictionary extension, attributes;
watchAppBundleDir = null;
if (!plist.TryGetValue ("NSExtension", out extension))
return false;
if (!extension.TryGetValue ("NSExtensionPointIdentifier", out extensionPoint))
return false;
if (extensionPoint.Value != "com.apple.watchkit")
return false;
// Okay, we've found the WatchKit App Extension...
if (!extension.TryGetValue ("NSExtensionAttributes", out attributes))
return false;
if (!attributes.TryGetValue ("WKAppBundleIdentifier", out expectedBundleIdentifier))
return false;
var pwd = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks (Environment.CurrentDirectory);
// Scan the *.app subdirectories to find the WatchApp bundle...
foreach (var bundle in Directory.GetDirectories (appex.ItemSpec, "*.app")) {
if (!File.Exists (Path.Combine (bundle, "Info.plist")))
plist = PDictionary.FromFile (Path.Combine (bundle, "Info.plist"));
if (!plist.TryGetValue ("CFBundleIdentifier", out bundleIdentifier))
if (bundleIdentifier.Value != expectedBundleIdentifier.Value)
watchAppBundleDir = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative (pwd, PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks (bundle));
return true;
return false;
void AddIconPaths (PArray icons, PArray iconFiles, string productsDir)
foreach (var icon in iconFiles.Cast<PString> ().Where (p => p.Value != null)) {
var path = string.Format ("Applications/{0}/{1}", Path.GetFileName (AppBundleDir.ItemSpec), icon.Value);
bool addDefault = true;
if (path.EndsWith (".png", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
icons.Add (new PString (path));
if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (productsDir, path + "@3x.png"))) {
icons.Add (new PString (path + "@3x.png"));
addDefault = false;
if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (productsDir, path + "@2x.png"))) {
icons.Add (new PString (path + "@2x.png"));
addDefault = false;
if (addDefault || File.Exists (Path.Combine (productsDir, path + ".png")))
icons.Add (new PString (path + ".png"));