
204 строки
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using TaskItem = Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskItem;
using Xamarin.MacDev;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using Xamarin.Localization.MSBuild;
namespace Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks {
public abstract class CompileSceneKitAssetsTaskBase : XamarinTask {
string toolExe;
#region Inputs
public string AppBundleName { get; set; }
public string IntermediateOutputPath { get; set; }
public bool IsWatchApp { get; set; }
public string ProjectDir { get; set; }
public string ResourcePrefix { get; set; }
public ITaskItem [] SceneKitAssets { get; set; }
public string SdkDevPath { get; set; }
public string SdkPlatform { get; set; }
public string SdkRoot { get; set; }
public string SdkVersion { get; set; }
public string ToolExe {
get { return toolExe ?? ToolName; }
set { toolExe = value; }
public string ToolPath { get; set; }
#region Outputs
public ITaskItem [] BundleResources { get; set; }
static string ToolName {
get { return "copySceneKitAssets"; }
protected virtual string OperatingSystem {
get {
return PlatformFrameworkHelper.GetOperatingSystem (TargetFrameworkMoniker);
string DeveloperRootBinDir {
get { return Path.Combine (SdkDevPath, "usr", "bin"); }
string GetFullPathToTool ()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ToolPath))
return Path.Combine (ToolPath, ToolExe);
var path = Path.Combine (DeveloperRootBinDir, ToolExe);
return File.Exists (path) ? path : ToolExe;
Task CopySceneKitAssets (string scnassets, string output, string intermediate)
var environment = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
var args = new List<string> ();
environment.Add ("PATH", DeveloperRootBinDir);
environment.Add ("XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH", DeveloperRootBinDir);
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (scnassets));
args.Add ("-o");
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (output));
args.Add ($"--sdk-root={SdkRoot}");
if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 10) {
var platform = PlatformUtils.GetTargetPlatform (SdkPlatform, IsWatchApp);
if (platform != null)
args.Add ($"--target-platform={platform}");
args.Add ($"--target-version={SdkVersion}");
} else {
args.Add ($"--target-version-{OperatingSystem}={SdkVersion}");
args.Add ($"--target-build-dir={Path.GetFullPath (intermediate)}");
args.Add ($"--resources-folder-path={AppBundleName}");
return ExecuteAsync (GetFullPathToTool (), args, sdkDevPath: SdkDevPath, environment: environment, showErrorIfFailure: true);
public override bool Execute ()
var prefixes = BundleResource.SplitResourcePrefixes (ResourcePrefix);
var intermediate = Path.Combine (IntermediateOutputPath, ToolName, AppBundleName);
var bundleResources = new List<ITaskItem> ();
var modified = new HashSet<string> ();
var items = new List<ITaskItem> ();
foreach (var asset in SceneKitAssets) {
if (!File.Exists (asset.ItemSpec))
// get the .scnassets directory path
var scnassets = Path.GetDirectoryName (asset.ItemSpec);
while (scnassets.Length > 0 && Path.GetExtension (scnassets).ToLowerInvariant () != ".scnassets")
scnassets = Path.GetDirectoryName (scnassets);
if (scnassets.Length == 0)
asset.RemoveMetadata ("LogicalName");
var bundleName = BundleResource.GetLogicalName (ProjectDir, prefixes, asset, !string.IsNullOrEmpty (SessionId));
var output = new TaskItem (Path.Combine (intermediate, bundleName));
if (!modified.Contains (scnassets) && (!File.Exists (output.ItemSpec) || File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (asset.ItemSpec) > File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (output.ItemSpec))) {
// Base the new item on @asset, to get the `DefiningProject*` metadata too
var scnassetsItem = new TaskItem (asset);
// .. but we really want it to be for @scnassets, so set ItemSpec accordingly
scnassetsItem.ItemSpec = scnassets;
// .. and remove the @OriginalItemSpec which is for @asset
scnassetsItem.RemoveMetadata ("OriginalItemSpec");
// The Link metadata is for the asset, but 'scnassetsItem' is the containing *.scnasset directory,
// so we need to update the Link metadata accordingly (if it exists).
var link = scnassetsItem.GetMetadata ("Link");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (link)) {
var newLinkLength = link.Length - (asset.ItemSpec.Length - scnassets.Length);
if (newLinkLength > 0 && newLinkLength < link.Length) {
link = link.Substring (0, newLinkLength);
scnassetsItem.SetMetadata ("Link", link);
var assetMetadata = asset.GetMetadata ("DefiningProjectFullPath");
if (assetMetadata != scnassetsItem.GetMetadata ("DefiningProjectFullPath")) {
// xbuild doesn't set this, so we'll do it
// `DefiningProjectFullPath` is a reserved metadata for msbuild, so
// setting this is not allowed anyway
scnassetsItem.SetMetadata ("DefiningProjectFullPath", assetMetadata);
modified.Add (scnassets);
items.Add (scnassetsItem);
output.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", bundleName);
output.SetMetadata ("Optimize", "false");
bundleResources.Add (output);
if (modified.Count == 0) {
BundleResources = bundleResources.ToArray ();
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
if (!Directory.Exists (intermediate))
Directory.CreateDirectory (intermediate);
var tasks = new List<Task> ();
foreach (var item in items) {
var bundleDir = BundleResource.GetLogicalName (ProjectDir, prefixes, new TaskItem (item), !string.IsNullOrEmpty (SessionId));
var output = Path.Combine (intermediate, bundleDir);
tasks.Add (CopySceneKitAssets (item.ItemSpec, output, intermediate));
Task.WaitAll (tasks.ToArray ());
BundleResources = bundleResources.ToArray ();
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;