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Breaking changes in .NET

Reference: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/13087

The SDK assemblies have been renamed.

We've renamed the SDK assemblies like this:

  • Xamarin.iOS.dll -> Microsoft.iOS.dll
  • Xamarin.TVOS.dll -> Microsoft.tvOS.dll
  • Xamarin.MacCatalyst.dll -> Microsoft.MacCatalyst.dll
  • Xamarin.Mac.dll -> Microsoft.macOS.dll

This will affect:

Removed System.nint and System.nuint

The two types System.nint and System.nuint (which despite their System namespace were shipped with Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Mac) have been removed in favor of the C# 9 nint and nuint types (these map to System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr respectively).

  • Code that uses these types with the full namespace (System.nint / System.nuint) won't compile.

    Fix: remove the namespace, and use nint / nuint only.

  • Code that overloads on System.IntPtr/System.UIntPtr and nint/nuintwon't compile.


    public void DoSomething (IntPtr value) {}
    public void DoSomething (nint value) {}

    Fix: one of the overloads would have to be either renamed or removed.

Reference: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/10508

Removed System.nfloat

The System.nfloat type has been removed in favor of the System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat type.

In order to make existing code compile as much as possible, we're adding a global using directive to C# projects, so that using nfloat as a type name continues to work:

global using nfloat = System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat;

If this global using directive is undesirable, it can be turned off by setting a NoNFloatUsing=true property in the project file.

Also, we're only adding the global using directive for projects that target C# 10 or later (since that's the first C# version that supports global using directives). Projects that use an older C# version will have to manually add the using directive to every source file.

There are a few other source code incompatibilities:

  • Any code that refers to the full typename (System.nfloat) will have to be modified to just use nfloat, or the new full typename (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat).
  • The nfloat.CopyArray methods don't exist in NFloat. The code needs to be rewritten to use Buffer.CopyMemory instead.

System.NMath moved to ObjCRuntime.NMath

The NMath type moved from the System namespace to the ObjCRuntime namespace.

  • Code that uses the NMath type won't compile unless the ObjCRuntime namespace is imported.

    Fix: add using ObjCRuntime to the file in question, or as a global using directive.

NSObject.Handle and INativeObject.Handle changed type from System.IntPtr to ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle

The NSObject.Handle and INativeObject.Handle properties changed type from System.IntPtr to ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle. This also means that numerous other parameters and return values change type in the same way; most important are the constructors that previously took a System.IntPtr, or System.IntPtr + bool. Both variants now take a ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle instead.

This is so that we can support API that take native-sized integers (nint / nuint - which map to System.[U]IntPtr) while at the same time have a different overload that takes a handle.

The most common examples are constructors - all NSObject subclasses have a constructor that (now) take a single ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle parameter, and some types also need to expose a constructor that take a native-sized integer. For instance NSMutableString has a nint capacity constructor, which without this type change would be impossible to expose correctly.

There are implicit conversions between System.IntPtr and ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle, so most code should compile without changes.

One major caveat however is that user code with an IntPtr constructor like the following:

public class MyViewController : UIViewController {
  public MyViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle) {}

will have to be updated to:

public class MyViewController : UIViewController {
  public MyViewController (NativeHandle handle) : base (handle) {}

Note that code that has the IntPtr constructor will compile just fine (no warnings nor errors), but it will fail at runtime.

The ObjCRuntime.Arch enum and the Runtime.Arch property have been removed.

These APIs are used to determine whether we're executing in the simulator or on a device. Neither apply to a Mac Catalyst app, so they've been removed.

Any code that these APIs will have to be ported to not use these APIs.

The SceneKit.SCNMatrix4 matrix is transposed in memory.

The managed SCNMatrix4 struct used to be a row-major matrix, while the native SCNMatrix4 struct is a column-major matrix. This difference in the memory representation meant that matrices would often have to be transposed when interacting with the platform.

In .NET, we've changed the managed SCNMatrix4 to be a column-major matrix, to match the native version. This means that any transposing that's currently done when accessing Apple APIs has to be undone.

Some types were moved from the CoreServices namespace to the CFNetwork namespace.

The following types:

  • CFHTTPStream
  • CFHTTPMessage
  • CFHTTPAuthentication

were moved from the CoreServices namespace to the CFNetwork namespace.

This requires adding a using CFNetwork; statement to any files that uses these types.

Numerous types in ModelIO have corrected their API

When we originally implemented ModelIO, we didn't notice at first that some of the matrix types Apple used had a column-major layout, so we accidentally bound many API with the wrong matrix type (with a row-major layout). This was troublesome, because many matrices had to be transposed for code to work correctly. We re-implemented all the API with the correct matrix type, but named differently (and worse). In .NET we've removed all the incorrectly bound API, and we've renamed the correctly bound API to use the best name (usually reflecting how Apple named these APIs).

This affects methods and properties on the following classes:

  • MDLCamera
  • MDLMaterialProperty
  • MDLStereoscopicCamera
  • MDLTransform
  • MDLTransformComponent

Removal of Runtime.UseAutoreleasePoolInThreadPool

Enabling or disabling this feature is not supported at runtime and must be done using the MSBuild AutoreleasePoolSupport property.

You can query if the build-time feature is enabled with the following code:

AppContext.TryGetSwitch ("System.Threading.Thread.EnableAutoreleasePool", out var enabled);

The types NSFileProviderExtension and NSFileProviderExtensionFetchThumbnailsHandler moved

The types NSFileProviderExtension and NSFileProviderExtensionFetchThumbnailsHandler moved from the UIKit namespace to the NSFileProvider namespace (this is reflecting that Apple originally added these types to UIKit, but then moved them to their own namespace, NSFileExtension).

The 'Foundation.MonoTouchException' and 'Foundation.ObjCException' types have been renamed/moved to 'ObjCRuntime.ObjCException'.

The type Foundation.MonoTouchException (for iOS, tvOS and Mac Catalyst) and the type Foundation.ObjCException (for macOS) have been renamed/moved to ObjCRuntime.ObjCException. Both types had the exact same functionality: they were wrapping a native NSException, and were renamed so that we have identical API and behavior on all platforms.

The type 'CFNetwork.MessageHandler' has been removed.

The type 'CFNetwork.MessageHandler' has been removed. Please use 'System.Net.Http.CFNetworkHandler' or the more recent 'Foundation.NSUrlSessionHandler' instead.

Changed name of the Info.plist entry with our version number.

We add an entry to the app's Info.plist with the version number used to build the app. In .NET, we've changed the name of this entry from com.xamarin.ios to com.microsoft.<platform in lower case> (for instance com.microsoft.tvos for tvOS apps).

The version format has also changed, from "X.Y.Z.W (branch: hash)" to the semantic versioning we use for .NET: "X.Y.Z-branch.Z+sha.hash".