3 Project file properties dotnet migration
Rolf Bjarne Kvinge редактировал(а) эту страницу 2021-09-22 17:29:26 +02:00

.NET project conversion

This document details how to map items and properties in legacy Xamarin project to .NET projects (if they map to anything at all).

See also:


Property Description in .NET 6 Project conversion
MtouchExtraArgs Additional arguments to mtouch Some arguments are still applicable, some arguments are not. Copy
MtouchArch App architecture(s) N/A Convert to RuntimeIdentifier (see below)
XamMacArch App architecture(s) N/A Convert to RuntimeIdentifier (see below)
[Mtouch]HttpClientHandler The default HttpClientHandler UseNativeHttpHandler Convert to UseNativeHttpHandler (see below)
EnableCodeSigning If code signing is enabled - Copy as-is
CodeSigningKey Specifies the codesigning key - Rename to CodesignKey
CodesignKey Specifies the code signing key - Copy as-is
CodesignProvision Specifies the provisioning profile - Copy as-is
CodesignEntitlements The path to the entitlements - Copy as-is
CodesignExtraArgs Extra code signing arguments - Copy as-is
PackageSigningKey Specifies the code signing key to sign the package - Copy as-is
PackagingExtraArgs Specifies the extra arguments to the packaging tool - Copy as-is
ProductDefinition The path to the product definition file to use when packaging - Copy as-is
MtouchEnableSGenConc - - Rename to EnableSGenConc
EnableSGenConc - - Copy as-is
... - - -


Item Description in .NET 6 Project conversion
LinkDescription Additional xml files to the managed linker Same Copy
... - - -

How to convert MtouchArch / XamMacArch to RuntimeIdentifier

Xamarin.iOS -> iOS

Value RuntimeIdentifier RuntimeIdentifiers
ARMv7 ios-arm -
ARMv7s ios-arm -
ARMv7+ARMv7s ios-arm -
ARM64 ios-arm64 -
ARMv7+ARM64 - ios-arm,ios-arm64
ARMv7+ARMv7s+ARM64 - ios-arm,ios-arm64
x86_64 iossimulator-x64 -
i386 iossimulator-x86 -
x86_64+i386 - iossimulator-x86,iossimulator-x64

Xamarin.TVOS -> tvOS

Property RuntimeIdentifier
ARM64 tvos-arm64
x86_64 tvossimulator-x64

Xamarin.Mac -> macOS

Property RuntimeIdentifier
x86_64 osx-x64

How to convert HttpClientHandler / MtouchHttpClientHandler

Convert to the UseNativeHttpHandler property.

Value UseNativeHttpHandler
HttpClientHandler false
NSUrlSessionHandler [don't set]
CFNetworkHandler [don't set]


Some values have moved from the Info.plist to the project file.


Equivalent project file property: SupportedOSPlatformVersion.

Ref: #12336.


Equivalent project file property: SupportedOSPlatformVersion.

Ref: #12336.