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Customize Scheduling UI How to customize Add Appointmnet and Summary Scheduling Views in Calendar and Scheduling for Xamarin how-to Remove the day and month title from Calendar view calendar-custom-scheduling-ui calendar, control, Xamarin, XamarinForms, scheduler, scheduling, custom, UI, addappointment, summary, view, customize, custom appointment UI kb


Product Version 2020.3.1021.1
Product Calendar for Xamarin Cross-Platform


This help article will show you how to customize the following Calendar Scheduling UI Views - [Add Appointment View]({%slug calendar-add-appointment-view%}) and [Appointment Summary View]({%slug calendar-appointment-summary-view%})


  1. Let's add the following calendar definition to our page:

and the following namespace:

  1. Then we will create a custom appointment class and define our property - MeetingOwner:
  1. Create a class ViewModel and add appointments to the Calendar.AppointmentsSource:
  1. Inside the Resources of the App.xaml file we will customize our AddAppointment and AppointmentSummary Views. We can copy the default AddAppointmentView ControlTemplate and AppointmentSummaryView ControlTemplate then add an UI for our data for the custom appointment:

Here are how the Custom Views are defined in the App.xaml resources

Add Appointment View

You will need the following namespaces:


Note that when you customize the control template using ControlTemplate property, you need to define first the control template then the style in the App.xaml Resources.

<Style TargetType="telerikInput:AddAppointmentView">
	<Setter Property="ControlTemplate" Value="{StaticResource AddAppointmentViewControlTemplate}"/>

Appointment Summary View

You will need the following namespaces:


Note that when you customize the control template using ControlTemplate property, you need to define first the control template then the style in the App.xaml Resources.

<Style TargetType="telerikInput:AppointmentSummaryView">
	<Setter Property="ControlTemplate" Value="{StaticResource AppointmentSummaryViewControlTemplate}"/>