# Platforms that will be tested. The first entry in this array will also
# be used for validation
- name: win
type: Unity::VM
image: package-ci/win10:v4.36.0
platform: StandaloneWindows64
flavor: b1.large
- name: mac
type: Unity::VM::osx
image: package-ci/macos-13:v4
platform: StandaloneOSX
flavor: m1.mac
# Projects within the repository that will be tested. Name will be used for job ids, so it should not contain spaces/non-supported characters
# The test-editors field is for editors where tests will happen. The first entry of this array is also used
# for validation. Therefore, **do not** put an older V1-lifecycle ver. like 2020.x or 2019.x on top of 'test_editors'
- name: 2dspaceshooter
path: Basic/2DSpaceShooter
- 2022.3
run_editor_tests: !!bool false
run_playmode_tests: !!bool false
- name: clientdriven
path: Basic/ClientDriven
- name: dynamicaddressablesnetworkprefabs
path: Basic/DynamicAddressablesNetworkPrefabs
- name: dedicatedgameserver
path: Experimental/DedicatedGameServer
- trunk
run_playmode_tests: !!bool true
test_filter: Unity.DedicatedGameServerSample.Tests
- name: multiplayerusecases
path: Experimental/MultiplayerUseCases
run_editor_tests: !!bool true
- name: DistributedAuthoritySample
path: Experimental/DistributedAuthoritySample