📰 RSS/Atom feed reader
Обновлено 2024-12-03 19:10:46 +03:00
📱📰 Android client for the Nextcloud news/feed reader app
Обновлено 2024-12-02 08:57:44 +03:00
ℹ️ The latest Nextcloud news directly in your notifications
Обновлено 2024-12-01 06:59:02 +03:00
Sample code for newsletter subscriptions via basket.mozilla.org
Обновлено 2024-02-15 17:37:28 +03:00
The News Threads pipeline processes large volumes of document content, using machine learning to find derived text fragments and trace them to their original sources. The backend pipeline is written for Python.
Обновлено 2023-07-23 19:20:34 +03:00
Scripts to fetch the tl;dr newsletter and post it to Discourse
Обновлено 2023-07-18 23:16:06 +03:00
Microsoft News Client Library for C#!
Обновлено 2023-07-08 00:36:34 +03:00
Early Detection of Fake News with Multi-source Weak Social Supervision
Обновлено 2023-06-12 21:50:00 +03:00
The News Threads Client is a web application for exploring and tracing news provenance across time over a collection of documents.
Обновлено 2022-05-17 02:00:46 +03:00
📰 Fast, parallel feed updater for the News app; written in Python
Обновлено 2021-12-11 17:06:15 +03:00
The plugin provides News feature, by default getting news for a text from BING news, but can be customized for other news sources.
Обновлено 2021-12-08 20:24:37 +03:00
News about Azure App Configuration
Обновлено 2019-09-17 22:45:30 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample.
Обновлено 2019-08-17 18:52:04 +03:00
A mobile app to track Xamarin news and explore all the goodness that is .NET for Mobile developers
Обновлено 2019-04-23 05:48:00 +03:00
Second generation online news study
Обновлено 2019-04-01 19:28:09 +03:00
a pioneer study looking at online news consumption
Обновлено 2019-04-01 19:27:23 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - An addon to recover pioneer online news study logs
Обновлено 2018-04-04 08:40:11 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - An addon to fix the survey doorhangers of the pioneer online news study
Обновлено 2018-04-04 08:40:10 +03:00
Landing Page for News Matrix
Обновлено 2017-04-12 23:18:38 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - Static website (built using Jekyll) to support the Mozilla Opennews project
Обновлено 2017-01-13 04:03:08 +03:00
DEPRECATED - Code for source.mozillaopennews.org/
Обновлено 2016-12-16 23:44:13 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - JavaScript client library for basket.mozilla.org (Mozilla Newsletters Management)
Обновлено 2016-11-04 19:01:25 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - A Mozilla Club activity called Hack the News
Обновлено 2016-04-06 20:46:48 +03:00
A generic application to manage your newsletters
Обновлено 2015-08-18 22:38:52 +03:00
Обновлено 2013-06-23 06:25:21 +04:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - If this then news
Обновлено 2013-01-13 02:56:15 +04:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - Wiki for open news staff and fellows.
Обновлено 2013-01-04 20:35:57 +04:00