
746 строки
41 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// No orphan projects are owned by this configuration.
projects: [],
// Packages that define the build extent.
modules: [
...globR(d`Public/Src`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Public/Sdk/UnitTests`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/Wdg`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/QTest`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/InternalSdk`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/Tools`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Public/Sdk/SelfHost`, "module.config.dsc"),
frontEnd: {
enabledPolicyRules: [
resolvers: [
// These are the new cleaned up Sdk's
kind: "DScript",
modules: [
f`Public/Sdk/Public/Prelude/package.config.dsc`, // Prelude cannot be named module because it is a v1 module
f`Public/Sdk/Public/Transformers/package.config.dsc`, // Transformers cannot be renamed yet because office relies on the filename
...globR(d`Public/Sdk`, "module.config.dsc"),
// The credential provider should be set by defining the env variable NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH.
kind: "Nuget",
// Temporarily skip sign nuget packages.
// Todo: Enable sign after adding configuration to selectively sign nuget packages
// esrpSignConfiguration : Context.getCurrentHost().os === "win" && Environment.getFlag("ENABLE_ESRP") ? {
// signToolPath: p`${Environment.expandEnvironmentVariablesInString(Environment.getStringValue("SIGN_TOOL_PATH"))}`,
// signToolConfiguration: Environment.getPathValue("ESRP_SESSION_CONFIG"),
// signToolEsrpPolicy: Environment.getPathValue("ESRP_POLICY_CONFIG"),
// signToolAadAuth: p`${Context.getMount("SourceRoot").path}/Secrets/CodeSign/EsrpAuthentication.json`,
// } : undefined,
repositories: importFile(f`config.microsoftInternal.dsc`).isMicrosoftInternal
? {
// If nuget resolver failed to download VisualCpp tool, then download it
// manually from "BuildXL.Selfhost" feed into some folder, and specify
// that folder as the value of "MyInternal" feed below.
// "MyInternal": "E:/BuildXLInternalRepos/NuGetInternal",
// CODESYNC:, Shared\Scripts\bxl.ps1
"BuildXL.Selfhost": "",
// Note: From a compliance point of view it is important that MicrosoftInternal has a single feed.
// If you need to consume packages make sure they are upstreamed in that feed.
: {
"buildxl-selfhost" : "",
"" : "",
"dotnet-arcade" : "",
packages: [
{ id: "NLog", version: "4.7.7" },
{ id: "CLAP", version: "4.6" },
{ id: "CLAP-DotNetCore", version: "4.6" },
{ id: "RuntimeContracts", version: "0.5.0" }, // Be very careful with updating this version, because CloudBuild and other repository needs to be updated as will
{ id: "RuntimeContracts.Analyzer", version: "0.4.3" }, // The versions are different because the analyzer has higher version for now.
{ id: "Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies.net472", version: "1.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource", version: "4.6.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Memory"] },
{ id: "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource", version: "4.0.0-beta-23516", alias: "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsSource.ForEventHub"},
// Roslyn
// The old compiler used by integration tests only.
{ id: "Microsoft.Net.Compilers", version: "4.0.1" }, // Update Public/Src/Engine/UnitTests/Engine/Test.BuildXL.Engine.dsc if you change the version of Microsoft.Net.Compilers.
{ id: "Microsoft.NETCore.Compilers", version: "4.0.1" },
// The package with an actual csc.dll
{ id: "Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset", version: "4.4.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common", version: "3.5.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp", version: "3.5.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic", version: "3.5.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common", version: "3.5.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces", version: "3.5.0" },
// VBCSCompilerLogger needs the latest version (.net 5), but we haven't completed the migration to net 5 for
// the rest of the codebase yet
// Note: if any of the CodeAnalysis packages get upgraded, any new
// switch introduced in the compiler command line argument supported by
// the new version needs to be evaluated and incorporated into VBCSCompilerLogger.cs
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common.ForVBCS"},
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.ForVBCS",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.ForVBCS",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common"]},
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common.ForVBCS",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces.ForVBCS" },
{ id: "Humanizer.Core", version: "2.2.0" },
// Old code analysis libraries, for tests only
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common", version: "2.10.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common.Old" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp", version: "2.10.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Old" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic", version: "2.10.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Old" },
// Roslyn Analyzers
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers", version: "3.3.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers", version: "2.6.3" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.NetFramework.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers", version: "5.0.3"},
{ id: "AsyncFixer", version: "1.6.0" },
{ id: "ErrorProne.NET.CoreAnalyzers", version: "0.3.1-beta.2" },
{ id: "protobuf-net.BuildTools", version: "3.0.101" },
{ id: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers", version: "17.6.40"},
{ id: "Text.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
// MEF
{ id: "Microsoft.Composition", version: "1.0.30" },
{ id: "System.Composition.AttributedModel", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.Convention", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.Hosting", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.Runtime", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.TypedParts", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Redist", version: "1.1.28" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent", version: "3.0.7" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.Globalization.CultureInfoCache", version: "1.0.0-rc1-final" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.MemoryPool", version: "1.0.0-rc1-final" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.Http", version: "7.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions"]},
{ id: "Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow", version: "4.5.24" },
{ id: "Microsoft.TypeScript.Compiler", version: "1.8" },
{ id: "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ConfigurationManager", version: "" },
{ id: "Newtonsoft.Json", version: "13.0.1" },
{ id: "Newtonsoft.Json.Bson", version: "1.0.1" },
{ id: "System.Reflection.Metadata", version: "1.6.0" },
{ id: "System.Reflection.Metadata", version: "5.0.0", alias: "System.Reflection.Metadata.ForVBCS", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Collections.Immutable"] },
{ id: "System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", version: "4.9.0" },
// Nuget
{ id: "NuGet.Packaging", version: "5.11.5", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData", "System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs"] },
{ id: "NuGet.Configuration", version: "5.11.5", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData"] },
{ id: "NuGet.Common", version: "5.11.5" },
{ id: "NuGet.Protocol", version: "5.11.5" },
{ id: "NuGet.Versioning", version: "5.11.5" },
{ id: "NuGet.CommandLine", version: "6.4.2" },
{ id: "NuGet.Frameworks", version: "5.11.5"}, // needed for qtest on .net core
// ProjFS (virtual file system)
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.ProjFS", version: "1.2.19351.1" },
// RocksDb
{ id: "RocksDbSharp", version: "8.1.1-20230829.3", alias: "RocksDbSharpSigned",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: [ "System.Memory" ],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: [ "System.Memory" ]
{ id: "RocksDbNative", version: "8.1.1-20230829.3" },
{ id: "JsonDiffPatch.Net", version: "2.1.0" },
// Event hubs
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Amqp", version: "2.6.1" },
{ id: "Azure.Core.Amqp", version: "1.3.0"},
{ id: "Azure.Messaging.EventHubs", version: "5.9.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Net.Http", "System.Reflection.TypeExtensions", "System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives", "Newtonsoft.Json", "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource"],
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core", version: "1.0.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging", version: "5.4.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens", version: "5.4.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Newtonsoft.Json"] },
{ id: "System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt", version: "5.4.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Newtonsoft.Json"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens", version: "5.4.0" },
// Key Vault
{ id: "Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets", version: "4.5.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Security.KeyVault.Certificates", version: "4.5.1" },
{ id: "Azure.Identity", version: "1.10.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client", version: "4.55.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions", version: "6.32.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal", version: "2.32.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Core", version: "1.34.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Buffers", "System.Text.Encodings.Web", "System.Text.Json", "System.Memory", "System.Memory.Data", "System.Numerics.Vectors", "Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces" ] },
{ id: "System.Memory.Data", version: "1.0.2",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: [ "System.Memory", "System.Text.Json" ] },
// Authentication
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client.Broker", version: "4.55.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop", version: "0.13.8" },
// Package sets
// Azure Blob Storage SDK V9
{ id: "WindowsAzure.Storage", version: "9.3.3" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Data.Services.Client", version: "5.8.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Data.OData", version: "5.8.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Data.Edm", version: "5.8.4" },
{ id: "System.Spatial", version: "5.8.2" },
// Azure Blob Storage SDK V12
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Blobs", version: "12.16.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: [ "System.Text.Json" ] },
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Common", version: "12.15.0" },
{ id: "System.IO.Hashing", version: "6.0.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: [ "System.Buffers", "System.Memory" ] },
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch", version: "12.10.0" },
Merged PR 728101: BlobLifetimeManager supports multiple universes/namespaces, reading from the change feed, and checkpointing As preparation for checkpointing, which requires that garbage collection happens for the whole storage account at once, it makes sense to first support garbage collecting multiple namespaces/universes in a single garbage collection run. The idea is that instead of accessing the DB directly, there is an IAccessor, which limits the view of the database to only a given namespace. In practice, what this means is that each accessor will have a unique set of RocksDb column families that it accesses. Other than that, the logic to create/manage the database stays the same. Another change is that we can now update our view of the world in subsequent runs via reading Azure Storage's change feed. This is extremely important since otherwise, nothing works: on the first run, since we touch everything, nothing is evictable; and on the second run, such a long time has passed that without updating our view of things, we might be deleting blobs with new references. Finally, after both these changes, I also implemented checkpointing. The checkpoint and all its data will live in different containers in the 0th shard of the cache, as different-sized caches _are different caches_, regardless of whether they share accounts. Ideally, we won't have this ever since we're the ones resharding, but even today we already have that problem since some of our tests are not using all 100 accounts we've provisioned.
2023-08-16 01:43:19 +03:00
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Blobs.ChangeFeed", version: "12.0.0-preview.34",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: [ "System.Text.Json" ] },
// xUnit
{ id: "xunit.abstractions", version: "2.0.3" },
{ id: "xunit.assert", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.extensibility.core", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.extensibility.execution", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.console", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.visualstudio", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.utility", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.reporters", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitConsoleRunner", version: "2.5.1-beta.19270.4" },
// microsoft test platform
{ id: "Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHost", version: "16.4.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel", version: "16.4.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk", version: "15.9.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeCoverage", version: "15.9.0" },
{ id: "System.Private.Uri", version: "4.3.2" },
// CloudStore dependencies
{ id: "DeduplicationSigned", version: "1.0.14" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl", version: "1.1.10" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl.Async", version: "1.0.168" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces", version: "6.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl.Build", version: "1.0.14" },
{ id: "Pipelines.Sockets.Unofficial", version: "2.2.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.IO.Pipelines", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe", "Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces"] },
{ id: "System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter", version: "5.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Threading.Channels", version: "7.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"] },
{ id: "System.Linq.Async", version: "4.0.0"},
{ id: "Polly", version: "7.2.1" },
{ id: "Polly.Contrib.WaitAndRetry", version: "1.1.1" },
// Azurite node app compiled to standalone executable
// Sources for this package are:
// This packaged is produced by the pipeline:
{ id: "BuildXL.Azurite.Executables", version: "1.0.0-CI-20230614-171424" },
// Testing
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData", version: "5.0.0"},
{ id: "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager", version: "4.4.0"},
{ id: "FluentAssertions", version: "5.3.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Reflection.Emit", "System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight"] },
{ id: "DotNet.Glob", version: "2.0.3" },
{ id: "Minimatch", version: "" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights", version: "2.21.0", dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["System.RunTime.InteropServices"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept", version: "2.0.7" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.PerfCounterCollector", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer.TelemetryChannel", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.Xml", version: "4.7.1" },
{ id: "System.Text.Encodings.Web", version: "4.7.2" },
{ id: "System.Security.Permissions", version: "4.5.0" },
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs", version: "4.5.0" },
{ id: "ILRepack", version: "2.0.16" },
// VS language service
{ id: "System.Runtime.Analyzers", version: "1.0.1" },
{ id: "System.Runtime.InteropServices.Analyzers", version: "1.0.1" },
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.Hashing.Algorithms.Analyzers", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "Validation", version: "2.5.42"},
// VSTS managed API
{ id: "Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client", version: "16.170.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.WebApi", version: "16.170.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["*"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Common.Contracts", version: "16.170.0"},
// MSBuild. These should be used for compile references only, as at runtime one can only practically use MSBuilds from Visual Studio / dotnet CLI
{ id: "Microsoft.Build", version: "17.0.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Reflection.Metadata", "System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", "System.Memory", "System.Text.Json", "System.Collections.Immutable"], // These are overwritten in the deployment by DataflowForMSBuild and SystemMemoryForMSBuild since it doesn't work with the versions we use in larger buildxl.
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Runtime", version: "17.0.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", "System.Memory"],
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core", version: "17.0.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", "System.Memory", "System.Collections.Immutable"],
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core", version: "17.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", "System.Memory", "System.Text.Json", "System.Collections.Immutable"]},
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Framework", version: "17.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", "System.Memory", "System.Text.Json"]},
{ id: "Microsoft.NET.StringTools", version: "1.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Memory", "System.Text.Json"]},
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Locator", version: "1.5.5" },
{ id: "System.Resources.Extensions", version: "4.6.0-preview9.19411.4",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Memory"]},
// Buffers and Memory
{ id: "System.Buffers", version: "4.5.1" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */ // A different version, because StackExchange.Redis uses it.
{ id: "System.Memory", version: "4.5.5", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe", "System.Numerics.Vectors"] }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */
{ id: "System.Memory", version: "4.5.4", alias: "System.MemoryForVBCS", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe", "System.Numerics.Vectors"] },
{ id: "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe", version: "5.0.0" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */
{ id: "System.IO.Pipelines", version: "7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"] },
{ id: "System.Numerics.Vectors", version: "4.5.0" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */
// Extra dependencies to make MSBuild work
{ id: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Interop", version: "1.16.30"},
{ id: "System.CodeDom", version: "4.4.0"},
{ id: "System.Text.Encoding.CodePages", version: "4.5.1",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe"]},
{ id: "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe", version: "4.5.3", alias: "SystemRuntimeCompilerServicesUnsafeForMSBuild", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["*"]},
{id: "System.Numerics.Vectors", version: "4.4.0", alias: "SystemNumericsVectorsForMSBuild"},
// Used for MSBuild input/output prediction
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Prediction", version: "0.3.0" },
{ id: "SharpZipLib", version: "1.3.3" },
{ id: "ObjectLayoutInspector", version: "0.1.4" },
// Ninja JSON graph generation helper
{ id: "BuildXL.Tools.Ninjson", version: "1.11.2" },
{ id: "BuildXL.Tools.AppHostPatcher", version: "1.0.0" },
2022-12-07 00:48:14 +03:00
// Ninja JSON Linux Text
{ id: "BuildXL.Tools.Ninjson.linux-x64", version: "1.11.2", osSkip: [ "macOS" ] },
// Kusto SDK
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Data", version: "11.2.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Ingest", version: "11.2.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Tools", version: "7.2.1" },
{ id: "Azure.ResourceManager.Kusto", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Cloud.Platform", version: "11.2.1", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: [ "System.Security.AccessControl" ] },
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Cloud.Platform.Aad", version: "11.2.1" },
{ id: "Azure.ResourceManager", version: "1.3.2" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream", version: "2.2.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Buffers", "System.Memory"] }, // Used by Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Cloud.Platform
// Azure Communication
{ id: "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime", version: "2.3.24",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime"],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime"],
{ id: "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure", version: "3.3.19" },
{ id: "Azure.Data.Tables", version: "12.8.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Queues", version: "12.11.0" },
// FsCheck
{ id: "FsCheck", version: "2.14.3" },
{ id: "FSharp.Core", version: "4.2.3" },
{ id: "Antlr4.Runtime.Standard", version: "4.7.2" },
2021-03-16 10:29:35 +03:00
// For C++ testing
{ id: "boost", version: "" },
// Needed for SBOM Generation
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions", version: "6.0.3", alias: "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.v6.0.3", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Buffers", "System.Memory"] },
{ id: "System.Text.Encodings.Web", version: "7.0.0", dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Buffers", "System.Memory"], alias: "System.Text.Encodings.Web.v7.0.0" },
{ id: "packageurl-dotnet", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "System.Reactive", version: "4.4.1" },
// Windows CoW on ReFS
{ id: "CopyOnWrite", version: "0.3.6" },
// Windows SDK
// CODESYNC: This version should be updated together with the version number in Public/Sdk/Experimental/Msvc/WindowsSdk/windowsSdk.dsc
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.cpp", version: "10.0.22621.755", osSkip: [ "macOS", "unix" ] },
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x86", version: "10.0.22621.755", osSkip: [ "macOS", "unix" ] },
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x64", version: "10.0.22621.755", osSkip: [ "macOS", "unix" ] },
doNotEnforceDependencyVersions: true,
// .NET Runtimes.
{ kind: "SourceResolver", modules: [f`Public\Sdk\SelfHost\Libraries\Dotnet-Runtime-External\module.config.dsc`] },
{ kind: "SourceResolver", modules: [f`Public\Sdk\SelfHost\Libraries\Dotnet-Runtime-5-External\module.config.dsc`] },
{ kind: "SourceResolver", modules: [f`Public\Sdk\SelfHost\Libraries\Dotnet-Runtime-6-External\module.config.dsc`] },
{ kind: "SourceResolver", modules: [f`Public\Sdk\SelfHost\Libraries\Dotnet-Runtime-7-External\module.config.dsc`] },
kind: "Download",
downloads: [
// XNU kernel sources
moduleName: "Apple.Darwin.Xnu",
url: "",
hash: "VSO0:D6D26AEECA99240D2D833B6B8B811609B9A6E3516C0EE97A951B64F9AA4F90F400",
archiveType: "tgz",
// DotNet Core Runtime 7.0
moduleName: "",
url: "",
hash: "VSO0:9C86EE108ED285C6848F9457C661ABE938C4D9A31156E2BE70E6D024E140E59E00",
archiveType: "zip",
moduleName: "DotNet-Runtime.osx-x64.7.0",
url: "",
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isScrubbable: true,
name: a`CgNpmRoot`,
path: p`cg/npm`,
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isReadable: true
// Special scrubbable mount with the content that can be cleaned up by running bxl.exe /scrub
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path: Context.getCurrentHost().os !== "macOS" ? p`Out/Objects/TempDeployment` : p`Out/Objects.noindex/TempDeployment`,
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path: p`Public/Src/Sandbox`,
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isReadable: true
...(Environment.getStringValue("BUILDXL_DROP_CONFIG") !== undefined ?
// Path used in CloudBuild for things like drop configuration files. These files should not be tracked.
name: a`CloudBuild`,
path: Environment.getPathValue("BUILDXL_DROP_CONFIG").parent,
trackSourceFileChanges: false,
isWritable: false,
isReadable: true
] : []),
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isReadable: true
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name: a`GuardianDrop`,
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isReadable: true,
isWritable: true,
trackSourceFileChanges: true
] : []),
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isWritable: false,
trackSourceFileChanges: true
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ide: {
// Let the /VS flag generate the projects in the source tree so that add/remove C# file works properly.
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dotSettingsFile: f`Public/Sdk/SelfHost/BuildXL/BuildXL.sln.DotSettings`,
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// Allow the debugger to be able to be launched from BuildXL Builds
name: "JitDebugger",
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pathRegex: `.*${Environment.getStringValue("CommonProgramFiles").replace("\\", "\\\\")}\\\\Microsoft Shared\\\\VS7Debug\\\\.*`
// cl.exe may write temporary files under its working directory
name: "cl.exe",
toolPath: a`cl.exe`,
pathRegex: ".*.tmp"