
719 строки
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// File: Model.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include <d3d12_xs.h>
#elif (defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE)) || defined(_GAMING_XBOX)
#include <d3d12_x.h>
#include <directx/d3d12.h>
#include <directx/dxgiformat.h>
#include <dxguids/dxguids.h>
#include <d3d12.h>
#include <dxgiformat.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <DirectXMath.h>
#include <DirectXCollision.h>
#include "GraphicsMemory.h"
#include "Effects.h"
namespace DirectX
inline namespace DX12
class IEffect;
class IEffectFactory;
class ModelMesh;
// Model loading options
enum ModelLoaderFlags : uint32_t
ModelLoader_Default = 0x0,
ModelLoader_MaterialColorsSRGB = 0x1,
ModelLoader_AllowLargeModels = 0x2,
ModelLoader_IncludeBones = 0x4,
ModelLoader_DisableSkinning = 0x8,
// Frame hierarchy for rigid body and skeletal animation
struct ModelBone
ModelBone() noexcept :
ModelBone(uint32_t parent, uint32_t child, uint32_t sibling) noexcept :
uint32_t parentIndex;
uint32_t childIndex;
uint32_t siblingIndex;
std::wstring name;
using Collection = std::vector<ModelBone>;
static constexpr uint32_t c_Invalid = uint32_t(-1);
struct aligned_deleter { void operator()(void* p) noexcept { _aligned_free(p); } };
using TransformArray = std::unique_ptr<XMMATRIX[], aligned_deleter>;
static TransformArray MakeArray(size_t count)
void* temp = _aligned_malloc(sizeof(XMMATRIX) * count, 16);
if (!temp)
throw std::bad_alloc();
return TransformArray(static_cast<XMMATRIX*>(temp));
// Each mesh part is a submesh with a single effect
class ModelMeshPart
ModelMeshPart(uint32_t partIndex) noexcept;
ModelMeshPart(ModelMeshPart&&) = default;
ModelMeshPart& operator= (ModelMeshPart&&) = default;
ModelMeshPart(ModelMeshPart const&) = default;
ModelMeshPart& operator= (ModelMeshPart const&) = default;
virtual ~ModelMeshPart();
using Collection = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ModelMeshPart>>;
using DrawCallback = std::function<void(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, const ModelMeshPart& part)>;
using InputLayoutCollection = std::vector<D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC>;
uint32_t partIndex; // Unique index assigned per-part in a model.
uint32_t materialIndex; // Index of the material spec to use
uint32_t indexCount;
uint32_t startIndex;
int32_t vertexOffset;
uint32_t vertexStride;
uint32_t vertexCount;
uint32_t indexBufferSize;
uint32_t vertexBufferSize;
DXGI_FORMAT indexFormat;
SharedGraphicsResource indexBuffer;
SharedGraphicsResource vertexBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> staticIndexBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> staticVertexBuffer;
std::shared_ptr<InputLayoutCollection> vbDecl;
// Draw mesh part
void __cdecl Draw(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList) const;
void __cdecl DrawInstanced(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t startInstance = 0) const;
// Utilities for drawing multiple mesh parts
// Draw the mesh
static void __cdecl DrawMeshParts(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, const Collection& meshParts);
// Draw the mesh with an effect
static void __cdecl DrawMeshParts(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, const Collection& meshParts, _In_ IEffect* effect);
// Draw the mesh with a callback for each mesh part
static void __cdecl DrawMeshParts(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, const Collection& meshParts, DrawCallback callback);
// Draw the mesh with a range of effects that mesh parts will index into.
// Effects can be any IEffect pointer type (including smart pointer). Value or reference types will not compile.
// The iterator passed to this method should have random access capabilities for best performance.
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
static void DrawMeshParts(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
const Collection& meshParts,
TEffectIterator partEffects)
// This assert is here to prevent accidental use of containers that would cause undesirable performance penalties.
std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, TEffectIteratorCategory>::value,
"Providing an iterator without random access capabilities -- such as from std::list -- is not supported.");
for (const auto& it : meshParts)
auto part = it.get();
assert(part != nullptr);
// Get the effect at the location specified by the part's material
TEffectIterator effect_iterator = partEffects;
std::advance(effect_iterator, part->partIndex);
// Apply the effect and draw
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
static void XM_CALLCONV DrawMeshParts(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
const Collection& meshParts,
TEffectIterator partEffects)
// This assert is here to prevent accidental use of containers that would cause undesirable performance penalties.
std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, TEffectIteratorCategory>::value,
"Providing an iterator without random access capabilities -- such as from std::list -- is not supported.");
for (const auto& it : meshParts)
auto part = it.get();
assert(part != nullptr);
// Get the effect at the location specified by the part's material
TEffectIterator effect_iterator = partEffects;
std::advance(effect_iterator, part->partIndex);
auto imatrices = dynamic_cast<IEffectMatrices*>((*effect_iterator).get());
if (imatrices)
// Apply the effect and draw
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
static void XM_CALLCONV DrawSkinnedMeshParts(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
const ModelMesh& mesh,
const Collection& meshParts,
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms,
TEffectIterator partEffects);
// A mesh consists of one or more model mesh parts
class ModelMesh
ModelMesh() noexcept;
ModelMesh(ModelMesh&&) = default;
ModelMesh& operator= (ModelMesh&&) = default;
ModelMesh(ModelMesh const&) = default;
ModelMesh& operator= (ModelMesh const&) = default;
virtual ~ModelMesh();
BoundingSphere boundingSphere;
BoundingBox boundingBox;
ModelMeshPart::Collection opaqueMeshParts;
ModelMeshPart::Collection alphaMeshParts;
uint32_t boneIndex;
std::vector<uint32_t> boneInfluences;
std::wstring name;
using Collection = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ModelMesh>>;
// Draw the mesh
void __cdecl DrawOpaque(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList) const;
void __cdecl DrawAlpha(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList) const;
// Draw the mesh with an effect
void __cdecl DrawOpaque(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, _In_ IEffect* effect) const;
void __cdecl DrawAlpha(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, _In_ IEffect* effect) const;
// Draw the mesh with a callback for each mesh part
void __cdecl DrawOpaque(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, ModelMeshPart::DrawCallback callback) const;
void __cdecl DrawAlpha(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, ModelMeshPart::DrawCallback callback) const;
// Draw the mesh with a range of effects that mesh parts will index into.
// TEffectPtr can be any IEffect pointer type (including smart pointer). Value or reference types will not compile.
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
void DrawOpaque(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TEffectIterator effects) const
ModelMeshPart::DrawMeshParts<TEffectIterator, TEffectIteratorCategory>(commandList, opaqueMeshParts, effects);
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
void DrawAlpha(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TEffectIterator effects) const
ModelMeshPart::DrawMeshParts<TEffectIterator, TEffectIteratorCategory>(commandList, alphaMeshParts, effects);
// Draw rigid-body with bones.
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
void XM_CALLCONV DrawOpaque(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms,
TEffectIterator effects) const
assert(nbones > 0 && boneTransforms != nullptr);
if (boneIndex != ModelBone::c_Invalid && boneIndex < nbones)
local = XMMatrixMultiply(boneTransforms[boneIndex], world);
local = world;
ModelMeshPart::DrawMeshParts<TEffectIterator, TEffectIteratorCategory>(commandList, opaqueMeshParts, local, effects);
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
void XM_CALLCONV DrawAlpha(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms,
TEffectIterator effects) const
assert(nbones > 0 && boneTransforms != nullptr);
if (boneIndex != ModelBone::c_Invalid && boneIndex < nbones)
local = XMMatrixMultiply(boneTransforms[boneIndex], world);
local = world;
ModelMeshPart::DrawMeshParts<TEffectIterator, TEffectIteratorCategory>(commandList, alphaMeshParts, local, effects);
// Draw using skinning given bone transform array.
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
void XM_CALLCONV DrawSkinnedOpaque(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms,
TEffectIterator effects) const
ModelMeshPart::DrawSkinnedMeshParts<TEffectIterator, TEffectIteratorCategory>(commandList, *this, opaqueMeshParts,
nbones, boneTransforms, world, effects);
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory = typename TEffectIterator::iterator_category>
void XM_CALLCONV DrawSkinnedAlpha(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms,
TEffectIterator effects) const
ModelMeshPart::DrawSkinnedMeshParts<TEffectIterator, TEffectIteratorCategory>(commandList, *this, alphaMeshParts,
nbones, boneTransforms, world, effects);
// A model consists of one or more meshes
class Model
Model() noexcept;
Model(Model&&) = default;
Model& operator= (Model&&) = default;
Model(Model const& other);
Model& operator= (Model const& rhs);
virtual ~Model();
using EffectCollection = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IEffect>>;
using ModelMaterialInfo = IEffectFactory::EffectInfo;
using ModelMaterialInfoCollection = std::vector<ModelMaterialInfo>;
using TextureCollection = std::vector<std::wstring>;
// The Model::Draw* functions use variadic templates and perfect-forwarding in order to support future
// overloads to the ModelMesh::Draw* family of functions. This means that a new ModelMesh overload can be
// added, removed or altered, but the Model routines will still remain compatible. The correct ModelMesh
// overload will be selected by the compiler depending on the arguments you provide to the Model method.
// Draw all the meshes in the model.
template<typename... TForwardArgs> void DrawOpaque(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TForwardArgs&&... args) const
// Draw opaque parts
for (const auto& it : meshes)
auto mesh = it.get();
assert(mesh != nullptr);
mesh->DrawOpaque(commandList, std::forward<TForwardArgs>(args)...);
template<typename... TForwardArgs> void DrawAlpha(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TForwardArgs&&... args) const
// Draw alpha parts
for (const auto& it : meshes)
auto mesh = it.get();
assert(mesh != nullptr);
mesh->DrawAlpha(commandList, std::forward<TForwardArgs>(args)...);
template<typename... TForwardArgs> void Draw(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TForwardArgs&&... args) const
DrawOpaque(commandList, args...);
DrawAlpha(commandList, std::forward<TForwardArgs>(args)...);
// Draw mesh using skinning given bone transform array.
template<typename... TForwardArgs> void DrawSkinnedOpaque(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TForwardArgs&&... args) const
// Draw opaque parts
for (const auto& it : meshes)
auto mesh = it.get();
assert(mesh != nullptr);
mesh->DrawSkinnedOpaque(commandList, std::forward<TForwardArgs>(args)...);
template<typename... TForwardArgs> void DrawSkinnedAlpha(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TForwardArgs&&... args) const
// Draw alpha parts
for (const auto& it : meshes)
auto mesh = it.get();
assert(mesh != nullptr);
mesh->DrawSkinnedAlpha(commandList, std::forward<TForwardArgs>(args)...);
template<typename... TForwardArgs> void DrawSkinned(_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList, TForwardArgs&&... args) const
DrawSkinnedOpaque(commandList, args...);
DrawSkinnedAlpha(commandList, std::forward<TForwardArgs>(args)...);
// Load texture resources into an existing Effect Texture Factory
int __cdecl LoadTextures(IEffectTextureFactory& texFactory, int destinationDescriptorOffset = 0) const;
// Load texture resources into a new Effect Texture Factory
std::unique_ptr<EffectTextureFactory> __cdecl LoadTextures(
_In_ ID3D12Device* device,
ResourceUploadBatch& resourceUploadBatch,
_In_opt_z_ const wchar_t* texturesPath = nullptr,
// Load VB/IB resources for static geometry
void __cdecl LoadStaticBuffers(
_In_ ID3D12Device* device,
ResourceUploadBatch& resourceUploadBatch,
bool keepMemory = false);
// Create effects using the default effect factory
EffectCollection __cdecl CreateEffects(
const EffectPipelineStateDescription& opaquePipelineState,
const EffectPipelineStateDescription& alphaPipelineState,
_In_ ID3D12DescriptorHeap* textureDescriptorHeap,
_In_ ID3D12DescriptorHeap* samplerDescriptorHeap,
int textureDescriptorOffset = 0,
int samplerDescriptorOffset = 0) const;
// Create effects using a custom effect factory
EffectCollection __cdecl CreateEffects(
IEffectFactory& fxFactory,
const EffectPipelineStateDescription& opaquePipelineState,
const EffectPipelineStateDescription& alphaPipelineState,
int textureDescriptorOffset = 0,
int samplerDescriptorOffset = 0) const;
// Compute bone positions based on heirarchy and transform matrices
void __cdecl CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(
size_t nbones,
_Out_writes_(nbones) XMMATRIX* boneTransforms) const;
void __cdecl CopyAbsoluteBoneTransforms(
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* inBoneTransforms,
_Out_writes_(nbones) XMMATRIX* outBoneTransforms) const;
// Set bone matrices to a set of relative tansforms
void __cdecl CopyBoneTransformsFrom(
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms);
// Copies the relative bone matrices to a transform array
void __cdecl CopyBoneTransformsTo(
size_t nbones,
_Out_writes_(nbones) XMMATRIX* boneTransforms) const;
// Loads a model from a Visual Studio Starter Kit .CMO file
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromCMO(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_reads_bytes_(dataSize) const uint8_t* meshData, _In_ size_t dataSize,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default,
_Out_opt_ size_t* animsOffset = nullptr);
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromCMO(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_z_ const wchar_t* szFileName,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default,
_Out_opt_ size_t* animsOffset = nullptr);
// Loads a model from a DirectX SDK .SDKMESH file
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromSDKMESH(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_reads_bytes_(dataSize) const uint8_t* meshData, _In_ size_t dataSize,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default);
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromSDKMESH(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_z_ const wchar_t* szFileName,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default);
// Loads a model from a .VBO file
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromVBO(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_reads_bytes_(dataSize) const uint8_t* meshData, _In_ size_t dataSize,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default);
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromVBO(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_z_ const wchar_t* szFileName,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default);
// Utility function for getting a GPU descriptor for a mesh part/material index. If there is no texture the
// descriptor will be zero.
D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE __cdecl GetGpuTextureHandleForMaterialIndex(uint32_t materialIndex, _In_ ID3D12DescriptorHeap* heap, _In_ size_t descriptorSize, _In_ size_t descriptorOffset) const
if (materialIndex >= materials.size())
return handle;
const int textureIndex = materials[materialIndex].diffuseTextureIndex;
if (textureIndex == -1)
return handle;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || !defined(_WIN32)
handle = heap->GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart();
std::ignore = heap->GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart(&handle);
handle.ptr += static_cast<UINT64>(descriptorSize * (UINT64(textureIndex) + UINT64(descriptorOffset)));
return handle;
// Utility function for updating the matrices in a list of effects. This will SetWorld, SetView and SetProjection
// on any effect in the list that derives from IEffectMatrices.
static void XM_CALLCONV UpdateEffectMatrices(
EffectCollection& effects,
// Utility function to transition VB/IB resources for static geometry.
void __cdecl Transition(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
ModelMesh::Collection meshes;
ModelMaterialInfoCollection materials;
TextureCollection textureNames;
ModelBone::Collection bones;
ModelBone::TransformArray boneMatrices;
ModelBone::TransformArray invBindPoseMatrices;
std::wstring name;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED)
std::unique_ptr<EffectTextureFactory> __cdecl LoadTextures(
_In_ ID3D12Device* device,
ResourceUploadBatch& resourceUploadBatch,
_In_opt_z_ const __wchar_t* texturesPath = nullptr,
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromCMO(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_z_ const __wchar_t* szFileName,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default,
_Out_opt_ size_t* animsOffset = nullptr);
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromSDKMESH(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_z_ const __wchar_t* szFileName,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default);
static std::unique_ptr<Model> __cdecl CreateFromVBO(
_In_opt_ ID3D12Device* device,
_In_z_ const __wchar_t* szFileName,
ModelLoaderFlags flags = ModelLoader_Default);
std::shared_ptr<IEffect> __cdecl CreateEffectForMeshPart(
IEffectFactory& fxFactory,
const EffectPipelineStateDescription& opaquePipelineState,
const EffectPipelineStateDescription& alphaPipelineState,
int textureDescriptorOffset,
int samplerDescriptorOffset,
_In_ const ModelMeshPart* part) const;
void __cdecl ComputeAbsolute(uint32_t index,
CXMMATRIX local, size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* inBoneTransforms,
_Inout_updates_(nbones) XMMATRIX* outBoneTransforms,
size_t& visited) const;
template<typename TEffectIterator, typename TEffectIteratorCategory>
void XM_CALLCONV ModelMeshPart::DrawSkinnedMeshParts(
_In_ ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* commandList,
const ModelMesh& mesh,
const ModelMeshPart::Collection& meshParts,
size_t nbones,
_In_reads_(nbones) const XMMATRIX* boneTransforms,
TEffectIterator partEffects)
// This assert is here to prevent accidental use of containers that would cause undesirable performance penalties.
std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, TEffectIteratorCategory>::value,
"Providing an iterator without random access capabilities -- such as from std::list -- is not supported.");
assert(nbones > 0 && boneTransforms != nullptr);
ModelBone::TransformArray temp;
for (const auto& mit : meshParts)
auto part = mit.get();
assert(part != nullptr);
// Get the effect at the location specified by the part's material
TEffectIterator effect_iterator = partEffects;
std::advance(effect_iterator, part->partIndex);
auto imatrices = dynamic_cast<IEffectMatrices*>((*effect_iterator).get());
if (imatrices)
auto iskinning = dynamic_cast<IEffectSkinning*>((*effect_iterator).get());
if (iskinning)
if (mesh.boneInfluences.empty())
// Direct-mapping of vertex bone indices to our master bone array
iskinning->SetBoneTransforms(boneTransforms, nbones);
if (!temp)
// Create the influence mapped bones on-demand.
temp = ModelBone::MakeArray(IEffectSkinning::MaxBones);
size_t count = 0;
for (auto it : mesh.boneInfluences)
if (count > IEffectSkinning::MaxBones)
throw std::runtime_error("Too many bones for skinning");
if (it >= nbones)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid bone influence index");
temp[count - 1] = boneTransforms[it];
assert(count == mesh.boneInfluences.size());
iskinning->SetBoneTransforms(temp.get(), mesh.boneInfluences.size());
else if (imatrices)
// Fallback for if we encounter a non-skinning effect in the model
XMMATRIX bm = (mesh.boneIndex != ModelBone::c_Invalid && mesh.boneIndex < nbones)
? boneTransforms[mesh.boneIndex] : XMMatrixIdentity();
imatrices->SetWorld(XMMatrixMultiply(bm, world));
// Apply the effect and draw
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-dynamic-exception-spec"
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop