6 AADConditionalAccessPolicy
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# AADConditionalAccessPolicy


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DisplayName Key String DisplayName of the AAD CA Policy
Id Write String Specifies the GUID for the Policy.
State Write String Specifies the State of the Policy. disabled, enabled, enabledForReportingButNotEnforced
IncludeApplications Write StringArray[] Cloud Apps in scope of the Policy.
ExcludeApplications Write StringArray[] Cloud Apps out of scope of the Policy.
IncludeUserActions Write StringArray[] User Actions in scope of the Policy.
IncludeUsers Write StringArray[] Users in scope of the Policy.
ExcludeUsers Write StringArray[] Users out of scope of the Policy.
IncludeGroups Write StringArray[] Groups in scope of the Policy.
ExcludeGroups Write StringArray[] Groups out of scope of the Policy.
IncludeRoles Write StringArray[] AAD Admin Roles in scope of the Policy.
ExcludeRoles Write StringArray[] AAD Admin Roles out of scope of the Policy.
IncludePlatforms Write StringArray[] Client Device Platforms in scope of the Policy.
ExcludePlatforms Write StringArray[] Client Device Platforms out of scope of the Policy.
IncludeLocations Write StringArray[] AAD Named Locations in scope of the Policy.
ExcludeLocations Write StringArray[] AAD Named Locations out of scope of the Policy.
IncludeDevices Write StringArray[] Client Device Compliance states in scope of the Policy.
ExcludeDevices Write StringArray[] Client Device Compliance states out of scope of the Policy.
UserRiskLevels Write StringArray[] AAD Identity Protection User Risk Levels in scope of the Policy.
SignInRiskLevels Write StringArray[] AAD Identity Protection Sign-in Risk Levels in scope of the Policy.
ClientAppTypes Write StringArray[] Client App types in scope of the Policy.
GrantControlOperator Write String Operator to be used for Grant Controls. AND, OR
BuiltInControls Write StringArray[] List of built-in Grant Controls to be applied by the Policy.
ApplicationEnforcedRestrictionsIsEnabled Write Boolean Specifies, whether Application Enforced Restrictions are enabled in the Policy.
CloudAppSecurityIsEnabled Write Boolean Specifies, whether Cloud App Security is enforced by the Policy.
CloudAppSecurityType Write String Specifies, what Cloud App Security control is enforced by the Policy.
SignInFrequencyValue Write UInt32 Sign in frequency time in the given unit to be enforced by the policy.
SignInFrequencyType Write String Sign in frequency unit (days/hours) to be interpreted by the policy. Days, Hours,
SignInFrequencyIsEnabled Write Boolean Specifies, whether sign-in frequency is enforced by the Policy.
PersistentBrowserIsEnabled Write Boolean Specifies, whether Browser Persistence is controlled by the Policy.
PersistentBrowserMode Write String Specifies, what Browser Persistence control is enforced by the Policy. Always, Never,
Ensure Write String Specify if the Azure AD CA Policy should exist or not. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials for the Microsoft Graph delegated permissions.
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
ApplicationSecret Write String Secret of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.



This resource configures an Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Policy.

Azure AD Permissions

To authenticate via Azure Active Directory, this resource required the following Application permissions:

  • Automate

    • Application.Read.All
    • Group.Read.All
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Policy.Read.All
    • Policy.Read.ConditionalAccess
    • Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess
    • RoleManagement.Read.All
    • RoleManagement.Read.Directory
    • User.Read.All
  • Export

    • Application.Read.All
    • Group.Read.All
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Policy.Read.All
    • Policy.Read.ConditionalAccess
    • RoleManagement.Read.All
    • RoleManagement.Read.Directory
    • User.Read.All

NOTE: All permisions listed above require admin consent.

Additionally Global Reader Role needs to be assigned, as long as AAD PowerShell is not fully converged to use GRAPH API


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        AADConditionalAccessPolicy Allin-example
            Credential                 = $credsGlobalAdmin;
            BuiltInControls            = @("Mfa", "CompliantDevice", "DomainJoinedDevice", "ApprovedApplication", "CompliantApplication");
            ClientAppTypes             = @("ExchangeActiveSync", "Browser", "MobileAppsAndDesktopClients", "Other");
            CloudAppSecurityIsEnabled  = $True;
            CloudAppSecurityType       = "MonitorOnly";
            DisplayName                = "Allin-example";
            Ensure                     = "Present";
            ExcludeApplications        = @("803ee9ca-3f7f-4824-bd6e-0b99d720c35c", "00000012-0000-0000-c000-000000000000", "00000007-0000-0000-c000-000000000000", "Office365");
            ExcludeDevices             = @("Compliant", "DomainJoined");
            ExcludeGroups              = @();
            ExcludeLocations           = @("Blocked Countries");
            ExcludePlatforms           = @("Windows", "WindowsPhone", "MacOS");
            ExcludeRoles               = @("Company Administrator", "Application Administrator", "Application Developer", "Cloud Application Administrator", "Cloud Device Administrator");
            ExcludeUsers               = @("admin@contoso.com", "AAdmin@contoso.com", "CAAdmin@contoso.com", "AllanD@contoso.com", "AlexW@contoso.com", "GuestsOrExternalUsers");
            GrantControlOperator       = "OR";
            IncludeApplications        = @("All");
            IncludeDevices             = @("All");
            IncludeGroups              = @();
            IncludeLocations           = @("AllTrusted");
            IncludePlatforms           = @("Android", "IOS");
            IncludeRoles               = @("Compliance Administrator");
            IncludeUserActions         = @();
            IncludeUsers               = @("Alexw@contoso.com");
            PersistentBrowserIsEnabled = $false;
            PersistentBrowserMode      = "";
            SignInFrequencyIsEnabled   = $True;
            SignInFrequencyType        = "Hours";
            SignInFrequencyValue       = 5;
            SignInRiskLevels           = @("High", "Medium");
            State                      = "disabled";
            UserRiskLevels             = @("High", "Medium");