7 SCDLPCompliancePolicy
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# SCDLPCompliancePolicy


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String The Name parameter specifies the unique name of the DLP policy. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks.
Comment Write String The Comment parameter specifies an optional comment.
ExchangeLocation Write StringArray[] The ExchangeLocation parameter specifies Exchange Online mailboxes to include in the DLP policy. You can only use the value All for this parameter to include all mailboxes.
ExchangeSenderMemberOf Write StringArray[] Exchange members to include.
ExchangeSenderMemberOfException Write StringArray[] Exchange members to exclude.
Mode Write String The Mode parameter specifies the action and notification level of the DLP policy. Valid values are: Enable, TestWithNotifications, TestWithoutNotifications, Disable and PendingDeletion. Enable, TestWithNotifications, TestWithoutNotifications, Disable, PendingDeletion
OneDriveLocation Write StringArray[] The OneDriveLocation parameter specifies the OneDrive for Business sites to include. You identify the site by its URL value, or you can use the value All to include all sites.
OneDriveLocationException Write StringArray[] This parameter specifies the OneDrive for Business sites to exclude when you use the value All for the OneDriveLocation parameter. You identify the site by its URL value.
Priority Write UInt32 Priority for the Policy.
SharePointLocation Write StringArray[] The SharePointLocation parameter specifies the SharePoint Online sites to include. You identify the site by its URL value, or you can use the value All to include all sites.
SharePointLocationException Write StringArray[] This parameter specifies the SharePoint Online sites to exclude when you use the value All for the SharePointLocation parameter. You identify the site by its URL value.
TeamsLocation Write StringArray[] Teams locations to include
TeamsLocationException Write StringArray[] Teams locations to exclude.
Ensure Write String Specify if this policy should exist or not. Present, Absent
Credential Required PSCredential Credentials of the Exchange Global Admin



This resource configures a Data Loss Prevention Compliance Policy in Security and Compliance Center.


Example 1

This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        SCDLPCompliancePolicy Policy
            Name               = "MyPolicy"
            Comment            = "Test Policy"
            Priority           = 1
            SharePointLocation = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/demo"
            Ensure             = "Present"
            Credential         = $credsGlobalAdmin