5 IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS
Nik Charlebois редактировал(а) эту страницу 2021-10-06 06:17:59 -04:00

# IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DisplayName Key String Display name of the device configuration policy for iOS.
Description Write String Description of the device configuration policy for iOS.
AccountBlockModification Write Boolean N/A
ActivationLockAllowWhenSupervised Write Boolean N/A
AirDropBlocked Write Boolean N/A
AirDropForceUnmanagedDropTarget Write Boolean N/A
AirPlayForcePairingPasswordForOutgoingRequests Write Boolean N/A
AppleWatchBlockPairing Write Boolean N/A
AppleWatchForceWristDetection Write Boolean N/A
AppleNewsBlocked Write Boolean N/A
AppsVisibilityList Write StringArray[] N/A
AppsVisibilityListType Write String N/A
AppStoreBlockAutomaticDownloads Write Boolean N/A
AppStoreBlocked Write Boolean N/A
AppStoreBlockInAppPurchases Write Boolean N/A
AppStoreBlockUIAppInstallation Write Boolean N/A
AppStoreRequirePassword Write Boolean N/A
BluetoothBlockModification Write Boolean N/A
CameraBlocked Write Boolean N/A
CellularBlockDataRoaming Write Boolean N/A
CellularBlockGlobalBackgroundFetchWhileRoaming Write Boolean N/A
CellularBlockPerAppDataModification Write Boolean N/A
CellularBlockVoiceRoaming Write Boolean N/A
CertificatesBlockUntrustedTlsCertificates Write Boolean N/A
ClassroomAppBlockRemoteScreenObservation Write Boolean N/A
CompliantAppsList Write StringArray[] N/A
CompliantAppListType Write String N/A
ConfigurationProfileBlockChanges Write Boolean N/A
DefinitionLookupBlocked Write Boolean N/A
DeviceBlockEnableRestrictions Write Boolean N/A
DeviceBlockEraseContentAndSettings Write Boolean N/A
DeviceBlockNameModification Write Boolean N/A
DiagnosticDataBlockSubmission Write Boolean N/A
DiagnosticDataBlockSubmissionModification Write Boolean N/A
DocumentsBlockManagedDocumentsInUnmanagedApps Write Boolean N/A
DocumentsBlockUnmanagedDocumentsInManagedApps Write Boolean N/A
EmailInDomainSuffixes Write StringArray[] N/A
EnterpriseAppBlockTrust Write Boolean N/A
EnterpriseAppBlockTrustModification Write Boolean N/A
FaceTimeBlocked Write Boolean N/A
FindMyFriendsBlocked Write Boolean N/A
GamingBlockGameCenterFriends Write Boolean N/A
GamingBlockMultiplayer Write Boolean N/A
GameCenterBlocked Write Boolean N/A
HostPairingBlocked Write Boolean N/A
iBooksStoreBlocked Write Boolean N/A
iBooksStoreBlockErotica Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockActivityContinuation Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockBackup Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockDocumentSync Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockManagedAppsSync Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockPhotoLibrary Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockPhotoStreamSync Write Boolean N/A
iCloudBlockSharedPhotoStream Write Boolean N/A
iCloudRequireEncryptedBackup Write Boolean N/A
iTunesBlockExplicitContent Write Boolean N/A
iTunesBlockMusicService Write Boolean N/A
iTunesBlockRadio Write Boolean N/A
KeyboardBlockAutoCorrect Write Boolean N/A
KeyboardBlockPredictive Write Boolean N/A
KeyboardBlockShortcuts Write Boolean N/A
KeyboardBlockSpellCheck Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowAssistiveSpeak Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowAssistiveTouchSettings Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowAutoLock Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowColorInversionSettings Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowRingerSwitch Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowScreenRotation Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowSleepButton Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowTouchscreen Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowVoiceOverSettings Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowVolumeButtons Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAllowZoomSettings Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeAppStoreUrl Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeRequireAssistiveTouch Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeRequireColorInversion Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeRequireMonoAudio Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeRequireVoiceOver Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeRequireZoom Write Boolean N/A
KioskModeManagedAppId Write Boolean N/A
LockScreenBlockControlCenter Write Boolean N/A
LockScreenBlockNotificationView Write Boolean N/A
LockScreenBlockPassbook Write Boolean N/A
LockScreenBlockTodayView Write Boolean N/A
MediaContentRatingAustralia Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingCanada Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingFrance Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingGermany Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingIreland Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingJapan Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingNewZealand Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingUnitedKingdom Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingUnitedStates Write String N/A
MediaContentRatingApps Write String N/A
messagesBlocked Write Boolean N/A
NotificationsBlockSettingsModification Write Boolean N/A
PasscodeBlockFingerprintUnlock Write Boolean N/A
PasscodeBlockModification Write Boolean N/A
PasscodeBlockSimple Write Boolean N/A
PasscodeExpirationDays Write String N/A
PasscodeMinimumLength Write UInt32 N/A
PasscodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock Write String N/A
PasscodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout Write String N/A
PasscodeMinimumCharacterSetCount Write String N/A
PasscodePreviousPasscodeBlockCount Write String N/A
PasscodeSignInFailureCountBeforeWipe Write String N/A
PasscodeRequiredType Write String N/A
PasscodeRequired Write Boolean N/A
PodcastsBlocked Write Boolean N/A
SafariBlockAutofill Write Boolean N/A
SafariBlockJavaScript Write Boolean N/A
SafariBlockPopups Write Boolean N/A
SafariBlocked Write Boolean N/A
SafariCookieSettings Write String N/A
SafariManagedDomains Write StringArray[] N/A
SafariPasswordAutoFillDomains Write StringArray[] N/A
SafariRequireFraudWarning Write Boolean N/A
ScreenCaptureBlocked Write Boolean N/A
SiriBlocked Write Boolean N/A
SiriBlockedWhenLocked Write Boolean N/A
SiriBlockUserGeneratedContent Write Boolean N/A
SiriRequireProfanityFilter Write Boolean N/A
SpotlightBlockInternetResults Write Boolean N/A
VoiceDialingBlocked Write Boolean N/A
WallpaperBlockModification Write Boolean N/A
Ensure Write String Present ensures the policy exists, absent ensures it is removed. Present, Absent
Credential Write PSCredential Credentials of the Intune Admin
ApplicationId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.
TenantId Write String Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
ApplicationSecret Write String Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.
CertificateThumbprint Write String Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.


This resource configures an Intune device configuration profile for an iOS Device.


Example 1

This example creates a new Device Configuration Policy for iOS.

Configuration Example
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC

    node localhost
        IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS MyCustomiOSPolicy
            DisplayName                                    = "iOS DSC Policy";
            AccountBlockModification                       = $False;
            ActivationLockAllowWhenSupervised              = $False;
            AirDropBlocked                                 = $False;
            AirDropForceUnmanagedDropTarget                = $False;
            AirPlayForcePairingPasswordForOutgoingRequests = $False;
            AppleNewsBlocked                               = $False;
            AppleWatchBlockPairing                         = $False;
            AppleWatchForceWristDetection                  = $False;
            AppStoreBlockAutomaticDownloads                = $False;
            AppStoreBlocked                                = $False;
            AppStoreBlockInAppPurchases                    = $False;
            AppStoreBlockUIAppInstallation                 = $False;
            AppStoreRequirePassword                        = $False;
            AppsVisibilityList                             = @();
            AppsVisibilityListType                         = "none";
            BluetoothBlockModification                     = $True;
            CameraBlocked                                  = $False;
            CellularBlockDataRoaming                       = $False;
            CellularBlockGlobalBackgroundFetchWhileRoaming = $False;
            CellularBlockPerAppDataModification            = $False;
            CellularBlockVoiceRoaming                      = $False;
            CertificatesBlockUntrustedTlsCertificates      = $False;
            ClassroomAppBlockRemoteScreenObservation       = $False;
            CompliantAppListType                           = "none";
            CompliantAppsList                              = @();
            ConfigurationProfileBlockChanges               = $False;
            DefinitionLookupBlocked                        = $False;
            Description                                    = "iOS Device Restriction Policy";
            DeviceBlockEnableRestrictions                  = $True;
            DeviceBlockEraseContentAndSettings             = $False;
            DeviceBlockNameModification                    = $False;
            DiagnosticDataBlockSubmission                  = $False;
            DiagnosticDataBlockSubmissionModification      = $False;
            DocumentsBlockManagedDocumentsInUnmanagedApps  = $False;
            DocumentsBlockUnmanagedDocumentsInManagedApps  = $False;
            EmailInDomainSuffixes                          = @();
            EnterpriseAppBlockTrust                        = $False;
            EnterpriseAppBlockTrustModification            = $False;
            FaceTimeBlocked                                = $False;
            FindMyFriendsBlocked                           = $False;
            GameCenterBlocked                              = $False;
            GamingBlockGameCenterFriends                   = $True;
            GamingBlockMultiplayer                         = $False;
            HostPairingBlocked                             = $False;
            iBooksStoreBlocked                             = $False;
            iBooksStoreBlockErotica                        = $False;
            iCloudBlockActivityContinuation                = $False;
            iCloudBlockBackup                              = $True;
            iCloudBlockDocumentSync                        = $True;
            iCloudBlockManagedAppsSync                     = $False;
            iCloudBlockPhotoLibrary                        = $False;
            iCloudBlockPhotoStreamSync                     = $True;
            iCloudBlockSharedPhotoStream                   = $False;
            iCloudRequireEncryptedBackup                   = $False;
            iTunesBlockExplicitContent                     = $False;
            iTunesBlockMusicService                        = $False;
            iTunesBlockRadio                               = $False;
            KeyboardBlockAutoCorrect                       = $False;
            KeyboardBlockPredictive                        = $False;
            KeyboardBlockShortcuts                         = $False;
            KeyboardBlockSpellCheck                        = $False;
            KioskModeAllowAssistiveSpeak                   = $False;
            KioskModeAllowAssistiveTouchSettings           = $False;
            KioskModeAllowAutoLock                         = $False;
            KioskModeAllowColorInversionSettings           = $False;
            KioskModeAllowRingerSwitch                     = $False;
            KioskModeAllowScreenRotation                   = $False;
            KioskModeAllowSleepButton                      = $False;
            KioskModeAllowTouchscreen                      = $False;
            KioskModeAllowVoiceOverSettings                = $False;
            KioskModeAllowVolumeButtons                    = $False;
            KioskModeAllowZoomSettings                     = $False;
            KioskModeRequireAssistiveTouch                 = $False;
            KioskModeRequireColorInversion                 = $False;
            KioskModeRequireMonoAudio                      = $False;
            KioskModeRequireVoiceOver                      = $False;
            KioskModeRequireZoom                           = $False;
            LockScreenBlockControlCenter                   = $False;
            LockScreenBlockNotificationView                = $False;
            LockScreenBlockPassbook                        = $False;
            LockScreenBlockTodayView                       = $False;
            MediaContentRatingApps                         = "allAllowed";
            messagesBlocked                                = $False;
            NotificationsBlockSettingsModification         = $False;
            PasscodeBlockFingerprintUnlock                 = $False;
            PasscodeBlockModification                      = $False;
            PasscodeBlockSimple                            = $True;
            PasscodeMinimumLength                          = 4;
            PasscodeRequired                               = $True;
            PasscodeRequiredType                           = "deviceDefault";
            PodcastsBlocked                                = $False;
            SafariBlockAutofill                            = $False;
            SafariBlocked                                  = $False;
            SafariBlockJavaScript                          = $False;
            SafariBlockPopups                              = $False;
            SafariCookieSettings                           = "browserDefault";
            SafariManagedDomains                           = @();
            SafariPasswordAutoFillDomains                  = @();
            SafariRequireFraudWarning                      = $False;
            ScreenCaptureBlocked                           = $False;
            SiriBlocked                                    = $False;
            SiriBlockedWhenLocked                          = $False;
            SiriBlockUserGeneratedContent                  = $False;
            SiriRequireProfanityFilter                     = $False;
            SpotlightBlockInternetResults                  = $False;
            VoiceDialingBlocked                            = $False;
            WallpaperBlockModification                     = $False;
            Ensure                                         = 'Present'
            Credential                                     = $credsGlobalAdmin;