
344 строки
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Исходник Обычный вид История

2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
{ "translations": {
2021-02-07 06:12:42 +03:00
"a conversation" : "對話",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"(Duration %s)" : "(已歷時 %s)",
"You attended a call with {user1}" : "您加入了與{user1}之間的通話",
"_%n guest_::_%n guests_" : ["%n位訪客"],
"You attended a call with {user1} and {user2}" : "您加入了與{user1}及{user2}之間的通話",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3}" : "您加入了與{user1},{user2}及{user3}之間的通話",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4}" : "您加入了與{user1},{user2},{user3}及{user4}之間的通話",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5}" : "您加入了與{user1},{user2},{user3},{user4}及{user5}之間的通話",
"_%n other_::_%n others_" : ["及另外%n位其他人"],
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"{actor} invited you to {call}" : "{actor} 邀請你加入 {call}",
"Talk" : "Talk",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"Guest" : "訪客",
2021-02-06 06:14:37 +03:00
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "歡迎來到Nextcloud Talk!\n在此對話中您將了解關於Nextcloud Talk中可用的新功能。 ",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- 現在可以使用Microsoft Edge和Safari參加語音和視訊通話",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and can not be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- 單對單對話現在是持久的,不會再意外話地變成小組對話。同樣,當參與者之一離開對話時,該對話不再自動刪除。僅當兩個參與者都離開時,對話才會從伺服器中刪除",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- 您現在可以通過在聊天室中張貼“@all”來通知所有參與者",
"- With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "- 使用“上”鍵,您可以重新發布上一條訊息",
2021-02-06 06:14:37 +03:00
"- You can now search for chats and messages in the unified search in the top bar" : "您現在可以搜索聊天和訊息在頂部欄的搜索",
"- Spice up your messages with emojis from the emoji picker" : "使用表情符號選擇器中的表情符號來豐富您的訊息",
"- You can now change your camera and microphone while being in a call" : "您可以在通話時更改相機和麥克風 ",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"- See a read status and send failed messages again" : "- 查看讀取狀態並再次發送失敗的訊息",
"- Raise your hand in a call with the R key" : "- 使用R鍵在通話中舉手",
2021-02-06 06:14:37 +03:00
"There are currently no commands available." : "當前沒有可用的命令.",
"The command does not exist" : "該命令不存在",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "運行命令時發生錯誤。 請要求管理員檢查日誌。 ",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"Talk updates ✅" : "Talk 更新 ✅",
"{actor} created the conversation" : "{actor} 建立了對話",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"You created the conversation" : "你建立了對話",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"An administrator created the conversation" : "管理員建立了對話",
2021-02-06 06:14:37 +03:00
"You removed the description" : "您刪除了描述",
"An administrator removed the description" : "管理員刪除了描述",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"{actor} started a call" : "{actor} 發起了一通話",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"You started a call" : "您發起了一通話",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"{actor} joined the call" : "{actor} 加入了通話",
"You joined the call" : "您已加入了通話",
"{actor} left the call" : "{actor} 離開了通話",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"You left the call" : "你離開了通話",
2021-02-06 06:14:37 +03:00
"An administrator locked the conversation" : "管理員鎖定了對話",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"Join call" : "加入通話",
"Open settings" : "開啟設定",
"Andorra" : "安道爾",
"Afghanistan" : "阿富汗",
"Antigua and Barbuda" : "安提瓜和巴布達",
"Anguilla" : "安圭拉",
"Albania" : "阿爾巴尼亞",
"Armenia" : "亞美尼亞",
"Angola" : "安哥拉",
"Antarctica" : "南極地區",
"Argentina" : "阿根廷",
"American Samoa" : "美屬薩摩亞",
"Austria" : "奧地利",
"Australia" : "澳大利亞",
"Aruba" : "阿路巴",
"Azerbaijan" : "亞塞拜然",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "波希尼亞及赫塞哥維那",
"Barbados" : "巴貝多",
"Bangladesh" : "孟加拉",
"Belgium" : "比利時",
"Burkina Faso" : "有吉納法索",
"Bulgaria" : "保加利亞",
"Bahrain" : "巴林",
"Burundi" : "蒲隆地",
"Benin" : "貝南",
"Bermuda" : "百慕達",
"Brunei Darussalam" : "汶萊",
"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "荷蘭加勒比區",
"Brazil" : "巴西",
"Bahamas" : "巴哈馬",
"Bhutan" : "不丹",
"Bouvet Island" : "布威島",
"Botswana" : "波札那",
"Belarus" : "白俄羅斯",
"Belize" : "貝里斯",
"Canada" : "加拿大",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "科科斯(基林)群島",
"Central African Republic" : "中非共和國",
"Congo" : "剛果",
"Switzerland" : "瑞士",
"Cook Islands" : "科克群島",
"Chile" : "智利",
"Cameroon" : "喀麥隆",
"China" : "中國大陸",
"Colombia" : "哥倫比亞",
"Costa Rica" : "哥斯大黎加",
"Cuba" : "古巴",
"Cabo Verde" : "維德角共和國",
"Christmas Island" : "聖誕島領地",
"Cyprus" : "塞浦路斯",
"Czechia" : "捷克",
"Germany" : "德國",
"Djibouti" : "吉布提",
"Denmark" : "丹麥",
"Dominica" : "多米尼克",
"Dominican Republic" : "多明尼加",
"Algeria" : "阿爾及利亞",
"Ecuador" : "厄瓜多爾",
"Estonia" : "愛沙尼亞",
"Egypt" : "埃及",
"Eritrea" : "厄利垂亞",
"Spain" : "西班牙",
"Ethiopia" : "衣索匹亞",
"Finland" : "芬蘭",
"Fiji" : "斐濟",
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" : "福克蘭群島",
"Faroe Islands" : "法羅群島",
"France" : "法國",
"Gabon" : "加彭",
"Grenada" : "格瑞那達",
"Georgia" : "喬治亞",
"French Guiana" : "法屬圭亞那",
"Guernsey" : "根西",
"Ghana" : "迦納",
"Gibraltar" : "直布羅陀",
"Greenland" : "格陵蘭",
"Gambia" : "岡比亞",
"Guinea" : "幾內亞",
"Guadeloupe" : "瓜德羅普",
"Equatorial Guinea" : "幾內亞",
"Greece" : "希臘",
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "南喬治亞與南桑威奇",
"Guatemala" : "瓜地馬拉",
"Guam" : "關島",
"Guinea-Bissau" : "幾內亞比索",
"Guyana" : "蓋亞那",
"Hong Kong" : "香港",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "赫德島和麥克唐納群島",
"Honduras" : "宏都拉斯",
"Croatia" : "克羅埃西亞",
"Haiti" : "海地",
"Hungary" : "匈牙利",
"Indonesia" : "印尼",
"Ireland" : "愛爾蘭",
"Israel" : "以色列",
"Isle of Man" : "曼島",
"India" : "印度",
"British Indian Ocean Territory" : "英屬印度洋屬地",
"Iraq" : "伊拉克",
"Iceland" : "冰島",
"Italy" : "義大利",
"Jersey" : "澤西",
"Jamaica" : "牙買加",
"Jordan" : "約旦",
"Japan" : "日本",
"Kenya" : "肯亞",
"Kyrgyzstan" : "吉爾吉斯斯坦",
"Cambodia" : "柬埔寨",
"Kiribati" : "基里巴斯共和國",
"Comoros" : "科摩羅",
"Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "聖克里斯多福及尼維斯",
"Kuwait" : "科威特",
"Cayman Islands" : "開曼群島",
"Kazakhstan" : "哈薩克",
"Lao People's Democratic Republic" : "寮國",
"Lebanon" : "黎巴嫩",
"Saint Lucia" : "聖露西亞",
"Liechtenstein" : "列支敦士登",
"Sri Lanka" : "斯里蘭卡",
"Liberia" : "賴比瑞亞",
"Lesotho" : "賴索托",
"Lithuania" : "立陶宛",
"Luxembourg" : "盧森堡",
"Latvia" : "拉脫維亞",
"Libya" : "利比亞",
"Morocco" : "摩洛哥",
"Monaco" : "摩納哥",
"Montenegro" : "蒙特內哥羅",
"Saint Martin (French part)" : "聖馬丁島(法國)",
"Madagascar" : "馬達加斯加",
"Marshall Islands" : "馬紹爾群島",
"Mali" : "馬利",
"Myanmar" : "緬甸",
"Mongolia" : "蒙古",
"Macao" : "澳門",
"Northern Mariana Islands" : "北馬里亞納群島",
"Martinique" : "馬丁尼克",
"Mauritania" : "茅利塔尼亞",
"Montserrat" : "蒙哲臘",
"Malta" : "馬爾他",
"Mauritius" : "模里西斯",
"Maldives" : "馬爾地夫",
"Malawi" : "馬拉威",
"Mexico" : "墨西哥",
"Malaysia" : "馬來西亞",
"Mozambique" : "莫三鼻克",
"Namibia" : "納米比亞",
"New Caledonia" : "新喀里多尼亞",
"Niger" : "尼日",
"Norfolk Island" : "諾福克島",
"Nigeria" : "奈及利亞",
"Nicaragua" : "尼加拉瓜",
"Netherlands" : "荷蘭",
"Norway" : "挪威",
"Nepal" : "尼泊爾",
"Nauru" : "諾魯",
"Niue" : "紐埃",
"New Zealand" : "紐西蘭",
"Oman" : "阿曼",
"Panama" : "巴拿馬",
"Peru" : "秘魯",
"French Polynesia" : "法屬玻里尼西亞",
"Papua New Guinea" : "巴布亞紐幾內亞",
"Philippines" : "菲律賓",
"Pakistan" : "巴基斯坦",
"Poland" : "波蘭",
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "聖皮耶與密克隆群島",
"Pitcairn" : "皮特肯群島",
"Puerto Rico" : "波多黎各",
"Palestine, State of" : "巴勒斯坦領土",
"Portugal" : "葡萄牙",
"Palau" : "帕勞",
"Paraguay" : "巴拉圭",
"Qatar" : "卡達",
"Romania" : "羅馬尼亞",
"Serbia" : "塞爾維亞",
"Russian Federation" : "俄羅斯",
"Rwanda" : "盧安達",
"Saudi Arabia" : "沙烏地阿拉伯",
"Solomon Islands" : " 索羅門群島",
"Seychelles" : "塞席爾",
"Sudan" : "蘇丹",
"Sweden" : "瑞典",
"Singapore" : "新加坡",
"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "聖赫勒拿,亞森欣與垂斯坦昆哈",
"Slovenia" : "斯洛維尼亞",
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "斯瓦巴和揚馬延",
"Slovakia" : "斯洛伐克",
"Sierra Leone" : "獅子山共和國",
"San Marino" : "聖馬力諾",
"Senegal" : "塞內加爾",
"Somalia" : "索馬利亞",
"Suriname" : "蘇利南",
"South Sudan" : "南蘇丹",
"Sao Tome and Principe" : "聖多美及普林西比",
"El Salvador" : "薩爾瓦多",
"Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" : "荷屬聖馬丁",
"Syrian Arab Republic" : "敘利亞",
"Chad" : "查德",
"French Southern Territories" : "法屬南部和南極領地",
"Togo" : "多哥",
"Thailand" : "泰國",
"Tajikistan" : "塔吉克斯坦",
"Timor-Leste" : "東帝汶",
"Taiwan, Province of China" : "台灣,中華民國",
"Tanzania, United Republic of" : "坦尚尼亞",
"Holy See" : "聖座",
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "聖文森及格瑞那丁",
"Samoa" : "薩摩亞",
"Mayotte" : "馬約特",
"South Africa" : "南非",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "無效的日期,需為 YYYY-MM-DD 格式",
"Leave call" : "離開通話",
"Limit to groups" : "限制給特定群組",
"Everyone" : "所有人",
"Save changes" : "儲存變更",
"Saving …" : "儲存中 ...",
"Saved!" : "已儲存!",
"None" : "無",
"User" : "使用者",
"Disabled" : "停用",
"Moderators" : "主持人",
"Users" : "使用者",
"Beta" : "Beta 測試版",
"Name" : "名稱",
"General settings" : "一般設定",
"Off" : "關閉",
"Language" : "語言",
"Country" : "國家",
"Status" : "狀態",
"Created at" : "建立於",
"Pending" : "擱置中",
"Error" : "錯誤",
"Blocked" : "已封鎖",
"Active" : "啟動",
"Expired" : "已過期",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "驗證 SSL憑證",
"Saved" : "儲存",
"Copy link" : "複製連結",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "等待其他人加入通話...",
"Settings" : "設定",
"Dismiss" : "取消",
"Mute audio (m)" : "靜音 (m)",
"Mute audio" : "靜音",
"Disable video" : "停用視訊",
"Back" : "返回",
"You" : "您",
"Favorite" : "我的最愛",
"Password protection" : "密碼保護",
"Enter a password" : "輸入密碼",
"Save" : "儲存",
"Edit" : "編輯",
"Password" : "密碼",
"API token" : "API token",
2021-02-06 06:14:37 +03:00
"Login" : "登入",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"Nickname" : "暱稱",
"Client ID" : "客戶端ID",
"Leave conversation" : "離開對話",
"Delete conversation" : "刪除對話",
"Remove from favorites" : "取消我的最愛",
"Add to favorites" : "加到我的最愛",
"Loading" : "載入中",
"Groups" : "群組",
"Create a new group conversation" : "建立新群組對話",
"Password protect" : "密碼防護",
"Close" : "關閉",
"Conversation name" : "對話名稱",
"Allow guests to join via link " : "允許訪客透過連結加入",
"Camera" : "相機",
"Reply" : "回覆",
"Remove" : "移除",
"Today" : "今天",
"Yesterday" : "昨天",
"Send message" : "傳送訊息",
"File to share" : "要分享的檔案",
"Invalid path selected" : "所選的路徑無效",
"moderator" : "主持人",
"guest" : "訪客",
"No results" : "沒有符合搜尋的項目",
"Add users or groups" : "增加使用者或者群組",
"Participants" : "參與者",
"Chat" : "聊天",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "快速鍵",
"Search" : "搜尋",
"Start call" : "通話",
"Rename conversation" : "重新命名對話",
"Exit fullscreen (f)" : "離開全螢幕 (f)",
"Fullscreen (f)" : "全螢幕 (f)",
"Grid view" : "網格檢視",
"Send" : "傳送",
"Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" : "跟大家打招呼",
"Start a conversation" : "新對話",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "加入一個對話或者開一個新的",
"Default" : "預設",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "密碼錯誤,請重試",
2021-02-13 06:11:51 +03:00
"Android app" : "Android 應用程式",
"iOS app" : "iOS 應用程式",
2021-02-17 06:13:24 +03:00
"UDP and TCP" : "UDP 和 TCP",
"UDP only" : "僅UDP",
"TCP only" : "僅TCP",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"Projects" : "專案項目",
2021-02-02 06:09:00 +03:00
"Share link" : "分享連結",
2021-01-30 06:17:24 +03:00
"Enabled" : "已啟用"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"