3 NetworkedTransform
Albin Corén редактировал(а) эту страницу 2018-03-29 00:06:00 +02:00

The NetworkedTransform is a "prototype component" included in the MLAPI. It's a component that was designed to be used for prototyping but can probably be used more extensively than that far into development and even into production.


  • SendsPerSecond This indicates the number of times per second that a position update will be sent.
  • AssumeSyncedSends Should be true if the SendsPerSecond is guaranteed to be the same on the sender and receiver. This helps with interpolation.
  • InterpolatePosition If set to true, the receiver of the message will interpolate the position received.
  • Snap Distance If a position update receives is further than this amount away from the last position. The transform will be teleported rather than interpolated as this is assumed to be a large move.
  • Interpolate server Defines if interpolation should be applied to the server
  • Min meters The minimum amount of units the transform has to be moved for a new sync to be sent
  • Min degrees The minimum amount of degrees the transform has to be rotated for a new sync to be sent
  • Enable proximity If true, position updates will only be sent to the clients whose PlayerObject are within the ProxmityRange
  • Proximity range The range in units