2 NetworkingManager
Albin Corén редактировал(а) эту страницу 2018-04-17 17:20:56 +02:00

The NetworkingManager is the most fundamental core component of the MLAPI. It's what manages connections and most other logic. It's the core of the MLAPI.

Each project needs one active NetworkingManager. It only has a few options:

  • DontDestroy - If enabled, the GameObject the component sits on will be set to DontDestroyOnLoad

  • RunInBackground - If enabled, this will cause the Unity RunInBackground to be set to true.

  • NetworkConfig - The NetworkConfig to use


  • StartServer - Starts clientless server
  • StartClient - Starts a serverless client
  • StartHost - Starts a Client-Server combo
  • StopServer - Stops clientless server
  • StopHost - Stops Client-Server combo
  • StopClient - Stops serverless client