3 FormatUtilities
Chuck Walbourn редактировал(а) эту страницу 2022-04-26 18:29:59 -07:00

These functions provide information about DXGI formats as applied to vertex buffers & index buffers.

bool IsValidVB(DXGI_FORMAT fmt);
bool IsValidIB(_In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt);
size_t BytesPerElement(DXGI_FORMAT fmt);


These functions all take a DXGI_FORMAT as input.

Return values

IsValidVB, IsValidIB return true if the input format is a valid format for a Direct3D vertex/index buffer.

BytesPerElement returns the number of bytes used in a vertex/index buffer for the given DXGI format. It returns 0 for a format that is not a valid VB/IB. For example, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT returns 12.


Depending on Direct3D hardware feature level, some 'valid' DXGI formats may not be supported by the given device at runtime. Refer to Microsoft Docs for details.