Arm Parameters
Arm Parameters
Azure deployment
Cloud Deployment On Linux
Cloud Simulator
Cloud deployment
Configuring the Arm template
Create new metric
Creating your first pipeline in 5 minutes!
Data Accelerator with Databricks
Data Accelerator
Data Accumulator
Diagnose issues using Telemetry
Find Applications For Your Environment
Inviting others and RBAC
Live query
Local Cloud Debugging
Local Tutorial Add an Alert
Local Tutorial Adding SQL to your flow and outputs to Metrics dashboard
Local Tutorial Advanced Aggregate alerts
Local Tutorial Creating your first Flow in local mode
Local Tutorial Custom schema
Local Tutorial Debugging using Spark logs
Local Tutorial Extending with UDF UDAF custom code
Local Tutorial Outputs to disk
Local Tutorial Reference data
Local Tutorial Scaling the docker host
Local Tutorial Tag Aggregate to metrics
Local Tutorial Tag Rules output to local file
Local create metric
Local mode with Docker
Local running sample
Output data to Azure SQL Database
Run Data Accelerator Flows on Databricks
Schedule batch job
Set up aggregate alert
Set up new outputs
Set up simple alert
Spark logs
Tagged data flowing to CosmosDB
Tagging aggregate rules
Tagging simple rules
Upgrade Existing Data Accelerator Environment to v1.1
Upgrade Existing Data Accelerator Environment to v1.2
Use Input in different tenant
Windowing functions
reference data
sql query
Arm Parameters
Kwangje Cho редактировал(а) эту страницу 2019-10-04 10:41:40 -07:00
Basic Deployment
- Open common.parameters.txt under DeploymentCloud/Deployment.DataX, provide TenantId and SubscriptionId.
- For Windows OS, open a command prompt as an admin and run deploy.bat under DeploymentCloud/Deployment.DataX
Advanced scenarios
Use signed certificates for a production environment
- The script will generate the self-signed certificates by default but this is not recommended for a production environment. For a production environment, please get the signed certificates from a CA ready before you run the scripts.
- For the certificate creation:
- You will need three certificates: mainCert, reverseProxyCert and sslCert
- For Subject/Common Name: This will be your Service Fabric cluster endpoint (e.g.: .westus2.cloudapp.azure.com).
- Make sure that the Service Fabric cluster name is available as it will be used when creating the cluster.
- In common.parameters.txt, update the following properties:
- Set generateNewSelfSignedCerts to n
- Set useSelfSignedCerts to n
- Update mainCert, reverseProxyCert and sslCert with the path of each certificate.
Use existing AAD apps
- For Data Accelerator processing, two AAD apps will be used: A clientApp for the web site and a serviceApp for the service fabric service apps. The script will create the two apps by default. And once the deployment's done, you might need to get an admin of your tenant to consent those apps. Please ask your tenant owner. If you already have the apps which are admin-consented, you can use them and no additional process will be needed. In order to use existing apps, please set the following properties as described.
- Update serviceAppName and clientAppName with your app names
- e.g.
- serviceAppName=myServiceApp
- clientAppName=myClientApp
Recover an existing Data Accelerator environment
- If you need to recover an existing environment, there are two options.
- The first option which is recommended is to build a new environment
- Delete the resource group of your environment
- Please make sure all parameter values in common.properties.txt are the same as what you used before
- The script will generate a randomized product name by default so if you want to use the same product name
- Use the product name to productName property
- e.g. productName=dx2871224153
- Set randomizeProductName=n
- Use the product name to productName property
- Run the deploy,bat to build a new one
- And the other way is you can try to patch the environment but there is no guarantee that this will fix the problem in your environment.
- Delete the problematic resources which are not working
- Use the same product name
- Use the product name to productName property
- Set randomizeProductName=n
- Run the deploy,bat to build a new one
- The first option which is recommended is to build a new environment
Install/update the app packages
- If you want to deploy the new packages such as the service fabric apps and the web site to your existing environment, please follow the steps below.
- In common.parameters.txt,
Please make sure all parameter values are the same as to what you used before
Use the same product name
- Use the product name to productName property
- Set randomizeProductName=n
Set the package version to install a specific build, if not, just comment out the package version parameter
- e.g. use a specific version for DataxFlow
- DataxFlow=1.0.0-CI-20190201-231755
- e.g. use a specific version for DataxFlow
Set deployApps to y and n for deployResources and deploySample
- deployApps=y
- deploySample=n
Run the deploy.bat
- In common.parameters.txt,
Scale up by using bigger / high performance resources
- For some resources such as Service Fabric, HDInsight and Redis, the default type and size are geared toward testing things out and is smaller.
The default values are as follows
VM size for Service Fabric resource
- vmNodeTypeSize=Standard_D2_v2
VM size for Spark HeadNode
- vmSizeSparkHeadnode=Standard_D3_V2
VM size for Spark WorkerNode
- vmSizeSparkWorkernode=Standard_D3_V2
Redis Cache Size
- redisCacheSize=Basic_C_0
And you can customize them like the following examples
For Service fabric
- vmNodeTypeSize=Standard_D3_v2
- For details, please refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/service-fabric/
For HDInsight
- vmSizeSparkHeadnode=Standard_D12_V2
- vmSizeSparkWorkernode=Standard_D14_V2
- For details, please refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/hdinsight/
For redis Cache,
- redisCacheSize=Premium_P_3
- For details, please refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cache/``
Cloud deployment on Linux and Mac
- The ARM deployment for DataX currently support only Windows.