6 Plane
Chuck Walbourn редактировал(а) эту страницу 2022-04-26 16:45:12 -07:00
DirectXTK SimpleMath

An infinite 2D plane represented as a four component vector modeled after the XNA Game Studio 4 (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane) math library.


#include <SimpleMath.h>


using namespace DirectX::SimpleMath;

Plane p;                      // Creates a plane in XZ at the origin
Plane p(0, 1, 0, 0);          // Creates a plane in XZ at the origin
Plane p( Vector3(0,1,0), 0 ); // Creates a plane in XZ at the origin
Plane p( Vector3(1,1,1),
         Vector3(3,3,3));     // Creates a plane containing the three points
Plane p( Vector3(1,2,3),
         Vector3(0,0,1) );    // Creates a plane at [1,2,3] with the normal [0,0,1]

float arr[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 0 };
Plane p(arr);                 // Creates a plane in XZ at the origin


  • x component of the plane normal (A)
  • y component of the plane normal (B)
  • z component of the plane normal (D)
  • w scalar distance to the plane from the origin (D)

This is the Cartesian form of the equation of a plane: Ax + By + C*z + D


  • Normal: Returns the normal vector for the plane
  • D: Returns the distance to the plane


  • Comparison operators: == and !=
  • Assignment operators: =
  • Normalize
  • Dot: Performs a 4D dot product between a 4 vector and the plane
  • DotCoordinate: Performs a point test against the plane, which returns the distance between the point and the plane.
  • DotNormal: Performs a dot product against just the normal of the plane.


  • Transform

Planes should be transformed by the inverse transpose of the matrix, which for pure rotations results in the same matrix as the original.


Plane can freely convert to and from a XMFLOAT4 and XMVECTOR

Further reading
