11 Rectangle
Chuck Walbourn редактировал(а) эту страницу 2022-04-26 16:45:12 -07:00
DirectXTK SimpleMath

A 2D rectangle class modeled after the XNA Game Studio 4 (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle) math library

For Universal Windows Platform and Xbox One, similar functionality is provided by the Windows::Foundation::Rect Windows Runtime structure


#include <SimpleMath.h>


using namespace DirectX::SimpleMath;

Rectangle r;                    // Creates an empty rectangle [0, 0, 0, 0]
Rectangle r(10, 20, 100, 200);  // Creates a rectangle with upper-left [10,20]
                                // 100 width, and 200 height

For Windows desktop apps, you may find that Rectangle conflicts with the GDI function of the same name. You can resolve this three ways: Use #define NOGDI before you include <Windows.h>; use SimpleMath::Rectangle, or in local scope use using Rectangle = SimpleMath::Rectangle;.


  • x location of the upper-left corner
  • y location of the upper-left corner
  • width of the rectangle
  • height of the rectangle


  • Comparison operators: == and !=

  • Assignment operator: =

  • Location, Center: Returns the rectangle position as a Vector2

  • IsEmpty: Returns true if the rectangle is [0, 0, 0, 0]

  • Contains: Tests to see if a point or rectangle is contained by the rectangle

  • Inflate: Grows the rectangle by a specified amount in the horizontal and vertical dimensions

  • Intersects: Tests to see if another rectangle intersects with this rectangle

  • Offset: Moves or offsets the rectangle by moving the upper-left position


  • Intersect: Computes the intersection of two rectangles or the empty rectangle [0, 0, 0, 0] if there is no intersection

  • Union: Computes the union of two rectangles


Rectangle will freely convert to and from a RECT. In UWP and Xbox One apps, you can also convert it to a Windows::Foundation::Rect.