"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk.":"欢迎来到 Nextcloud 通话应用!\n在此会话中您将了解关于 Nextcloud 通话应用的可用新特性。",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls":"- Microsoft Edge和Safari浏览器现可用于参与音视频通话",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and can not be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server":"- 一对一会话现在是永久的了,再也不会不小心被转成分组会话。另外,当一个参与者离开会话时,会话再不会被自动删除。只有当两个参与者都离开时,会话才会从服务器上删除",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat":"- 您可以在聊天中输入 \"@all\" 以通知所有参与者",
"- With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message":"- 您可以使用 \"向上\" 键重复输入您的上一条消息",
"- Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some":"- Talk现在可以支持命令了,将 \"/help\" 作为聊天消息发出以查看您的管理员是否配置了一些命令",
"- With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items":"- 您可以使用项目来在会话、文件和其他项目间创建快速链接",
"- Conversations can now have a lobby. This will allow moderators to join the chat and call already to prepare the meeting, while users and guests have to wait":"- 对话现在可以有一个大厅。 这将使主持人可以加入聊天并开始通话以准备会议,而用户和来宾则必须等待",
"New in Talk 8":"对话 8 的新功能",
"- You can now directly reply to messages giving the other users more context what your message is about":"- 您现在可以直接回复邮件,为其他用户提供更多有关您的邮件内容的背景信息",
"- Searching for conversations and participants will now also filter your existing conversations, making it much easier to find previous conversations":"- 现在,搜索对话和参与者也将过滤您现有的对话,使查找以前的对话更加容易",
"- You can now add custom user groups to conversations when the circles app is installed":"- 现在,您可以在安装圈子应用后将自定义用户组添加到对话中",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC":"使用WebRTC来聊天和进行音视频会议",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds":"使用WebRTC来聊天和进行音视频会议\n\n* 💬 **集成聊天功能!** Nextcloud Talk 提供了简单的文本聊天功能。允许您从您的Nextcloud中共享文件和提及其他参与者。\n* 👥 **进行私人,小组,公开以及受密码保护的通话!** 只要邀请某人,某个分组或者发送公开邀请链接来发起通话。\n* 💻 **屏幕共享!** 向您的通话参与者共享您的屏幕。要使用此功能,您只需要使用Firefox version 52 (或更新), 最新的Edge或者Chrome 49 (或更新) [Chrome扩展](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **与其他Nextcloud应用的集成** 比如文件、联系人和看板应用。 更多的集成正在路上。\n\n在 [后续版本](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/)中的工作:\n* ✋ [联合通话](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), 与在其他Nextcloud上的人们通话",
"When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can be part of conversations.":"当至少一个分组被选择时,只有列出分组的成员才能成为会话的一分子。",
"Guests can still join public conversations.":"访客仍可加入公共会话。",
"Users that can not use Talk anymore will still be listed as participants in their previous conversations and also their chat messages will be kept.":"已不能再使用通话应用的用户在其以前的会话中仍被列为参与者,他们的聊天消息也将被保留。",
"Commands are a new beta feature in Nextcloud Talk. They allow you to run scripts on your Nextcloud server. You can define them with our command line interface. An example of a calculator script can be found in our <a {attributes}>documentation ↗</a>.":"命令是Nextcloud通话应用中新的beta特性。这些命令允许您在您的Nextcloud服务器上运行脚本。您可以使用我们的命令行接口来定义它们。在我们的<a {attributes}>文档↗</a>中您可以找到一个计算器的示例脚本。",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server.":"更大规模的安装可能需要一个外部发信服务器。若使用内部发信服务器请留空。",
"Please note that calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices.":"请注意不使用外部发信服务器而与超过4个参与者通话将造成连通性问题并导致参与设备的高负载。",
"Don't warn about connectivity issues in calls with more than 4 participants":"不要对超过4个参与者的通话中出现的连通性问题发出警告",
"Please enter the password for this call":"请输入此通话的密码",
"Password required":"要求输入密码",
"You seem to be talking while muted, please unmute yourself for others to hear you":"您似乎在静音时说话了,请将您自己的静音设置取消以使他人能听到",
"This is taking longer than expected. Are the media permissions already granted (or rejected)? If yes please restart your browser, as audio and video are failing":"耗时超出预期。媒体权限是否已被授予(或被拒绝)?如果已被授予,请重启您的浏览器,因为音视频当前无法工作",
"Access to microphone & camera is only possible with HTTPS":"仅使用 HTTPS 访问麦克风和摄像头",
"Please move your setup to HTTPS":"请将您的环境移至HTTPS",
"Access to microphone & camera was denied":"访问麦克风和摄像头被拒绝",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser":"您的浏览器不支持 WebRTC",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome":"请使用 Firefox 或 Chrome 等其他浏览器",
"Error while accessing microphone & camera":"访问麦克风和摄像头时出错",
"An external signaling server can optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server.":"更大规模的安装可能需要一个外部发信服务器。若使用内部发信服务器请留空。",
"Video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC":"使用WebRTC进行视频和音频会议",
"Video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with some simple text chat since Nextcloud 13. More features are planned for future versions.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call.\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps!** Currently Contacts and users – more to come.\n* 🙈 **We’re not reinventing the wheel!** Based on the great [simpleWebRTC](https://simplewebrtc.com/) library.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds":"使用 WebRTC 召开视频 & 音频会议\n\n* 💬 **集成聊天功能!** 从 Nextcloud 13 开始,Nextcloud Talk 提供了简易文字聊天功能。我们计划在未来版本提供更多特色功能。\n* 👥 **进行私人,小组,公开或者受密码保护的通话!** 可以选择邀请某个人,某个小组或者发送公共邀请链接来加入通话。\n* 💻 **共享屏幕!** 向您的通话成员共享您的屏幕。\n* 🚀 **集成了 Nextcloud 的其他 apps!** 现在仅仅集成了联系人功能,将来会集成更多应用。\n* 🙈 **我们没有在做无用的基础功能!**基于出色的 [simpleWebRTC](https://simplewebrtc.com/) 库 \n\n另外在 [即将到来的版本](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/) 中:\n* ✋ [联合通话](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21),\n提供了和在其他 Nextcloud 平台上的用户进行通话的功能。",
"Calls with more than 4 participants without an external signaling server can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices.":"不使用外部发信服务器而与超过4个参与者通话将造成连通性问题并导致参与设备的高负载。",
"Room name can not be empty":"聊天室名称不能为空",
"Calls are disabled in this conversation.":"在此会话中通话功能被禁用。",
"* Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls":"* Microsoft Edge和Safari浏览器现可用于参与音视频通话",
"* One-to-one conversations are now persistent and can not be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server":"* 一对一会话现在是永久的了,再也不会不小心被转成分组会话。另外,当一个参与者离开会话时,会话再不会被自动删除。只有当两个参与者都离开时,会话才会从服务器上删除。",
"* You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat":"* 您可以在聊天中输入 \"@all\" 以通知所有参与者",
"* With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message":"* 您可以使用 \"向上\" 键重复输入您的上一条消息",
"* Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some":"* Talk现在可以支持命令了,将 \"/help\" 作为聊天消息发出以查看您的管理员是否配置了一些命令",
"- Conversations can now have a lobby. This will allow moderators to join the chat and call already to prepare the meeting, while users and guests have to wait.":"-会话现在可以拥有休息室。休息室允许主持人加入准备会议的聊天和通话中,用户和访客则需要等待。",